ST Barnabas APPEAL Final Rev A

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June 07, 2023

His Excellency
The Most Rev. Mitchell T. Rozanski
Archbishop of St. Louis
20 Archbishop May Drive
Saint Louis, MO 63119
RE: Appeal Against the Extinctive Merger of Saint Barnabas the Apostle Parish

Your Excellency,
I serve as Procurator for parishioners from Saint Barnabas the Apostle Parish, 1400 North Main St,
O’Fallon, MO (hereinafter referred to as “St. Barnabas”). A copy of my mandates is enclosed
(Attachment 1—Mandates). As a member of the Parish, I am writing on their behalf, as well as my
We oppose the extinctive merger of the Parish, subsumed into Assumption Pastorate, as provided in
your Decree promulgated to the Parish on 28 May 2023. The decision was made as part of a larger,
Archdiocese of St. Louis initiative entitled, “All Things New.” The decision was not made relative to
the specific situation of our Parish. In review of the process and motivations found in the Decree, we
contest that our rights were properly protected and the motivation is insufficient to be considered a
proper cause for the extinctive merger of a parish, or our specific Parish.
As provided by the Holy See in its 29 June 2020 document: Instruction "The pastoral conversion
of the Parish community in the service of the evangelizing mission of the Church", of the Congregation
for the Clergy:
48….Moreover, the suppression of Parishes by extinctive union is legitimate for
causes directly related to a specific Parish. Some causes are not sufficient, such
as, for example, the scarcity of diocesan clergy, the general financial situation of a
Diocese, or other conditions within the community that are presumably reversible
and of brief duration (e.g., numerical consistency, lack of financial self-
sufficiency, the urban planning of the territory). As a condition for the legitimacy
of this type of provision, the requisite motivations must be directly and organically
connected to the interested Parish community, and not on general considerations
or theories, or based solely ‘on principle’.
49. Apropos to the erection or suppression of Parishes, it must be borne in mind
that every decision must be adopted by means of a formal decree, given in
writing[58]. Consequently, it is considered contrary to canonical norms to issue a
single provision aimed at producing a reorganization of a general character,

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either of the entire Diocese, a part of it, or of a group of Parishes, by means of a
singular administrative act, general decree or particular law (added emphasis).
In your Decree, you provide four reasons in summary form for your decision, which are addressed
1. “In 2022, Saint Barnabas the Apostle Parish had 282 Catholic households, 144 fewer than in
Registered households at Saint Barnabas were within 350-426 between 2013-2021, with
a decline from 426 to 350 between 2013 and 2018, and increase to 388 in 2021 (Attachment
2—St. Barnabas Parish Demographic Data).
The number of registered Catholics in the parish trends upwards since 2018: 681
in 2018, 683 in 2019, 704 in 2020, 755 in 2021.
In May of 2021 our pastor retired. Ordinary Masses were not staffed by the
Archdiocese. Only one Sunday Traditional Latin Mass (TLM) was permitted by the
In June 2022, Fr. Linus Dolce was placed in a temporary assignment to celebrate daily
and Sunday Traditional Latin Mass and offer the Sacraments.
Despite the lack of a parish priest, the percentage of active households who attend
weekly mass and donate weekly is far greater than any other Parish in the area. The statistic
cited in the Decree is an unfortunate data point that reflects, without context, that St. Barnabas
has lacked a Parish priest for over 2 years, yet still collecting donations and inspiring strong
participation by the laity.
St. Barnabas was demographically strong and growing, until losing the Pastor and
full Mass schedule.

2. “The parish has averaged 5 infant baptisms and 10 funerals annually for the past five years”

This cited data, taken out of context, is misleading. The parish averaged over double the
cited statistic, over 10 Baptisms a year, in the last 2 years before our pastor retired. St. Barnabas
has a well-attended daily Mass and daily Confessions. St. Barnabas is demographically a young
parish (Attachment 2). St. Barnabas also has had 6 religious vocations declared in the last 10
years (Attachment 3—Recent Religious Vocations from St. Barnabas Parish) which is a very
high percentage based on our Parish size. We encourage the Archdiocese to consider all
relevant data fairly, especially on matters concerning the salvation of souls.

