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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region V
Schools Division of Masbate Province
Malaking Ilog, San Pascual, Masbate
S/Y 2021- 2022





SINAGPULO, Ike Dagohoy

COSIP, Julie-Anne Morales

DAGOHOY, Michelle Sinagpulo

DIOLA, Justin Sinagpulo

OLEDIANA, Queen Arian Rubio

BELORIA, Allen Mae Lutchavez

DIOLA, Angelie

CABASAN, Jerico Entoy

DEL CASTILLO, Franz Anjo Sinagpulo

COSIP, Analyn Intoy

Subject Teacher
Impact of Modular Distance Learning to the Academic Performance of Grade-11

Students 2021-2022


Modular distance learning is the new way of learning as an intervention and

response of DepEd in this Covid-19 crisis. This can help to continue our learning despite

pandemic. The purpose of this study was to assess the impact of modular distance

learning and its relationship to academic performance and implement an intervention

which is the five minutes educational tips. The researchers sought to find out:

1. What are the impacts of modular distance learning on the academic

performance of Grade 11 Students of Patrocinio Dela Torre National High

School, the School year 2021-2022?

2. Is there a relationship between modular distance learning to the

academic performance of Grade 11 students of Patrocinio Dela Torre

National School, the School year 2021-2022?

3. How can researchers help the students in the proper way of studying and

answering their modules?

The study used a quantitative-comparative method approach with using non-

probability purposive-convenience sampling 20 grade11 students were selected but only

sixteen were able to answer the survey. Only one university is the focus of the study. The

survey was used in gathering the data. The study was conducted by giving the students

an orientation about the modular distance learning which is covered in this study. They

answered the survey questionnaire focusing on the factors affecting academic

performance and challenges in modular distance learning.

Impact of Modular Distance Learning to the Academic Performance of Grade-11 Students A/Y 2021-2022 2
The study found out that respondents are sometimes excited and sleepy while

answering the module, depend in the lesson and the number of activities. The maximum

hour/s that the student spent in answering the module in one subject is 30-1 hour and

they answer the modules thrice a week. Respondents agree that the most problems they

encounter is there are many activities need be completed in the module without any

explanation. Where most of them is no member of the family guides them in guiding the

modules. But the resources they accessed through the internet helped them understand

the core concepts of the module.

Results showed that teacher related factors are the most factors that can affect the

students’ academic performance during this modular distance learning. And during the

implementation of modular mode lots of challenges emerged. Where the distribution

modules are primary important. It should be distributed on time so that the students have

enough time to answer it.

The study also found out that the teacher gave a lot of time to complete challenging

tasks thus, they still have a chance to comply activity and the respondents sometimes

enjoying to answer their module alone rather than a brainstorming teamwork. Some of

them create a daily schedule of the subjects they needed to finish. Sometimes they are

motivated to complete all of the modules sometimes are not due to the lot distractions.

Impact of Modular Distance Learning to the Academic Performance of Grade-11 Students A/Y 2021-2022 3

We would like to thank those who served on our dissertation committee. First, to

our Teacher-In-Charge, Ma’am Queency S. Dagohoy, for letting us collect the data


Second, to our research adviser, Ma’am Chiara R. Sinagpulo, who had faith in us,

encouraged us, and tirelessly helped throughout this endeavor, her support, her

understanding, and her unwavering belief and encouragement that we would accomplish

our goal.

Third, to all the key informants who took part in this study, which is a big help for

the researcher in achieving the objective of the study, we appreciate all your help.

It is with deep appreciation that we acknowledge, our group leader Ike D.

Sinagpulo and our assistant group leader Julie-Anne M. Cosip, for their willingness and

enthusiasm for our project, who also encouraged us, mentored us, commiserated with us

over our disappointments, and celebrated with us over our accomplishments.

Most of all to Almighty God, His infinite wisdom has given us the ability to overcome

difficulties and succeed in our research.

Impact of Modular Distance Learning to the Academic Performance of Grade-11 Students A/Y 2021-2022 4
1.1 Background of the Study ............................................................................... 8-10
1.2 Conceptual Framework ..................................................................................... 10
1.3 Statement of the Problem ................................................................................. 11
1.4 Purpose Statement ........................................................................................... 11
1.5 Hypothesis ........................................................................................................ 12
1.6 Significance of the Study .............................................................................12-13
1.7 Definition of Terms ............................................................................................ 12
1.8 Scope of Delimitation ........................................................................................ 15
2.1 Theoretical Framework ................................................................................16-18
2.1.1 Moore’s Transactional Distance Theory
2.1.2 Holmberg’s Theory and Practice of Distance Education
2.2 Related Literatures.......................................................................................19-24
2.2.1 Factors Affecting Academic Performance
2.2.2 Challenges in Modular Distance Learning
2.2.3 Academic Performance of the Students in Modular Distance Learning
2.3 Bridging the Gap the gap of the study ......................................................... 24-25
2.4 Conclusion ........................................................................................................ 25
3.1 Methodology ..................................................................................................... 27
3.2 Research Design .............................................................................................. 28
3.3 Population and Study Sample .....................................................................28-29
3.4 Instrumentation ............................................................................................29-30
3.4.1 Survey
3.5 Data Analysis .................................................................................................... 30
3.6 Validity.......................................................................................................... 30-31
3.7 Reliability ........................................................................................................... 31
3.8 Ethical Consideration ........................................................................................ 32
4.1 Result Presentation and Discussion ................................................................. 33
4.1.1 Survey Result ............................................................................................34-35
4.1.2 Comparison of General Weighted Average ................................................... 36
4.2 Summary .....................................................................................................36-37
5.1 Summary of Findings ................................................................................38-39
5.2 Conclusion....................................................................................................... 39
5.3 Recommendation .......................................................................................40-41

Impact of Modular Distance Learning to the Academic Performance of Grade-11 Students A/Y 2021-2022 5
Appendix 1 ............................................................................................................. 46
Appendix 2 .............................................................................................................. 47
Appendix 3 .............................................................................................................. 48
Appendix 4 .........................................................................................................49-52
Appendix 5 .........................................................................................................53-63
Appendix 6 .........................................................................................................64-66
The Researchers Information……………………………………………………… 67-76
➢ Table 1. Factors Affecting Academic Performance…….……………………34
➢ Table 2 Challenges in Modular Distance Learning…………….……………35
➢ Figure 1.2.1 Conceptual Paradigm……………………………..…………...…….10
➢ Figure 1.5.1 Hypothesis Paradigm…………………………………………………12
➢ Figure 2.1.1 Moore’s Transactional Distance Theory……...…………………18
➢ Figure 2.1.2 Holmberg’s Theory and Practice of Distance Education……..…..18
➢ Graph 1 Comparison of General Weighted Average……………………………36

Impact of Modular Distance Learning to the Academic Performance of Grade-11 Students A/Y 2021-2022 6

COVID-19 pandemic affected most of our society because of its health risks that

may lead to danger. One of the affected sectors was education, and it resulted in the

suspension of classes to avoid the spread of the virus. Despite the pandemic, the

Secretary of Education, Leonor Magtolis Briones, reiterated that the DepEd maintains its

commitment to provide quality education to all Filipinos and make education accessible

to all (Malipot, 2020). Due to the health threat of a pandemic, the DepEd decided to bring

education to the comfort of their homes as they continuously developed different learning

modalities to ensure that education is accessible to all and ensure the continuity of

learning (Betlen, 2021). The sudden transition from the traditional to the new normal in

the teaching and learning process, where three learning modalities were offered by the

DepEd; blended, distance, and homeschooling learning modalities.

Blended distance learning is combining face-to-face with any, or a mix of other

learning modalities or a combination of online distance learning, modular distance

learning, and TV/radio-based instruction. They learn with the assistance of the teacher

and learn on their own. While distance learning is a mode using self-learning modules.

Where learners are studying on their own. The teacher and the students are distant from

each other during the teaching-learning process. The types of this modality are modular

distance learning, online distance learning, and TV/radio-based instruction. On the other

hand, the homeschooling learning modalities is a delivery mode that provides learners

basic education in their homes.

In the alternative learning modalities offered by the DepEd, 7.2 million student

enrollees preferred modular distance learning, TV/radio-based instruction, and 2 million

Impact of Modular Distance Learning to the Academic Performance of Grade-11 Students A/Y 2021-2022 7
preferred online learning modalities based on the Learner Enrollment and Survey Forms

(Malipot, 2020). After a DepEd poll indicated that 8.8 million parents supported MDL, it is

now utilized in all public schools. The most popular way of distance learning among

parents with children enrolled this academic year is learning through printed modules.

Learners in rural areas with poor internet connectivity and no access to online learning

are adopting the modular distance approach and most of the online enrollees are he urban


The study measured the impact of modular distance learning on the academic

performance of Grade 11 students, find out if there is any relationship between modular

distance learning and academic performance, and what is the intervention base on the

findings of the study.


Modular distance learning is playing a vital role not only in the learning of the

students but also serves as a way of building a ‘Bayanihan’ starting to learners who can

be able to help each other in times of difficulties answering the Self-Learning Modules.

