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How to run 

design research

To share feedback, or to contribute,


Only for internal use


Picture by Pixabay

Design research is an important part of what we do at XD chapter,

no matter where and how we work.

Remote working or lack of physical access to people shouldn’t

mean that research activities have to stop.

Running research activities and sessions remotely requires
some adjustment, but there are simple tools and practices that
makes this possible. This guide shares some of our insights and
best practice for all designers who now need to work remotely.


General guidance
Building consensus
Recruiting participants
Documenting consent
Usability testing
Gathering feedback
Synthesis and analysis

General guidance

Artificial potted plant
Considerations for remote design research

1. Technology 2.Etiquette
There are some general
Most remote work is reliant on other Many people will still be unfamiliar
considerations for with remote work. Meetings and
people’s technology. Be prepared for
planning and running technological issues.
 workshop etiquette may be unclear
for participants. For example, camera
remote research activities. 

on or off or mute by default?

Confirm your technology choices with

people in advance and put fall back
Set out the expectations and any rules
plans in place for if things go wrong.
for remote sessions clearly in advance,
Put a pre-call in place -if possible- to
consider participants may have caring
check the technology works for
duties (e.g. children or disabled family
 members) which might interrupt or

 disrupt sessions. Other disruptions
Participants may have older technology can occur at home like doorbell or in
or unreliable internet connection. They store like announcements.

might not be familiar with the tools you 

provide or not feeling comfortable with Allocate more time than you would for
using suggested way. face-to-face activities as
communication and understanding
may be slower.

Considerations for remote design research

3. Preparation 4. Communication 5.Collaboration

Consider pre-interview materials for Non-verbal communication is Ensure that everyone gets an equal
participants and anything that you important. Ask participants to keep voice when running group activities. 

want people to read, think or know their cameras on so you can pick up on 

before joining the session at least cues and facial expressions.
 You can use dot voting and similar
couple of days in advance.
 techniques to make sure everyones

 If you have more observers in the opinion counts. You can also ask
Again, plan more time around setting session, start with team members people to prepare questions or
up your remote work. Check video and introducing themselves. comments and submit them at the
audio connections before any sessions same time to ensure everyone has
start in advance. Also allow extra time equal opportunity to feed in. 

in activities for participants to sort out 

tech issues, or access collaboration Ask people to work individually by
tools and shared links, documents. putting themselves on mute, and
then share their thoughts back to
the group.

Considerations for remote design research

6. Explaining 7. Focus 8.Personal connection

When working face-to-face you can To replicate the levels of concentration We need to build a personal
scribble, point, and draw out quick you would get when working face-to- connection and trust to make
examples if something is not clear. face, ask people to switch off any contributors feel comfortable and
When working remotely it can be notifications that might interrupt them share their ideas, stories with us.
harder to explain and communicate (e-mail, phone etc.)
 Keep in mind building this
 connection might take longer time
Of course this applies for yourself as when working remotely.

well (Slack, Teams). 

Think about whether you can use slides
Don`t skip ice-breakers. Consider
or print outs (e.g. how to share your
using check-in&check-out activity
screen on Teams) with explanations,
which we apply in mini-critique
prepare these in advance of running
sessions and activities.




Paring knife, 9 cm

Building consensus

When you need to agree something
or get to a shared understanding of Collaborative documents: Digital whiteboards can
replicate most activities that you would do in-person
something with a group or team
 with post-its notes and whiteboard. 

 Recommended tool: Miro

Common activities

- Defining vision, goals and objectives Capturing ideas and comments: Chat tools or apps
- Framing the problem
 like Slack can be used to share ideas and feedback
- Creating a research plan simultaneously in threads. They can also support
voting (aka emoji reactions)

Collaborating in real time: Live documents let
teams work together, add comments and feedback.
Recommended tool: Teams-Files.

What do we need to do?

Organize and analyse results

What are the methods to use?

Starting the UX research

What do we want to learn?


What is the preferred device? Where do we have a need of change- looking at todays
• •
How are they experience the authentication to enter the app tools&solutions?

What tool are the most used ones?
• What would improve co-workers daily way of working? What do co-workers think about tools and solutions provided

• Find out about pain points and needs across co-workers workday from IKEA today?

