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Julia H. Buckland J. W. Grizzle

Mrdjan Jankovic J. S. Freudenberg
Research and Advanced Engineering Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Ford Motor Company University of Michigan
Dearborn, Michigan 48124 Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109

ABSTRACT estimate of Pe based on commonly measured signals.

Feedforward A/F control in turbocharged gasoline engines Most turbocharged gasoline applications employ turbines
with variable valve timing requires knowledge of exhaust mani- equipped with wastegates that open to divert flow around the tur-
fold pressure, Pe . Physical conditions in the manifold make mea- bine to control boost. Both the turbine and an open wastegate
surement costly, compelling manufacturers to implement some can be considered flow restrictions in the exhaust path of the en-
form of on-line estimation. Processor limitations and the cali- gine. This interpretation of the physical system implies that the
bration process, however, put constraints on estimator complex- pressure in the exhaust manifold varies with mass flow rate and
ity. This paper assesses the feasibility of estimating Pe with an al- the effective size of the restrictions.
gorithm that is computationally efficient and relatively simple to The total effective restriction varies greatly with wastegate
calibrate. A traditional reduced order linear observer is found to opening. For a given command from the powertrain control mod-
perform well but has too many calibration parameters for prac- ule (PCM), the wastegate position may vary from its minimum to
tical implementation. Using the performance of the observer as maximum deflection depending on the operating condition. This
a benchmark, static estimation is explored by parameterizing the position is not typically measured. Therefore the size of the flow
equilibrium values of Pe with both the inputs and the outputs of restriction in the exhaust path is not accurately known, making
the system. This nonlinear static estimate, combined with simple estimation of exhaust manifold pressure quite difficult. This is
lead compensation, yields a practical observer implementation. in contrast to modern diesel applications which employ variable
geometry turbines where vane position is readily available.
In addition, cost and durability concerns also discourage
INTRODUCTION measurement of temperature or other useful properties down-
Modern automotive emission control systems for gasoline stream of the engine. Thus, Pe must be inferred from measure-
engines rely heavily on feedforward air-fuel ratio (A/F) control ments of signals significantly distant and often related through
to meet strict emissions regulations. For turbocharged applica- dynamic elements.
tions, it has been shown [1] that knowledge of exhaust manifold Nonetheless, cost and time to market pressures dictate a
pressure (Pe ) is helpful in meeting the stringent accuracy require- simple and efficient estimation algorithm. Online computing
ments of the feedforward controller. When variable valve timing resources are limited in automotive-quality processors, while
is added, the significance of Pe rises dramatically, since consider- growing hardware complexity and regulatory requirements con-
able valve overlap may occur over a large portion of the operating tinue to increase the number of computations and memory re-
envelope. Measuring Pe can be quite problematic, however, due quirements of the software. Not coincidentally, calibration effort
to the harsh environment in the manifold. System cost and dura- is also increasing, with each additional task lengthening devel-
bility considerations drive a strong desire by automakers for an opment time and increasing cost. As such, strategies are highly
scrutinized prior to implementation and those with added states Throttle
or complex calibration procedures must demonstrate a clear and
significant advantage to gain acceptance.
Here we use model-based analysis to determine the feasibil- Intercooler
ity of estimating Pe with a simple, efficient algorithm that can
be easily calibrated. First we consider a traditional reduced or-
der linear observer. Although nonlinearities in the system lead
to a large number of calibration parameters, this approach es-
tablishes feasibility of a solution and provides a benchmark for Actuator
comparison. Static estimation is then explored. Analysis of a
linearized, steady state model of the system leads to a static lin- Compressor
ear estimate of exhaust manifold pressure based on conditions Turbine
in the intake. This estimator provides excellent accuracy when Figure 1. SYSTEM SCHEMATIC.
applied to the nonlinear model in steady state. Transient perfor-
mance, however, is shown to be poor due to the slow dynamics
connecting the intake and exhaust. Simple lead compensation OBSERVER DEVELOPMENT
of the nonlinear static estimate produces a practical implementa- The system (1) has four states, two of which are measured,
tion with excellent steady state accuracy and improved transient Pi and Ptip . Therefore, a reduced order linear observer is explored
performance. for estimation of Pe .
Consider a linear representation of (1) given by

