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NB: saya buat berdasarkan kisi kisi

Tentu! Berikut adalah dua soal pilihan ganda menggunakan simple past tense untuk melengkapi kalimat
dengan kata yang tepat:

1. Yesterday, I __________ to the park with my friends.

a) go

b) went

c) goes

d) going

e) gone

2. She __________ her favorite book last night.

a) reads

b) reading

c) read

d) readed

e) have read


1. b) went

2. c) read

Tentu! Berikut adalah satu soal pilihan ganda menggunakan present perfect tense untuk melengkapi
kalimat dengan kata yang tepat:

1. They __________ their homework yet.

a) haven't finished
b) hasn't finished

c) didn't finish

d) haven't been finishing

e) hasn't been finishing


1. a) haven't finished

Tentu! Berikut adalah tiga soal pilihan ganda dalam bentuk recount dengan melengkapi kalimat

1. Yesterday, I went to the zoo with my family. We saw many ____________ such as lions, elephants,
and giraffes.

a) birds

b) fishes

c) monkeys

d) snakes

e) tigers


1. c) monkeys

2. Last weekend, I visited my grandparents' house. We spent the day ___________ in the garden and
enjoying a delicious homemade meal.

a) playing soccer

b) swimming in the pool

c) watching movies

d) having a picnic
e) shopping at the mall


2. d) having a picnic

3. During our school trip to the museum, we learned about the ____________ civilizations and saw
ancient artifacts.

a) modern

b) futuristic

c) medieval

d) contemporary

e) space-age


3. c) medieval

Tentu! Berikut adalah satu soal pilihan ganda untuk menentukan gambaran umum sebuah recount text:

1. What is the general idea of the recount text?

a) Describing a fun day at the beach

b) Sharing an exciting adventure in the mountains

c) Explaining the process of baking a cake

d) Narrating a family trip to the amusement park

e) Discussing the benefits of regular exercise


1. a) Describing a fun day at the beach

Tentu! Berikut adalah dua soal pilihan ganda tentang recount text dengan menentukan
informasi rinci:

1. What activity did the writer participate in during their school camping trip?
a) Hiking in the mountains
b) Building sandcastles on the beach
c) Exploring ancient ruins
d) Visiting a local museum
e) Having a picnic in the park

2. Where did the writer and their family go on their vacation?

a) A tropical island
b) A bustling city
c) A safari in Africa
d) A ski resort in the mountains
e) A historical landmark

1. a) Hiking in the mountains
2. e) A historical landmark

Tentu! Berikut adalah satu soal pilihan ganda tentang recount text dengan menemukan tujuan
komunikatif, menentukan rujukan kata, dan menentukan generic structure:

1. What is the purpose of the recount text?

a) To entertain the readers with a fictional story

b) To persuade the readers to take action

c) To inform the readers about a recent event

d) To instruct the readers on how to do something

e) To express the writer's personal opinion


1. c) To inform the readers about a recent event

Tujuan komunikatif dari recount text adalah untuk memberikan informasi kepada pembaca
mengenai suatu peristiwa atau pengalaman yang baru-baru ini terjadi.

Generic structure dari recount text biasanya terdiri dari:

- Orientation: memberikan latar belakang atau pengenalan mengenai peristiwa yang akan

- Events: menjelaskan secara kronologis peristiwa-peristiwa yang terjadi.

- Reorientation: menutup cerita dengan kesimpulan atau refleksi singkat terkait peristiwa yang
telah terjadi.

Dalam soal ini, kita fokus pada tujuan komunikatif dari teks tersebut.

Soal Bahasa Inggris Narrative Text tentang Malin Kundang:

Gambaran Umum (3 nomor pilihan ganda):

1. What is the main theme of the narrative text about Malin Kundang?

a. Love and forgiveness

b. Friendship and loyalty

c. Courage and bravery

2. Where does the story of Malin Kundang take place?

a. India

b. Indonesia

c. Japan

3. What is the central conflict in the story of Malin Kundang?

a. Malin Kundang's desire for wealth

b. Malin Kundang's disobedience towards his mother

c. Malin Kundang's search for his lost father

Informasi Rinci Tersurat (5 nomor pilihan ganda):

1. What did Malin Kundang's mother do for a living?

a. She was a fisherman.

b. She was a seamstress.

c. She was a farmer.

2. Why did Malin Kundang leave his hometown?

a. He wanted to explore the world.

b. He wanted to find his long-lost father.

c. He wanted to pursue a better life and wealth.

