Theodorsdottir Et Al

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Received: 21 July 2021    Revised: 1 November 2021    Accepted: 2 November 2021

DOI: 10.1111/ane.13554


Multiple sclerosis impairment scale and brain MRI in secondary

progressive multiple sclerosis

Asta Theodorsdottir1,2  | Pia Veldt Larsen3 | Helle Hvilsted Nielsen1,4,5 | Zsolt Illes1,4,5  |

Mads Henrik Ravnborg6

Department of Neurology, Odense
University Hospital, Odense, Denmark Abstract
Objective: To examine the Multiple Sclerosis Impairment Scale (MSIS) in secondary
OPEN, Odense Patient Data Explorative
Network, Odense University Hospital,
Odense, Denmark
progressive MS (SPMS) in relation to the Expanded Disability Status Scale (EDSS),
Mental Health Services at the Region of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) outcomes, and mobility.
Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark Methods: In this observational single-­center study, 68 secondary progressive multiple
Department of Neurobiology Research,
sclerosis (SPMS) patients were examined by MSIS, EDSS, functional mobility tests of
Institute of Molecular Medicine,
University of Southern Denmark, Odense, upper/lower extremities, and multimodal MRI. Participants had EDSS ≥3.5, a decline
in daily activities over the last year unrelated to relapses, and/or 6-­month confirmed
Department of Clinical Research, BRIDGE
-­Brain Research –­Inter Disciplinary disability progression.
Guided Excellence, University of Southern Results: Mean disease duration was 23.1 ± 8.3 years and mean age 54.4 ± 8.1 years.
Denmark, Odense, Denmark
6 MSIS, EDSS, and their corresponding motor, cerebellar, and sensory subscores corre-
Filadelfia Epilepsy Hospital, Dianalund,
Denmark lated (p < .0001). Motor subscores of MSIS correlated stronger with Timed-­25-­Foot-­
Walk (T25FW) than pyramidal functional system score (FSS) (p = .03), but EDSS had
Ásta Theódórsdóttir, Department of a stronger correlation to T25FW than the total MSIS score (p = .01). MSIS cerebel-
Neurology, Odense University Hospital,
lar subscore correlated stronger with 9-­Hole Peg Test (9-­HPT) than cerebellar FSS
J. B. Winsloews Vej 4, Odense 5000,
Denmark. (p = .04). The sensory MSIS subscore also showed correlation with 9-­HPT in contrast
to sensory FSS (p = .006). MSIS subscores had stronger correlations with MRI volume-
Funding information try measures than FSS scores (lesion volume and putamen, thalamus, corpus callosum
This study was funded by Novartis. The
volumetry, p = .0001–­0.0017).
funder had no influence on the study
design, data analysis, and interpretation Conclusion: In patients with SPMS, MSIS correlated with functional motor tests. MSIS
showed stronger correlations with atrophy of central nervous system areas, and may
be more sensitive to scale cerebellar and sensory function than EDSS.

9HPT, MRI, multiple sclerosis, MSIS, observational study, scale properties, secondary
progressive, T25FW

Zsolt Illes, Mads Henrik Ravnborg equal contribution

© 2021 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd

Acta Neurol Scand. 2021;00:1–16.  |     1
2      THEODORSDOTTIR et al.

