Month End Worksheet

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Slimpod: Month End Worksheet


Month End Worksheet

Answer all these questions as honestly as you can. You don’t need to share all the answers, although
feel free to share in Slimpod Club if you have any big insights with any questions.

This is a good time to reflect on the past month – what went well and what did not go so well, and to
make a plan for the month to come

General Health and Wellbeing

• How would you rate your general health right now on a scale of 1 to 10?

• What could you do to improve this?

• How would rate your general satisfaction with the way you look and feel on a scale of 1 to

• In what ways could you improve your lifestyle to be healthier and feel better?

Food and Diet

• How would you describe your eating this month?

• What could you do to improve this?

• What or who is stopping you from eating what you consider to be a healthy diet?

• Have you drunk sufficient water?

• Have you eaten sufficient fruit and vegetables?

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Slimpod: Month End Worksheet

Fitness and Exercise

• Have you taken as much exercise as you planned to this month?

• How is your general energy level throughout the day? Has it improved or declined this

• Do you plan to change things next month – if so, in what way

Stress and Relaxation

• On a scale of 1-10 how stressed would you say you have been this month?

• Do you have specific things that are causing you stress right now?

• What can you do over the next month to help you to manage your stress levels?

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Slimpod: Month End Worksheet


• How committed are you to making changes in your lifestyle to help you feel better?

• Can you picture yourself as you would like yourself to be?

• What things do you need to stop doing right now to improve your health and wellbeing?

• What things do you need to do more of to improve your heath or wellbeing?

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Slimpod: Month End Worksheet

End of month Checklist

What goals did you set for this month, and have you achieved them?

Have you listened to your pods consistently throughout the month?

If not, what could you do differently to help you to listen more often?

Have you written your Success Log every day?

If not, what has prevented you from doing this and what could you change?

What has gone well for you this month?

What new habits have you formed?

What is not working so well for you and what are you willing to do about that?

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Slimpod: Month End Worksheet

What is one new habit that you would like to form next month?

Name three things that you are going to focus on next month to get you moving towards your final
weight loss goal?

What changes do you expect to see by the end of the next month that will tell you that this plan of
action is working for you?

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