δẋ = Aδx + Bδu (2)
The system under consideration is an I-3 turbocharged en-
gine equipped with variable intake cam timing, a conventional δy = Cδx
pneumatically operated wastegate to control boost and an inter-
cooler to increase charge density and reduce tendency for engine where δ indicates deviation from the equilibrium point about
knock. A schematic of the system is shown in Figure 1. which the system was linearized. In order to compare the relative
The model used for concept development is described in [2]. influence of system parameters, (2) represents a system scaled
This model includes most of the major components of the desired relative to this equilibrium point such that deviation is defined in
system, with a notable exception being the pneumatically actu- terms of fractional change.1
ated wastegate. The effects of wastegate are incorporated in the Following the development described in [3], the linear sys-
model through a virtual actuator, wastegate flow rate, by assum- tem is partitioned by grouping measured and unmeasured states
ing flow through the valve is a known input. This enables investi- as follows
gation of the estimation problem, for this and future applications,
without the limitations imposed by current actuator technology.
A four state representation of the modeled system is given x1 = [Pi , Ptip]T
by x2 = [Pe , Ntc]T ,

ẋ = f (x, u) such that

x = [Pi , Ptip, Pe , Ntc]T (1)
u = [ETC,VCT,Wwg, N]T δẋ1 A12 δx1
A11 B1
δẋ = = + δu
y = [Pi , Ptip]T δẋ2 A21 A22 δx2 B2
δy = δx1 = [I2x2 02x2 ] .
where Pi is intake manifold pressure, Ptip is throttle inlet pres-
sure, Pe is exhaust manifold pressure, Ntc is turbocharger shaft
speed, ETC is throttle angle, VCT is variable cam timing, Wwg is The estimate x̂2 is defined by
flow rate through the wastegate and N is engine speed.
Since engine speed is measured, this model representation ż = Ar z + Br w
uses N as an input; and since temperature changes slowly com-
pared to the remaining states, manifold temperature dynamics x̂2 = Cr z + Dr w
are ignored. This simplified representation of the turbocharged 1 For example, when δW
wg = 0.1 wastegate flow is perturbed by +10% from
system facilitates formal analysis of the estimation problem. the equilibrium value for Wwg used for linearization.
in the system that are not captured by the linear model.
Error (%)

The reduced order observer is quite effective, but it has two
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 states and twenty parameters that must be calibrated,4 many of
NL Dynamic Sim
which must be scheduled with operating condition for this non-
0.01 Observer linear system. Given the processor and calibration complexity

0 limitations discussed in the Introduction, a simpler approach is

preferred. Therefore we pursue a static representation of exhaust
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 manifold pressure.

0 Physical parameters Equilibrium Analysis


scaled relative to initial

equilibrium values
Consider a continously differentiable nonlinear system
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Time (s)
ξ̇ = g(ξ, v) (3)

where ξ ∈ ℜn denotes the states of the nonlinear system, v ∈ ℜ p

represents the control inputs and the system outputs are given by
ψ ∈ ℜq . It’s equilibrium points are given by the solutions of [4]
w = [u y]T
Ar = [A22 − LA12 ] g(ξ, v) = 0
Br = [(B2 − LB1 ) (A22 − LA12 ) L + (A21 − LA11 )] ψ = h(ξ).
Cr = [I2x2 ]
Dr = [02x2 L] .
Let g(ξ0 , v0 ) = 0 and ψ = h(ξ0 ) be one such solution and let

It can be shown that since (A,C) is an observable pair, (A22 , A12 )