1  |  I NTRO D U C TI O N for SPMS (likely transition). We correlated the MSIS total score and
its subscores with EDSS and FSS scores, MRI outcomes, and func-
Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic inflammatory demyelinating and tional motor measures of mobility.
degenerative disease of the central nervous system (CNS). Studies
of the natural course of MS have shown that up to 50% of patients
develop a secondary progressive course characterized by a slow 2  |  M E TH O DS ( DATA S O U RC E S A N D
worsening of disability approximately 10–­15  years after disease P O PU L ATI O N )
onset.1,2 This secondary progressive MS (SPMS) is presumed to be
due to quantitative and qualitative changes in the underlying disease 2.1  |  Participants
SPMS is conventionally defined retrospectively as a sustained The patients were recruited during routine out-­patient follow-­up
progression in disability over a period of >6  months unrelated to at the Department of Neurology, Odense University Hospital from
relapses and following an initial relapsing-­remitting disease course. March 1, 2018, to April 1, 2019.
The definition has changed over the past years to include actual pro- Inclusion criteria were SPMS, that is, a definite diagnosis of MS
gression and/or activity.4,5 Thus, besides maintained worsening on according to the McDonald (2010) Criteria and progression based
the Expanded Disability Status Scale (EDSS), the best performing on a minimum a 6  months confirmed increase in EDSS >1 point if
definition of SPMS has included a minimum EDSS score of 4, and a EDSS was between 3.5 and 5.0 or an increase of 0.5 point if EDSS
minimum motor functional system score (FSS) of 3 in the Neurostatus ≥5.5 without interfering relapses, or EDSS ≥3.5 and a subjectively
scoring system that is used to calculate the EDSS score.6 A new con- assessed decline in daily activities over the last year with no inter-
cept of silent progression has recently been proposed based on the fering relapses, that is, decline in walking distance, or worsening bal-
argument that progression starts earlier than previously recognized, ance or cognitive decline.
that is, in the relapsing-­remitting (RR) phase. Patients with other diseases that might influence clinical perfor-
The diagnosis of SPMS is often delayed by several years, and the mance or MRI outcomes, and patients with a confirmed relapse in
time between relapsing-­remitting and definite SPMS can be cate- the last year were excluded.
gorized as a transition.8 Although patients and neurologists showed In total, 84 patients were invited to participate, and 73 were
strong agreement regarding age at MS disease onset, patients re- included. Five patients were excluded after entering the study; of
ported 2.7 years earlier conversion to SPMS than neurologists.9 The these, two patients did not meet the McDonald (2010) Criteria, one
long transition period and emerging treatments for active SPMS patient was diagnosed with antiphospholipid antibody syndrome,
emphasize the need for sensitive screening tools, including patient-­ one patient had an infection at the baseline visit and was lost to
reported outcome measures for early detection of progression. follow-­up, and one patient was excluded because of psychosomatic
As the EDSS has notoriously low sensitivity for detecting progres- symptoms influencing the clinical performance.
sion in SPMS,7,14 a series of alternative clinical outcomes have been
developed. The MS Functional Composite (MSFC) measure is more
sensitive than EDSS partly because it better estimates hand func- 2.2  |  Data collection
tion using 9-­HPT test besides assessing lower extremity function
using T25FW test.15 Lesion volume measured by MRI showed poor The patient's history was explored at inclusion, and the last relapse
correlation with EDSS score,16 but a stronger correlation of lesion and current medication were recorded. A neurological examination
was seen with MSFC score. Measurements of the cross-­sectional was performed with scoring on the EDSS and MSIS scales (the cogni-
volume of the cervical spinal cord have shown a strong correlation tive data will be reported in another publication). The patients were
with disability in MS patients,18–­21 and even stronger in progressive tested with 9-­HPT, Six Spot Step Test (6-­SST26), and T25FW. All ex-
MS compared with RRMS patients. aminations were conducted by a single neurologist trained in these
The Multiple Sclerosis Impairment Scale (MSIS) was developed tests (AT).
in 1997, 24 motivated by the limited sensitivity of changes in the The 9-­Hole Peg Test is a test of the upper extremities and coor-
higher EDSS scores in patients with progressive MS. The MSIS scale dination. The patients were seated with a peg board in front of them
has semi-­parametric properties and has shown better sensitivity in with 9 holes on one side and a shallow round dish on the other side.
moderate-­to-­severe impairment compared to EDSS. They were asked to put the pegs, one at a time, in each hole on the
With increased focus on the diagnosis of the progressive phase peg board, and remove them again one at a time, while the trial was
of MS, there is a growing need for sensitive measures of progression timed. The patients were tested twice for each arm, the dominant
in clinical settings for early treatment decisions and in clinical trials arm first. An average time was calculated.
to monitor progression. The Six Spot Step Test is a test of lower extremity function
To investigate the efficacy of the MSIS in secondary progressive and coordination. Five wooden cylinder blocks were placed on
MS, we examined its psychometric properties in a cross-­sectional marked circles on the floor, one at the end of the test field and 2
prospective study with a cohort of patients with SPMS or high risk on each side 1 meter apart. The patient was instructed to stand at

