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Noun Phrases and “ed” Suffix

Class 6

Top-down Reading

š Reading for Meaning

1) When was psychopedagogy born?
2) Why was it born?
3) What type of text is this and what is the rhetorical function?

Brief history of psychopedagogy

Psychopedagogy was born in Europe, at the beginning of the century. The first
Psychopedagogical centers were founded in France in 1946 by J. Favez-
Boutonier and George Mauco, two psychopedagogists who tried to readapt
children with socially inappropriate behaviors at school or at home and assist
children with learning difficulties even though they were intelligent, the
centers brought together knowledge of Psychology, Psychoanalysis and
In South America the first psychopedagogical studies emerged in 1960, and in
Argentina in the 1970s.
In Brazil in Porto Alegre in the 1970s, special training courses in
psychopedagogy began, focusing on learning problems, having as one of the
main diffusers the recognized Argentine professor Jorge Visca.
Psychopedagogy was born as an empirical occupation because children with
learning difficulties caused by different problems needed some help, and
medicine and psychology alone, could not give them a solution. Over time,
psychopedagogy became an independent and complementary knowledge,
possessing an object of study (the learning process) and diagnostic and
preventive resources of its own. Psychopedagogy is not a discipline but and
interdisciplinary science, because it operates in various areas of knowledge,
studies and works in human learning, and offers an intervention field whose
limits are broad. The human learning process itself is a complex phenomenon
that involves multiple factors and challenges any attempt to explain it from a
single scientific discourse.
Psychopedagogy has experienced a great scientific development since the 20th
century as a result of disciplinary integration of psychology and pedagogy, and
it has been consolidated in recent years, as one of the fundamental elements
of the structure of support in the educational system.
Bottom-up Reading

Syntactic Perspective

Ð Noun Phrases:
Underline the head, the most important word, in these noun

 An object of study
 The learning process
 The first psychopedagogical centers
 Socially inappropriate behaviours at school
 Children with learning difficulties
 An independent and complementary knowledge
 Various areas of knowledge
 A complex phenomenon that involves multiple factors

ÜSee Grammar Notes 4

Morphologic Perspective

Ð Suffix : ed
Regular verb + ed/ Irregular verb past participle

 the recognized Argentine professor Jorge Visca

 learning difficulties caused by different problems
 Psychopedagogical centers were founded
 Psychopedagogy has experienced a great scientific development
 studies emerged in 1960

ED-suffix Noun Phrase Verb Phrase

Pre-modifier Post-modifier Past Present Passive
simple perfect voice

šOn your own

š Activity 6.1 Underline the head nouns in these noun phrases.

1. Children’s rights to a proper education.

2. The point of view of professionals.
3. A discipline that enables students to learn to their full potential
without feeling different.
4. Recent studies about the hereditary influence on most
psychological disorders

š Activity 6.2 Put a tick in the right box.

1. A trained professional can teach children new techniques.

2. Learning disabilities are referred to as “hidden disabilities.
3. Neurodiversity has developed into a movement to support people
who are neurodivergent.
4. Problems related to reading.
5. Children with learning difficulties needed some help.

ED-suffix Noun Phrase Verb Phrase

Pre-modifier Post-modifier Past Present Passive
simple perfect voice

š Activity 6.3 Complete the chart.

Structure word Antecedent


š Activity 6.4 In the text, underline the answers to these

questions and then re-write them in Spanish.

1. ¿Qué areas incluían los primeros centros fundados en Francia ?

2. ¿Por qué la psicopedagogía es considerada interdiciplinaria ?
3. ¿Cómo se considera a la psicopedagogía en la actualidad?

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