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Draw a line from the word to the sentence containing that word.

(lesson 49)

made He used the spade to dig up the weeds.

spade My friend wanted to trade toys with me.

fade The big elephant stood in the shade of a tree.

wade The saw blade was rusty and dull.

blade Strawberry lemonade is our favorite drink!

shade I loved to wade in the shallow water.

trade The light from the sunset began to fade away.

lemonade We made homemade strawberry ice cream.

went My friend wanted to trade toys with me.

off The saw blade was rusty and dull.

die The big elephant stood in the shade of a tree.

Unscramble the words.

readt deash daleb deaw moandeel

________ ________ ________ ________ ________

adef tenw psdea fof edam eid

________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________

Practice writing the words two to three times.

made blade

spade shade

fade trade

wade lemonade
went off


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