Modular learning is an approach that focuses on learning outcomes and relies on

connecting objectives to student learning and course design to be successful (Biggs,

1999). According to Llego (2020), modular distance learning is students learning at their

own pace, in their way, and using self-learning modules (SLMs). Modular distance

learning can be printed or digital where the teacher is in charge of keeping track of the

students' progress. The students can contact the teacher via e-mail, phone, text

message/instant messaging, and other methods. Also, the teacher should make home

Impact of Modular Distance Learning to the Academic Performance of Grade-11 Students A/Y 2021-2022 8
visits to students who require remediation or support whenever possible. As a para-

teacher, any member of the family or other community stakeholder must be included.

Modular Distance Learning would help learners to be trained on time management,

setting their priorities, solving and answering the problem and questions given in their

modules, and helps learners mentally and it can be associated with developing self-

regulation skills by being independent.

To those learners with good perseverance and has a goal to fulfill this academic

year like having a good academic performance taking the SLM’s seriously and as part of

learning that at the end of the academic year they have learned that stock in their mind

as knowledge.

However, those students who lack encouragement to try to read, understand, and

answer the modules on their own and have a high bad influence by peers and technology

have a greatly negative impact in terms of their academic performance.

Academic performance is the knowledge gained which is assessed by marks by

a teacher and/or educational goals set by students and teachers to be achieved over a

specific period. The goals are measured by using continuous assessment or examination

results (Narad & Abdullah, 2016). This will be the basis of the students if their academic

achievement increases and understand the lesson; learners’ development decreases and

does not catch on the topic or no changes at all.

Modular Distance Learning implies a significant effect between the challenges and

status of modular learning as to learners' academic behavior and performance (Agarin,


Impact of Modular Distance Learning to the Academic Performance of Grade-11 Students A/Y 2021-2022 9
Patrocinio Dela Torre National High school adapted Modular Distance Learning to

cater to the educational needs of its learners. This study focused on the impact of modular

distance learning on the academic performance of Grade-11 students of Patrocinio Dela

Torre National High School Year 2021 – 2022.


• Name(optional)
INPUT • General Wieghted Average

• Profiling
• Survey Questionare
PROCESS • Data Analysis

• 5 Minutes Educational Tips


FIGURE 1.2.1. Conceptual Paradigm

The conceptual framework shows the study’s input, process, and output approach.

A socio-demographic profile such as name(optional) and general weighted average as

an independent variable. The process in the study is profiling, a survey questionnaire was

given to selected respondents of grade 11 students and the data were gathered by the

researchers. The output of the study was a 5 Minutes Educational Tips.

Impact of Modular Distance Learning to the Academic Performance of Grade-11 Students A/Y 2021-2022 10

This study aimed to determine the impact of modular distance learning on the

academic performance of grade 11 students in Patrocinio Dela Torre National High

School in Academic Year 2012-2022. It sought to answer the following question:

1. What are the impacts of modular distance learning on the academic performance

of Grade 11 Students of Patrocinio Dela Torre National High School, the School

year 2021-2022?

2. Is there a relationship between modular distance learning to the academic

performance of Grade 11 students of Patrocinio Dela Torre National School, the

School year 2021-2022?

3. How can researchers help the students in the proper way of studying and

answering their modules?


The purpose of the study was to know the most effective way of conveying

knowledge, whether face-to-face or through modular distance learning and to know the

impacts of the modular approach on the academic performance of grade 11 students. It

is a common phenomenon today which is why the researcher conducted the study and

collaborate ideas to solve effectively and accurately response the current problems. The

researcher implemented an intervention base on the result to help students cope with the

challenges in the modular approach. These 5 minutes educational tips video uploaded to

YouTube by the researcher to watch by the students or distributed through the Share-It


Impact of Modular Distance Learning to the Academic Performance of Grade-11 Students A/Y 2021-2022 11

This study believes that modular distance learning may have a positive and

negative impact on the academic performance of the students. The researcher assumes

that by giving tips to students on the proper way of studying, the problem of modular

distance would be responded only if the students followed it diligently. The 5 minutes

educational tips help students to be independent learners. Videos increase student

engagement, which in turn helps boost achievement.

/ affective


cognitive active
load learning

FIGURE 1.5.1 Hypothesis Paradigm


This study is not only beneficial to the researcher but also the following:

Student. It will help students enhance their strategy in answering their modules and

through giving a tip they slowly coping challenges in a new normal way of learning.

Impact of Modular Distance Learning to the Academic Performance of Grade-11 Students A/Y 2021-2022 12
Teacher. This study will provide a clue in how they effectively teach the students in a

modular distance approach and continue in teaching and supporting the students. It also

encourages them to improve their teaching performance.

Curriculum developers. They may use this study to improve their technique on doing

modules accurately and effectively.

Future Researchers. They may use this study as a reference for a similar subject and

field of interest and improve some essential details for the best result. This study will

provide the necessary information to support them in conducting their research studies.


Academic performance. The outcome of the students in various academic subjects.

It will be the basis of the students’ progress.

Academic Achievement. The extent to which a student or institution has achieved either

short- or long-term educational goals.


Challenges. The situation being faced with that needs great mental and physical effort

to be done successfully.


Distance learning – is an educational environment where the instructor and student are

separated by space and/ or time (Carrière and Harvey, 2001).

Education. It is knowledge and development resulting from an educational process.

Impact of Modular Distance Learning to the Academic Performance of Grade-11 Students A/Y 2021-2022 13
Five minutes educational tips. A video contains helpful tips in effectively managing time

in answering in module and passing it on time.

General weighted average (GWA). The average of grades in all subjects taken, whether

passed or failed. It is the result of combining the performance rating based on the

screening criteria or subject. It serves as the indicator of a student's academic

performance in a given semester or school year.

Guidance. Advice on vocational or educational problems given to the students.

Impacts. According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, it is a strong and often harmful

effect on (something or someone).

Literature. Wring in prose or verse, especially having excellence for expression and

expressing ideas in permanent or universal interest.

Methodology. The analysis of the principles or procedure of inquiry in a particular field.

Modular Distance Learning. A learning approach that uses printed modules where

teacher and students are geographically distant from each other.

Relationship. The connections of two things.

Students. A person who studies through a modular learning approach.

Teacher. A person who distributes Self Learning Modules or SLMs.

Impact of Modular Distance Learning to the Academic Performance of Grade-11 Students A/Y 2021-2022 14

The study's primary purpose is to determine the impact of modular distance

learning on the academic performance of grade 11 students in Patrocinio Dela Torre

National High School, the School Year 2021- 2022. The study considers the students'

personal information such as their name (optional) and their general weighted average in

Grade-9 and Grade-10.

The respondents involve in this study were 16 students enrolled in Patrocinio Dela

Torre National High School. Each of the respondents was given a questionnaire to

answer. The survey questionnaire was given to the students personally by the researcher

and all respondents are gathered in one place to answer at the same time. So that if the

respondents have a question regarding the questionnaire the researcher can answer it

immediately. Then it would be collected after they finish it. The respondents would be

conveniently selected from two different sections and get their objective perceptions. The

research lasted six months.

Impact of Modular Distance Learning to the Academic Performance of Grade-11 Students A/Y 2021-2022 15
This chapter compiles a review of the literature as well as studies from journals

and publications that are pertinent to the current research. The researchers were able to

collect knowledge for the current investigation thanks to these works.

Previous research on the impact of modular distance learning on students'

academic performance will be described in the next part; some studies are linked to other

learning modes such as online distance learning.


The study aims to find the impact of modular distance learning on the academic

performance of grade 11 students in Patrocinio Dela Torre National High School. Michael

G. Moore, in his Theory of Transactional Distance, posits that in distance learning

scenarios, the separation between the teacher and students can “lead to communication

gaps, a psychological space of potential misunderstandings between the behaviors of

instructors and those of the learners” (Moore & Kearsley, 1996). This psychological and

communication gap may be fatal to our goal of continuing to educate students during

school closures. Physical separation between instructor and learner can cause a potential

misunderstanding. This misunderstanding can lead to the student’s failure in academic


The transaction that we call distance education occurs between individuals who

are teachers and learners, in an environment that has the special characteristic of

separation of one from another, and a consequent set of special teaching and learning

behaviors. The nature of the transaction developed between teachers and students in

distance learning needs to consider three factors: dialogue, structure, and learner

Impact of Modular Distance Learning to the Academic Performance of Grade-11 Students A/Y 2021-2022 16
autonomy. Based on the understanding that learning takes place through interaction with

the learner's environment, this theory considers the role of each of these elements.

