Digital Image Processing MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) - Javatpoint

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Digital Image Processing MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) - Javatpoint 21/11/1444 AH, 11:53 PM

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Digital Image Processing MCQs

In this article, we will discuss the most commonly asked multiple-
choice questions related to Digital Image Processing.

The main purpose of writing this article is to target competitive

exams and interviews. Here, we will cover all the frequently
asked Digital Image Processing questions with the correct choice
of answer among various options.

1) At what points, a continuous image is digitized?

a. Sampling

b. Vertex

c. Contour

d. Random

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Answer: a) Sampling points

Explanation: Sampling is a process of reducing continuous-

time signals to discrete-time signals.

2) ________ represents the transition between image function's

continuous values and its digital equivalent. Page 1 of 35
Digital Image Processing MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) - Javatpoint 21/11/1444 AH, 11:53 PM

a. Rasterization

b. Quantization

c. Sampling

d. None of the above

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Answer: a) Quantization

Explanation: Quantization is a mechanism that involves the

conversion of a continuous range of values into a finite range
of discrete values.

3) Which of the following correctly describes the slightest visible

change in the level of intensity?

a. Contour

b. Saturation

c. Contrast

d. Intensity Resolution

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Answer: d) Intensity Resolution Page 2 of 35
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Explanation: Intensity resolution can be defined as the total

number of bits required to quantize an image.

4) What is the name of the tool that helps in zooming, shrinking,

rotating, etc.?

a. Filters

b. Interpolation

c. Sampling

d. None of the above

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Answer: b) Interpolation

Explanation: Interpolation is one such basic tool that is

used to zoom, shrink, rotate, etc.

5) The dynamic range of the imaging system is a quantitative relation

where the upper limit can be determined by

a. Brightness

b. Contrast

c. Saturation

d. Noise

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Answer: c) Saturation

Explanation: Saturation is taken as a numerator.

6) The lower limit of the dynamic range ratio can be determined by

a. Brightness Page 3 of 35
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b. Contrast

c. Saturation

d. Noise

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Answer: d) Noise

Explanation: Noise is taken as a denominator.

7) Which of the following is the most famous single sensor utilized

for image acquisition?

a. Photodiode


c. Microdensitometer

d. None of the above

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Answer: a) Photodiode

Explanation: The photodiode is a p-n junction

semiconductor device that transmutes the light into an
electric current.

8) What is the full form of CAT in image processing?

a. Computer-Aided Tomography

b. Computer-Aided Telegraphy

c. Computerized Axial Tomography

d. Computerized Axial Telegraphy

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Answer: c) Computerized Axial Tomography

Explanation: Computerized Axial Tomography is based on

image acquisition that uses sensor strips.

9) What is meant by the section of the real plane that the image
coordinates have spanned?

a. Coordinate Axis

b. Plane of Symmetry

c. Spatial Domain

d. None of the above

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Answer: c) Spatial Domain

Explanation: Spatial Domain refers to the section of the real

plane that has been spanned by the coordinates of an
image, where x and y coordinates are called Spatial

10) Which of the following is the effect of using an inadequate

amount of intensity levels in a digital image's smooth areas?

a. Contouring Page 5 of 35
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b. Interpolation

c. Gaussian smooth

d. False Contouring

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Answer: d) False Contouring

Explanation: False contouring is caused when the grey-

level resolution of a digital image gets decreased.

11) What is the name of the process in which the known data is
utilized to evaluate the value at an unknown location?

a. Interpolation

b. Acquisition

c. Pixelation

d. None of the above

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Answer: a) Interpolation

Explanation: Interpolation is a process that is employed in

image resampling models for assessing unfamiliar locations.

12) Which of the following is not a correct example of Image


a. Masking

b. Shading Correction

c. Pixelation

d. Region of Interest Operations

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Answer: c) Pixelation

Explanation: Pixelation deals with the amplification of


13) Name the procedure in which individual pixel values of the digital
image get altered.

a. Neighborhood Operations

b. Image Registration

c. Geometric Spatial Transformation

d. Single Pixel Operation

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Answer: d) Single Pixel Operation

Explanation: It is expressed as a transformation function T

of the form s=T(z), where z is the intensity.

