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Republic of the Philippines


(Formerly Botolan Community College)
Botolan Zambales
Contact #: 0949 155 3113

At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to;
a. describe the parts and functions of the human reproductive system;
b. differentiate the male and female reproductive system; and
c. identify the proper ways to take care of the reproductive organs.


A. Topic: The Human Reproductive System
B. Science Ideas: Reproductive system has a vital role in the continuity and survival of the species making it
one of the most important systems in the human body.
C. Science Processes: Classifying, Communicating, and Observing.
D. Value Focus: Appreciating the importance of proper personal hygiene to avoid various diseases and long-
term infections.
E. Materials: Charts, Visual Aids, Pictures, Jigsaw Puzzle, Pen
F. References:
Science Health and Environment 5 pp10-12
Science for Daily 5 Use p.3K to 12
Science Book Gr.5 pp. 64-65
G. Other Learning Resources
Reproductive System :Its Definition, Organs & Functions - Embibe



A. Preliminaries
1. Prayer
“Before we start, may I call on our prayer leader today?” (One student will lead the prayer, everybody will stand up and
2. Greetings
“Good morning class!” “Good morning Ma’am!”
“It’s such a lovely day, isn’t it?” “Yes Ma’am”
“How are you today?” “We’re good, Ma’am”
“That’s good to hear. Science-minded learners, are you ready to “Yes, we are.”
learn new and exciting things today?”
3. Classroom Management
“Before you take your seats, kindly pick up the trash or pieces (Students will pick up the pieces of paper and arrange the
of paper and arrange your chairs please.” chairs.)
“Alright class, you may now take your seats.” (Everyone will sit down.)
4. Checking of Attendance
“Ms. Secretary, is everybody present today?” “Yes ma’am.”
“That’s good, thank you very much.”
5. Checking of Assignment
“Do we have an assignment last meeting? “None Ma’am.”
B. Engage
1. Drill
“To energize ourselves, I’m sure you’re familiar with the action “Yes Ma’am!”
song, “Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes” right?”
“You have to touch your head, shoulders, knees and toes when I “Yes Ma’am!”
mention them, do you understand?”
“Alright, stand up, let’s sing and do it altogether!”
(The teacher will sing together with the class.) (Everyone will stand up and do the drill)
(After a minute)
“Very good everyone! You may now take your seats.” “Thank you, Ma’am!”
2. Review
“Before we move on to our next topic, let’s have a recap on “It is about the major organs of the body.”
what we’ve been discussed last meeting. What was our topic all
“Very good! Kindly identify those major organs of the body?” (Students will raise their hands)
“The major organs of our body include the brain, heart, lungs,
liver, stomach, small intestines, kidneys, bones and muscles.”
“Correct! Those are the major organs in our body.”
“Do you have any questions or clarifications about the previous “None ma’am.”
C. Explore
1. Motivation
Direction: Match the pictures from set A to set B. Key to correction:
Set A Set B Butterfly=Caterpillar
1. ● ● Pig=Piglet

