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Q.No. Question Marks
_____Is the process identifying a market opportunity ,clearly defining the
problem ,developing a proper solution for that problems and validating the solution
1 with real users. 1
a.Interaction design b. User experience design c.Product design d. User interface
In the design of a new product, who has the job of determining whether a product
2 can be produced? 1
a.Research and Development b.Marketing c.HR d.Management
_____ is a human centered approach to innovation that draws from the designers
toolkit to integrate the needs, technology and the requirement for the business
3 1
a.Design process b.Design thinking c.Product thinking d.Product goal
______ helped the design world step away from the ornate designs of the early 20 th

4 century with its emphasis on function before form 1

a.MIT b.Bauhaus c.Milan school of design d.IIT Bombay
_______ is a group problem solving method that involves the spontaneous

5 contribution of creative ideas and solutions. 1

a.Brain storming b.Design concept thinking d.Feasibility study
Design that focus on human object interactions is called

6 a.Human object design b.Human interface deign c.Interaction design d.User interface 1
The recommended dimension for a wheel chair is
7 1
a.700 X 1100mm b.660 X 1065mm c.630 X 1035mm d.760 X 1165mm
____ is the science that defines physical measures of a person size form and function

8 capacities. 1
a.Anthropometry b.Human scale c.Human proportions d.Human dimensions
______ is an approach focuses on how to make the best use of human capabilities by

9 designing jobs and equipments. 1

a.Ergonomics b.Human design c.Anthropometry d.Human interface design
The recommended minimum dimensions of children toys is ____-
10 1
a.30 X 60 mm b.25 X 80 mm c.100 X 200 mm d.10 X 20mm
Life cycle engineering is also called
11 1
a.Easy design b.Recycle design c.Cycle design d.Green design
The following plastic bottles are commonly collected for recycling.
12 1
____ is capable of becoming permanently rigid when heated or cured
13 1
a.Thermosetting plastic b.Thermo plastic c. Synthetic polymns d.Polyvinyle chloride
Which of the following is an example of thermoplastic material?
14 1
a.Camera bodies b.Automobile parts c.Electric plugs d.Electric insulation
Sustainable manufacturing is required for _____
15 1 c.conserving d.conserving resources, maintenance and reuse
Lines, shapes, tones, color, pattern, texture and forms are _____
16 1
a.Design elements b.visual elements c.color theory d. Auditory elements
_____ referes to the artist using their skill to create the illusion of an objects texture.
17 1
a.Physical texture b.visual texture c.tactile surface d.objects texture
Textutre you feel with your fingers is called _____
18 1
a.Tactile b.Surface texture c.Visual texture d.Surface tilings
_________ are frequently used for a lettering, warning and alarm situations.
19 1
a.Olfactory display b.visual display c.colour display d.auditory displays
_________ takes the form of words, sounds, gestures, ideas, or visual images and are

20 used to convey other ideas and beliefs. 1

a.code’s b.atom’s c.symbols d.emoji’s
_______- is presented as a series of steps and actions in a timeline skeleton.

21 a. userinterface mapping b.product journey mapping c.user journey mapping 1

d.product interface mapping
__________ is a system of touch reading and writing for blind persons in which raised

22 dots represent the letters of the alphabet. 1

a.button books b.dots c.dots and symbols d.braille
_________ generates a conceptual solution for a problem stated in the form of

23 requirement. 1 process evolution thinking evaluation
________ is create a point view that is based on users needs and insights.

24 a.product problem design b.define problem c.defined design problem 1

________ return to your users for feedback.
25 1
a.product testing b.prototype c.empathize d.user testing

Q.No. Question Marks
26 a Explain in detail about the elements of product design 10
265 b Explain the product process involved in new product development. 10
Write about the following
I) Visual Ergonomics
27.a. 10
II) Human Interface design

27.b. Explain the anthropometry applied in hand held devices. 10
The Unique shape and fragility of a egg makes it needy for a specially designed packaging to
keep it safe and whole, form industries to sale table. Sketch neatly and explain your
28.a. 10
concept for its functional details features usage and suggest /indicate the eco friendly
and reusable materials.
28.b. Briefly elaborate Rapid Prototyping in product design. 10

Design a cell phone for visual impairment person. Sketch neatly and explain your
29 a. concept for its functional details, Features and usage. 10


Design a wall stick for handicapped (absent of leg limbs) person which can be used for
29b different floor pattern, recognize the dangerous thing etc,. Sketch neatly and explain 10
your concept for its functional details features and usage.

Sketch neatly and explain the design features are needed to consider for wheel chair
30 a. users. 10


30b. Explain the process of form development in children toy design. 10

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