14) Which of the following possess maximum frequency?

a. Gamma Rays

b. UV Rays

c. Microwaves

d. Radio waves

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Answer: a) Gamma Rays

Explanation: Gamma rays are comprised of high-energy

photons, which means gamma rays have the highest EM
radiations. In the electromagnetic spectrum, "Gamma ray" is
an arbitrary technology that encompasses a frequency
above 300 EHz, 1 pm wavelength, and energy of 1.24 MeV. Page 7 of 35
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15) Which of the following color possess the longest wavelength in

the visible spectrum?


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a. Yellow

b. Red

c. Blue

d. Violet

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Answer: b) Red

Explanation: In the visible spectrum, red has the longest

wavelength. The visible colors are ranged from shortest to
longest wavelength, i.e., Violet, Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange,
and Red.

16) What is the relationship between wavelength and frequency?

a. frequency = wavelength / c

b. c = wavelength / frequency

c. c = wavelength * frequency

d. wavelength = c * frequency Page 8 of 35
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Answer: c) c = wavelength * frequency

Explanation: In general, the wavelength is calculated as

wavelength = c / frequency, which means the higher the
frequency, the lower the wavelength. In simple words,
frequency is inversely proportional to the wavelength.

17) _________ can be visualized as an electromagnetic wave.

a. cosine wave

b. sine wave

c. tangential wave

d. None of the above

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Answer: b) sine wave

Explanation: Electromagnetic waves can be visualized as a

sinusoidal wave.

18) How to carry out an array function together with one or more

a. Pixel by Pixel

b. Column by Column

c. Array by Array

d. Row by Row

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Answer: a) Pixel by Pixel

Explanation: The array function is carried out on a pixel-by-

pixel basis.

19) What is the name of the property that indicates the output of
linear operation (i.e., the sum of two inputs) similar to that of
operation first being performed on individual inputs and then
summing up the respective outcomes?

a. Heterogeneity

b. Homogeneity

c. Additivity

d. None of the above

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Answer: c) Additivity

Explanation: Additivity: f (a + b) = f (a) + f (b)

20) What is the real-world application of image subtraction?

a. MRI scan

b. CT scan

c. Mask mode radiography

d. None of the above

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Answer: c) Mask mode radiography

Explanation: Mask mode radiography is an important

application of medical imaging in the area of image
subtraction. Page 10 of 35
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21) What is meant by Region of Interest (ROI) operations?

a. Dilation

b. Masking

c. Shading correction

d. None of the above

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Answer: b) Masking

Explanation: In image processing, masking is a procedure

of defining a smaller image, which helps modify the larger

22) If each element of set X is also an element of set Y, then X can

be called ________ of set Y.

a. Union

b. Subset

c. Disjoint

d. Complement Set

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Answer: b) Subset

Explanation: If all the elements of set X are contained in set

Y, then X will be called a subset of Y.



23) Blurring an image with the help of a smoothing filter may lead to
noise reduction.

a. True Page 11 of 35
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b. False

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Answer: a) True

Explanation: Noise reduction is obtained by blurring the

image using a smoothing filter. Blurring is used in pre-
processing steps, such as removing small details from an
image prior to object extraction and bridging small gaps in
lines or curves.

24) What is the output of a smoothing, linear spatial filter?

a. Median of pixels

b. Maximum of pixels

c. Minimum of pixels

d. Average of pixels

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Answer: d) Average of pixels

Explanation: The output or response of smoothing, the

linear spatial filter, is simply the average of the pixels
contained in the neighborhood of the filter mask.

25) A smoothing filter can also be called a median filter.

a. True

b. False

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Answer: b) False Page 12 of 35
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Explanation: A smoothing filter is used to calculate the

average of the filter, which is the only reason it is called an
average filter.

