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Classroom Management for Art, Music and PE Teachers By Michael Linsin ‘This was good reading with very helpful tips. The main points are described below: RELATIONSHIPS: maintaining a pleasant, friendly way with group (not individually based) will help to build a relationship with group since you don't have the opportunity to meet on an individual basis. TEMPERAMENT: your temperament has a profound effect on class behavior. A calm energy will most likely produce a calm environment while a nervous, agitated energy will most likely create an agitated environment. A good advice he gave was to breath in a few times before group comes in (or at least before your first group) COMPOSURE: Specialists should not lose their composure and yell. A good plan will prevent many problems. ROOM ENVIRONMENT: A neat and tidy room positively influences behavior. It can be creative but in an orderly manner. PRAISE: For me this was one of the most important points. When praising a student a specialist teacher must be careful not to praise the behavior but the accomplishment. Teacher may thank students who are behaving well but a praise should be in regards to an accomplishment in the special area, LESSON PLANS: A specialist needs to sell his product by creating a great lesson plan that will make students to be willing to take his class. If they like the plan they will ask less times for bathroom and will try to avoid the time out corner. ROUTINES: through routines Students know what's about to happen and the expected behavior. It saves time and class is more productive, Specialists should practice routines with students from day one (exple: how do you want them to enter room). You can also model what you don't want. ARRIVAL: meet your students outside, watch how they enter. instruct and practice what you are expecting to see, NEVER move until you get exactly what you want. ‘TRANSITION: establish a signal, don’t transition if class is not ready. DISMISSAL: Orderly clean up. A quict line to meet homeroom teacher. Dismissal is as important as arrival, GROUP ACCOUNTABILITY: repeat routine as many times necessary until group learns your expectation. Do not let go by if they are not doing the right thing, VOICE TONE: Soft speaking is much more effective than yelling, Yelling is when teacher lost the act. Teachers must be careful not to repeat themselves too much. Students won't listen. SIMPLE FIRST give students a set of directions such as stand up, put hands on your head, wave your arms, jump on one leg etc. Insert direction pertinent to class when they're concentrated (this would be great for elementary level) GIVING A DIRECTION: give students the opportunity to visualize what you want by saying (exple) “you are going to walk up to the bookcase, get a music book and return silently to your seat”, At the conclusion of your explanation say GO to release them, Always ask if they understood your directions before releasing them. Observe students and give help only when needed, give them a chance to be Independent. CONSEQUENCE: Irst always a warning b/c you want to give them the opportunity to reflect about misbehavior. If student breaks rule again calmly approach student and send him to time out area. After 15’ ask if he/she wants to return. IfS breaks rule again send letter home or phone call. EVERY DAY IS A NEW DAY: Fresh start, ignore past transgressions. You should choose to enjoy the teaching and getting to know them better. When inviting students back from time out NO threats or reminders. It’s a free pass. EFFECTIVE CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT is about action. It's less about what you say and more about what you do, Repeat procedures until they get it, practice until you are satisfied.

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