Dialogue refers to more than simply two-way communication, but considers all

forms of interaction, “within the context of clearly defined educational targets, cooperation

and understanding on the part of the teacher, and, ultimately, it culminates in solving the

learners’ problems” (Giossos et al., 2009). Indeed, for successful communication and

interaction, cooperation is the most important. Moore’s theory asserts that an inverse

relationship exists between these three factors, in that increases in one can lead to

corresponding decreases in others (McIsaac & Gunawardena, 1996). For example, a

course with an inflexible structure can lead to a decrease in the quality of dialogue and

sense of learner autonomy, thereby increasing the students’ perception of transactional

distance. However, Moore (1997) also notes that when course structure drops below a

particular threshold (although he does not specify what this is), the sense of transactional

distance can increase, due principally to the potential for learner confusion or


Börje Holmberg is best known for his Theory and Practice of Distance Education.

He regards distance education as the conversational interaction between the student on

the one hand and the tutor/adviser of the host organization. The central concepts of his

theory are motivation, empathy, non-contiguous communication, learner autonomy, and

interpersonal communication. To describe in Holmberg's way how distance teachers

should communicate with students to ensure real learning, he uses the analogy of the

conversation to describe the didactic conversation and derived seven postulates. Guided

didactic communication includes Simulated conversation (one-sided, presentation of

Impact of Modular Distance Learning to the Academic Performance of Grade-11 Students A/Y 2021-2022 17
materials) and Real conversation (two-sided between tutor and student). Examples of

simulated conversations are conversations like presentations of learning matter, self-

control exercises, review questions with model answers, and inserted questions. In

essence, Holmberg believes that by promoting empathy between learning and tutoring

parties through appropriate one- and two-way interactions, learners are motivated and

encouraged to participate personally in their studies. It also generally assumes that

"genuine learning is primarily an individual activity and can only be achieved through a

process of internalization". This assumption is one in which the theory of distance

education can be justified. The aim of his theory is therefore to support individualized



Figure 2.1.1 Moore’s Transactional Distance

Transactional Distance


Figure 2.1.2. Holmberg’s Theory and motivation
Practice of Distance Education


Impact of Modular Distance Learning to the Academic Performance of Grade-11 Students A/Y 2021-2022 18
2.2.1 Factors affecting academic performance

Abbasi and Mir (2012) posited that students themselves play critical roles in

getting good grades and must therefore explore all opportunities available within their

academic environment. Several studies have been carried out to identify causal factors

of poor academic performance in several institutions worldwide. Diaz (2003) reported that

most studies focus on the three elements that intervene, that is, home (family causal

factors), teachers (academic causal factors), and students (personal causal factors),

though the influence on academic performance varies from one academic environment

to another, from one set of students to the next, and indeed from one cultural setting to

another. It is also supported by the study of Olufemi et al. (2018), which revealed that

students’ factors, parental background, school factors, and teachers’ factors have a

serious influence on students’ academic performance.

Family income, according to Escarce (2003) has a profound influence on the

educational opportunities available to adolescents and their chances of educational

success. He also added that due to residential stratification and segregation, low-income

students usually attend schools with lower funding levels, have reduced achievement

motivation, and much higher risk of educational failure.

Alos et al. (2015) greatly emphasized the importance of having qualified teachers

in the field of teaching and said that the success of any program is conditioned by the

ability of the teacher to teach. If there is a failure at this point, the whole structure fails.

Hence, the implementation, selection, preparation, and supervision of education will be

affected. Moreover, Dewett (2007) mentioned that a good teacher is constantly on the

Impact of Modular Distance Learning to the Academic Performance of Grade-11 Students A/Y 2021-2022 19
alert for methods and instructional materials that will make learning meaningful. With the

wise selection and use of a variety of instructional materials or audio-visual materials,

experiences may be provided to develop understanding. Engin-Dermir (2009) explained

that lecturers play crucial roles in promoting educational growth and performance, and

that teacher’s qualifications, knowledge of the subject matter, enthusiasm, interaction with

students, method of lecture delivery and encouraging participation in discussions have a

positive and significant impact on students’ achievements. Heinesen (2010) maintained

that teachers’ ability and competence prove significant in improving students’

performance and that instructors’ teaching style enhances understanding of concepts


James (2009) pointed out that a student who is successful in his desired career

has good study habits. On the other hand, Kornell and Bjork’s studies revealed that only

about 2/3 of college students routinely quiz themselves, and a majority of student’s study

only one time for upcoming exams (Baker, 2012). Harb and El-Shaawari, (2006) have

reiterated that students perform poorly when the institutions failed to create an

environment that is accommodating and conducive to their learning and educational

needs. Where it helps learners for better comprehension.

Lizzio et al. (2002) noted that institutional environment and facilities have a

significant impact on students’ performance. Also, Ogbogu, (2011) identified poor funding,

lack of frequent curricular review, overpopulation, students’ unrest, staff strikes, poor

infrastructure, poor relations between the university and government, and inadequate

teaching and research facilities as factors that affect students’ performance.

Impact of Modular Distance Learning to the Academic Performance of Grade-11 Students A/Y 2021-2022 20
2.2.2 Challenges in modular distance learning

Every learner comes into the learning space with varied needs, knowledge, skills,

and personalities. Investigators have explored many aspects of distance learning

environments and have researched many of the issues that should be considered when

using distance learning as a means of educational delivery. The shift of the teaching-

learning delivery in schools to modular distance learning made it more challenging for the

students. The main challenges that the learners have encountered are self-studying, poor

internet connection, lack of sleep and time to answer all the modules due to the great

number of activities, distractions, and lack of focus. Miller and King (2003) found that

there were low completion rates with among distance education students, with as many

as one-third of the students dropping out before completing the class. The high dropout

rate was attributed to “lack of feedback; feelings of isolation; frustrations with the

technology; anxiety; and confusion” (p. 286). The modular approach had some challenges

especially in getting engaged students who lack interest in studying (T.Olamo et al.,

2019). Nevertheless, most of the problems encountered in the support system were more

natural than intentional. The poor family educational foundation was also perceived by

the students as a problem in their modular distance learning. This supports the findings

in the literature indicating that parents’ lack of educational background is a personal

barrier for distance learning (S. Abuhammad, 2020). This assumption was deemed

possible based on the earlier reports indicating that lack of parental involvement in

schooling results in poor academic achievement or quitting school (Z. Li, & Z. Qui, 2018).

The study of Dangle and Sumaoang (2020) showed that the main challenges that

emerged were lack of school funding in the production and delivery of modules, students’

Impact of Modular Distance Learning to the Academic Performance of Grade-11 Students A/Y 2021-2022 21
struggle with self-studying, and parents’ lack of knowledge to academically guide their

child/children. Hence, it is evident that there are struggles associated with the use of

modular distance learning.

To cope with these known challenges, flexibility and adaptability are important

qualities that every teacher must acquire. When teacher, parents, and students know their

roles and responsibilities, the implementation of the learning modality becomes organized

and easy (Okai-Ugbaje et al., 2020). Time management, innovating teaching strategies,

adapting to the changes brought by the new normal trend in education, being flexible,

providing alternative plans, being optimistic and patient, and equipping oneself with the

necessary skills are some of the ways how teachers cope with the challenges that they

encounter in modular distance learning modality. When teachers create a positive

environment and well-being among themselves, it could foster improved academic

performance and promote social and emotional progress among students even outside

the classroom (Loveless, 2020). Thus, teachers and facilitators have an important role to

cope with the challenges brought by the new normal in terms of education in the new

learning process which is modular distance learning mostly adopted in public schools in

rural areas.

2.2.3 Academic performance of the students in modular distance learning

The success and effectiveness of distance learning depend on the study materials

by Jayaram and Dorababu (2020). Different studies were conducted to determine the

achievement of students in the traditional and new normal way of teaching. According to

Melad (2016), using the “Quadratic Function” module has shown that a modular approach

to teaching improves student achievement. Using the module as an approach as a

Impact of Modular Distance Learning to the Academic Performance of Grade-11 Students A/Y 2021-2022 22
corrective teaching material has increased the student achievement level of the students

compared to the traditional way of teaching. In the study of Satyarthi (2021) on the

effective learning strategy for secondary school students-modular approach found out

that the modular teaching method was better than the traditional way of learning. So, this

modular approach can improve students’ learning capacity as well as facilitate them to

read this self-learning material besides the book. Furthermore, Naboya (2019) concluded

that a modular approach is more effective compared to conventional methods in teaching

Inorganic Chemistry. Reading comprehension moderates the effect of the teaching

method on students’ achievement levels in Inorganic Chemistry. There were studies

conducted with regards to the effect of modular learning on the academic performance of

the students in Mathematics. Lim (2016) revealed that modular instruction in teaching

Mathematics, particularly in word problem solving, is an effective approach to learning.

Moreover, Khalil and Yousuf (2020) revealed in their paper on the effect of modular

approach teaching on the achievement of secondary school mathematics students found

out that scores of the students in modular approach are higher. Furthermore, studies

showed that the use of constructivism-based mathematics module was very effective in

improving students‟ mathematical understanding on algebra operation material (Jazim et

al., 2017). In addition, in the use of modules in learning mathematics the result of

observation conducted showed that students with high academic ability were active in the

discussion. In the different learning areas, Gossenheimer et al. (2017) found out that

student performance was better in the distance education module. Rahmawati et al.,

(2019) concluded in their study that the average mathematics learning outcomes of

students using modules were higher compared to students who did not use the module.