0 = Fδξ + Gδv (4)
is an observable pair. It can also be shown that the estimation
error, (x2 − x̂2 ), goes to zero when the observer gain matrix L is δψ = Hδξ,
chosen such that (A22 − LA12 ) is asymptotically stable. For this
application L is chosen such that the eigenvalues of (A22 − LA12 ) be the linearization of (3) about the equilibrium point. By the
are faster than the eigenvalues of A22 . Implicit Function Theorem [5], there exists a continously differ-
Observer performance is evaluated using a nonlinear simu- entiable function κ(v, ψ), defined in a neighborhood of the equi-
lation of the model described in [2]. The simulation model is librium point, such that
modified by adding measurement noise with a maximum magni-
tude of approximately ±1 kPa to both Pi and Ptip . These noisy
raw measurement signals are then filtered at 30 rad/sec to rep- 0 = g (κ(v, ψ), v)
resent the effects of digital signal processing typically employed ψ = h (κ(v, ψ))
by a PCM.
Simulation results showing the transient response of the ob-
as long as rank HF = n.
server to step changes in wastegate are shown by the dot-dashed
line in Figure 2.2 This is compared with the simulated Pe signal, Such a function κ is not (locally) unique when n < p + q.
represented by the solid line in the figure. The observer performs One way to fix a choice of κ is to use only n of the p + q com-
quite well, with relative error3 of less than 0.53% occuring dur- ponents of v and ψ, or some combination thereof. To understand
ing transient overshoots. This error is likely due to nonlinearities this more clearly rearrange (4) as follows
2 Physical parameters are scaled such that the figures show fractional change
G 0 δv
from the initial equilibrium value, for example, P = PaP−P F
δξ +
where Pa is the actual = 0.
0 −I δψ
physical parameter prior to scaling and P0 is the equilibrium value at the start of H
3 Relative error is defined as 100 P − P̂ /P . 4 Each

e e e matrix element is a calibration parameter.
This gives a set of overdetermined equations from which we can influence on the estimate of δx, and specifically δPe ,
form an estimate of δξ or equivalently κ(v, ψ).
With more equations than unknowns, we introduce a weight- "# " #
ing matrix to allow us to place emphasis on measurements and δu T δu
δx = M = USV .
states in which we have high confidence, while effectively disre- δy δy
garding those for which we do not. Specifically,
Therefore, since U is orthonormal,
G 0 δv
Q δξ + Q = 0,
H 0 −I δψ " #
U δx = SV
. (5)

Examination of the rows of U T and SV T tell us how much

Q1 0
Q= information from u and y is transmitted to the linear combination
0 Q2
of x. For example, consider the system (1) when the engine is
operating at approximately 3000 RPM and 70 Nm,
and Q1 ∈ ℜn×n and Q2 ∈ ℜq×q . The least squares estimate of
δξ is then given by [3]  
−0.02 0.05 0.99 −0.04
 −0.78 −0.16 −0.03 −0.61 
δξ = [F T QT1 Q1 F + H T QT2 Q2 H]−1 UT = 
 −0.15 0.99 −0.05 −0.07 

" #
T δv −0.61 −0.04 0.02 0.79
×[−F QT1 Q1 G H T
QT2 Q2 ]
=M .
 
7.22 0 0 0 00
 0 1.25 0 0 0 0
 0

0 0.92 0 0 0 
This gives a static estimate of δξ, but as with the observer 0 0 0 0.02 0 0
design, there are a large number of parameters for on-line im-
plementation and calibration. Therefore, we analyze this static
representation of the states to identify which inputs and outputs
have the most influence on the estimate.  
0.89 −0.06 0.02 −0.13 −0.18 0.39
 −0.11 0.01 0 0.03 −0.97 −0.20 
 
Singular Value Decomposition −0.41 0.03 0 0.06 −0.13 0.90 
VT = 

 −0.16 −0.41 0.10 −0.89 −0.01 0  .

Consider the turbocharged system defined by (1). We would  
like to construct a static estimate of Pe from measured variables  0 −0.05 0.99 0.14 0 0 
and known inputs. Based on our equilibrium analysis, we con- 0 −0.91 −0.10 0.40 0 0
struct M from (2), with Q selected to emphasize the fast, ac-
curate pressure measurements. The wastegate flow input is de-
Examining the first row of (5), we see that
emphasized via Q, since measurement or estimation of this quan-
tity is difficult in practice,
−0.02 δPi + 0.05 δPtip + 0.99 δPe − 0.04 δNtc =
6.43 δETC − 0.43 δVCT + 0.14 δWwg − 0.94 δN
 
1.0 0 0 0 0 0

 0 1.0 0 0 0 0  −1.30 δPtip + 2.82 δPi.
 0 0 0.01 0 0 0 
Q= .
 0 0 0 1.0 0 0 
Since the contributions of turbocharger speed and wastegate
 
 0 0 0 0 100 0 
0 0 0 0 0 100 flow rate are small in a relative sense, we approximate δPe as