2. ● ●

3. ● ●

4. ● ●

5. ● ●

“There are set of pictures in different sets, you’re going to

match them accordingly by drawing a line that will connect the “Yes ma’am!”
dots, is that clear?”
(The teacher will call 5 students to answer activity on the
board) (Five students will answer the activity on the board, one by
“Very good! You’ve got all the answers correct.”
2. Presentation
“What can you infer from the pictures that you’ve matched?” “Just like a piglet that came from its parents, we’re also from
our parents.”
“What a great observation! We all came from our parents just
like in these pictures that you’ve matched. What do you think
living organisms have in common?” “Living organisms are capable of reproduction.”
“Excellent! We are capable of reproduction. How do you think “We can reproduce because we have reproductive system.”
can we reproduce?”
“Very good! Reproductive system has a vital role in the
continuity and survival of the species making it one of the most
important systems in the human body. Later, we are going to
discuss more about the human reproductive system.”
3. Pre- Activity
“Let us now have another activity, we will play a game which is “Yes Ma’am!”
entitled “Complete Me!”. I will group you into two, everyone
from the left side will be group 1, and everyone from the
opposite side will be group 2. I have here two small paper bags
for each group and you are going to solve the jigsaw puzzle
inside it. Is that clear?”
“Before we start, what is the GROUPS rule when we’re having “Get along, Respect each other’s ideas On task, Use quiet
a group activity?” voices, Participate actively, and Stay in your group.”
“Very good!”
4. Activity Proper
“Are you ready?” “Yes, we are!”
“You only have 10 minutes to solve the puzzle, timer starts (Everyone participates in the activity)
(after 10 minutes)
“Time is up!”
“Congratulations everyone, I have noticed that each of you (Everyone claps)
actively participated. I hope that you’ll continue to have that
behavior in class.”
“Going back in our activity, do you have any idea on what “The Male reproductive system.”
image is formed in the puzzle, Group 1?”
“Correct! What about the Group 2?” “The Female reproductive system”
“Very good!”
D. Explain
1. Discussion
“For today's lesson, we are going to identify the main parts of “The reproductive system is one of the most vital systems in
the male and female reproductive system and describe their the human body since it is essential to the continuation and
functions. What comes into your mind when you hear about survival of the humanity.”
reproductive system?”
“Very good! From the puzzle that you’ve solved, please give “Penis, it is the external part of the male reproductive organ.”
one main part of the male reproductive system and describe it.”
“That’s right! Penis is the external male organ composed of “I think its function is to deposit sperm cells into the vagina.”
spongy erectile tissues with a tip called glans. What do you
think is the main function of penis?”
“Very good! Kindly give another function of penis, anyone “Penis provides a means of urination.”
from the class?”
“Correct! Please specify another part of the male reproductive “Testis, these oval-shaped organs are located in the scrotum
system, raise your hands if you want to answer.” just below the penis.”
“Excellent! Testis is the main organ of the male reproductive “Its main function is to produce sperm cell and male sex
system. What is the main function of testis?” hormones.”
“Very good! What is sperm cell and male sex hormones?” “Sperm is the male reproductive cell and male sex hormones
are responsible for the changes that occurs in male’s body
during puberty. The main male sex hormone is testosterone.”
“That’s correct! Kindly state another part of the male “Scrotum is a part of the external male reproductive system
reproductive system.” located behind and underneath the penis. Its temperature
slightly lower than that of the rest of the body”
“To ensure the survival of the sperm inside the testis.”

“Yes! Why do you think its temperature is slightly lower than “The function of scrotum is to hold and protect the testis.”
the rest of our body?” “Epididymis, it is a long, narrow, flattened, highly coiled
“Very good! What then is the function of the scrotum?” cumulated ducts lying on the edge of the posterior border of the
“Absolutely! Please give another part of the male reproductive testes.”
system and describe it.” “It stores matured sperm and serves as the site where the sperm
cells gain ability to move which is necessary for fertilization.”
“That’s right! What is its function?” “Urethra is a duct that runs through the length of the penis and
opens to the outside.”
“Correct! Kindly provide another part ang describe it.” “Its function is to serve as the passageway for both urine from
the urinary bladder and semen from the glands.”
“That’s right! Anyone from the class who can tell me what’s “Vas Deferens, it is a long, muscular duct or tube that connects
the function of urethra?” the testis to the seminal vesicle and the urethra.”
“Very good! Urethra is the only passageway for both the urine
and sperm cell in a male’s body. Please state another part of the “It serves as the passageway of the sperm cells released from
male reproductive system,” the testes.”
“Excellent! What do you think is the function of Vas “The three accessory glands are Seminal vesicle, Bulbourethral
Deferens?” and Prostate gland.”
“It is responsible for secreting sugar-rich fluid that provides
“Correct! In a male reproductive system there are three energy for the sperm cell’s motility.”
accessory glands, anyone from the class who will identify those “Cowper’s Gland is responsible for releasing fluid that flashes
three? out foreign matters and neutralizes the acidic urine in the
“Wow! Very good! Seminal Vesicle is responsible for what?” urethra.”
“Prostate Gland secretes a fluid that neutralizes the acidity of
“That’s right! What about the Cowper’s Gland or also called the vagina to ensure the survival of the sperm.”
Bulbourethral Gland?” “Ovary, it is the main organ in the female reproductive system.
Females have two ovaries.”
“That’s correct! What about the Prostate Gland?”

