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Learn to code interactively using only

your browser. Practice labs and projects:

Full Stack Web Development

Module Course Topic HTML5/CSS3 Basics


Internet & DNS 1 2

CSS Position
Internet Fundamentals Basics of Web HTML/CSS


HTML5 Concepts
Console Tab
Advanced CSS3
1 4 Sources Tab
CSS3 Media Queries Advanced HTML/CSS Basics of Frontend Chrome DevTools
Networks Tab
CSS Animations
2 3
Elements Tab
JavaScript Essentials Advanced Practical JavaScript

DOM Promises

Modern JavaScript Prototypal Inheritance

DOM & Events


When working with frontend & backend,
We need access to common tools-
Git, npm, yarn & more


Node Versioning
1 2
NPM Modules
Local Repository Version Control System Frontend/Backend Tooling NPM & Yarn

NPM Dependencies
Remote Repository

NPM Scripts
Pull Requests

React is a great UI library.

Learn about the best ecosystem of
libraries in React & eventually, master React.

Introduction to React.js

Working with State 1 2 3 Tailwind Utilities

React Fundamentals useSWR Tailwind CSS Fundamentals
Projects Layouts

Design Patterns

State Management

3 Rendering Patterns

useState & useEffect Advanced React.js Design Patterns in React

Advanced React Hooks
Performance Upgrade

2 4

Advanced React Concepts 5 React Projects Creating a Hero

Todo List Application

Quiz App
Learn About how JavaScripts works
Under the hood and advanced parts of it Space News API

Video Game API

1 2

JS Under the Hood Advanced JavaScript Advanced Theoretical JavaScript


DOM Overview

JS Runtimes

V8 Engine

Event Loop

Tests & Assertions

1 2

Debugging Testing w/ Playwright Testing & Skill Evaluation Frontend Certification Examination

Page Object Model


Backend starts from servers, & we'll start

from there - Linux OS & work with bash CLI
& start your backend journey with Node.js

Common Commands CommonJS Module System

1 2

Nano Text Editor Linux Fundamentals Intro. to Backend Web Dev Node.js Fundamentals ES6 Module System

Shell Scripting Basics Servers

Databases, a backend language & APIs are

the most important parts of backend web dev.

Node.js, MongoDB, GraphQL

Node.js Internals
1 2 3 GraphQL Language
Threadpool in libuv Advanced Node.js Concepts Working with MongoDB Understanding GraphQL
GraphQL API w/ NodeJS

Event Loop
GraphQL In ReactJS
Mongoose Basics
Advanced GraphQL
CRUD with MongoDB

JWT Authentication

YAML Frontend Web Security

Making an app is very different
from making a production-ready app.
Github Actions This part covers what it takes to build one. Backend Web Security

5 6

CI/CD w/ GitHub Actions Writing Secure Web Apps

Production-Ready Practices 2

Building Production Apps w/ Next.js Advanced Next.js Concepts

4 3

TypeScript Fundamentals Caching w/ Redis

Static Site Generation

Next.js APIs
Server-Side Rendering
API Caching
Rate Limiting
Server-Side Rendering

Final certification exams for

full stack web developer learning path

Coming Soon!

Full Stack Certification Exam Official Certification Full Stack Real Interview Questions

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