Class 5 EVS Worksheet-5

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SESSION – 2021-22

(1) Fill in the blanks: (5)

(i) There are __________ different blood groups.

(ii) Plants help to increase rainfall by throwing out __________.

(iii) The strength of an earthquake is measured on the ________ scale.

(iv) A natural calamity is not in the control of ____________.

(v) The Mt. Everest is called ___________ in Nepal.

(2) Write True or False: (3)

(i) Fat in our body helps us to protect us from illness.

(ii) Shrubs are plants with weak stems which grow along the ground.

(iii) Malaria and dengue are spread by flies.

(3) Give answer in one word: (5)

(i) What does ORS stand for?

(ii) Name any two body building food.

(iii) Which bone of our skull can move?

(iv) Give one example of a herb.

(v) Name a deficiency disease.

(4) Define the term: (4)

(i) Blood bank

(ii) Micro organism

(5) Answer the following: (6)

(i) What are the marine animals?

(ii) India has a warm climate. Why?

(iii) Why is cutting down of forest harmful?

(6) Draw a neat and labelled diagram of the layers of the earth. (2)

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