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Ethics Essay
Grading Guidelines




Conversion Range
Performance Description Letter Grade Percentage Scale Ryerson GPA
to Letter Grades
Excellent A+ 90 - 100 4.33
  A 85 - 89 4.00
  A- 80 - 84 3.67
  B+ 77 - 79 3.33
Good B 73 - 76 3.00
  B- 70 - 72 2.67
  C+ 67 - 69 2.33
Satisfactory C 63 - 66 2.00
  C- 60 - 62 1.67
  D+ 57 - 59 1.33
Marginal D 53 - 56 1.00
  D- 50 - 52 0.67
Unsatisfactory F 0 - 49 0
Final academic performance in each course is recorded as one of the above letter grades or as
one of the 'other' designations listed under Other Course Performance Designations following
this page.  At the discretion of the teaching department, performance on term work or specific
assignments may be marked on a numeric scale. When a numeric scale is used, it will result i
traditional percentile scale with ranges of conversion to letter grades as shown in the Calenda
If any other numeric scale is to be used, its ranges of conversion to letter grades shall be defin
for the students at the start of the course.

Essay/ Scholarly Paper:

The key elements of the essay are:
Present a thesis and support your position through ethical decision-making.

Recommend that you write in first person.

Regarding academic writing: key elements are:

Organization: have an introduction, thesis, explain organization of essay, develop ideas, have a
Writing style is clear and succinct with correct use of grammar, punctuation, spelling, and referencing
Correct use of MLA or APA 6th edition.

Grading Criteria

A+ (90-100%) This grade is reserved for outstanding work of exceptional quality.

All the following strengths are demonstrated at an exceptional high level.

Characteristics include:
 Thorough, in depth knowledge of concepts, theory, practice and /or course material. .
 Discussion or mastery of the topic, question or field of study is in accurate and in depth
 Excellent comprehension of the subject
 Excellent critical and analytical thinking. May challenge accepted ideas and
interpretation of knowledge.
 Displays creativity and originality
 Innovative ideas on the subject.
 Contains original and credible argument or presentation
 Attention given many details, perspectives and complexity of the topic
 Excellent use of the literature, and draws on a wide range of current and/or relevant
sources that serve as the foundation of arguments/proposals.

Academic writing:
 Consistently strong in respect to structure, expression, mechanics (grammar,
punctuation, and spelling), and presentation.
 Well organized, linkages evident, and logical conclusions/proposals.
 Writing style is clear and succinct with correct use of grammar, punctuation,
spelling, and referencing format.
 This grade is for outstanding academic work.

A- A: (80-89%)

This grade is reserved for excellent work.

The principle differences between an “A+” and an “A” paper are:
Not all the characteristics of an A plus are met.
There are some areas for improvement in an “A” paper. The differences typically are related to:
 Strength of critical analysis
 Incidence of academic and APA/MLA errors.

Characteristic include:
 Contains original and credible argument or presentation
 Attention given many details, perspectives and complexity of the topic
 Excellent use of the literature, and draws on a wide range of current and/or relevant
sources that serve as the foundation of arguments/proposals.
 Excellent level of critical analysis.

Academic writing:
 Consistently strong in respect to structure, expression, mechanics (grammar, punctuation,
and spelling), and presentation.
 Well organized, linkages evident, and logical conclusions/proposals.
 Writing style is clear and succinct with correct use of grammar, punctuation, spelling, and
referencing format.
 This grade is for outstanding academic work.
 Thorough knowledge of concepts, theory, practice and /or subject.
 High level of originality in satisfying the requirements of an assignment or course.
 Academic writing errors are rare and do not detract from the author communication
his/her mastery of the topic.

B+ (77-79%)

The principle difference between an “A” paper and a “B+” paper is in the quality of the
discussion with the “B+” paper characteristics include: :

Thesis is supported by critical analysis of research and literature. Ethical arguments for position
taken are clear and logical. It is clear how students reached their position.
 Strong discussion
 Approach is less adventurous and imaginative
 Good critical analysis of research and learning
 Some aspects of essay need more detail and depth

Academic writing:
 Writes fluently and accurately with well-organized, clearly sequenced paragraphs and
effective transitions
 Academic errors are more than an A grade but do not detract from the author’s
communication of his/her mastery of the topic.

B- And B: (70-76%) Good

Good level of knowledge of concepts, theory, practice and /or subject.


A competent assignment of good quality with no major weaknesses.

Similar to a “B+” paper, but with evidence of a lesser degree of critical and analytical thinking.
Academic errors are more numerous than a B +.

C+ (67-69%)

The principle difference between a “B” paper and a “C+” paper is in the quality of the discussion
with the “C+” paper being vaguer than the “B” paper. A “C+” paper may have more errors in
structure etc. than are acceptable in a “B” paper.

Acceptable level of knowledge of good level of knowledge of concepts, theory, practice and /or
subject. Adequate ability to meet the requirements of the assignment or course.

Characteristic include:

 Thesis is justified by reference to authorities, with little critical analysis of research
 Fair comprehension of the subject but some weaknesses in content and/or structure.
 Discussion needs more depth and appreciation for the complexity of the topic.
 At times the discussion is only presentation of material and lacks discussion and analysis.
 Discussion may be shallow, superficial or vague.
 Important details or perspectives are discussed with insufficient analysis
 Satisfactory research and use of the literature
 Little evidence of critical and analytical thinking
 Great reliance on research with little analysis of research

Academic Writing and APA/MLA:

 Lacks clarity and succinctness.
 Occasional errors in structure, grammar, punctuation, spelling, and referencing format,
but not so serious or chronic that they make the paper difficult or impossible to
 Writing generally flows well although there may be some errors in sentence structure,
support of ideas, and consistency of writing.
 Uses APA style guidelines but several errors

C, C- and D +
Similar to a “C+” paper, but with evidence of a lesser degree of critical and analytical thinking.
Also contains more errors in academic writing and APA/MLA format than found in “C+” paper.

Basic level of knowledge of concepts, theory, practice and /or subject.

Limited ability to meet the requirements of an assignment or course, characterized by:

 Important details or perspectives are discussed with insufficient analysis or not discussed.
Minimal evidence of critical and analytical thinking

 Little analysis: mainly agreeing with others. Critical and analytical thinking is weak,
illogical or incorrect
 There are claims and assertions lacking sufficient evidence, support or argumentation
 Evidence, support and arguments given are occasionally incorrect, unconvincing or
 Minimal research and use of the literature
 Great reliance on research with little analysis of research
 Occasionally has a series of citations with little analysis or integrating into thesis

D and D -
The principle difference between a “D+ ” paper and a “D” paper is that a “D ” paper contains
more of the problems characteristic of a D + paper.

 Thesis is not identified or is unclear

 Thesis is not supported or justified.
 Uncritical use of academic sources
 Method is unclear.
 Little analysis: mainly agreeing with others.
 Major problems with the technical requirements of the paper that affect the strength and
clarity of analysis

The essay is disorganized and unscholarly. The paper demonstrates the student’s total lack of
understanding of the material and of the purpose and form of a university essay.
 The essay has lacks a clear thesis.
 The thesis is not supported by critical analysis.
 There are logical fallacies.
 Reasoning and arguments are weak relying on weak or no evidence.
 Paragraphs and statements bear no relation to other sections of the essay.
 There is a lack of organization and flow of ideas.
 Analysis is difficult to follow and lacks any sense of flow
 Sentences lack clarity and coherence.
 The essay fails to meet minimum standards of correctness: errors in
grammar or mechanics prevent understanding the essay.
 The paper does not follow a scholarly format in either technical or citation format.

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