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Writting 1 :

Choosing a path
The choice of a job or career is undoubtedly a step that will determine our future life,
and therefore, in my opinion, it is quite important to follow something that makes us and
will make us happy.
Since we were little we are constantly asked the same question: What do you want to be
when you grow up? It's from this question that we start thinking about our tastes and
preferences, thinking about how cool it would be to have that job. As we grow up maybe
our opinion changes, because as children we don't have much notion of the variety of
careers, however, it always prevails wanting to be something that matches our brain style,
talents, skills, and interests.
Sometimes we are influenced by parents or people close to us to follow a path totally
opposite to the one we had in mind, but many times this situation does not end well for
either side.
When we find our ideal job, we aspire to it, and this ambition generates commitment
and persistence that grows every day, even if the goal seems a bit impossible and the path
is long and difficult. On the other hand, without ambition we can even follow the same
path, only without motivation and without any goal.
Doing what we love is the key to success, and this is the difference between those who
create a career out of passion and those who create a career out of obligation. So, having a
job that defines you is to never need to work again, is to facilitate success, and above all to
feel that life has finally rewarded you with something that contributes to your well-being,
personal growth, and happiness.

Writing 2:
Studying or working?
Investing in education is undoubtedly investing in a greater demand and perhaps even a
better job. However, it is also important to start interacting with the world of work from an
early age so that we already have a notion of what it is like to work and to promote
At school or college, we learn what is established in the programme of the area we
chose to follow, in other words, we learn what is essential to specialise in that area, obtain
several specialisations and dive into the job search. However, the truth is that working and
studying are totally opposite situations.
A good student can be a bad worker, because school limits us and does not provide us
with the necessary skills to enter the world of work, such as communication, practice or
interaction. So I am all for starting to develop our own skills while studying, by creating a
LinkedIn profile, starting to network or doing some internships to get relevant work
The decision whether to progress in your studies or to slow them down a bit to give
priority to more professional and not so academic subjects depends a lot on the job you
want to have, because to get some jobs you need to dedicate yourself exclusively to study.

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