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Assignment tittle : Write an Annotated

bibliography on a topic you will write a

project on.

Topic: How can Good communication skills

benefits the world market at large.

1, Effective communication skills : by

Indeed Editorial Team , updated Aug ,2022
publish may 25 , 2021.

This research demonstrates that

good communication help business develop
trust with their client and articulate needs ,
expectations and challenges.
2)Crucial conversation : Tools for talking
when stAkes are high : By Kerry pattern –
book summary -?Abbey Beathan.
This research state that keeping a cool
your cool in a heated conversation is
probably one of the hardest thing a human
can do. Mastering this technique and being
able to influence your counterparts
emotion can grant you success in life.

3) Personal and professional settings:

posted By CLIMB Professional
Development and training . Updated July 9,
In this article it implies that good
communication plays an essential role in
their success in the work place and in their
personal life. The writers usage Good
communication skills that involve knowing
how to listen attentively.

4) Kristina Martic . Business

communication involves the constant flow
for information within and outside a
This series states that effective
business communication are the process of
shearing information between employees
within and out side the company. Effective
business communication is how employee
and manager interact with each other to
reach organization can be more

5) An article by Amy Lucas on live – strong .

Com : effective communication involves
body language.
This research bstate that when
verbal language and body language are
congruent ,works to enhance the overall
quality of the message, and allows it to
resonate with the individual receiving it.

6) – problem that effective

Business communication can solv.
Clear and effective b communication
is critical for teams, Employees, managers
and Executive to perform their job and
fulfill their responsibilities without the right
tools in place The flow of information is
interrupted and people are left in the dark.

7) Leil Lowndes 1999: How to talk to

Anyone . Publish may 4, 2021.
This book illustrates that behind
every successful individual is a good and
effective communication , which is now
considered as a current time crucial skills.
For success in a career , every employee
should be able to communicate effectively
with colleagues and customers.

8) Mr. Joseph Grenny : crucial

conversation : Tools for talking when stakes
are high , third edition.
This book provide powerful skills to
ensure every conversation especially
difficult ones leads to the results you want.

Mr . Rob Birdenbach , publish a book (via

Amazon )Unleash the power of story
telling: win hearts, change minds, get
The Author is saying that humans are
emotional beings and narrative appeal to
that , enabling them to receive and digest
information more easily.

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