the beginning of the field, and walk alternating from side to side, from the T1-­weighted scans, while tissue segmentation benefits
without running, while shoving the wooden blocks out of their from T1-­weighted lesion filling based on the FLAIR lesion segmen-
circles with the same foot, alternating between the median and tations. FLAIR lesions were further subdivided into four categories,
lateral side of the foot. The test was timed from the moment the according to the McDonald Criteria: juxtacortical, periventricular, in-
patient lifted the foot until the last block was shoved of its circle. fratentorial, and deep white matter. The WM segmentation included
The test was done twice for each foot. Assistive walking devices lesion filling. Mean upper cervical spinal cord area was computed
were allowed if needed. on the T1-­weighted brain scans, of which the field of view included
The Timed-­25 Feet Walk test is also a test of lower extremity complete C2 and C3 vertebrae. The spinal cord was segmented mak-
function. The patients were instructed to walk 25 feet as fast, but ing use of the PropSeg algorithm. 29 After refinement, a multi-­atlas
safely, as possible. The test was timed from the moment the patient registration approach was used to identify the spinal cord adjacent
crossed the start line and stopped when they had crossed the finish to the C2 and C3 vertebrae. The cross-­sectional area was then com-
line. An average score was calculated from two trials. Assistive walk- puted perpendicular to the spinal cord centerline. MRI analyses were
ing devices were allowed if needed. performed by IcoMetrix using pseudoanonymized data.
The MSIS (Appendix 1) is scored according to a full neurological
examination and is composed of 53 subscores. The subscores are di-
vided into five functional groups: (1) cognition (maximum 12 points); 2.4  |  Statistics
(2) cranial nerve functions (maximum 23 points); (3) limb motor
functions (maximum 94 points); (4) sensory functions (maximum 48 The statistical analysis was done using STATA v.16.1. A threshold
points); and (5) complex functions (maximum 27 points), including of 0.05 was used for statistical significance. Descriptive analyses
coordination, gait, and balance. The theoretical maximum total score of patient characteristics were presented as number (percent) or
is 204 points. If the function is affected by impairment of another mean (SD), as appropriate. Pairwise Spearman rank correlations (ρ)
function, the score is treated as a missing value. The total score is ad- were calculated between MSIS scores, EDSS scores, MRI outcome
justed for missing values by multiplying the ratio between the total measures, and functional motor measures of mobility. Pairwise par-
subscore number (n = 53) and the actual number of subscores (53 -­x) tial Spearman correlations were calculated to adjust for sex and age.
by the total score to give the MSIS score. Differences in Spearman correlations between covariates and MSIS
Study data were collected and managed using REDCap (Research and EDSS, respectively, were tested with standard errors of the dif-
Electronic Data Capture) tools hosted at the University of Southern ferences based on a bootstrap with 1000 replications. Holm's cor-
Denmark. rections were applied to take multiple testing into account.

2.3  |  MRI acquisition and analysis 2.5  |  Ethics

Sixty-­two patients were scanned on a 3T Achieva dStream (Philips The study was approved by the Danish Data Protection Agency
Medical Systems), and five patients were scanned on a 3T Ingenia (Philips (journal no. 2017–­41–­5263) and the Danish Ethical Committee
Medical Systems). One patient was not scanned due to a cardiac pace- (Acadre 17/31814, project-­ID S-­20170162).
maker. Scanning occurred within 34.9 ± 31.3 days after the first visit.
A 3D T1-­weighted scan was acquired with TE = 3.8 ms, TR = 8.4 ms,
image size 230  ×  288  ×  288, voxel size 0.87  ×  0.87  ×  0.87  mm, 3  |  R E S U LT S
and flip angle 8  degrees. A 3D T2-­weighted FLAIR series was ac-
quired with TE = 254.8 ms, TR = 4800 ms, TI = 1650 ms, image size 3.1  |  Demographics, clinical and MRI
317 × 400 ×  400, and voxel size 0.63  × 0.63 × 0.63 mm. A diffu- characteristics
sion MRI series was acquired in all but one patient consisting of one
b  =  0 image and 32 volumes with b-­value 1000  s/mm2. Constant The cohort included 68 patients with a mean age of 54.4 ± 8.1 years
parameters were TE = 80 ms, TR = 3100 ms, flip angle 90 degrees, at the time of inclusion. The mean time since first symptom was
image size 128 × 128 × 60, and voxel size 1.75 × 1.75 × 2.5 mm. The 23.1 ± 8.3 years, and mean time from diagnosis was 15.6 ± 7.3 years.
cross-­sectional icobrain pipeline was applied on the T1 and FLAIR Seventy-­two percent of the patients had received disease-­modifying
images. 27 After bias field correction28 and skull stripping, the FLAIR treatment (DMT) during their disease course, but 30 patients (44%)
and T1 images were co-­registered and used for joint segmentation were not treated at inclusion. The reason for treatment discontinuation
of the three main tissue classes (gray matter (GM), white matter was partly the patients´ choice, partly due to the diagnosis of SPMS.
(WM), and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)) and lesions (FLAIR hyperin- The mean number of previous DMTs was 1.4 ± 1.3 (Table 1). At the time
tensities). This segmentation process includes a joint analysis of the of inclusion, various DMTs were used (Table  1). Mean EDSS score at
T1-­weighted images and FLAIR scans, as the segmentation of the inclusion was 4.9 ± 1.4, and mean MSIS score was 50.0 ± 18.3. Mean
FLAIR scans benefits from knowledge of the tissue classes obtained scores for functional tests and MRI measurements are shown in Table 1.
4      THEODORSDOTTIR et al.