26) Smoothing filter is used to remove __________ from an image.

a. Smooth transitions of brightness levels

b. Smooth transitions of grey levels

c. Sharp transitions of brightness levels

d. Sharp transitions of grey levels.

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Answer: d) Sharp transitions of grey levels

Explanation: The smoothing filter helps in substituting each

pixel value of an image by computing the average value of
grey levels, which will further remove the sharp transitions in
the grey levels amid the pixels. This is just to randomize
noise that consists of sharp transitions in the grey level.

27) Which of the following is the disadvantage of a smoothing filter?

a. Blur inner pixels

b. Blur edges

c. Sharp edges Page 13 of 35
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d. Remove sharp transitions

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Answer: b) Blur edges

Explanation: Edges are one of the most desirable features

that can be categorized by sharp transitions in the grey
levels. Thus, average filters blur the edges, causing
unwanted side effects on the image.

28) A smoothing spatial filter cannot smooth the false contour.

a. True

b. False

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Answer: b) False

Explanation: The smoothing spatial filter removes the false

contour that is caused due to an insufficient number of grey

29) Which of the following is the correct application of image


a. Gross representation

b. Object motion

c. Object detection

d. Image segmentation

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Answer: a) Gross representation Page 14 of 35
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Explanation: The main purpose of gross representation is to

blur the image, which is one of the most significant
applications of spatial averaging. This is just to intensify the
small objects combined with the background and large
objects so that they can be easily identified.

30) Median filters belong to which category of filter?

a. Frequency Domain Filter

b. Order Static Filter

c. Linear Spatial Filter

d. Sharpening Filter

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Answer: b) Order Static Filter

Explanation: The median filter belongs to the order static

filter, which substitutes the pixel value by the median of grey
level that exists in the neighborhood of the pixel.

31) Which of the following is the correct representation of log


a. s=clog10(1+r)

b. s=clog10(1/r)

c. s=clog10(1-r)

d. s=clog10(1*r)

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Answer: b) s=clog10(1+r)

Explanation: In general, log transformation can be

formulized as; s=clog10(1+r), where c is constant and r ≥ 0. Page 15 of 35
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32) Which of the following the general representation of power


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a. c = sry

b. s = rcy

c. s = cry

d. s = rc

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Answer: c) s = cry

Explanation: The power-law transformation can be

mathematically derived as; s = cry, where c and g represent
the positive constants. However, we can write the same
equation in another way, such as s=c. (r + ε) γ, which
represents an offset.

33) Which of the following requires to specify the information at the

time of input?

a. Power transformation

b. Log transformation

c. Linear transformation

d. Piece-wise transformation Page 16 of 35
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Answer: d) Piece-wise transformation

Explanation: Piece-wise transformation plays a vital role

while formulating some other transformations. Its only
disadvantage is that it requires a considerable number of

34) A second order derivative operator can be defined as


a. Laplacian

b. Gaussian

c. Histogram

d. None of the above

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Answer: a) Laplacian

Explanation: Laplacian is the second-order derivative


35) Which of the following is used to resolve the dark features in the

a. Gaussian Transform

b. Laplacian Transform

c. Power-law Transformation

d. Histogram Specification

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Answer: c) Power-law Transform Page 17 of 35
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Explanation: The dark features can be easily resolved by

histogram specification. However, to get the desired result,
power-law transformation is highly suggested over
histogram specification.

36) What is the smallest possible value of the gradient image?

a. 1

b. 0

c. e

d. -e

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Answer: b) 0

Explanation: The smallest possible value of the gradient

image is 0.

37) Which of the following filter possess lower frequency?

a. High pass filter

b. Bandpass filter

c. Low pass filter

d. None of the above

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Answer: c) Low pass filter

Explanation: A low pass filter passes a low frequency.

