CSC 104

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Week 2

Internet; global system of interconnected computer networks that use the standardized internet
protocols (TCP/IP) to serve millions of users worldwide.

History of the internet

The internet was created in the united states in 1999 by the united states department of defence
otherwise known as the Advanced Research Project agency (ARPA). The world wide web was created
at CERN in Switzerland in the 1990s by a British man named Tim Berners-Lee. Today people can pay a
fee to access the internet from internet service providers. Some services on the internet cost nothing
to use but sometimes the people that own such website make money from the Advertising, Also
note that an alternative name for the internet is ‘net’.

Advantages of internet

The internet provides many facilities to the people the main advantages of internet are discussed

1. Sharing information; your able to share information around the world, scientist or
researchers can interact with each other to share knowledge or to get guidance etc. sharing
information through the internet is a very easy cheap and fast method.
2. Collection of information; there is a huge amount of information available on the internet for
just about any subject known to man, ranging from government laws and services Trade fairs
and conferences, market information, new idea’s and technical support.
3. News; you cant get the latest news on the world form the internet.
4. Searching for jobs.
5. Advertisement; today most commercial organizations advertise their products through
6. Communication; you can communicate with people around the World through internet,
There are different means of communication through the internet.
7. Entertainment; the internet also provides different types of entertainment to the people,
you can play games with other people in every part of the world, watching movies, listening
to music, etc.
8. Online education; the internet provides the facilities to get online education, online results
today most educational bodies post results online.
9. Online Transport systems: many railway and airlines provide there flight scheduled online for
trains and flights respectively
10. Online medical services; you can consult a panel of medical practitioners to get advice for
medical problems, in addition there a lot of available materials that can help with self-
11. E-mail; it is now an essential communication tool in business it is also excellent for keeping in
touch with family and friends.
12. Services; many services are now provided on the internet such as online banking, hotel
reservation, buying and selling of products, the internet is a major way to buy and sell goods.

Disadvantage of the intermet

1. Virus
2. Security ptoblems; valueable data can be targeted by hackers and confidential documents
can be accessed by unauthorized users.
3. Theft of personal information; using the internet exposees you to risk such as identity theft ,
credit card theft, etc.
4. Spamming; this refers to the sending of unwanted emails or messages in bulk which provide
no purpose and needlessly cause a system to overload.
5. Immorality; some websites contain immoral materials in form of text pictures or movies, this
includes pornographic materials.
6. Negative effects on family communication; some family’s have a lack of communication due
to the excessive use of internet distracting them from paying attention to each other.
7. Lack of proper time management; some people take to much time to surf the web and get
the information they need instead end up goofing of or getting distracted.
Week 3

Difference between internet, intranet and extranet

Internet: Internet is known as network of network that consist of smaller domestic academic
business and government networks which together carry various information and services, such as E-
mail, online chats, File transfer and Interlinked webpages and other resources of the World Wide

Intranet: This is a private network that is contained within an enterprise the main purpose of an
intranet is to share company information and computing resources among employees.

Extranet: An extranet is a private network that uses internet protocols network connectivity and
possibly public telecommunication system to securely share part of an organisations information or
operations with suppliers, vendors, partners, customers or other businesses

Internet Intranet Extranet

1. Open to public Heavily Heavily censored
2. No form of Can be
authentication accessed via
required internet but
is required
3. Easily Limits access to
accessible by within a company
everyone to prevent
information leaks
4. It is owned by Owned by a It is owned by
no one particular single/or multiple
company or organizations
5. Everyone who Only members Only members of
is Linked has of the the organisation
acces to it organization and external
have access to members with
it logins have access
6. Its goal is to Its goal is to Its goal is to allow
provide communicate members and
information all information external members
across the within the to share
world company information
7. It is used by the Used by Used by members
public employees of having login
an organisation information
8. It is more cost Less cost Less cost effective
effective to effective
Internet terminologies

1. ISP (Internet service provider): requires expensive communication equipment.

2. IP
3. Web server: when you request a page from a website on the internet that page is delivered
to you by the web server in essence the web server is the computer that is attached to the
internet that contains your webpages and sends them over to through the internet to
anyone who requests them.
4. Server:
5. Broadband: it is a generic term for a range of technologies that provide relatively high speed
connections to ISP’s
6. AGSL (Asymmetric : This is a specific type of bradband technology that uses high frequency
data (piggy backs onto a normal telephone line)
7. Server farm : an isp that specialises in providing servers and Hosts those servers in a
purposefully built facility known as a server farm or data center.
8. IP Address:every connection to the internet must have a unique IP so that data can be sent
to the right place in the world. These IP address appear as 4 sets if numbers separated by
dots e.g
9. DNS(Domain Name Service):
10. Browser: Used to visit websites e,g safari, edge, chrome, brave, internet explorer, opera mini
11. HTML Hypertext Markup language: The language used by website designer to describe the
content and layout of the web page
12. Cookies: small pieces of data that a website can download onto the computer of the visitor
so that if they return to that site they can be identified again.


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