TA B L E 1  Demographics, functional and MRI outcomes

compared (motor, rho = 0.5776; cerebellar, rho = 0.5845; sensory,
N = 68 rho = 0.7051; p < .0001 for all) (Table 2).
Female n (%) 44 (64.7)
Age at inclusion, mean (SD) 54.4 (8.1) (range 40.8–­83.2)
Years since first symptom, mean 23.1 (8.3)
3.3  |  Correlation of MSIS and EDSS with motor
(SD) functional tests
Years since diagnosis, mean (SD) 15.6 (7.3)
Delay from diagnosis to treatment 2.6 (6.1)
Total MSIS score was more highly correlated with performance on the
in years, mean (SD) 9-­HPT (rho  =  0.4840, p  <  .0001) compared to EDSS (rho  =  0.3906,
Patients that have received DMT 49 (72) p = .011), and similarly to EDSS regarding 6-­SST (MSIS: rho = 0.6943,
n (%) p < .0001, EDSS: rho = 0.7196, p < .0001). T25FW had a stronger corre-
Number of previous DMTs mean 1.4 (1.3) min-­max (0–­5) lation with EDSS than total MSIS score (MSIS: rho = 0.6483, p < .0001,
(SD) EDSS: rho = 0.8239, p < .0001), (Figure 1), and the difference in the rho
No current treatment 30 values (strength of correlation) was significant (p = .011).
Current treatment The MSIS motor subscore showed stronger correlation with
Teriflunomide 8 T25FW (rho = 0.6316, p < .0001) than pyramidal FSS (rho = 0.4339,
Fingolimod 10 p = .0002), and the difference in rho values was significant (p = .031).

Natalizumab 9
The MSIS motor subscore showed also stronger correlation with
6-­SST compared to pyramidal FSS (MSIS motor: rho  =  0.6164,
Others (Interferon β−1a, GA, 11
Rituximab, DF) p  <  .0001 and pyramidal FSS: rho  =  .4820, p  <  .0001) (Figure  2).

EDSS mean (SD) 4.9 (1.4) (range 3.5–­7.0) The MSIS motor subscore did not correlate with performance on 9-­
HPT, while pyramidal FSS showed a weak correlation with 9-­HPT
MSIS mean (SD) 50.0 (18.3) (range 14–­95)
(rho = 0.2497, p = .0416). (Figure 2).
Functional tests (n  = 67)
The MSIS cerebellar subscore correlated more strongly with 9-­
9-­HPT (sec) mean (SD) 30.6 (11.7)
HPT (rho  =  0.5793, p  <  .0001) than cerebellar FSS (rho  =  0.3743,
T25FW (sec) mean (SD) 9.4 (8.5)
p = .0018), and the difference in strength of correlation was significant
6-­SST (sec) mean (SD) 15.6 (11.3)
(p  =  .041), while both were correlated with 6-­SST (MSIS cerebellar:
Area volumes (n  = 67) rho = 0.3240, p = .007; cerebellar FSS: rho = 0.2651, p = .029). The
Corpus callosum cross-­sectional 518.6 (143.5) MSIS cerebellar subscore did not correlate with T25FW, in contrast to
areal (cm3)
a weak association with cerebellar FSS (rho = 0.2436, p = .045), but
Thalamus (cm3) mean (SD) 14.4 (1.8)
the difference between rho values was not significant (Figure 3).
Putamen (cm3) mean (SD) 12.8 (1.0) The MSIS sensory subscore correlated with 9-­HPT (rho = 0.3683,
Hippocampus (cm3) mean (SD) 8.8 (0.7) p = .0022) in contrast to sensory FSS, and the difference of the rho
(n = 65)
values was statistically significant (p = .006) (Figure 4).
Normal appearing cortical gray 831.9 (32.1)
matter (cm3) mean (SD)
MUCCA (cm3) mean (SD) (n = 66) 68.6 (8.7)
3.4  |  Correlations of MSIS and EDSS with
Total lesion volume (cm ) mean (SD) 16.2 (10.9) MRI outcomes
(n = 64)

