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Teaching Log (FPT) TE407 TEXP7419

The IIE Bachelor of Education in Foundation

Phase Teaching (FPT)
4th Year

Teaching Log (TE407)


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Teaching Log (FPT) TE407 TEXP7419

Table of Contents
Preamble ........................................................................................................................................................... 3
Task Instructions ............................................................................................................................................... 4
Appendix A: Life of a Teacher Activity Log (Block 1) ......................................................................................... 8
Appendix B: Life of a Teacher Activity Log (Block 2) ......................................................................................... 9

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Teaching Log (FPT) TE407 TEXP7419

In this final Teaching Experience module, you will have the opportunity to further develop your teaching
practice before entering the profession as a qualified teacher. This is an opportunity to develop your
pedagogical and content skills under the guidance and supervision of a mentor teacher. Over and above the
teaching of specific lessons, you will be expected to attach yourself to your mentor teacher for ONE day
towards the end of Block 1 and TWO days in Block 2 and assume all duties of a class teacher, accepting full
responsibility for teaching, all administrative tasks, and any other duties. This will enable you to refine your
teacher competencies and enter the school environment as well rounded newly qualified teacher. Further to
this, you will be required to investigate and report on school administrative and assessment processes. The
purpose of this Teaching Log is to ensure that you have an in-depth understanding of all the roles and
responsibilities of teachers in your phase of teaching.

Teaching Experience, Year 4, has been allocated 8 weeks of school-based WIL. This will be divided into 2 blocks,
as shown in the table below:


BLOCK 1 3 weeks Semester 1 Grade 3
BLOCK 2 5 weeks Semester 2 Grade 3

This Teaching Log (TE407) constitutes 50% of your final TEIP7419 POE as per the table below:


Service-learning Log (TE405) 20% Block 1 & 2
Online Microteaching Log (TE406) 15% Between Block 1 & 2
Teaching Log (TE407) 50% Block 1 & 2
Professional Identity Log (TE408) 15% Block 2

This Teaching Log (TE407) will guide you through the different tasks you are required to complete for this
component of your Teaching Experience. A summary of the tasks is provided below. For each Task a
description and step-by-step instructions is included. Work through the task requirements carefully to ensure
you are sufficiently prepared. Pay careful attention to how each task should be submitted.


Task 1: Teaching (12 lessons in Grade 3) 12 x 80 marks 35%
Task 2: Life of a Teacher 70 marks 10%
2.1. Beginner Teacher Competencies (5 marks)
2.2. Life of a Teacher Activity Log (50 marks)
2.3. Reflection (15 marks)
Task 3: Assessment 20 marks 5%
3.1. School Administration Platforms/Databases (10 marks)
3.3. Report on the school assessment processes (10 marks)

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Task Instructions
Task 1: Teaching
You are required to design and teach lessons for each of the following subjects in Grade 3:

Subject Lesson
English First / First Additional Language 3 Lessons
First Additional Language 2 Lessons
(isiZulu/Afrikaans/isiXhosa/Setswana/Northern Sotho)
(If your school does not offer your FAL you may teach any other subject
suitable to your phase of teaching to replace this lesson)
Physical Education 2 Lessons
Drama or Music 2 Lesson
Mathematics 3 Lessons
12 lessons in total to be planned and taught in Grade 3

• You are required to teach the required number of lessons per subject in Grade 3, as indicated
in the table above.
• You must consult with your mentor teacher, prior to planning your lessons to ensure you are
aligned with their expectations.
• Each lesson plan must be typed out in detail taking all phases of the lesson into account, using the
IIE Lesson Plan Template and submitted to the Mentor Teacher.
• Design your teaching materials and resources. You can include photos of these in your final PoE
• Your Mentor Teacher will assess eleven (11) of the lessons above and for each lesson taught,
must complete a Lesson Feedback Report.
• Your IIE Supervisor will assess one (1) of the lessons above and will complete a Lesson
Feedback Report.