3. “Assumption Parish reports that most of the Catholic households in the boundaries of Saint
Barnabas the Apostle Parish have asked to be counted as members of Assumption Parish.”

This assertion, even if factual, does not provide a valid reason to abandon a healthy,
growing parish in an area that is also demographically growing. Many St Barnabas Parishioners
are from outside the parish boundary and have made St Barnabas their parish home. St Charles
County is experiencing significant population growth, and St Barnabas is projected to continue
membership growth in proportion to the growth in the area.

Page 2 of 5
4. “In 2013, a pastor introduced the celebration of the Most Holy Eucharist on Sunday according
to the Roman Missal of 1962. The faithful who prefer such celebrations of the Holy Eucharist
have become the greater part of the worshiping assembly at Saint Barnabas Parish, and Pope
Francis by motu proprio Traditionis Custodes art. 3 has instructed that that territorial parochial
churches are not suitable for such celebrations.”

The Traditional Latin Mass (TLM) is the only Liturgy offered at Saint Barnabas
as of May 2021. We assert that reinstating the celebration of the Ordinary Mass will
enable St Barnabas to recover former parishioners, and continue to grow, consistent with
the growth of the Greater St Charles Area.

Regarding the preservation of the Latin Mass in St Charles County, we offer four
alternate proposals for consideration, for the salvation of souls and in accordance with Canon
1) Proclaiming the current location as the “St. Barnabas Oratory,” to recognize the “de facto”
Oratory status we already had, by proclamation of Your Excellency and your bishops,
vicars and leaders, as of April 2021 (thus a status we effectively had well before the July
2021 issuance of Traditionis Custodes, and its moratorium on “new” Oratories);
2) Whether proclaiming us an Oratory, or preserving us as a stand-alone parish, simply allow
us to “move” our TLM Sacrifice of the Holy Eucharist to another location (that could be the
school here on site at the parish, or elsewhere near-by);
3) Allow us to be considered a “part” of the Oratory of Sts. Gregory & Augustine but
considered a “St. Charles County location” or “satellite” location. Like #2 above, this could
include allowing us to have the TLM Sacrifice of the Holy Eucharist in any number of
locations, if it is not solely a “parish church.” Any such option would still be perfectly in
compliance with even the most recent re-script from Cardinal Hollerich, as many Bishops
are allowing for those of their faithful flock requesting it.
4) Our obedience to Pope Francis, the Second Vatican Council and even the re-script
announced by Cardinal Hollerich could include moving us to any chapel or available sacred
space, including (by way of just one example) the “chapel” or “old stone church” at
Assumption Parish in O’Fallon MO (just a short distance down the road from our current
St. Barnabas location).
Any one of these options is more suitable to solve potential future problems that this severe
Decree does not adequately solve. Namely:
1. The possibility that the Hispanic population will not leave their current parishes for a new
parish, while the Archdiocese must continue to maintain the facilities at a loss.
2. The salvation of souls who are attending St. Barnabas are potentially jeopardized by leaving
the Catholic church entirely.
3. Currently, the altar and organ at St. Barnabas are fully suitable for the Latin Mass. It would
require an investment to convert the altar and other ornamentals, and the organ would not
be used.

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We maintain, in agreement with multiple Canon Lawyers, and referencing decisions made in
precedence by other Archbishops (namely Bishop Thomas Paproki in Springfield, Illinois) that
these options are not in conflict with Traditionis Custodes.

