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Georgia’s Role in the American Revolution ~ SS8H3a

Name_________________________________ Date_____________________ Class ____

1) What event was the result of disputes between France and Great Britain that had
been going on for almost 65 years? ______________________________________

2) What were the causes? Why?


3) What were two advantages Great Britain had over France?


4) What were four advantages France had over Great Britain?


5) The tension between France and Great Britain increased because both ____________

6) In 1753, Virginia’s governor sent a young George Washington to __________________


7) The second time that Washington approached the French he led 150 troops to
what fort? _________________________________________________________

8) What did Washington and his men set up there and what was its name?

9) What was the result of this encounter between the British and the French?

10) What was the war called in Europe? ______________________________________

11) Who was put in charge of the war effort and what was one of his accomplishments??

12) What was the result when Washington again led troops to Fort Duquesne [doo-kane]?

13) What formally ended the war? ____________________________________________

14) How did this help Georgia? _____________________________________________


15) Results of the French & Indian war:

a) British gained control of __________________________________________
b) Ohio River Valley & all lands east of the Mississippi River [Western Frontier]
was ________________________________________________________
c) Great Britain obtained _________________________________________.
d) France gave the ________________________________________ to Spain.
e) After 150 years of colonization, France lost all _______________________
f) The French and Indian War led to the ______________________________.

16) King George III issued the ____________________________________________

which forbade the colonists to _________________________________________.

17) How did this document change Georgia’s boundaries? __________________________


18) In what two ways did this document affect the Indians?
b) ________________________________________________________________

19) How did the new boundaries affect Georgia’s growth? _________________________

20) What were two positive attributes of this new land?
a) _______________________________________________________________
b) ______________________________________________________________

21) What did the British Parliament do in 1765 in order to pay for their war debt?

22) How did the colonists react? ___________________________________________

23) What did the Georgia colonists do? ______________________________________


24) Georgians formed the _______________________________________ which were

a part of a larger group, _____________________________________________.

25) Georgia was the only colony that ever ______________________________________.

26) How did Great Britain punish the colonies for the Boston Tea Party?
a) ____________________________________ of Boston until the citizens of
Massachusetts paid for the tea.
b) colonists couldn’t have a ________________________________ without the
agreement of the governor
c) any British official who committed capital crimes would be tried in
________________________________________rather than in the colonies.
d) the _____________________________________required that the citizens
of all colonies house and feed British soldiers at their own expense

27) All the colonies except Georgia gathered in ________________________________

to ______________________________________________________________.

28) What happened on September 5, 1774? ___________________________________


29) The delegates agreed to

a) ______________________________________________________________

30) Because the colony still depended on Great Britain, the assembly chose not to

31) What did Georgia do instead to protest? (a)___________________________________

b) _______________________________________________________________

32) Less than one-half of Georgia’s parishes were represented at the ________________
_______________________________________________held in January 1775.

33) In January 1776, Thomas Paine’s pamphlet, _______________________________,


34) Paine urged _______________________________________________________


35) John Adams said “Without the pen of Paine, the sword of [George] Washington
would have been wielded in vain.” What did he mean? __________________________

36) What happened on July 4, 1776? ________________________________________


37) The Declaration is divided into what three parts?

a) the ___________________which was an ______________________________
b) the ___________________which listed______________________________
c)the____________________which declared the colonies to_________________

38) What did the Declaration mean? _________________________________________


39) What was the reaction in Georgia to the Declaration of Independence?

a) ______________________________________________________________
b) ____________________________________________________________

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