Submission Instructions:
• Divide the Teaching Log section of your hard copy Teaching Experience file into the different
teaching subjects.
• File each typed IIE Lesson Plan and Lesson Feedback Form together in the Teaching Log section of
your hard copy Teaching Experience file.
• Place the Lesson Feedback Form at the top of each lesson plan so that the mark clear.
• Note: The marks from the Lesson Feedback Forms will not be included in your PoE if the
corresponding lesson plan has not been included in the submission.
• Include photographs of or file your resources/teaching aids that you will use in your Portfolio
of Evidence and file it with the lesson plan. Do not include photographs of the learners (POPIA)
Note: The marks awarded on the IIE Lesson Feedback Reports will be inserted into the PoE

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Task 2: Life of a teacher

In this task you will assume all duties of a class teacher, accepting full responsibility for teaching, all
administrative tasks, and any other duties. You are required to attach yourself to one Grade 3 teacher for
ONE day towards the end of Block 1 and TWO days in Block 2. He or she may not necessarily be your
mentor teacher. You must ensure that this teacher is a class registration/form teacher. You will also
evaluate and reflect on your readiness to become a newly qualified teacher by using the Newly Qualified
Teacher Competencies (NQT) stated by the Department of Higher Education (DHET).

You need to assume ALL the responsibilities of this teacher for THREE full days (over Block 1 and 2)
This will include, but is not limited to:
• Assuming all class management responsibilities and admin duties.
• Going on ground duty and any other extra-curricular duties the teacher may have.
• Taking over the teacher’s timetable and teaching the full complement of lessons. This may
include any Life Skills lessons (not included in the Professional Didactic modules in Year 4).
• Be prepared to teach any subject across the Foundation Phase.
• Only one (1) of the twelve (12) required lessons as per Task 1: Teaching may be assessed each
day of the Life of a Teacher assessment.
Task 2.1. Beginner Teacher Competences (5 marks)
Complete the self- evaluation survey by rating your Newly Qualified Teacher competencies.
• Before completing “Life of a Teacher” Day 1, access and complete the self -evaluation by
accessing this link
• Rate your own teacher competencies. This an opportunity to reflect on your readiness for this
• An email receipt will be sent to the email you added in the form. PDF and print this email which
indicates a copy of your results.

Submission Instructions:
• Submit a hard-copy of your survey results in your hard-copy PoE under the “Teaching Log”

Note: Your IIE Supervisor will award a mark out of 5 in the Institutional Assessment Log for including the
survey results in the hard-copy PoE.
Task 2.2. Life of a Teacher Activity Log (50 marks)
Complete three full days in the ‘Life of a Teacher’, assuming all the duties and responsibilities of the class
teacher, as per the description above.
• Complete Annexure A: Life of a teacher Activity Log (Block 1) with all the activities you have
completed in this one day in Block 1.
• Complete Annexure B: Life of a teacher Activity Log (Block 2) with all the activities you have
completed in these two days in Block 2.
• The Life of a Teacher Activity Logs (Annexure A and B) may be handwritten and submitted in your
hard-copy PoE.

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• All lessons taught in these three days must be written up on the IIE Lesson Plan template and
submitted in your hard-copy PoE.
• You may include any other additional resources used in these three days in your hard-copy PoE.
• Your Mentor Teacher must sign off Annexure A and Annexure B: Life of a Teacher Activity Log.

Submission Instructions:
• Submit the following under the “Teaching Log” section of your hard-copy PoE, under Task 2.2:
o Annexure A signed by the Mentor Teacher.
o Annexure B signed by the Mentor Teacher.
o All Lesson Plans taught in all three (3) days and any additional resources.

• Note: Your Mentor Teacher will award a mark out of 30 for Task 2.2 in the School Administrative
Log & Report.
• Your IIE Supervisor will award a mark out of 20 for Task 2.2 in the Institutional Assessment Log &
Task 2.3. Reflection (15 marks)
Create a blog post, titled “Life of a teacher” on your Teaching Experience Blog Page.
• Access your results from the self- evaluation survey in Task 2.1 above.
• Reflect on the experience of completing the three days in the “life of a teacher”.
• Reflect on your beginner teacher competencies after completing your final teaching experience.
• Use the following points to guide your reflection:
✓ How did you cope/manage completing the three days of “Life of a Teacher”
✓ How did you feel taking on all the responsibilities of a teacher in Block 1 compared to Block
✓ Which activities did you find most challenging? How did you overcome these challenges?
✓ Analyse your results of your self- evaluation survey where would you rate yourself higher?
✓ Justify how you have improved these competencies through this experience.
✓ Look at the exit level outcomes and the final comments of your mentor teacher in your
School Assessment Log & Report. Compare this to the initial self -evaluation you had
completed at the beginning of your teaching experience.
• Comment and provide valuable feedback on the blog post of at least one of your peers.
• Share the link of the comment you have made on your peer’s blog post for “Life of a teacher” in
the comment box of your own blog post for tracking purposes.