The All Things New process has been an effort to respond to a demographic shift that is
reasonably reversible. St. Charles County and O’Fallon is growing rapidly. Additionally, St. Barnabas
was fiscally viable and growing financially through May 2021 (Attachment 4: St. Barnabas Parish
Year-End Financial Statements and Summary, 2017-2022). The parish was not a burden to the
Archdiocese whatsoever. In fact, according the demographics, St. Barnabas was one of the only
parishes that grew at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, growing from 350 registered households in
2020 to 388 registered households in 2021. St. Barnabas has no debt and substantial savings.
This financial schedule also shows a trend of strong revenue and operating income from 2016
to 2021, and highlights the damaging financial impact of removing the Pastor and the Ordinary Mass
in 2021. Also reflected are reductions in expenses and efforts to increase donations that will support
recovery and growth for a financially sound parish projected for 2024 and 2025.
From 2016 to 2022 the parishioners of St. Barnabas Parish invested substantially on capital
improvements. These improvements included the heating and air conditioning system, as well as the
roof. The useful life of these investments extends well out into the future. They were made in good
faith by faithful Catholics.
The message this sends to the entire Diocese is that any contributions for improvements to
any parish are subject to forfeiture, regardless of the financial health and growth prospects of
the Catholic community impacted. We believe that the unintended consequence of closing St
Barnabas will be a reluctance among Catholics in the Diocese to upgrade and maintain their
churches for fear of those Churches being closed by Decree.
Further, the Decree wrongly requires that our records are to be sent to the Archdiocese and not to
the subsuming parish. Like the archdiocesan policy that requires the administration of finances to be
handled at the diocesan level, this directive violates the identity and essential structure of the Parish as
a juridic person.
In closing, the process did not properly hear the people of our Parish. The planning process relied
heavily on convenient data while ignoring other valuable data, such as mass attendance and belief in
the True Presence in the Eucharist. In the bullet points listed as reasons for the merger, there is no
mention of financial history or viability of St. Barnabas. These decisions have not been explained
adequately to our community. The All Things New process presented the reorganization of a general
character of the Archdiocese as a whole, and the Decree of Amalgamation presents a reorganization of
a general character of Saint Charles County. There is a strong appearance that the decision to merge
our viable Parish is an expression of administrative preference and not a just cause. Reducing the
number of parishes in our area, with many Catholic households present, does not present increased
opportunities for evangelization, encouragement of vocations, or care of souls. It seems only to
advance a preference for a single, very large urban type parish. It is not acceptable to the parishioners
of St. Barnabas, who have given to the Parish in good faith, to be abandoned after our Pastor retired,

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and to be asked to accept a corrective plan that 100% of surveyed parishioners are opposed to
(Attachment 5—St. Barnabas Parish Survey, taken Sunday June 04, 2023, 82 Responses).

We beg you to reconsider your decision and revoke the Decree as it pertains to Saint Barnabas
Parish, thereby reinstating us a stand-alone parish with a proper pastor. We also respectfully advise the
Office of the Archbishop that if we receive an unsatisfactory reply from this letter, we will continue the
appeal process, and initiate other efforts to bring greater awareness to the situation, in hopes of a
satisfactory resolution. We are humbly available and would be thankful for the opportunity to discuss
any options further.
Therefore, on my own behalf and on behalf of the people for whom I hold
mandate, I beg Your Excellency to provide the following:
1. Revoke your 24 May 2023 Decree of Extinctive Union as it pertains to Saint
Barnabas Parish;
2. Suspend the implementation of the Decree pending the outcome of our

With assurances of my prayers, I remain,

Yours in Christ,

John Barry
71 N. Joyce Ellen Way, St. Peters MO 63376

Attachment 1: Procurator Mandate Samples
Attachment 2: St. Barnabas Parish Demographic Data
Attachment 3: Recent Religious Devotions from St. Barnabas Parish
Attachment 4: St. Barnabas Parish Year-End Financial Statements and Summary, 2017-2022
Attachment 5: St. Barnabas Parish Survey, taken Sunday June 04, 2023, 82 Responses

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Registered Profession of
Year Catholics Baptism Holy Communion Confirmation Marriage Funeral
Households Faith