Impact of Modular Distance Learning to the Academic Performance of Grade-11 Students A/Y 2021-2022 23
Ambayon (2020) conducted the performance of the college students in literature in the

use of modular approach had improved from poor to excellent achievement whereas the

students who did not use modular approach had relatively improved from poor to fair

achievement. Another study by Oparina and Rakova (2018) revealed that the module

approach in teaching is effective for improving students‟ knowledge. Its Modular approach

to teaching and learning English grammar is found to be effective in teaching and

increases students‟ understanding and critical thinking. A study by Valencia (2020)

showed that when using a modular approach to teaching, student performance was

significantly improved on test results and was described as competent. This indicates that

the approach has clearly shown a vital link in increasing students‟ academic achievement.

The study of Betlen (2021), revealed that modular distance learning has a positive impact

in terms of students’ academic achievement.

The following research above shows the positive impact of modular distance

learning. However, there is also a study that opposes the first revelation about the impact

of modular distance learning. Dargo and Dimas (2021) stated that a 2.25% decrease in

the GWA of learners after the implementation of MDL denotes a significant difference in

their academic performance.


Various literature and studies provided valuable insight into the findings of studies.

Related literature and studies were selected based on their similarities in terms of topic

and discussion that focused on the impact of modular distance learning to the academic

performance of grade 11 students in Patrocinio Dela Torre National High School in

Impact of Modular Distance Learning to the Academic Performance of Grade-11 Students A/Y 2021-2022 24
Malaking Ilog, San Pascual, Masbate. It has become possible for researchers and writers

to contribute significant ideas and knowledge to inspire others.

The study works are based on the analysis and findings of previous studies, the

results of which have already been tested and applied. The various works of literature

provide 5-minute educational tips for students to become actively involved in their learning

process. The activity helped learners to feel less burdened regarding their academic

performance during the current modular approach.


This review helped the readers understand different aspects posted and written by

the previous researchers. To conclude, through examining and a thorough review of the

literature, the researcher finally identified three themes namely (a) factors affecting

academic performance, (b) challenges in modular distance learning, and (c) academic

performance of the students in modular distance learning.

The researcher found out that surveys and interviews were heavily used in

instrumentation in related literature by previous researchers. Through the guidance of the

related literature reviewed, the findings from these three themes contributed to the

realization of the present study and provided a chance to enhance the study.

As a result of this study, it has been demonstrated that 5-minute educational tips

can be an effective way to increase academic performance.

Impact of Modular Distance Learning to the Academic Performance of Grade-11 Students A/Y 2021-2022 25

This chapter, therefore, provides the framework within which this study on the

impact of modular distance learning on academic performance is carried out. The focus

of this section is to describe the research methods used in this study. The overview,

methodology, research design, demographic and study sample, instrumentation, data

collecting and analysis processes, validity, reliability, and ethical considerations are all

covered in this chapter. This chapter outlines the broad framework and strategies used

by the researchers. The researchers utilize a quantitative approach to determine the data

needed to answer the study's research questions. The sampling in selecting a respondent

is discuss in this chapter. The objective of this study is to determine the impact of modular

distance learning and its relationship to the academic performance. The researchers

gathered twenty (20) Grade- 11 students at Patrocinio dela Torre National High School

in Malaking Ilog, San Pascual, Masbate, Philippines. But, only sixteen (16) were able to

answer the survey questionnaire.

In this chapter, the researchers explored ethical considerations, requesting

permission from the Principal to orient the students in the study's conduct and also to the

barangay captain for using the Barangay Kalahi as a venue for conducting the study.

Researchers were courteous in distributing survey questionnaires to respondents, the

respondents are gathered in one place for answering the survey questionnaire and also

for the researcher to answer the question of the respondents regarding the survey

questionnaire, and data was collected only after the respondents accepted. The COVID-

19 Inter-Agency Task Force (IATF) health protocols were observed by the researchers

and the respondents.

Impact of Modular Distance Learning to the Academic Performance of Grade-11 Students A/Y 2021-2022 26
3.1 Methodology

Research methodology is the way through which the research problem can be

solved (Kothari, 2005). This study used a quantitative-comparative research strategy that

provides a greater grasp of the problem as well as comprehensive evidence — the

researcher obtains all comprehensiveness.

The timeline for data collection varies according to the availability of the

correspondents. Nonetheless, we allocated a particular time and location to collect the

necessary facts or information. The researcher conducted the survey questionnaire which

is personally distributed.

Researchers sought approval and cooperation from the Teacher-In-Charge and

Barangay Captain to perform the study smoothly and concurrently when the school and

Barangay Kalahi were operating. Aside from the instructions or directions offered, an

orientation had taken place before executing any information or data collection.

The purpose of quantitative research is to attain greater knowledge and

understanding of the social world. Researchers used quantitative methods to observe

situations or events that affect people. Quantitative research produces objective data that

can be communicated through statistics and numbers.

Quantitative research methods emphasize objective measurements and

the statistical, mathematical, or numerical analysis of data collected through polls,

questionnaires, and surveys, or by manipulating pre-existing statistical data

using computational techniques. Quantitative research focuses on gathering numerical

data and generalizing it across groups of people or explaining a particular phenomenon.

Impact of Modular Distance Learning to the Academic Performance of Grade-11 Students A/Y 2021-2022 27
3.2 Research Design

Kothari (2005) defines research design as the conceptual structure within which

the research is conducted. Research design allows the researcher to conclude the

relations and the variables. Thus, a research design can be viewed as an initial decision,

which involves the selection of different research approaches, procedures, and methods.

Using the quantitative method, the impact of modular distance learning and its

relationship to the academic performance will be determined.

Survey are most effective for acquiring and comparing data. The researchers used

questionnaires to acquire the respondents' profiles, factors affecting academic

performance, challenges in modular distance learning, and the impact of modular

distance learning on academic performance. Students that took part in the research are

given 2 hours voucher worth 10 pesos to access the instructional recommendations.

3.3 Population and Study Sample

Purposive and convenience sampling was used in the investigation. Convenience

sampling is a type of nonprobability sampling in which people are sampled simply

because they are "convenient" sources of data for researchers. Purposive because the

respondents in this survey are Grade 11 students enrolled in the School Year 2021-2022

with the modular distance learning mode.

This study was particularly concerned with the influence of modular distance

learning on academic achievement. The participants were chosen based on their

willingness to provide detailed descriptions, experiences, and, most crucially, their data

Impact of Modular Distance Learning to the Academic Performance of Grade-11 Students A/Y 2021-2022 28
supplied according to the objective of the study that provided new information to the


3.4 Instrumentation

The researchers asked permission from the Teacher-In-Charge of the school

involved through a letter and noted by the research adviser to collect the needed data.

The researcher also provided a participant information sheet to invite the selected

respondents and a declaration of informed consent for agreement. The researchers also

employed survey questionnaires as data collection methods for this study to increase the

validity and reliability of the data obtained concerning the impact of modular distance

learning and its relationship to the academic performance of Grade 11 students. The

instruments were administered personally because the respondents are from a single

barangay, and they adhered to the Inter-Agency Task Force on Emerging Infectious

Disease (IATF-IED).

3.4.1 Survey

'Surveying' is the process of gathering data by the researcher using a

questionnaire (O'Leary, 2014). The researcher created and administered a survey

questionnaire titled "Impact on Modular Distance Learning on the Academic Performance

of the Students." Using the survey, the researchers significantly identified the different

perspectives of the students toward the beneficial feedback/results obtain using the

modular learning approach, particularly in the academic performance of the students.

The questionnaire will have three sections: I, II, and III:

Section I – Personal information that may be relevant to the study

Impact of Modular Distance Learning to the Academic Performance of Grade-11 Students A/Y 2021-2022 29
Section II – Factors affecting academic performance

Section III – Challenges in modular distance learning

Sections II-III was design using a modified Likert scale, with a 5-point scale ranging

from "Strongly Agree" (SA) through "Agree" (A), "Neutral" (N), and "Disagree" (D), and

"Strongly Disagree" (SD). Respondents are asked to rate their level of agreement with

each statement in the survey questionnaire.

3.5 Data Analysis

The weighted mean was utilized as a data analysis method in this study to

determine factors affecting academic performance, challenges in modular distance

learning with the objective impact of modular distance learning, and its relationship to the

academic performance of Grade 11 students.

Quantitative analysis was used on the data gathering from the survey, the

researchers used the frequency count to describe the participants' profile and determine

the weighted mean of the participants who answered 'agree' on the survey. The process

included coding and data analysis. The collected data was analyzed using tables, charts,

and graphs from the primary data which is mainly quantitative.

3.6 Validity

Validity is trying to explain the truth of research findings as explained by Zohrabi,

(2013). The validity of our research was based on the content of the surveys used in

assessing the impact of modular distance learning in the school located at Masbate,

Philippines, on academic performance. Researchers gathered the factors affecting

Impact of Modular Distance Learning to the Academic Performance of Grade-11 Students A/Y 2021-2022 30
academic performance and challenges in modular distance learning through the survey

questionnaire. The data collection was verified by our research adviser.