By analyzing the singular value decomposition (SVD) of M δPe ≈ 2.84 δPi − 0.43 δVCT − 0.94 δN
we can identify a set of inputs and outputs that have significant −1.35 δPtip + 6.43 δETC. (6)
This parameterization aligns well with our physical intuition that
the pressure in the exhaust manifold varies with flow rate and Data
restriction. ± 5% error

Specifically, we know from [6] that Pi , N and VCT can be

Scaled Estimated P
used to represent cylinder air charge, and therefore air mass flow
rate through the system. In addition, we know that flow rate 1.4
through the turbine is only weakly dependent on turbine speed
so that the effective size of the flow restriction due to the turbine
is approximately constant. So we surmise that the first three pa- 1.2

rameters in equation (6) represent the effects of air flow rate due
to the restriction imposed by the turbine. 1
1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8
This implies that the remaining variables, ETC and Ptip , can Scaled Simulated P
be used to characterize the effects of the variable flow restriction
due to the wastegate. To relate this to physical behavior, consider Figure 3. STEADY STATE PREDICTION OF Pe USING THE STATIC
a steady state operating point defined by air flow rate. At each ESTIMATE.
Ptip there is a unique value of ETC that delivers this desired air
flow rate. Similarly, there is a unique wastegate position that
delivers any given Ptip at this air flow rate. So at steady state, 2

Error (%)
knowledge of ETC and Ptip uniquely defines wastegate position.
Thus using our understanding of the physical behavior of
the system and the variables identified through SVD analysis, we −2
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
conclude that Wexh , Ptip and ETC can be used to parameterize the 0.02 NL Dynamic Sim
equilibrium values of Pe . Static Estimate

0 Observer

Static Estimate 0 2 4 6 8 10 12
We have identified a parameterization of exhaust manifold 0.02

pressure through system inputs and outputs. The Implicit Func- 0

tion Theorem [5], applied in steady state to the system model (1),
guarantees existence of a functional relationship between these −0.02
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
parameters and Pe . A practical way of identifying the relation- 1
ship in a production environment, where engine dynamometer

Physical parameters
data is readily available, is through regression. scaled relative to initial
equilibrium values
To generate the same type of data in our modeling environ- −1
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
ment, we simulate the nonlinear model of the turbocharged sys- Time (s)
tem (1) [2] over the possible range of Ptip and ETC combina-
tions. These data are used to produce the least squares estimate Figure 4. TRANSIENT PREDICTION OF Pe USING THE STATIC ESTI-
given by MATE.

in Figure 4. Closer examination shows that Ptip responds rela-

P̂e = α0 + α1 Ptip + α2 ETC + α3 WexhPtip
tively slowly to changes in wastegate, while Pe initially responds
+ α4 Ptip
+ α5 Wexh
(7) very quickly. The relatively slow response of Ptip is due to the
fact that the wastegate acts on Ptip via the turbocharger, which
has a large inertia. The exhaust manifold, on the other hand, is
where P̂e is the estimate of absolute exhaust manifold pressure.
small, with very fast dynamics and responds quickly to changes
The terms of (7) are chosen to achieve the best least squares fit.
in wastegate. The estimate relying on Ptip is, therefore, unable to
This approach produces an accurate steady state estimate of
respond as quickly as desired.
the simulated exhaust manifold pressure, as demonstrated in Fig-
ure 3, which plots the estimated values of Pe versus values gen-
erated with the full nonlinear model. Static Estimate with Dynamic Compensation
This estimator performs well at steady state but it is also im- Transient analysis shows that our static estimate employing
portant to consider the physical aspects of the dynamic environ- Ptip and ETC is insufficient to capture exhaust manifold pressure
ment. Transient simulation of the estimator reveals significant dynamics. We now explore lead compensation as a means to
error when wastegate is changed quickly. This is demonstrated improve the transient response of the estimator.
by example with the step responses shown by the dotted lines For ease of implementation, we consider a simple first order
Magnitude (dB)

Error (%)

−200 −2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12
−1 0 1 2 3 4
10 10 10 10 10 10 10

w/ Lead Compensation 0

Phase (deg)

−50 NL Dynamic Sim

Static Estimate
−100 −0.1
Tranfser function from 0 2 4 6 Static Estimate
8 w/ Lead 10 12
−150 W to P
wg tip
−200 −2