2013 426 912 8 2 11 3 15

2014 404 853 4 4 7 1 18
2015 374 790 5 5 8 4 12
2016 372 763 2 4 9 0 13
2017 376 746 6 5 1 3 8
2018 350 681 2 3 5 3 11
2019 360 683 1 3 1 0 13
2020 350 704 10 1 12 1 8
Father Hager retired 4/30/2021 St. Barnabas celebrates one Latin Mass weekly
by visiting priests for 16 months. Parishioners
2021 388 755 11 13 6 2 8 leave for Novus Ordo Parishes.
2022 282 604 3 1 4 3 2 8 Father Linus assigned 9/1/2022
Parish Rolls were thoroughly cleaned up and all registered
parishioners were contacted to verify they wanted to remain
2023 200 429 6 2 6 8 2 2 registed at St. Barnabas the Apostle.

Some interesting Statistics on the parish

+ 155 of the 200 registered families regularly attend Holy Mass -77.5%
+ Of the 155 famiies who attend Mass-108 regularly contribute-this continues to fall due to the parish circumstances
+ 15 registered families-Who wished to remain registered but do not attend the Latin Mass still contribute to the parish
+ 7 registered families are homebound or in a nursing home

+ 9.80% aged 0-5 `

+ 9.6% aged 6-12
+ 5.83% aged 13-17
25.23% of the parishioners are children 17 and under `
+ 15.62% of the parishioners are 18-29
+ 10.02% of the parishioners are 30-39
+ 5.83% of the parishioners are 40-49
+ 10.49% of the parishioners are 50-59
67.19% of the parishioners are under 60 years old
+ 11.8% of the parishioners are 60-69
+ 10.25% of the parishioners are 70-79
+ 10.72% of the parishioners are over 70***

*** Of those parishioners aged 70+--- 53% regularly attend Mass and are active in parish life

Brother Stephen Marie, OSB

(Stephen Anthony Lober)
Our Lady of Annunciation at Clear Creek Abbey
Hulbert, Oklahoma

Sister Joanna Marie Kalinowski

(Paige Kalinowski)
Filiae Laboris Mariae
Minneapolis, Minnesota

Sister Mary Petra Kalinowski, osb

(Julia Kalinowski)
Benedictines of Mary, Queen of Apostles
Ava, Missouri

Curtis Prize (Seminarian, 5 years)

Kenrick-Glennon Seminary
Shrewsbury, Missouri

Michael Prize (Novitiate)

Dominican Friars of the Province of St Joseph (Eastern Province)
Cincinnati, Ohio

Frances Crocco (Postulant)

Daughters of Mary, Mother of Israel’s Hope
Winona, Texas
St. Barnabas the Apostle
Statement of Financial Position
For the Fiscal Year ending June 30, 2017

Current Year Prior Year

Cash & Investments
Parish Checking 87,326 83,971
Parish Organizational Checking 24,613 38,690
The St. Louis Archdiocesan Fund (SLAF)
Depositors' Fund 755,753 811,784
Restricted Endowment Fund 83,360 74,204
Other Assets
Total Assets 951,051 1,008,649

Liabilities & Net Assets

Accounts Payable 13,938 2,452
Accrued Expenses 9,060
Credit Cards - 1,182
Payroll Liabilities - -
Special Collections Payable 4,346 25
Due to Archdiocese (insurnace, assessments, priests benefits)
Other liabilities
Prepaid Tuition & Fees 6,625 6,310
Other (105)
Total Liabilities 24,909 18,923

Net Assets at Beginning of Year 989,725 1,049,689

Net Income (63,583) (59,964)
Total Net Assets 926,142 989,725

Total Liabilities & Net Assets 951,051 1,008,649

St. Barnabas the Apostle
Statement of Revenues and Expenses
For the Period July 1, 2016 - June 30, 2017