Submission Instructions:
• Submit the link to your “Life of a Teacher” blog post in your eBook submitted in your Professional
Identity Log (TE408) on Learn.
TOTAL: 70 marks

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Task 3: Assessment
Assessment procedures and processes within a school have many dimensions. Throughout your
Bachelor of Education degree, you have focused on different elements of the assessment process as
well as the importance of assessment in education. You may be familiar with the process of planning,
implementing, and collating an assessment in a school. However, as a newly qualified teacher it is
important for you to understand the importance of recording and capturing of assessment results.
Assessment results are invaluable to the school as well as the Department of Education to identify
problems and implement academic support initiatives. In this task you will conduct a research report
based on how assessments results are recorded at your school as well as what resources are used to
streamline the recording and capturing process amongst staff members.
Task 3.1: School Administration Platforms/Databases (10 marks)
Investigate whether your school uses an online administrative platform for recording assessment results.
(Note: If your school does not use an online administration platform, conduct research on South African School Administration
Management System- SASAMS to answer the first two bullet points below)
• Provide a description of the platform.
• Explain the advantages and disadvantages of the platform.
• When was the online administration platform implemented at the school? (If the school has not
implemented an online administration platform investigate why they have not)
• Do teacher’s or allocated staff use the administration platform for other tasks? (If the school has
not implemented an online administration platform how are administration tasks organised?)

Submission Instructions:
• Submit Task 3.1 in your hard-copy PoE under the “Teaching Log” section.
• Note: The Institution will award marks in the Institutional Assessment Log & Report for Task 3.1
Task 3.2: Report on the school assessment processes (10 marks)
a. Create a flow chart (minimum of 5 steps) of the school assessment processes, from formative
assessment to the end of term report. Consider the following when creating your flowchart:
o What are the teacher’s responsibilities once a formative or summative assessment has
been marked?
o How are results checked and certified? Is there administration staff involved?
o When are results inputted into the administration platform/database?
o How are comments made on the report?
o How are the reports administered to students?
b. Write a paragraph explaining the purpose and importance of each step in your flow diagram (200-
300 words).
c. Provide samples of any resources that the school has used to support teachers and administration
staff to streamline the assessment reporting process: blank templates of spreadsheets or reports,
How- to guides or flow diagrams.

Submission Instructions:
• Submit Task 3.2 in your hard-copy PoE under the “Teaching Log” section.
• Note: The Institution will award marks in the Institutional Assessment Log & Report for Task 3.2
TOTAL: 20 marks

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Appendix A: Life of a Teacher Activity Log (Block 1)

Student Name Student Number

School Name Mentor Teacher Name

Please note: The mentor teacher must sign off Annexure A: Life of a Teacher Activity Log. This
should be marked by the mentor teacher using the rubric in the School Administrative Log &

DAY 1 (Block 1) DATE: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Time Description of Activity Duties performed
From To (Grade/subject/topic/other) (Brief description of tasks performed)

Signature of Mentor Teacher Date

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Appendix B: Life of a Teacher Activity Log (Block 2)

Student Name Student Number

School Name Mentor Teacher Name

DAY 1 (Block 2) DATE…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Time Description of Activity Duties performed
From To (Grade/subject/topic/other) (Brief description of tasks performed)

Signature of Mentor Teacher Date

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DAY 2 (Block 2) DATE…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Time Description of Activity Duties performed

From To (Grade/subject/topic/other) (Brief description of tasks performed)

Signature of Mentor Teacher Date

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