−1 0 1 2 3 4
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 Physical parameters
Frequency (rad/sec) scaled relative to initial
−1 equilibrium values
0 2 4 6 8 10 12


2 −0.1

0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Error (%)

1 Time (s)
NL Dynamic Sim
Static Estimate
Static Estimate w/ Lead

the response of Ptip to wastegate. The throttle, however, also sig-
−0.05 nificantly influences Ptip . Initially, Ptip can actually respond very
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
quickly to a throttle command due to the abrupt change in flow
1 rate leaving the volume. Therefore, we need to consider estima-
tor performance in the presence of a throttle input as well. The

0 Physical parameters

scaled relative to initial system response to simultaneous inputs of throttle and wastegate
−1 equilbrium values
is shown in Figure 7. Here we see no adverse effects due to throt-
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Time (s) tle and in fact there is a substantial reduction in estimation error
with lead compensation.
Figure 6. TRANSIENT PREDICTION OF Pe USING THE LEAD COM- These results suggest that this simple approach may provide
PENSATED STATIC ESTIMATE. a practical strategy for estimating exhaust manifold pressure.
Further analysis is required, however, to fully assess robustness
filter that can be applied to the output of (7). Since it is the delay to measurement noise and to determine if the filter coefficients
in response of Ptip to wastegate that is problematic for the static must be scheduled with operating condition.
estimate, we examine the transfer function from Wwg to Ptip . The
bode plot of this SISO system is shown in Figure 5. As a starting
point, we choose a lead filter to extend the bandwidth of this CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE WORK
system and then refine our design using nonlinear simulation of Model-based analysis has been used to assess the feasibil-
the MIMO system. ity of estimating exhaust manifold pressure for a turbocharged
Nonlinear simulation quickly shows that the separation of gasoline engine with an algorithm that is computationally effi-
the pole and zero of the lead filter is limited to approximately 21 cient and simple to calibrate. A traditional reduced order linear
decade to prevent large overshoot and the associated increase in observer was developed to show that an estimator of this type is
estimation error. With this constraint in mind, the zero location indeed feasible. The observer, however, has far too many calibra-
of 2.0 and the pole location of 6.25 are subjectively chosen by tion parameters for practical implementation. Therefore, equilib-
examining several nonlinear step responses. A small improve- rium analysis was used to find a parameterization of Pe through
ment in response for a step in wastegate command is shown in the inputs and outputs of the system. A static estimator based on
Figure 6. As expected with lead compensation, the effect of mea- Wexh, Ptip and ETC performed well in steady state but was found
surement noise is amplified thus reducing the overall benefit of to be inadequate during transients. Lead compensation improved
the compensator. transient performance despite increased sensitivity to measure-
Our compensator design is based on the characteristics of ment noise.
Further work will include a robustness and calibration as-
sessment of lead compensation over the operating range of en-
gine and if necessary, investigation of more sophisticated dy-
namic compensators for the static estimator. Finally, the results
will be validated with engine dynamometer testing.

The authors gratefully acknowledge Jeff Cook from the Uni-
versity of Michigan and Dave Hagner from Ford Motor Com-
pany for many valuable discussions and suggestions.

[1] Per Andersson and Lars Eriksson, 2004. “Cylinder Air
Charge Estimator in Turbocharged SI-Engines”. Pro-
ceedings of the Society of Automotive Engineers World
Congress. SAE-2004-01-1366.
[2] A. Karnik, J. Buckland and J. Freudenberg, 2005. “Elec-
tronic throttle and wastegate control for turbocharged gaso-
line engines”. Proceedings of the American Control Con-
ference, pt 7, Vol. 7, pp. 4434-9.
[3] John S. Bay, 1999. Fundamentals of Linear State Space
Systems. McGraw-Hill, Inc.
[4] D.A. Lawrence and W.J. Rugh, 1995. “Gain Scheduling
Linear Dynamic Controllers for a Nonlinear Plant”. Auto-
matica, 31(3):381-390
[5] N.B. Haaser and J.A. Sullivan, 1991. Real Analysis Dover
Publication Inc., New York.
[6] M. Jankovic and S. Magner, 2002. “Variable Cam Tim-
ing: consequences to automotive engine control design.
Proceedings of the 15th Triennial World Congress of the
International Federation of Automatic Control.

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