Parish Parish Next Year's

Accounts Organzations Total Prior Year Act Budget
Offertory Collections 318,375 318,375 326,954 318,500
Unrestricted Gifts 4,820 (3,693) 1,127 1,734 500
Restricted Gifts 8,750 (2,500) 6,250 1,355 10,700
Program Fees 7,479 - 7,479 8,810 8,000
Investment Income 3,345 43 3,387 3,642 3,300
Grant Revenue - Arch 3,324 3,324 2,745 3,900
Grant Revenue - Other 1,877 1,877 1,335 1,500
Fund Raisers 17,538 17,538 18,805 18,000
Organizations - 17,339 17,339 18,026 24,000
Other Income 5,991 5,991 6,905 3,525
Total Revenues 371,499 11,190 382,688 390,312 391,925

Personnel Costs 138,132 138,132 116,653 166,959

Supplies 39,202 214 39,416 31,616 30,780
Fees & Services 15,897 70 15,967 79,750 12,295
Organization Activity 25,483 25,483 23,645 22,550
Contract Services/Utilities 31,278 31,278 33,674 34,875
Repairs & Maintenance 29,284 29,284 12,288 21,550
Insurance Assessments 13,562 13,562 12,928 12,235
Education Assessments 11,166 11,166 11,433 10,687
Other Diocesan Support / Transfers 71,058 - 71,058 84,916 69,691
Total Expenses 349,580 25,766 375,346 406,903 381,622

Excess of Operating Revenues

over expenses 21,919 (14,577) 7,342 (16,591) 10,303

Earnings from Endowment 10,026 10,026 (1,949) 10,300.00
Capital Expenditures (80,952) - (80,952) (41,424) (125,000)

Excess (deficiency) of revenues

over expenses $ (49,006) $ (14,577) $ (63,583) $ (59,964) $ (104,397)

Net assets at the beginning of the year 989,725 1,049,689

Net assets at the end of the year $ 926,142 $ 989,725
St. Barnabas the Apostle
Statement of Financial Position
For the Fiscal Year ending June 30, 2017

Current Year Prior Year

Cash & Investments
Parish Checking 37,471 87,326
Parish Organizational Checking 24,839 24,613
The St. Louis Archdiocesan Fund (SLAF)
Depositors' Fund 619,662 755,753
Restricted Endowment Fund 59,709 83,360
Other Assets 20,516
Total Assets 762,197 951,051

Liabilities & Net Assets

Accounts Payable 3,357 13,938
Accrued Expenses
Credit Cards - -
Payroll Liabilities - -
Special Collections Payable 2,231 4,346
Due to Archdiocese (insurnace, assessments, priests benefits)
Other liabilities
Prepaid Tuition & Fees - 6,625
Total Liabilities 5,588 24,909

Net Assets at Beginning of Year 926,142 989,726

Net Income (169,534) (63,583)
Total Net Assets 756,608 926,142

Total Liabilities & Net Assets 762,197 951,051

St. Barnabas the Apostle
Statement of Revenues and Expenses
For the Period July 1, 2017 - June 30, 2018

Parish Parish Next Year's

Accounts Organzations Total Prior Year Act Budget
Offertory Collections 314,124 314,124 319,581 315,000
Unrestricted Gifts 415 415 1,127 250
Restricted Gifts 22,254 22,254 6,250 6,500
Program Fees 7,009 - 7,009 7,479 7,350
Investment Income 2,911 44 2,955 3,387 2,800
Grant Revenue - Arch 11,238 11,238 908 7,245
Grant Revenue - Other 2,419 2,419 4,293 2,400
Fund Raisers/Other 23,421 23,421 23,529 23,198
Organizations - 33,771 33,771 17,339 -
Merchant Account Fees (1,299) (1,299) (1,206) (1,300)
Total Revenues 382,492 33,815 416,307 382,687 363,444

