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Reflection Paper (25%)

Due February 17, 11:59 pm to D2L

Note: All work must be submitted through the D2L Dropbox. Students must work individually
on this assignment (not in groups). Please submit as a word doc.

Length: absolute minimum- 500 words / Absolute maximum- 750 words, not including title
page and reference list. A word count must be listed at the end of the paper.

Please note: The reflection paper will not require a thesis statement (not proper essay
format) but will still require an introduction and conclusion.

You may also use personal pronouns (i.e. “I”) in this paper.

Topic: In this course, you will read about the relationships between language, meaning,
representation, identity, history, power, and categories. In class, I will be asking you to think
about the terms you use to identify yourself as part of a social/political group, in relation to
privilege and/or oppression (i.e. “white”, “woman”, “LGBTTQ+”, “queer”,
“heterosexual/straight”, “racialized”, “disabled/differently-abled”, and so on). I will also be
asking you why you use these terms and what meaning you hope to convey when you describe
yourself to others, using these terms. In this reflection paper, you will respond to the following

Do you think the identity terms you use to describe yourself also help you to challenge power
and oppression in society? Why or why not?

In your response you must refer meaningfully to and cite at least one (1) external scholarly
source to support the argument(s) you are making, as well as one (1) of the following course

*Stuart Hall “Introduction” in Representation: cultural representations and signifying practices

*Julia Serano “A Word About Words”

Note: For a good review of what counts as a scholarly source, please visit


Title page, citations and bibliography should be in APA 7th edition format. You must use 12pt
Times New Roman font, 1inch margins.

Citations: If you are citing an idea that is not yours, you must reference the author and page
numbers using APA 7th edition Style (or else it is plagiarism). Although your reflection paper is

not required to be in proper essay format, you must have a complete Works Cited list in APA 7th
edition format.


Style and organization = 10 points: Spelling, grammar, proper citations and bibliography, the
clarity of your writing, and the organization of your ideas.

Content = 15 points: The degree to which your paper demonstrates a critical analysis and
understanding of the course content; the degree to which your paper addresses the criteria of the
assignment; the degree to which your paper applies ideas from the course, external sources and
course material(s), the scope and depth of your analysis.

Total = 25% of your final grade


Spelling, grammar, sentence structure, flow and clarity

Formatting (Correct citations & bibliography, proper formatting - double-spaced,
margins, etc) /5


Introduction, conclusion

• Introduction is clear, engaging, and demonstrates a strong grasp of topic (see

above) /3
• Relevant identity terms are introduced
• Conclusion is compelling (summarizes key points of discussion and identifies
outstanding issues/questions, if applicable)
• Introduction and conclusion are approximately one paragraph long each

Body paragraphs

• Body elaborates on issues and surrounding context identified in introduction

• Body provides a clear understanding of the relationship(s) between language,
meaning, representation, identity, history, power, and categories
• Body includes discussion relating to if/how identity terms help to challenge power
and oppression
• No repetition of ideas
• Citations/quotes are integrated effectively to support main ideas


Clearly explains, applies and elaborates on concepts/arguments from /3

• 1 relevant course reading
• At least 1 external scholarly source
Analytical discussion

• Effectively responds to question posed

• Reflections are critical, creative, clearly developed, well-argued, sufficient /4
supporting evidence provided
• Personal insights are well thought out, relevant to arguments made in paper


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