What Am I Learning This Week 9.6

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What am I learning this week?

Learning Targets Success Criteria

Tuesday - Friday Tuesday - Friday

• Understand the importance of the • Explain the importance of the Charter

Charter of 1732, including the reasons of 1732, by discussing the reasons for
for settlement (philanthropy, settlement including philanthropy,
economics and defense) economics, and defense
• Analyze the relationship between • Deconstruct the relationship between
James Oglethorpe, Tomochichi, and James Oglethorpe, Tomochichi, and
Mary Musgrove in establishing the city Mary Musgrove in regard to the
of Savannah at Yamacraw Bluff creation of Savannah at Yamacraw Bluff
• Understand the role of diverse groups • Evaluate the role of the Jews,
(Jews, Salzburgers, Highland Scots and Salzburgers, Highland Scots, and
Malcontents) in settling Georgia during Malcontents in the settlement of
the Trustee Period Georgia during the Trustee period
• Identify the WRIST crops • Identify the WRIST crops that were
(wine/grapes, rice, indigo, silk & grown in Georgia but were not readily
tobacco) that were grown in Georgia grown in England. (wine / grapes, rice,
but were not readily grown in England indigo, silk, & tobacco)

What am I doing
How will I show I learned it?

Strategies and Activities Assessments and Assignment Due Dates

9/6/22 Settle of Georgia Settlement of Georgia Notes

Settlement Ga Reading
9/7/22 Settlement Ga Reading
City of Reading and Settlement Reading

9/8/22 Settlement Stations Settlement Stations

Settlement Period of
9/9/22 Georgia Brochure due 9/14
Georgia Brochure

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