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Marly Alejandra Aranda Barreto

ENERO 2023

Corporación Universitaria Republicana

Finanzas y Comercio Internacional
English lll

1. Can the Russia’s invasion of Ukraine affect more the value of raw

 Yes, it can, because it affects the supply chain of raw materials.

2. Can interest rates continue to rise?

 Yes, it can, because inflation is rising

3. Can bonds be riskier than investments?

 No, it can’t, usually, the investments are more risky

4. Can investors increase their profitability?

 Yes, it can, If inflation and interest rates fall

5. Can private equity firms attract retail investors?

 Usually, it can attract more institutional investors


1. Should investors invest in stocks?

 With inflation so high, investors should invest in bonds, they are

less risky

2. Should public spending decrease to improve inflation?

 Yes, it should, public spending should improve in order to

control inflation.

3. Should some assets provide protection against inflation?

 Yes, many assets should provide protection against rising

4. Should the investors restructure the infrastructure of a country like the

united states?

 It shouldn't, the United States is a macroeconomic country, the

forms of investment must be restructured

5. Should the investors worry more about investment risks?

 Yes, the risks of public and private investments should be

studied more, to reduce inflation and interest rates

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