3. What happened to Malin Kundang when he returned to his hometown?

a. He was welcomed by his loving mother.

b. He was turned into a stone by a curse.

c. He became the richest man in the village.

4. Who cursed Malin Kundang?

a. A witch he had encountered during his journey.

b. His long-lost father who was disappointed in him.

c. His childhood friend who was jealous of his success.

5. How did Malin Kundang feel when he realized his mistake?

a. Regretful and remorseful

b. Proud and arrogant

c. Indifferent and apathetic

Persamaan Kata (3 nomor pilihan ganda):

1. Choose the word that is closest in meaning to "disobedient."

a. Obedient

b. Rebellious

c. Compliant

2. Which word is synonymous with "wealthy"?

a. Poor

b. Affluent

c. Destitute

3. What is another word for "cursed"?

a. Blessed

b. Damned

c. Fortunate

Asal Usul Legenda (1 nomor pilihan ganda):

1. Where does the legend of Malin Kundang originate from?

a. West Sumatra, Indonesia

b. Bali, Indonesia

c. Central Java, Indonesia

Legenda Berdasarkan Daerah (1 nomor pilihan ganda):

1. Which region in Indonesia is known for the legend of Malin Kundang?

a. West Java

b. West Sumatra

c. East Java

Informasi Tersirat (3 nomor pilihan ganda):

1. What can be inferred about Malin Kundang's relationship with his mother?

a. They had a close and loving relationship.

b. They had a strained and distant relationship.

c. They never had a chance to meet each other.

2. What does Malin Kundang's transformation into a stone symbolize?

a. The consequence of his disobedience

b. The power of forgiveness and redemption

c. The inevitability of destiny

3. What is the moral lesson conveyed by the story of Malin Kundang?

a. It is important to respect and obey parents.

b. Material wealth is the key to happiness.

c. Revenge is a justifiable response to betrayal.

Rujukan Kata (2 nomor pilihan ganda):

1. In the sentence "Malin Kundang was a courageous and ambitious young man," what does the word
"courageous" refer to?

a. Malin Kundang

b. Young man

c. Ambitious

2. In the sentence "His mother's voice echoed in his mind," what does the word "his" refer to?

a. Malin Kundang

b. Mother

c. Mind

Analisis Kerangka Teks (1 nomor pilihan ganda):

1. Which part of the narrative text usually introduces the main characters and setting?

a. Orientation

b. Complication

c. Resolution

Menyusun Kalimat Acak Menjadi Paragraf (1 nomor pilihan ganda):

Sure, here's a set of multiple-choice questions about the narrative text "Malin Kundang." The sentences
are arranged in a random order, and you need to choose the correct sequence to form a coherent

A. Malin Kundang had a beautiful wife and a child.

B. Malin Kundang turned into stone.

C. Malin Kundang's mother was heartbroken.

D. Malin Kundang was a young fisherman.

E. Malin Kundang was ungrateful to his mother.

Now, please choose the correct order for the sentences to form a coherent paragraph:

A. D, E, A, C, B

B. A, E, D, C, B

C. D, A, E, C, B

D. E, D, A, C, B

E. A,D,E,C,B

Jawabannya: C. D, A, E, C, B

The following are multiple choice questions about the song "Komang" and their answers:

1. The communicative purpose of a song is...

A. To entertain listeners

B. To teach a moral lesson

C. To describe the mood of the songwriter

D. To promote a product or service

E. There is no right answer

Answer: A. To entertain listeners

2. The moral message contained in the song "Komang" is...

A. Kindness and friendliness are always appreciated

B. Life is full of suffering

C. Success can only be achieved by material wealth

D. Life is unfair and don't expect others

E. There is no moral message contained in the song

Answer: A. Kindness and friendliness are always appreciated

3. The theme in the song "Komang" is...

A. Friendship

B. Love and romance

C. Natural beauty

D. Loss and grief

E. There is no clear theme in the song

Answer: A. Friendship

4. The correct word equation in the song "Komang" is...

A. Darling - Cruel

B. Sweet - Spicy

C. Warm - Cold

D. Light - Dark

E. There are no synonyms in the song

Answer: C. Warm - Cold

5. The term contained in the song "Komang" is...

A. Simile
B. Onomatopoeia

C. Metaphor

D. Hyperbole

E. There are no terms in the song

Answer: E. There are no terms in the song

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