Personnel Costs 141,281 141,281 138,132 160,911

Supplies 29,448 29,448 39,202 33,710
Fees & Services 9,709 9,709 16,179 10,393
Organization Activity 33,466 33,466 25,483 -
Contract Services/Utilities 33,872 33,872 31,278 36,144
Repairs & Maintenance 20,755 20,755 29,284 13,625
Insurance Assessments 12,235 12,235 13,562 12,774
Education Assessments 10,664 10,664 11,166 10,396
Other Diocesan Support / Transfers 65,690 - 65,690 71,058 63,253
Total Expenses 323,654 33,466 357,120 375,345 341,206

Excess of Operating Revenues

over expenses 58,838 349 59,187 7,343 22,238

Earnings from Endowment 4,556 4,556 10,026 4,766.00
Capital Expenditures (233,277) - (233,277) (80,952)

Excess (deficiency) of revenues

over expenses $ (169,883) $ 349 $ (169,534) $ (63,583) $ 27,004

Net assets at the beginning of the year 926,142 989,726

Net assets at the end of the year $ 756,608 $ 926,142
St. Barnabas the Apostle
Statement of Financial Position
For the Fiscal Year ending June 30, 2019

Current Year Prior Year

Cash & Investments
Parish Checking 74,584 37,471
Parish Organizational Checking 31,079 24,839
The St. Louis Archdiocesan Fund (SLAF)
Depositors' Fund 628,852 619,662
Restricted Endowment Fund 61,293 59,709
Other Assets - 20,516
Total Assets 795,809 762,197

Liabilities & Net Assets

Accounts Payable 2,969 3,357
Accrued Expenses
Credit Cards 149 -
Special Collections Payable 4,301 2,231
Due to Archdiocese (insurnace, assessments, priests benefits)
Other liabilities
Prepaid Tuition & Fees - -
Total Liabilities 7,419 5,588

Net Assets at Beginning of Year 756,609 926,143

Net Income 31,782 (63,583)
Total Net Assets 788,390 756,609

Total Liabilities & Net Assets 795,809 762,197

St. Barnabas the Apostle
Statement of Revenues and Expenses
For the Period July 1, 2018 - June 30, 2019

Parish Parish Next Year's

Accounts Organzations Total Prior Year Act Budget
Offertory Collections 309,510 309,510 314,124 314,544
Unrestricted Gifts 243 243 415 250
Restricted Gifts 18,578 18,578 22,254 15,500
Program Fees 7,883 - 7,883 7,009 5,700
Investment Income 4,328 72 4,400 2,955 3,300
Grant Revenue 7,046 7,046 13,657 9,550
Fund Raisers/Other 19,368 19,368 23,421 14,275
Organizations - 36,752 36,752 33,771 30,900
Merchant Account Fees (1,605) (1,605) (1,299) (1,600)
Total Revenues 365,352 36,824 402,176 416,307 392,419

Personnel Costs 145,484 145,484 141,281 147,618

Supplies 26,917 - 26,917 29,448 49,681
Fees & Services 11,542 11,542 9,709 10,652
Organization Activity - 30,660 30,660 33,466 -
Contract Services/Utilities 32,345 32,345 33,872 32,898
Repairs & Maintenance 26,115 26,115 20,755 28,500
Insurance Assessments 12,774 12,774 12,235 13,302
Education Assessments 10,396 10,396 10,664 11,276
Other Diocesan Support / Transfers 60,734 - 60,734 65,690 61,659
Total Expenses 326,305 30,660 356,965 357,120 355,586

Excess of Operating Revenues

over expenses 39,047 6,165 45,211 59,187 36,833

Earnings from Endowment 2,177 2,177 10,026 1,525.00
Capital Expenditures (15,606) - (15,606) (233,277) (175,000)

Excess (deficiency) of revenues

over expenses $ 25,618 $ 6,165 $ 31,782 $ (164,064) $ (136,642)

Net assets at the beginning of the year 756,609 92,613

Net assets at the end of the year 788,391 $ 756,609
St. Barnabas the Apostle Catholic Church
Statement of Financial Position
For the Fiscal Year ending June 30, 2020