3.7 Reliability

According to Drost (2011), reliability is the extent to which measurement is

repeatable when different people measure on different occasions, under different

conditions, supposedly with the alternative instruments which measure the construct or


The sources demonstrated various conditions and evidence of the impact of

modular distance learning to the academic performance. The questions and surveys were

used to detect and filter various student viewpoints.

The internal consistency of the students' replies was considered to confirm the

study's dependability (Sinagpulo, C., et al 201). Researchers acquired and evaluated data

from students' voluntary responses to surveys and questionnaires.

Given this, the procedures are as follows:

1) Determining the respondents.

2) Orientation for the students.

3) Provided questionnaires for each respondent.

4) Gathered the data collected.

5) Studied and analyzed each piece of data.

6) Reported the outcome of the survey.

Impact of Modular Distance Learning to the Academic Performance of Grade-11 Students A/Y 2021-2022 31
3.8 Ethical Consideration

The researcher made sure that all ethical issues are taken care of all the time and

at all stages. The tools that were used to collect the data did not in any way put

identification of the respondent whether disclosing his or her name or put any sign and

hence confidentiality is assured. The researcher burned the tools used in answering the

survey questionnaire. Before any procedure for collecting data, the respondents were

given explanations of the purpose of the study and sent the consent form to the students.

The data collection procedures started after getting permission from the office of the

Teacher-In-Charge, faculty of education of Patrocinio dela Torre National High School.

Research participants were responsible for protecting their privacy and anonymity.

Researchers and participants followed the IATF protocols like wearing a facemask,

maintaining social distancing, and disinfecting. With the school principal’s approval, the

respondents obtain a request certified letter to participate in the survey. The researchers

then disseminated survey questionnaires to the respondents once they have agreed to

be a participant. Rest assured that the information of the respondents was kept

confidential. Only the researchers know the respondent’s personal information and kept

it privately.

Impact of Modular Distance Learning to the Academic Performance of Grade-11 Students A/Y 2021-2022 32

This chapter is concerned with the presentation and interpretation of the data

gathered to solve the study's problem. The distribution of surveys was used to collect

data. The Student Survey Questionnaire was divided into three sections: 1) Participant's

Personal Information; 2) Factors Affecting Academic Performance, and 3) Challenges in

Modular Distance Learning. A quantitative technique approach was used to interpret the

data. The findings concentrated primarily on the influence of modular distance learning

and its link to academic performance. The data was given in the form of a table chart and

graphs to help with interpretation. As a result of this research, the researchers was able

to provide more practical recommendations to students to assist or encourage them to

participate in academic activities utilizing modular distance learning.


The researchers asked sixteen (16) students about the impact of modular distance

learning and its relationship to academic performance. With the two hours voucher worth

10 pesos from the researchers, they could use it to access search engine that is helpful

in answering their modules. Many of the responses from students believe that modular

distance learning plays an important role in learning especially this time in a pandemic.

However, due to the different factors, there are a lot of problems encountered by the


Impact of Modular Distance Learning to the Academic Performance of Grade-11 Students A/Y 2021-2022 33
4.1.1 Survey Result

TABLE 1. Factors Affecting Academic Performance

Weighted Rank Verbal

Mean Description
A. Home related factors 3.28 1 Neutral

B. Teacher related factors 3.85 4 Agree

C. Study habits 3.30 2 Neutral

D. Personal related factors 3.36 3 Neutral

Overall mean: 3.45 Agree

Strongly Disagree 1:00-1:80
Disagree 1:81-2.60
Neutral 2:61-3:40
Agree 3:41-4:20
Strongly Agree 4:21-5:00

Table 1 presented the factors affecting academic performance where the highest

rank is home related factors where the students cannot entirely focus on academic work

when they do it at home (x=3.28). Additionally, the study habits include the students does

not study every day (x=3.30). Moreover, students do not disconnect themselves from

unnecessary things is also the factors affect academically (x=3.36).

While the teacher related factors ranked as lowest means that it does not affect

much their academic performance (x=3.85).

Overall, the student believes that a comfortable place to study can encourage

them to finish the challenging task (x=3.45).

Impact of Modular Distance Learning to the Academic Performance of Grade-11 Students A/Y 2021-2022 34
TABLE 2: Challenges in Modular Distance Learning

Weighted Rank Verbal

Mean Description
A. Distributing and Retrieval of Modules 3.79 4 Agree
B. Independent Learning 3.29 1 Neutral
C. Support System 3.47 3 Agree
D. Module Content 3.38 2 Neutral
Overall mean: 3.48 Agree

Strongly Disagree 1:00-1:80
Disagree 1:81-2.60
Neutral 2:61-3:40
Agree 3:41-4:20
Strongly Agree 4:21-5:00

The above table shows the challenges in modular distance learning wherein

respondents answered neutral in independent learning and ranked as a highest means

that most of the students cannot work without the help of other people, because of their

low level in reading comprehension they need a lot of assistance in answering their

modules (x= 3.29). And also, the module content includes the modules does not provide

a clear explanation about the topic and the given task or activity (x=3.38).

On the other hand, there is a gadget that can help students to answer their modules

and it is under the support system (x=3.47). Additionally, the lowest is distributing and

retrieval of modules means that the distributing process is good (x=3.79).

Overall, respondents agreed that modular distance learning is a challenging mode

of learning because you need to learn in your own, lots of perseverance and a good habit.

Impact of Modular Distance Learning to the Academic Performance of Grade-11 Students A/Y 2021-2022 35

General Weighted Average Line Graph

P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P9 P10 P11 P12 P13 P14 P15 P16








The line graph above showed the general weighted average of the students where

the performance level of grade 9 utilizing the traditional face-to-face is (x=85.75) while in

grade 10 using the modular distance learning is (x=84.19). so, the difference between the

two is 1.56%. so, there is a decrease in their performance level. Therefore, face-to-face

classes is more effective than this current mode of learning which is the modular distance



Based on the result of the survey, one of the most factors affecting academic

performance this time of modular distance learning is respondents cannot entirely focus

on academic work when they doing it at home and does not have enough time to answer

because of responsibilities or household chores. Additionally, the study habits include

some of the students does not study every day, copying others work or answer, and does

Impact of Modular Distance Learning to the Academic Performance of Grade-11 Students A/Y 2021-2022 36
not prioritizing the modules before anything else. Moreover, personal related like the

students do not disconnect themselves in television, k-dramas or something that cannot

help to answer their modules and does not enjoying when answering the task. While the

teacher related factors do not affect much their academic performance because they said

that when it comes to the challenging task or activity their teacher give them an enough

time to finish it. And those factors can also cause a challenge in MDL like in independent

learning that means most of the students cannot work without the help of other people,

because of their low level in reading comprehension they need a lot of assistant in

answering their modules because of the factors like k-dramas and online games that can

tempt them to lose a courage to try to learn by themselves. And also, the modules do not

provide a clear explanation about the topic and the given task or activity is another

problem. On the other hand, most of the respondents stated that no one of their family

member can able to teach them. This supports the findings in the literature indicating that

parents’ lack of educational background is a personal barrier for distance learning

(Abuhammad, 2020). But, there is a gadget can access a different online search engine

that can help students to answer their modules. The process of distributing and retrieval

of modules is good. As stated by Z. Li, and Z. Qui (2018) that lack of parental involvement

in schooling results in poor academic achievement or quitting school. Hence, the

distribution and retrieval of modules must be considered. The researcher found out that

the academic performance of grade 11 students is higher in face-to-face classes

compared to modular distance learning.

Impact of Modular Distance Learning to the Academic Performance of Grade-11 Students A/Y 2021-2022 37

This chapter discussed the summary of the researchers' findings, conclusions,

and recommendations generated from the analysis and interpretation of the data

gathered throughout the survey. This study aimed to determine the participant's

personal information; their answer about Factors affecting academic performance and

Challenges in modular distance learning.


Modular distance learning (MDL) is the newest way of learning that play a

significant role to continue in learning despite the pandemic. It is the suitable and safest

method to avoid the deadly coronavirus. Modular Distance Learning implies a significant

effect between the challenges and status of modular learning on learners' academic

behavior and performance (Agarin, 2013). The study results showed that the respondents

agreed that home-related factors are the primary factors that can affect their academic

performance in modular distance learning. At home, mobile phones, television, and other

multimedia platforms are distractors in learning. When students are studying they need

to have a peaceful environment to focus on what they do and this can help to minimize

problems and conflicts. 75% of the respondents said none of the family members helped

them in answering their modules. The main challenge encountered by the students is

independent learning, wherein students cannot clearly understand the lesson without the

explanation of the teacher or other person that can be able to explain to them the topic or

the specific activity.