38) What is the name of the process that moves a filter mask over
the image, followed by calculating the sum of products?

a. Correlation Page 18 of 35
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b. Convolution

c. Linear spatial filtering

d. Non-linear spatial filtering

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Answer: a) Correlation

Explanation: Correlation can be defined as the process of

moving a filter, which is often denoted as a kernel over the
image to compute the sum of products at each distinct

39) Which of the following fact is true for an image?

a. An image is the subtraction of the illumination component

from the reflectance component.

b. An image is the multiplication of the illumination and

reflectance component.

c. An image is the addition of illumination and reflectance


d. An image is the subtraction of the reflectance component

from the illumination component

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Answer: b) An image is the multiplication of illumination and

reflectance component

Explanation: An image can be expressed as the

multiplication of illumination and reflectance components.

40) Which of the following operations is used in homographic

filtering for converting the input image to discrete Fourier
transformed function?

a. Exponential Function Page 19 of 35
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b. Logarithmic Function

c. Negative Function

d. None of the above

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Answer: b) Logarithmic Function

Explanation: An image can be expressed as the

multiplication of illumination and reflectance component i.e.
f(x, y) = i(x, y) * r(x, y). The equation can't be used directly
to operate separately on the frequency component of
illumination and reflectance because the Fourier transform
of the product of two function is not separable. So, the
logarithmic operation is used. I{z(x,y)}=I{ln(f(x,y))
}=I{ln(i(x,y)) }+I{ln(r(x,y))}.

41) What is the name of the class that accepts an image's separation
of luminesce and reflectance component?

a. Homomorphic system

b. Base class system

c. Base separation system

d. All of the above

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Answer: a) Homomorphic system

Explanation: A homomorphic system is the only class of a

system that helps achieve the separation of luminesce and
reflectance components of an image.

42) Which of the following image component abruptly diverges at a

certain junction of distinct objects?

a. Reflectance component Page 20 of 35
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b. Illumination component

c. Both (a) and (b)

d. None of the above

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Answer: b) Reflectance component

Explanation: Whenever an object reflects some light onto

the scene, then the total amount of light that has been
mirrored is termed as the reflectance component.

43) Given an intensity level [0, L-1] with "r" and "s" positive values,
how will the negative of an image obtain?

a. s = L - 1 - r

b. s = L - 1 + r

c. s = L + 1 - r

d. s = L + 1 + r

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Answer: a) s = L - 1 - r

Explanation: The negative of an image will be obtain by s =

L - 1 - r.

44) In general, the log transformation can be represented by


a. s = c.log (1 - r)

b. s = c - log (1 - r)

c. s = c.log (1 + r)

d. s = c + log (1 + r) Page 21 of 35
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Answer: c) s = c.log (1 + r)

Explanation: The general form of log transformation is s =

c.log (1 + r).

45) Which of the following is the correct definition of Gamma


a. Light brightness variation

b. A Power-law response phenomenon

c. Inverted intensity curve

d. None of the above

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Answer: b) A Power-law response phenomenon

Explanation: In order to compensate for the effects of non-

linear luminance, the gamma correction function maps the
levels of luminance, where γ refers to a constant, i.e.,
gamma, and "^" is the power operator.

46) What is the name of the process that highlights an image's


a. Intensity Highlighting

b. Intensity Matching

c. Intensity Slicing

d. None of the above

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Answer: c) Intensity Slicing Page 22 of 35
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Explanation: Intensity Slicing is a process of highlighting

the intensity of an image.

47) What is the name of the process, which reverses the image's

a. Piecewise Linear Transformations

b. Image Negatives

c. Log Transformations

d. None of the above

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Answer: b) Image Negatives

Explanation: Image negatives utilize the reverse of image


48) Which of the following grey level intensities help in increasing

the grey levels dynamic range in the image?

a. Contrast Stretching

b. Negative Transformations

c. Power-law Transformations

d. None of the above

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Answer: a) Contrast Stretching

Explanation: Contrast stretching is a process of augmenting

an image's quality, which improves its contrast by

49) What is the main idea behind grey-level slicing? Page 23 of 35
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a. For brightening the relevant grey-valued pixels and

preserving the background

b. To give all grey levels of a specific range high value and a

low value to all other grey levels.

c. All of the above

d. None of the above

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Answer: c) All of the above

Explanation: In general, grey-level slicing includes the

following two types of approaches:

The first one includes assigning all grey levels of a

specific range high value and a low value to all other
grey levels.

