Internal Memo

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Aneesha Zephyrine 501127677 281I

Internal Memo
1. Memo Component

TO: Monarchy Technology Staff

FROM: Aneesha Zephyrine
SUBJECT: How to Write an Accessible Document
DATE: November 5, 2021

Hello everyone,

In our establishment, we believe it is essential that documents are accessible for every one of our
employees. No matter our race, gender, sexuality, or disability, it is vitally necessary that no one
is excluded at Monarchy Technology when accessing documents.

When creating documents, sometimes we forget that some people cannot access our documents
as easily as the rest of us. For some people, especially those with sight disabilities, it can be a bit
more challenging to access documents without assistance. However, there are things that we can
do to make work-life easier for those with disabilities.

Here are some things you could do to make documents truly accessible to everyone:
● Use headings
○ Headings give the documents a sense of organization (Anonymous, n.d.)
● Use bullet points
○ Instead of listing words, phrases, or definitions in a paragraph, using bullet points
could help the readers look through the information quickly and easier
(Anonymous, n.d.)
● Documents should be clear and simple
○ This prevents readers from becoming confused
● Avoid colour
Aneesha Zephyrine 501127677 281I

○ Some people, for example, those who cannot see colour, can’t see the difference
between the different colours
● Use the Accessibility Check option
○ This will give you warnings, errors, and tips to make the document more
● Use the accessible PDF option when turning a document into a PDF
○ The accessible PDF option ensures that you do not lose any of the accessibility
features when converting the document into a PDF (Anonymous, n.d.)
● Only use headers for decoration instead of information
○ Since headers cannot be read by assistive technologies, they should be used
purely for decorative purposes
● When adding images to documents, include a small text below, describing the photo
○ This way, those who cannot see the image can know what is going on in the photo
(Anonymous, n.d.)
● Include a table of contents
○ Adding a table of contents helps visually impaired readers navigate through the
document easily
● Use black text on a white background
○ Have contrast between the text colour and the background colour as some readers
may find it difficult if the text and background colours are similar (Creating
Accessible Documents Tip, 2021)
● Use a clear and readable font
○ Use fonts such as Times New Roman or Arial as they are easy to read. Avoid
fonts with cursive letters or that are too bold, as it is more challenging to read
● Use font size 12
○ Font size should be between 12pt-18pt (Creating Accessible Documents Tip,
● Use normal or expanded line/paragraph spacing
○ Condensed lines become difficult to read (Creating Accessible Documents Tip,
Aneesha Zephyrine 501127677 281I

Adding these small habits to our daily work lives would make our workplace more inclusive for
everybody. Our workplace must be inclusive of everyone’s differences. This includes race, age,
ethnicity, sexuality, gender, social class, religion, political beliefs, and disability. To create an
inclusive environment, we should embrace our diversity and create a workplace where everyone
feels welcome and accepted, despite what makes us unique.

Thank you for your cooperation,


Aneesha Zephyrine (she/her) | Corporate Communications | Monarchy Technology

2. Reflection Component

In the first summative assignment, synthesis and reflection, I defined a memo and
described some key components of memos. In my answer, I mentioned that memos should be
short and to the point. I believe that my memo went straight to the point, however, it is a bit long
because of the word limit. I also wrote that memos should be professional and jargon should not
be used. I used this key component in my memo above by using professional language and
avoiding any slang or abbreviations. I also wrote that grammatical errors and mistakes should
also be avoided. To achieve this, I read over my memo multiple times and used Grammarly to
check my writing. Lastly, I wrote that memos should be kept simple. I believe I did achieve this
while writing my memo as I followed the memo structure and even used bullet points to make
the writing easier to read. I would like to add that memos should have a heading that includes
who the memo is being sent to, who sent it, the subject of the memo, and the date. I would also
like to add that paragraphs in memos should not be ridiculously long as nobody wants to read
super long emails in the middle of their workday. Each paragraph should be short, from 2-3
sentences. I believe that I did achieve this in most of my writing, except for the conclusion,
because I wanted to add a bit more information on equity and diversity.
Aneesha Zephyrine 501127677 281I

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