Current Year Prior Year

Cash & Investments
Parish Checking 157,493 74,584
Parish Organizational Checking 34,838 31,079
The St. Louis Archdiocesan Fund (SLAF)
Depositors' Fund 576,157 628,852
Restricted Endowment Fund 58,796 61,293
Other Assets - -
Total Assets 827,285 795,809

Liabilities & Net Assets

Accounts Payable 2,625 2,969
Credit Cards 471 149
Special Collections Payable - 4,301
Other liabilities
Notes Payable - PPP Loan 27,980 -
Other (180)
Total Liabilities 30,896 7,419

Net Assets at Beginning of Year 788,390 926,143

Net Income 7,998 31,782
Total Net Assets 796,389 788,390

Total Liabilities & Net Assets 827,285 795,809

St. Barnabas the Apostle Catholic Church
Statement of Revenues and Expenses
For the Period July 1, 2019 - June 30, 2020

Parish Parish Prior Year

Accounts Organzations Total Actual
Offertory Collections 328,317 328,317 309,510
Unrestricted Gifts 7,093 7,093 243
Restricted Gifts 12,986 12,986 18,578
Program Fees 5,772 - 5,772 7,883
Investment Income 4,050 63 4,113 4,400
Grant Revenue 5,459 5,459 7,046
Fund Raisers/Other 25,954 700 26,654 19,368
Organizations - 27,071 27,071 36,752
Merchant Account Fees (2,170) (2,170) (1,605)
Total Revenues 387,460 27,834 415,294 402,176

Personnel Costs 156,145 156,145 145,484

Supplies 18,355 - 18,355 26,916
Fees & Services 5,241 5,241 11,542
Organization Activity - 24,076 24,076 30,660
Contract Services/Utilities 27,907 27,907 32,345
Repairs & Maintenance 16,926 16,926 26,115
Insurance Assessments 13,302 13,302 12,774
Education Assessments 11,276 11,276 10,396
Other Diocesan Support / Transfers 61,535 - 61,535 60,734
Total Expenses 310,687 24,076 334,763 356,965

Excess of Operating Revenues

over expenses 76,773 3,758 80,531 45,211

Earnings from Endowment 831 831 2,177
Capital Expenditures (73,364) - (73,364) (15,606)

Excess (deficiency) of revenues

over expenses $ 4,240 $ 3,758 $ 7,998 $ 31,782
St. Barnabas the Apostle Catholic Church
Statement of Financial Position
For the Fiscal Year ending June 30, 2021

Current Year FY21 Prior Year FY20

Cash & Investments
Parish Checking 53,941 157,493
Parish Organizational Checking 23,078 34,838
The St. Louis Archdiocesan Fund (SLAF)
Depositors' Fund 579,112 576,157
Restricted Endowment Fund 71,100 58,796
Other Assets 2,406 -
Total Assets 729,637 827,285

Liabilities & Net Assets

Accounts Payable 3,228 2,625
Credit Cards - 471
Special Collections Payable - -
Other liabilities
Notes Payable - PPP Loan - 27,980
Other - (180)
Total Liabilities 3,228 30,896

Net Assets at Beginning of Year 796,389 788,390

Net Income (69,981) 7,998
Total Net Assets 726,409 796,389

Total Liabilities & Net Assets 729,637 827,285

St. Barnabas the Apostle Catholic Church
Statement of Revenues and Expenses
For the Period July 1, 2020 - June 30, 2021

Parish Parish Prior Year

Accounts Organzations Total Actual
Offertory Collections 341,495 341,495 328,317
Unrestricted Gifts 2,450 2,450 7,093
Restricted Gifts 23,784 (3,000) 20,784 12,986
Program Fees 6,289 - 6,289 5,772
Investment Income 1,906 43 1,949 4,113
Grant Revenue 33,329 33,329 5,459
Fund Raisers/Other 34,276 - 34,276 26,654
Organizations - 9,196 9,196 27,071
Merchant Account Fees (2,653) (2,653) (2,170)
Total Revenues 440,877 6,239 447,116 415,294