However, the second approach not only brightens the

relevant grey-level pixel value but also preserves the

50) Which of the following technique is used to obtain a certain

range of bits required to quantize each pixel?

a. Contouring

b. Bit-plane slicing

c. Grey-level slicing

d. Contrast stretching

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Answer: b) Bit-plane slicing

Explanation: Bit-plane slicing is one such method that

represents an image with more than one bit of a byte that
has been utilized for each pixel. Page 24 of 35
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51) In which of the following areas can we use the low pass filters?

a. Machine perception, along with some application of

character recognition

b. Printing and publishing industry

c. Satellite processing and aerial images

d. All of the above

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52) Which of the following act as a receptor in the retina of a human


a. Cones

b. Rods

c. Both (a) and (b)

d. Neither (a) nor (b)

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Answer: c) Both (a) and (b)

Explanation: Rods are long slender receptors, while cones

are shorter and thicker receptors.

53) Subjective brightness is related to __________ Page 25 of 35
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a. Brightness

b. Intensity

c. Image Perception

d. Image Formation

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Answer: b) Intensity

Explanation: Subjective brightness is related to intensity,

which is perceived by the human eye.

54) What is the name of the innermost membrane present in the

human eye?

a. Sclera

b. Choroid

c. Retina

d. Blindspot

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Answer: c) Retina

Explanation: The retina is the innermost membrane of the

human eye.

55) What is defined by the total number of pixels within the region?

a. Area

b. Brightness

c. Intensity

d. Perimeter

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Answer: a) Area

Explanation: The total number of pixels within the region

defines the area of that region. However, the perimeter
refers to the boundary of the region, given the number of

56) For which of the following regions, minimal compactness is


a. Disk

b. Square

c. Irregular

d. Rectangle

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Answer: a) Disk

Explanation: Since the compactness of a region is defined

by 2 * (Parameter)/ Area, so the disk-shaped region
encompasses minimal compactness.

57) _________ is the principal factor, which helps in determining an

image's spatial resolution.

a. Dynamic range

b. Quantization

c. Sampling

d. Contrast

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Answer: c) Sampling Page 27 of 35
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Explanation: The spatial resolution of an image can be

principally determined by the process called sampling.

58) What is meant by a band-limited function?

a. A function of limited duration whose highest frequency is


b. A function of limited duration whose highest frequency is


c. All of the above

d. None of the above

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Answer: a) A function of limited duration whose highest

frequency is finite

Explanation: Functions whose area under the curve is finite

can be represented in terms of sines and cosines of various
frequencies. The highest frequency is determined by the
sine/cosine component is the highest "frequency content" of
the function. If this highest frequency is finite and that the
function is of unlimited duration, then these functions are
called band-limited functions.

59) What is the sum of all components of a normalized histogram?

a. 1

b. -1

c. 0

d. None of the above

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Answer: a) 1 Page 28 of 35
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Explanation: A normalized histogram can be mathematically

defined by;

p(rk) = nk / n

where n represents the total number of pixels contained in

an image, rk represents the kth grey-level, and nk is the total
number of pixels with grey-level rk.

60) The technique of Enhancement that has a specified Histogram

processed image, as a result, is called?

a. Histogram Linearization

b. Histogram Equalization

c. Histogram Matching

d. None of the above

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Answer: c) Histogram Matching

Explanation: In general, histogram specification uses a

specified Histogram, i.e., the shape of the histogram can be
specified by self to generate a processed image, which is
also called Histogram Matching.

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