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Saceda, Flor Jasmen R.

BSN 3-2

1. What were the two legal safety protocols implemented by Dr. Mathis to
ascertain security in prescription of psychopharmacologic interventions to
- the D.E.A number that they mentioned in the movie . I also noticed that Dr. Mathis did
not prescribed any medications to her patients.
2. Specula te on the mental disorder of patient “Nora”.
- Schizophrenia
3. Hypothesize on “Nora’s” precipitating factor for her disorder
- One of the precipitating factor for Nora’s disorder is the abuse she experienced on her
father .

4. What affect/feeling serves as trigger Dr; Mathis anxiety

- Those patient that has a post trauma because of her past experience to her
patient Nora since she feel sad and guilty that she did not help Nora .
5. What psychotherapy used by Dr. Mathis involve purposive
flashback and reliving the trauma?
- Dr. Mathis used a Confrontation Therapy and when her patients is having a panic
attack she encourage her patient to do a relaxation technique .
6.Speculate on the drug classification injected to Dr. Mathis.
- Since Dr. Manthis experience anxiety and sleep problems I think the drug that injected
to her is sedative drug .

7. Which type of grief is experienced by patient “Alex

A situational
b. developmental
c. disenfranchised
d. pathologic
8 . Was the drug of choice Risperdal efficacious in treating the
disorder of “Nora?" Justify your answer (2 points).
- No, Based on the movie I think its not that effective because nora’s condition
seems to get worse .

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