Personnel Costs 164,317 164,317 156,145

Supplies 23,630 39 23,668 18,355
Fees & Services 9,956 9,956 5,241
Organization Activity - 17,162 17,162 24,076
Contract Services/Utilities 26,848 26,848 27,907
Repairs & Maintenance 18,831 18,831 16,926
Insurance Assessments 13,372 13,372 13,302
Education Assessments 11,251 11,251 11,276
Other Diocesan Support / Transfers 65,462 - 65,462 61,535
Total Expenses 333,667 17,200 350,868 334,763

Excess of Operating Revenues

over expenses 107,210 (10,961) 96,248 80,531

CARES Act Funding 27,980.00 27,980
Earnings from Endowment 15,383 15,383 831
Capital Expenditures (209,592) - (209,592) (73,364)

Excess (deficiency) of revenues

over expenses $ (59,020) $ (10,961) $ (69,981) $ 7,998
St. Barnabas the Apostle Catholic Church
Statement of Revenues and Expenses
For the Period July 1, 2021 - June 30, 2022

Parish Parish Projected

Accounts Organzations FY22 Prior FY21 FY23
Offertory Collections 172,736 172,736 341,495 167,450
Unrestricted Gifts 1,550 1,550 2,450 375
Restricted Gifts 26,776 (312) 26,464 20,784 25,068
Program Fees 1,422 - 1,422 6,289 1,368
Investment Income 1,240 14 1,254 1,949 1,190
Grant Revenue 1,107 1,107 33,329 324
Fund Raisers/Other 8,203 - 8,203 34,276 15,600
Organizations - 1,585 1,585 9,196 2,400
Merchant Account Fees (1,705) (1,705) (2,653) (1,683)
Total Revenues 211,329 1,287 212,616 447,116 212,092

Personnel Costs 163,169 163,169 164,317 218,176

Supplies 12,697 - 12,697 23,668 10,030
Fees & Services 11,575 980 12,555 9,956 6,130
Organization Activity - 16,223 16,223 17,162 1,600
Contract Services/Utilities 26,330 26,330 26,848 25,816
Repairs & Maintenance 12,459 12,459 18,831 14,170
Insurance Assessments 13,656 13,656 13,372 14,376
Education Assessments 11,345 11,345 11,251 11,733
Other Diocesan Support / Transfers 35,146 - 35,146 65,462 36,357
Total Expenses 286,377 17,203 303,580 350,868 338,388

Excess of Operating Revenues

over expenses (75,048) (15,916) (90,964) 96,248 (126,296)

CARES Act Funding - - 27980 0
Earnings from Endowment (9,709) (9,709) 15,383 (2,704)
Capital Expenditures - - - (209,592) -

Excess (deficiency) of revenues

over expenses $ (84,757) $ (15,916) $ (100,673) $ (69,981) $ (129,000)
St. Barnabas the Apostle Catholic Church
Statement of Revenues and Expenses
For the Period July 1, 2021 - June 30, 2022

Current Year FY22 Prior Year FY21

Cash & Investments
Parish Checking 24,712 53,941
Parish Organizational Checking 5,905 23,078
The St. Louis Archdiocesan Fund (SLAF)
Depositors' Fund 536,520 579,112
Restricted Endowment Fund 58,172 71,100
Other Assets 2,893 2,406
Total Assets 628,202 729,637

Liabilities & Net Assets

Accounts Payable 2,435 3,228
Credit Cards - -
Special Collections Payable - -
Other liabilities
Notes Payable - -
Other - -
Total Liabilities 2,435 3,228

Net Assets at Beginning of Year 726,409 796,389

Net Income (100,642) (69,981)
Total Net Assets 625,767 726,409

Total Liabilities & Net Assets 628,202 729,637

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