The comparison of the general weighted average of the students during grade 9

(face-to-face class) and grade 10 (MDL class) showed a decrease of 1.56% which means

Impact of Modular Distance Learning to the Academic Performance of Grade-11 Students A/Y 2021-2022 38
that traditional class is more effective than MDL. And it is also supported by the result of

Dargo and Dimas’s (2021) study stated that a 2.25% decrease in the GWA of learners

after the implementation of MDL denotes a significant difference in their academic



After the survey results, the following is concluded. After the implementation of

Modular Distance Learning (MDL), learners' academic performance dropped. It was

discovered that MDL is more challenging and had more consequences. The issue that

occurred in the implementation of Modular Distance Learning, according to the

respondents, was less contact between the teacher and the learners. Another issue is

that students were low in reading comprehension. The researcher also concluded that

there is a relationship between modular distance learning to the academic performance.

Researchers believed that MDL poses more learning gaps in the educational system.

According to the researcher’s observation face-to-face classes much more effective and

beneficial than modular distance learning.

The researchers have come up a solution that may help the students to have a

positive habit towards mdl. As the educational system slowly recovering from pandemic

schools are starting to open for the face-to-face classes while also implementing a

modular learning and that is called Blended learning. As modular distance learning

continuous, the researchers created a five minutes educational video that shows study

habits for the students to have a tip on how to manage their time effectively.

Impact of Modular Distance Learning to the Academic Performance of Grade-11 Students A/Y 2021-2022 39

Based on the findings of this study, the following recommendations were made to improve

and sustain the students’ academic performance:

• Students should allocate time for their studies and make a study plan on what

subject they need to answer that day. Students should be able to acquire

metacognitive skills that could enable them to know what works and what does not

work for them in applying their learning strategies. They should also be able to self-

regulate themselves and manage their time effectively throughout their learning

duration under the program (Ustati & Hassan, 2013). The student should avoid

unnecessary things like television, mobile application when answering the


• Parents should need to be practically involved in arranging the learning time and

space of their children (Rotas and Cahapay 2020). They should likewise provide

all the needed support so that students will eventually survive in this remote

education amid the crisis. Parents should give them a comfortable place where

they can answer without any distractions.

• Teachers should reconsider the instruction in every exercise that it must be clear

enough for the learners to understand. The topic must be simplified and teachers

must give more examples. The teachers should re-evaluate the modules and they

must make sure that all the lessons or activities are appropriate to needs of the

learners the teacher should provide an answer sheet that contains the questions

and activity that is only needed to answer so that they have still time to answer the

other activities. The researcher suggests that the teacher should be approachable

Impact of Modular Distance Learning to the Academic Performance of Grade-11 Students A/Y 2021-2022 40
so that the students can ask questions and clarification about the activities. The

researchers also recommend that teachers need to formulate alternative plans on

different issues that may arise as they are involved in the process of teaching.

• Distance learning should not let the distance learners feel that they are learning in

isolation. Distance learning support systems should always be designed with this

concern in mind. This should be a prime objective that can help reduce the risk of

students becoming demotivated and, therefore, more likely to withdraw from the

program. (Bentley, Shegunshi and Scannell 2009).

• The researcher recommends the five minutes educational video to help them how

to manage their time.

• The researchers recommend for future researchers that large surveys should be

conducted to further understand the difficulties of the students across levels.

Impact of Modular Distance Learning to the Academic Performance of Grade-11 Students A/Y 2021-2022 41

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Impact of Modular Distance Learning to the Academic Performance of Grade-11 Students A/Y 2021-2022 45
APPENDIX 1. Letter to the Principal

Impact of Modular Distance Learning to the Academic Performance of Grade-11 Students A/Y 2021-2022 46
APPENDIX 2. Information Sheet

Impact of Modular Distance Learning to the Academic Performance of Grade-11 Students A/Y 2021-2022 47
APPENDIX 3. Informed Consent

Impact of Modular Distance Learning to the Academic Performance of Grade-11 Students A/Y 2021-2022 48
APPENDIX 4. Survey Form
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region V
Schools Division of Masbate Province
Malaking Ilog, San Pascual, Masbate
S/Y 2021- 2022


SECTION 1. Personal Information

INSTRUCTION: Place a check (√) mark in the appropriate box.
NAME (optional) _____________________________________________
GENDER: ☐ Male ☐ Female
SECTION: ☐ E. Sinagpulo ☐ H. Mendoza
EDAD: ☐ 15-16 CIVIL STATUS: ☐ Single
☐ 17-18 ☐ Married
☐ 19 above
Grade 10 _______
CONTACTS (email, Facebook accounts, & phone no.): ________________________________
1 How do you feel while answering the module?
☐ Fun
☐ Excited
☐ Sleepy
☐ Tired
☐ Others, please specify: ____________________________
2. How much time do you spend answering your module in one subject?
☐ 30 minutes - 1 hour
☐ 1 hour - 2 hours
☐ 2 hours - 3 hours
☐ 3 hours upwards

3. How often do you answer your modules?

☐ once a week
☐ twice a week
☐ three times a week
☐ Please clarify Others please specify: ________________________________
4. What are the problems you have encountered in answering your modules?
☐ Low reading comprehension
☐ Lots of housework
☐ There are many activities that need to be completed in the module
☐ Others, please specify: ____________________________________________

Impact of Modular Distance Learning to the Academic Performance of Grade-11 Students A/Y 2021-2022 49
5. Who is the member of the family that guides you answering your modules?
☐ Parent
☐ Brother
☐ Grandpa/ Grandma
☐ Cousins
☐ Other members
6. Resources you accessed through internet helped you understand the core concepts of the
☐ Yes
☐ No

INSTRUCTIONS: Please rate how strongly you agree or disagree with each of the following
statements by placing a check (√) mark in the appropriate box. Be guided by the scale below:

SA – Strongly Agree N - Neutral D – Disagree

A – Agree SD – Strongly Disagree

SECTION II. Factors Affecting Academic Performance



(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
1. I can focus entirely on academic work ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
when I’m doing it at home.
2. I have a comfortable place to study. ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
3. I have plenty of time to complete my ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
4. I can entirely have my full focus in ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
studying even I still have
responsibilities at home.
5. I am motivated to complete all the ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
1. My teacher can further explain to me ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
the instruction in the module via
2. My teacher gave me a lot of time to ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
complete challenging tasks.
3. My teacher put a note or reminder on ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
my modules regarding the activity.
4. My teacher allowed me to retake any ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
activities or performance tasks that I
had missed.

Impact of Modular Distance Learning to the Academic Performance of Grade-11 Students A/Y 2021-2022 50
5. My teacher gave me an answer sheet ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
to help me know the activities
required to answer.
C. STUDY HABITS ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
1. I am studying every day. ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
2. I make my own works. ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
3. I prioritize my modules than anything ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
4. I created a daily schedule of the ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
subjects I needed to finish.
1. I feel excited when answering my ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
2. I disconnect myself from unnecessary ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
things (e.g. radio, television, and k-
3. I motivate myself to study hard ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
4. I’m satisfied with my module ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
5. I enjoy answering independently. ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
6. I’m having a great time reading ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐

SECTION III. Challenges in Modular Distance Learning



OF MODULES (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
1. My parents are usually on time in ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
getting my module.
2. My parents are comfortable ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
communicating with my teacher
3. My parents are actively engaged in ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
any school program.
1. I can follow the instruction in the ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
2. I can easily complete the activity on ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
3. I can understand the ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
lesson/question/assignments in the
module without any explanation.
4. I can answer my modules on my own. ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐

Impact of Modular Distance Learning to the Academic Performance of Grade-11 Students A/Y 2021-2022 51
5. I can manage my study time ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
6. I am good at reading comprehension ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
7. I understand the core concept of the ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
1. My parents explain the topics that I ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
cannot easily comprehend.
2. I seek assistance from my relatives ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
who may be able to assist me.
3. I can ask my classmates about the ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
4. I have a device to assist me in ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
answering my modules.
5. I gotten enough feedback on my ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
6. I have gadget/s to help me in ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
answering my module.
7. I am using different search engines in ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
answering my module.
8. I have received sufficient advice in ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
relation to my modules.
1. The module provides clear instruction ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
to me.
2. There are enough activities for a ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
3. Modular Distance Learning is more ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
4. I was satisfied with the quality of the ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐

Impact of Modular Distance Learning to the Academic Performance of Grade-11 Students A/Y 2021-2022 52
APPENDIX 5. Data Analysis




5 E. Sinagpulo
H. Mendoza


10 4
15-16 17-18 19 and

Impact of Modular Distance Learning to the Academic Performance of Grade-11 Students A/Y 2021-2022 53



1. Feeling while answering the modules.


3 Happy
7 Excited
7 Sleepy

2. Hour/s spent in answering the modules.

1 1
30 mins.- 1 1 hour-2 2 hours- 3 hours
hour hours 3hours upwards

3. Number of times answering the modules.

Impact of Modular Distance Learning to the Academic Performance of Grade-11 Students A/Y 2021-2022 54
2 1 1

Once a week Twice a week Three times a Others

4. Problems encountered in answering the modules.

8 6
4 1
2 0

5. Member of the family that guides in answering the modules.

15 12
1 3
5 0 0

Impact of Modular Distance Learning to the Academic Performance of Grade-11 Students A/Y 2021-2022 55
6. Do the resources you accessed through the internet helped you understand
the core concepts of the module?