“Very good! Those parts that we’ve discussed are parts of the
male reproductive system, what about the main parts of the “It produces egg cells and female sex hormones called
female reproductive system? Kindly give a main part and estrogen.”
describe it, again you have to raise your hands if you want to “Fallopian Tube, Female humans also have two of these, each
answer.” connecting to an ovary to the side of the uterus.”
“Yes, that’s right! Please explain what how do ovaries work.” “It is the usual site where egg cell and sperm cell meet for the
fertilization to occur.”
“Excellent! Specify another part of the female reproductive “Females will undergo menstruation to release the tissues that
system and describe it.” are no longer need by the body.”
“Correct! What is the function of the fallopian tubes?” “Uterus, it is a hollow muscular organ located at the lower
abdomen. It is also called the womb”
“Absolutely! What will occur every month if the egg cell didn’t “When an egg cell is fertilized, it will transform into a zygote
meet a sperm cell?” which will eventually develop as a fetus, it houses the baby for
“Wow! That’s right! Please give another main part and describe 9 months.”
it.” “Cervix, it is located at the lower part of the uterus. It is a
“Very good! We all came from our mother’s womb. Kindly narrow opening between the uterus and vagina. During
explain what is the main function of the uterus.” childbirth, it expands to allow the passage of the baby.”
“It remains closed until childbirth to protect the baby from
“Excellent! Give another part of the female reproductive possible infections.”
system.” “Vagina, it is a hollow, muscular tube that extends from the
cervix to the vaginal opening called vulva.”
“That’s correct! What do you think is the function of the “It expands to let the baby out during normal delivery, it is the
cervix?” passageway for the baby to come out.”
“Yes Ma’am!”
“Very good! What is the last part of the female reproductive
system?” “To take care of our reproductive organ, we have to take a bath
“Excellent! Vagina is also called the birth canal, why do you every day and wash our reproductive organ.”
think so?”
“Correct! Do you understand the parts and functions of the “Always wear a clean, dry, and comfortable undergarments.
male and female reproductive system?” Avoid borrowing someone’s undergarments as it might cause
“Very good! Well, then let’s now move on, how should we take several infections”
care of our reproductive organs? Kindly share your ideas in our
class.” “Do not use too much detergent when washing your
“Correct! Taking a bath every day is a must. Make sure to wash underwear, as much as possible rinse it thoroughly with clean
your external reproductive organs with just a mild soap to avoid water, dry it and store in a clean place.”
irritations then rinse it with water once or twice every day. “Yes Ma’am!”
Please offer additional thoughts.”
“Yes, that’s right. Kindly offer some more suggestions on how “Yes Ma’am, it is important to stay clean and healthy. Taking
to take care of our reproductive organs.” care of ourselves is a basic activity for our body to stay safe
and healthy. Personal hygiene is essential for us to avoid
“Excellent! Aside from what you have said, it is also important diseases and infections.”
to drink plenty of water and to eat healthy foods. Is that clear?” “Yes Ma’am!”
“Alright, do you think we have to follow or do these ways
every day?”

“Very good! That concludes our lesson for today, do you

understand our lesson?”
E. Elaborate
1. Generalization
“After our discussion, what have you learned?” “Human are able to reproduce because we have reproductive
system in both males and females.”
“Correct! Kindly choose one main part of the male reproductive ” Testis is the main organ of the male reproductive system that
system, then describe and state its function.” produces sperm cells and male sex hormones like
“Very good! Please specify at least one main part of the female testosterone.”
reproductive system, describe it and explain how it works.” “Cervix is the small opening right below the uterus which
expands when it’s time for the baby to come out. Its function is
“Impressive! How do you think can we take care of our to protect the baby from infections.”
reproductive system.? “To take care of our reproductive system, we should take a
bath, wash our external reproductive organ with mild soap and
rinse it with clean water every day. Wear clean, dry and
“Very good!” comfortable undergarments. Drink plenty of water and eat
healthy foods.”
2. Application
Essay Writing.
“To test your understanding, in a one whole sheet of paper, “Yes Ma’am!”
write a short essay and discuss the importance of proper
hygiene and how will you maintain the cleanliness of your
reproductive organ. I will give you 15 minutes to do this, later
on I will collect your papers and choose at least one to read
his/her work. Do you understand?”
F. Evaluate
Direction: Read the statements carefully and identify what is
being asked.
“In a ¼ sheet of paper, identify what is being asked, choose the “Yes Ma’am”
answer from the box provided below. Do you understand,
Penis Ovary Key to correction:
Urethra Uterus Testis 1. Urethra
2. Cowper’s Gland
1. It is a tube that carries the urine and sperm out of the 3. Uterus
body. 4. Ovary
2. Its main function is to deposit sperm cell into the 5. Testis
3. It is a hollow organ which serves as a home to a
developing fetus.
4. Part of the female organ that produces egg cells.
5. An organ that produces sperm cells.

Directions: In a short bond paper, differentiate the male and female reproductive system using a Venn

Prepared by:
Student Teacher

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