• What are the most time consuming tasks and how can we help CONTENT

Understand what is relevant to co-workers

co-workers to save time? •
What would it take for co-workers to read the news regularly?
• How do co-workers keep track of their daily tasks and working •
schedule? (language, format, content, length)

How would they like to find information about products and

What benefits do they see with a co-worker app information do they need?

What do they need a co-worker app for What is absolutely not needed in app?
• •
Where do Hej bring/give most value? What is the minimum requirement of content to be on the app
• •
What is the interest of the co-worker beside concrete tasks? for them to go there?

What type of content would they like for engagement?


Research objectives

Understand what co-workers need in order to feel prepared for the work & to do a better job.

Identify daily issues co-workers often deal with and what can be optimised.

Identify preferred devices and tools&softwares to receive information and run daily tasks.

Describe the value & benefits the co-worker think a single entry point can give.

Selected methods

Survey In-store intercepts In-depth interviews

MVP testing

Service office talks

Recruiting participants

When you need to recruit people to
Digital touchpoints: Instead of directly approaching
take part in research activities.

people using services, consider approaching them

 using digital touchpoint e.g. feedback module in
Things to consider
 your digital product.

Recruiting takes time and energy, make your plans 

beforehand and aim to get approvals at least one SPOC: You can connect with single point of contacts
week before the sessions.
 in service offices or existing superusers and ask their


Be careful recruiting participants who have low 

digital skills for tech-heavy activities, and be specific Country managers: If you are planning your
about the technology will work in advance of research activities in another country, consider
session. If appropriate, let participants practice or connecting digital country managers. They usually
prepare beforehand. have a strong connection with locals, so they can
point out right people and help you to fasten the

Recruiters: Use an external recruitment agency.

Online tools: Ethnio (Participant man. tool) 15

Screening criteria
Who do we want to interview?
• Number of participants

12 interviewees (in 2 days)

• Language

Interviews will be held in English.

• Roles 

Sales co-workers (selection of different departments)

Team leads

Logistic manager

Planning manager

• Work experience

Variety of different working experience (years) in IKEA.

(0-2 years, 2-5 years, 5+ years of experience)

• Half time & full time 

Co-workers who work more than 10 hours per week

• Technology

Comfortable with having the talk over Microsoft Teams.

• Demographics

Representation of variety of age groups and gender.


Let’s build the future together!

How to inform participants?
About Hej!

Hej! is the new Digital Co-worker Entry Point to be used in
everyday work. It brings together your personalised and relevant
communication, tools, HR information, news and more, all in one
place, to make your work day more efficient and engaging!

We want to make it more efficient to find information needed in
order to meet the customers in the best way and give all co-
workers the possibility do a great job and enjoy work.

Time plan (45 min in total)

5 min - Intro about the project.

25 min - Questions about work at IKEA, daily routines,
tools&platforms being used.

15 min - Testing the prototype, getting feedback on ideas.

How will it work?

You will be asked questions about your daily tasks, tools and
overall experience. You will also be asked to several tasks using a

When and where?

The study will be held on (DATES) between (HOURS). Please visit
(LINK TO ONLINE SCHEDULING TOOL) and select the time slots
fits best for you.

You will receive an invitation and be asked to join to an online
session in Teams.
Documenting consent


For capturing the consent people

give when taking part in research If you need consent for any activity, clearly
 communicate what you are asking for beforehand.

 Recording: Ask participants to say outloud “I

Things to consider
 consent to A,B. I don’t consent to C” at the beginning
When working remotely people will not be able to of a session and record it. If its unmoderated, you
sign consent forms in person. They also may not might ask them to record themselves and send you.

have access to a printer or scanner at home.

 Digital signing: Even its not the most convenient
Be careful recruiting participants who have low way, you can send participants an image of the
digital skills for tech-heavy activities, and be specific consent form which they can sign with an image
about the technology will work in advance of editing app.

session. If appropriate, let participants practice or 

prepare beforehand. Online tools: Consent Kit (Consent man. tool)

Be careful with using random tools which might not
been approved for GDPR compliance.



When you need to get data about 

your users and potential users in a Tool: Make sure you choose the right tool for
quick and relatively easy way.
 your needs. Typeform and Google Forms are the
most popular ones, they offer a compact and

 modern look&feel. However, when it comes to
Commonly used to
 hosting and analysing the data, SurveyGizmo
- Define product direction

might be a better option.