Yes No

Be guided by the scale below:

SA – Strongly Agree N- Neutral D – Disagree
A – Agree SD – Strongly
SECTION II. Factors Affecting Academic Performance
TABLE 1. SECTION II.A. Home-related factors

1. I can focus entirely on academic work when I’m 0 6 10 0 0

doing it at home.

2. I have a comfortable place to study. 0 0 9 6 1

3. I have enough time to answer my modules. 0 2 6 8 0

4. I can entirely have my full focus in studying 0 1 8 7 0

even if I still have responsibilities at home.
5. I am motivated to complete all of the modules. 0 1 6 9 0

Impact of Modular Distance Learning to the Academic Performance of Grade-11 Students A/Y 2021-2022 56
TABLE 1.1 Findings for Section II.A

1. I can focus entirely on academic work when I’m 2.63 Neutral

doing it at home.

2. I have a comfortable place to study. 3.5 Agree

3. I have enough time to answer my modules. 3.38 Neutral

4. I can entirely have my full focus in studying 3.38 Neutral

even if I still have responsibilities at home.
5. I am motivated to complete all of the modules. 3.5 Agree

Strongly Disagree 1:00-1:80
Disagree 1:81-2.60
Neutral 2:61-3:40
Agree 3:41-4:20
Strongly Agree 4:21-5:00

TABLE 2. SECTION II.B. Teacher Related Factors


1. My teacher can further explain to me the 1 5 1 9 0

instruction in the module via messenger.
2. My teacher put a note/reminder on my 0 0 3 12 1`
modules regarding the activity.
3. My teacher allowed me to retake any 0 1 2 10 3
activities or performance tasks that I had

4. My teacher gave me an answer sheet to 0 1 2 8 5

help me know the activities required to
5. My teacher gave me a lot of time to 0 1 0 9 6
complete challenging tasks.

Impact of Modular Distance Learning to the Academic Performance of Grade-11 Students A/Y 2021-2022 57
TABLE 2.1 Findings for II.B

1. My teacher can further explain to me the 3.13 Neutral

instruction in the module via messenger.
2. My teacher put a note/reminder on my 3.88 Agree
modules regarding the activity
3. My teacher allowed me to retake any activities 3.94 Agree
or performance tasks that I had missed.
4. My teacher gave me an answer sheet to help 4.06 Agree
me know the activities required to answer.
5. My teacher gave me a lot of time to complete 4.25 Strongly Agree
challenging tasks.

Strongly Disagree 1:00-1:80
Disagree 1:81-2.60
Neutral 2:61-3:40
Agree 3:41-4:20
Strongly Agree 4:21-5:00

TABLE 3. SECTION II.C. Study Habits


1. I am studying every day. 1 3 8 2 2

2. I make my own works. 1 2 4 9 0
3. I prioritize my module before anything else 0 0 10 6 0
4. I create a daily schedule of the subjects I 0 5 2 6 3
needed to finish.

Impact of Modular Distance Learning to the Academic Performance of Grade-11 Students A/Y 2021-2022 58
TABLE 3.1 Findings for Section II.C

1. I am studying every day. 3.06 Neutral

2. I make my own works. 3.31 Neutral
3. I prioritize my module before anything else 3.38 Neutral
4. I create a daily schedule of the subjects I 3.44 Agree
needed to finish.

Strongly Disagree 1:00-1:80
Disagree 1:81-2.60
Neutral 2:61-3:40
Agree 3:41-4:20
Strongly Agree 4:21-5:00

TABLE 4. SECTION II. D. Personal Related Factors


1. I feel excited when answering my module 0 4 7 2 3

2. I disconnect myself from unnecessary things 0 6 5 4 1
(e.g. radio, television, and k-drama).
3. I’m satisfied with my module response. 1 2 4 7 2
4. I motivate myself to study hard 0 2 4 7 2
5. I enjoy answering independently. 0 1 5 10 0
6. I’m having a great time reading modules. 1 2 6 4 3

TABLE 4.1. Findings for Section II.D


1. I feel excited when answering my module 3.25 Neutral

2. I disconnect myself from unnecessary things 3.0 Neutral
(e.g. radio, television, and k-drama).
3. I’m satisfied with my module response. 3.44 Agree
4. I motivate myself to study hard 3.5 Agree
5. I enjoy answering independently. 3.56 Agree
6. I’m having a great time reading modules. 3.38 Neutral

Impact of Modular Distance Learning to the Academic Performance of Grade-11 Students A/Y 2021-2022 59
Strongly Disagree 1:00-1:80
Disagree 1:81-2.60
Neutral 2:61-3:40
Agree 3:41-4:20
Strongly Agree 4:21-5:00

SECTION III. Challenges in Modular Distance Learning

TABLE 4. SECTION III. A. Distributing and retrieval of modules

1. My parents are usually on time in getting my 1 2 0 9 4

2. My parents are comfortable communicating 0 0 3 11 2
with my teacher.
3. My parents are actively engaged in any 0 1 4 11 0
school program

TABLE 4.1 Findings for Section III.A


1. My parents are usually on time in getting my 3.81 Agree

2. My parents are comfortable communicating 3.94 Agree
with my teacher.
3. My parents are actively engaged in any school 3.63 Agree

TABLE 5. SECTION III.B. Independent Learning


1. I can follow the instruction in the module. 0 1 2 9 4

2. I can easily complete the activities on time. 0 6 3 7 0
3. I can understand the module's 3 4 7 2 0
lesson/questions/assignments without any
4. I can answer my modules on my own. 1 1 6 8 0
5. I can manage my study time effectively. 0 2 8 6 0
6. I am good at reading comprehension. 0 0 7 8 1
7. I understand the core concept of the 0 0 11 5 0

Impact of Modular Distance Learning to the Academic Performance of Grade-11 Students A/Y 2021-2022 60
TABLE 5.1 Findings for Section III.B

1. I can follow the instruction in the module. 4.0 Agree

2. I can easily complete the activities on time. 3.06 Neutral
3. I can understand the module's 2.50 Disagree
lesson/questions/assignments without any
4. I can answer my modules on my own. 3.31 Neutral
5. I can manage my study time effectively. 3.25 Neutral
6. I am good at reading comprehension. 3.63 Agree
7. I understand the core concept of the modules. 3.31 Neutral
Strongly Disagree 1:00-1:80
Disagree 1:81-2.60
Neutral 2:61-3:40
Agree 3:41-4:20
Strongly Agree 4:21-5:00

TABLE 6. SECTION III. C. Support System


1. My parents explain the topics that I cannot 1 11 3 1 0

easily comprehend.
2. I seek assistance from my relatives who 0 3 7 6 0
may be able to assist me.
3. I can ask my classmates about the topic. 0 0 0 15 1
4. I have a device or devices to assist me in 0 3 2 10 1
answering my module.
5. I've gotten enough feedback on my 0 0 9 6 1
6. I have gadget/s to help me in answering my 0 1 1 12 2
7. I am using different search engines in 0 0 4 10 2
answering my module.
8. I have received sufficient advice in relation 0 2 6 8 0
to my modules.

Impact of Modular Distance Learning to the Academic Performance of Grade-11 Students A/Y 2021-2022 61
TABLE 6.1 Findings for Section III. C

1. My parents explain the topics that I cannot 2.25 Disagree

easily comprehend.
2. I seek assistance from my relatives who may 3.19 Neutral
be able to assist me.
3. I can ask my classmates about the topic. 4.06 Agree
4. I have a device or devices to assist me in 3.56 Agree
answering my module.
5. I've gotten enough feedback on my modules. 3.50 Agree
6. I have gadget/s to help me in answering my 3.94 Agree
7. I am using different search engines in 3.88 Agree
answering my module.
8. I have received sufficient advice in relation to 3.38 Neutral
my modules.

Strongly Disagree 1:00-1:80
Disagree 1:81-2.60
Neutral 2:61-3:40
Agree 3:41-4:20
Strongly Agree 4:21-5:00

TABLE 7. SECTION III. D. Module Content


1. There are enough activities for a week. 0 1 4 10 1

2. modular distance learning is more 0 2 5 9 0
3. The modules provide clear instructions to 0 5 5 6 0
4. I was satisfied with the quality of the module. 0 3 5 8 0

Impact of Modular Distance Learning to the Academic Performance of Grade-11 Students A/Y 2021-2022 62
TABLE 7.1 Findings for Section III.D

1. There are enough activities for a week. 3.69 Agree

2. modular distance learning is more 3.44 Agree
3. The modules provide clear instructions to 3.06 Neutral
4. I was satisfied with the quality of the 3.31 Neutral

Strongly Disagree 1:00-1:80
Disagree 1:81-2.60
Neutral 2:61-3:40
Agree 3:41-4:20
Strongly Agree 4:21-5:00

Impact of Modular Distance Learning to the Academic Performance of Grade-11 Students A/Y 2021-2022 63

On the 28th day of March 2022 the researcher conducted a survey about the

“Impact of Modular Distance Learning to the Academic Performance” in order to gather

the information needed in this study. It is held in KALAHI MULTI-PURPOSE BUILDING

with the permission of the Barangay Captain. Our respondents are grade 11 students.

