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Issues Identified :

Malala mentioned a lot of issues in her UN 2013 speech . According to her, there are terrorism wards
and conflicts that causes children to stop going to schools. Education access is only limited to some.
People are being silenced through speaking up for the happenings in their country whereas a lot of
innocent people are getting killed. Malala also mentioned child labor, children being forced to get
married at early age, poverty, ignorance, injustice, and deprivation of basic rights.

Possible Solutions :

For everyone to have access over education, we must expand our education opportunities for both boys
and girls to all countries. We must provide them with learning materials, facilities like classrooms, and
budget to afford all of these. Giving free quality education for all would also lessen the child labor and
even poverty if applied to all. Lessening terrorism and conflicts and disputes of countries would requires
peaceful talks, and agreements. Ignorance, injustice, and deprivation of basic right can be solved
through first knowing and protecting our rights, not letting anyone to step on us. Second is being human
to all which is through being kind, honest to everyone and even to ourselves and even helping people in
need Lastly, it is to not stop speaking up for what we think is right.

Overall Assessments:

The speech of Malala Yousafzai is a very inspiring speech, an eye opener to us listeners about the
happenings in our world today.

On Reliability: Can Malala be trusted for blurting out information she highlighted in her speech?

Yes, because she was one of the victims of the issues highlighted in her speech which she experienced

On Validity: Do you agree with things that she said in terms of the soundness and correctness of the

Yes, because what she said is factual and a lot of people has been tackling it already. There are even
news articles and videos of the happenings, proving her statement true.

On Accuracy : Is the information factual and verifiable?

Yes, because she was one of the victims of the issues she presented in her speech and there are news
reports which can prove her statement.

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