- Identify USP`s

- Validate hypothesis

Test: It’s always a good move to test the survey
- Refine a new feature
with the people before finalizing it.

Capacity: Make sure you have resources to
analyse the results.

Translation: Depending on your target group,
building the survey in participants native
language might be a necessity. Make a plan on
how to gather data and analyse beforehand.

Survey questions
Forming a survey
Questions about you

1. What function do you belong to?

2. How long have your worked at IKEA?

Questions about how your receive information

3. What kind of information do you think is the most important for you to do

your job? 

4. What type of information is most difficult and time consuming for your to find?

5. What would you personally like to access on mobile phone related to work?

Questions about contact information

6. How do you find contact information to other co-workers or functions?

7. What kind of contact information do you think is the most important for you to

do your job? 

Questions about ways of working

8. What are your biggest challenges during your workday and if you have

examples on how they could be solved or improved??

9. Give examples of paper based tasks that could be improved by becoming


Your dreams and wishes

10. What would make your day even better?


Running a survey in SurveyGizmo

How to get access to SurveyGizmo



When you need to understand the 

needs and experiences of end users Be honest: Sessions will sometimes be
or co-workers
 disrupted, either by the researchers
environment or by the participants. Make it clear

 up front that it is ok if happens.

Common activities

- One-to-one interviews

Scheduling: Online apps can help you find
- Diary studies

availability for participants. Doodle

- Expert interviews
If you work with co-workers, they all migrated to
365, so MS Calendar works just fine.

Recording sessions: On a Mac you can record
your desktop and audio via Quicktime. If you
interview a co-worker, use Teams and record the
session on Microsoft Stream.

Note: Ensure you store the file inline with GDPR

MS Teams

MS Stream
Usability testing


When you want to understand the

usability of a process, product or Moderated vs. unmoderated: Moderated tests
 will allow you to get more depth to your insight

 as you can discuss tasks with the participant.
Common activities
 Unmoderated allows you to rum tests with
- Guerrilla testing
 many more people, and largely removes the
- Prototype testing
 influence of the researcher. 

- Accessibility testing

- Eye tracking 

Heat and touch mapping: Some tools offer
heat mapping which indicates where
participants cursors have spent the most time.

Touch mapping does the same but for fingers
on mobile devices. New tools uses users camera
on mobile device and offer additional insights
somewhat similar to eye tracking.



Gathering feedback


When you need to capture detailed 

feedback about something or Collaborative documents and presentation: 

looking for ideas to improve your MS Teams- File is the most common way in IKEA, in
which you can suggest edits and leave comments.


 Web page: You can build your own feedback
Common activities
 module and connect the results to a database. You
- documents and presentation feedback can also consider using to get
- web page feedback
 feedback on a live page.

- prototype feedback 

Clickstrem Analysis: You can analyse the record
of screens that users click and see as they use your
product. We use Contentsquare in IKEA, contact
CRO team to learn how to implement.

Prototype: Online tools like Invision, Adobe XD
and Axure provide the ability to comment or give
feedback on prototypes.

How to gather feedback?

Synthesis and analysis


When you need to analyse and

document findings from research Technology: You will need a video conferencing
and data.
 tool e.g. Teams and a virtual whiteboard tool

 such as Miro. Make sure team members feel
Common activities
 comfortable with using selected tools, you
- Affinity mapping might consider to give a quick demo before
- Empathy mapping
 you start the session.

- User needs generation

- Dot voting
 Data gathering: Before you begin your session,
- Prioritization
 make sure one person takes responsibility for
- Insight statements ensuring all data from relevant research
activities is translated onto the virtual

Roles: During a session, assign roles to
different participants. For example; a
timekeeper and facilitator.

How to analyse findings


Serving bowl
Might be useful for you

Zapier Airtable Optimal workshop

“Easy automation for busy people. 
 “Airtable works like a spreadsheet but “Suite of user research tools enables
Zapier moves info between your web gives you the power of a database to you to improve the user experience
apps automatically, so you can focus organize anything.”
 of your products.”

on your most important work.”

Thank you


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