We give 2 hours voucher worth 10 pesos to our respondents to help them in answering

the module and the snack for the 48 questions in a survey. We scheduled our survey at

1:00 PM but we started at 2:00 PM with 16 respondents out of 20. But before we start we

disinfect our respondents in order to follow the IATF protocol. Respondents answered the

survey questionnaire and the researcher assisted them.

We, the researchers, first inform the respondents about the title, aims, and

advantages of our study. So that they comprehend the significance of the issue in our

study. They responded based on their feelings or experiences, which is the study's major

source of data. So that this research would have a dependable conclusion or outcome,

as well as an accurate advice, as a result of this. And it would be a profitable study, and

whatever we sacrifice to make our study successful would be worth it. We learned from

this research that we should always learn to have patience and understanding.

Impact of Modular Distance Learning to the Academic Performance of Grade-11 Students A/Y 2021-2022 64
The researchers
preparing the venue

The researchers disinfect the

respondents before getting inside
the venue

While waiting the other

respondents to arrive

The researchers orient the

respondents about the study

Impact of Modular Distance Learning to the Academic Performance of Grade-11 Students A/Y 2021-2022 65
The respondents started to answer the
survey questionnaire

The researchers assist the


The researcher gives a

token to the respondents

The researchers who conduct

the study

Impact of Modular Distance Learning to the Academic Performance of Grade-11 Students A/Y 2021-2022 66

ADDRESS: San Pascual, Masbate

DATE OF BIRTH: November 30, 2003
PLACE OF BIRTH: San Pascual, Masbate
AGE: 18
RELIGION: Roman Catholic
FATHER’S NAME: Mamerto B. Sinagpulo Jr.
MOTHER’S NAME: Evelyn D. Sinagpulo
School: Patrocinio dela Torre National High School
Address: Malaking Ilog, San Pascual, Masbate
Year Graduated:

School: Florentino D. Peῆalosa Elementary School
Address: Malaking Ilog, San Pascual, Masbate
Year Graduated: 2016

Impact of Modular Distance Learning to the Academic Performance of Grade-11 Students A/Y 2021-2022 67
ADDRESS: San Pascual, Masbate
CONTACT NUMBER: 0909-063-6555

DATE OF BIRTH: July 21, 2004
PLACE OF BIRTH: San Pascual, Masbate
GENDER: Female
AGE: 17
RELIGION: Roman Catholic
FATHER’S NAME: Rodolfo P. Cosip
MOTHER’S NAME: Alice M. Cosip
School: Patrocinio dela Torre National High School
Address: Malaking Ilog, San Pascual, Masbate
Year Graduated: 2022

School: Florentino D. Penalosa Elementary School
Address: Malaking Ilog, San Pascual, Masbate
Year Graduated: 2016

Impact of Modular Distance Learning to the Academic Performance of Grade-11 Students A/Y 2021-2022 68
ADDRESS: San Pascual, Masbate
CONTACT NUMBER: 09636703599

DATE OF BIRTH: September 21, 2002
PLACE OF BIRTH: San Pascual, Masbate
GENDER: Female
AGE: 19
RELIGION: Roman Catholic
FATHER’S NAME: Glen D. Cosip Sr.
MOTHER’S NAME: Angelita Cosip
School: Patrocinio dela Torre National High School
Address: Malaking Ilog, San Pascual, Masbate
Year Graduated: 2022

School: Florentino D. Penalosa Elementary School
Address: Malaking Ilog, San Pascual, Masbate
Year Graduated: 2016

Impact of Modular Distance Learning to the Academic Performance of Grade-11 Students A/Y 2021-2022 69
ADDRESS: San Pascual, Masbate
CONTACT NUMBER: 09636252841

DATE OF BIRTH: March 4,2003
PLACE OF BIRTH: San Pascual, Masbate
GENDER: Female
AGE: 19
RELIGION: Roman Catholic
FATHER’S NAME: Vicente V. Olediana
MOTHER’S NAME: Sally S. Rubio
School: Patrocinio dela Torre National High School
Address: Malaking Ilog, San Pascua, Masbate
Year Graduated: 2022

School: Patrocinio dela Torre National High School
Address: Malaking Ilog, San Pascual, Masbate
Year Graduated: 2016

Impact of Modular Distance Learning to the Academic Performance of Grade-11 Students A/Y 2021-2022 70
ADDRESS: San Pascual, Masbate
CONTACT NUMBER: 09197333964

DATE OF BIRTH: October 27,2004
PLACE OF BIRTH: San Pascual, Masbate
GENDER: Female
AGE: 17
RELIGION: Roman Catholic
FATHER’S NAME: Arturo D. Beloria
MOTHER’S NAME: Mary Jane L. Beloria
School: Patrocinio Dela Torre National High School
Address: Malaking Ilog, San Pascual, Masbate
Year Graduated: 2022

School: Florentino D. Penalosa Elementary School
Address: Malaking Ilog, San Pascual, Masbate
Year Graduated: 2016

Impact of Modular Distance Learning to the Academic Performance of Grade-11 Students A/Y 2021-2022 71
ADDRESS: San Pascual, Masbate
CONTACT NUMBER: 0949-1489-056

DATE OF BIRTH: September 12, 2003
PLACE OF BIRTH: San Pascual, Masbate
GENDER: male
AGE: 18
RELIGION: Roman Catholic
FATHER’S NAME: Antonio Villamor Del Castillo
MOTHER’S NAME: joy sinagpulo del castillo
School: Patrocinio dela Torre National High School
Address: Malaking Ilog, San Pascual, Masbate
Year Graduated: 2022

School: Florentino D. Penalosa Elementary School
Address: Malaking Ilog, San Pascual, Masbate
Year Graduated: 2016

Impact of Modular Distance Learning to the Academic Performance of Grade-11 Students A/Y 2021-2022 72
ADDRESS: San Pascual, Masbate
CONTACT NUMBER: 0961-9371-266

DATE OF BIRTH: October 6, 2003
PLACE OF BIRTH: San Pascual, Masbate
GENDER: male
AGE: 18
RELIGION: Roman Catholic
FATHER’S NAME: +Marito Vargas Cabasan
MOTHER’S NAME: Gemma Intoy Cabasan
School: Patrocinio dela Torre National High School
Address: Malaking Ilog, San Pascual, Masbate
Year Graduated: 2022

School: Florentino D. Penalosa Elementary School
Address: Malaking Ilog, San Pascual, Masbate
Year Graduated: 2016

Impact of Modular Distance Learning to the Academic Performance of Grade-11 Students A/Y 2021-2022 73
ADDRESS: San Pascual, Masbate
CONTACT NUMBER: 09128902969

DATE OF BIRTH: June 14, 2003
PLACE OF BIRTH: San Pascual, Masbate
AGE: 18
RELIGION: Roman Catholic
FATHER’S NAME: Alicio S. Diola
MOTHER’S NAME: Ma. Jerlyn S. Diola
School: Patrocinio dela Torre National High School
Address: Malaking Ilog, San Pascual, Masbate
Year Graduated: 2022

School: Florentino D. Penalosa Elementary School
Address: Malaking Ilog, San Pascual, Masbate
Year Graduated: 2016

Impact of Modular Distance Learning to the Academic Performance of Grade-11 Students A/Y 2021-2022 74
ADDRESS: San Pascual, Masbate
CONTACT NUMBER: 0946-1415-842

DATE OF BIRTH: July 14,2003
PLACE OF BIRTH: San Pascual, Masbate
GENDER: Female
AGE: 18
RELIGION: Roman Catholic
FATHER’S NAME: Rolando J. Diola
MOTHER’S NAME: Bernadette C. diola
School: Patrocinio dela Torre National High School
Address: Malaking Ilog, San Pascual, Masbate
Year Graduated: 2022

School: Florentino D. Penalosa Elementary School
Address: Malaking Ilog, San Pascual, Masbate
Year Graduated: 2016

Impact of Modular Distance Learning to the Academic Performance of Grade-11 Students A/Y 2021-2022 75
ADDRESS: San Pascual, Masbate
CONTACT NUMBER: 09156275477

DATE OF BIRTH: October 4,2003
PLACE OF BIRTH: San Pascual, Masbate
GENDER: Female
AGE: 18
RELIGION: Roman Catholic
FATHER’S NAME: Mellianito C. Dagohoy
MOTHER’S NAME: Jocelyn S. Dagohoy
School: Patrocinio dela Torre National High School
Address: Malaking Ilog, San Pascual, Masbate
Year Graduated: 2022

School: Florentino D. Penalosa Elementary School
Address: Malaking Ilog, San Pascual, Masbate
Year Graduated: 2016

Impact of Modular Distance Learning to the Academic Performance of Grade-11 Students A/Y 2021-2022 76

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