Note: Lesion volume is based on joint analysis of T1 and FLAIR sequences. Total MSIS score showed significant negative correlation with the vol-
Some of the MRI measurements could not be obtained for technical reasons
ume of thalamus (rho  =  −0.427, p  =  .0004) and mean upper cervical
(number of the patients in the analyses are indicated).
spinal cord area (rho = −0.4309, p = .0004) similarly to EDSS (thalamus:
Abbreviations: DMT, Disease-­modifying treatment; DF, Dimethyl fumarate;
EDSS, Expanded Disability Status Scale; GA, Glatirameracetate; MSIS, rho  =  −0.3278, p  =  .0077 and mean upper cervical spinal cord area:
Multiple Sclerosis Impairment Scale; 9-­HPT, 9-­Hole Peg test; T25FW, rho = −0.4261, p = .0004) (Table 2). The partial correlations, adjusted
Timed-­25 Foot Walk. 6-­SST, 6-­Spot Step Test; MUCCA, Mean upper for age and sex, were slightly stronger than the unadjusted. When cor-
cervical spinal cord area; SD, Standard deviation.
relations were compared, neither difference was statistically significant.
When subscores were correlated with CNS volumes, MSIS sub-
3.2  |  Correlation of MSIS with EDSS and scores generally showed stronger correlations compared to FSS
correlations between their functional subscores (Table 2). The MSIS cerebellar subscore negatively correlated with cor-
pus callosum cross-­sectional area (rho = −0.3817, p = .0017) in com-
Multiple Sclerosis Impairment Scale showed strong correla- parison with cerebellar FSS (comparison diff = −0.139, p = .178). The
tion with EDSS both for total scores (rho  =  0.7530, p  <  .001) and MSIS cerebellar subscore showed stronger correlation with volume of
when the functional subscores of the EDSS (FSS) and MSIS were putamen (rho  =  −0.3920, p  =  .0012) and thalamus (rho  =  −0.4897,

TA B L E 2  Correlations between clinical outcomes and MRI volume measures


MSIS 0.753*** −0.196 −0.076 −0.175 −0.427* −0.056 −0.431* 0.170

EDSS −0.023 0.042 −0.099 −0.328 −0.041 −0.426* 0.039
MSIS-­M 0.578*** −0.056 0.117 −0.135 −0.183 0.032 −0.380 −0.022
MSIS-­C 0.585*** −0.382 −0.392 −0.143 −0.490*** −0.208 −0.083 0.485**
MSIS-­S 0.705*** −0.146 −0.154 −0.143 −0.339 0.009 −0.254 0.125
FSS-­P −0.080 0.001 −0.193 −0.249 −0.131 −0.281 0.133
FSS-­C −0.217 −0.299 −0.083 −0.374 −0.123 −0.091 0.267
FSS-­S 0.103 0.092 −0.060 −0.169 0.011 −0.151 −0.091
9-­HPT −0.344 −0.232 −0.211 −0.460** −0.148 −0.334 0.376
T−25FW −0.170 0.032 −0.220 −0.391 −0.042 −0.433* 0.194
6-­SST −0.193 −0.066 −0.201 −0.422* −0.150 −0.428* 0.250

Note: Spearman's correlation were used, adjusted for age and sex. Measurements are given in rho. Total lesion volume is based on joint analysis of T1 and FLAIR sequences.
Abbreviations: 6-­SST, 6-­Spot Step Test; 9-­HPT, 9-­Hole Peg test; CC, Corpus callosum total volume; EDSS, Expanded Disability Status Scale; FSS-­C, Functional systems score—­cerebellar; FSS-­P, Functional systems
score—­pyramidal; FSS-­S, Functional systems score—­sensory; HC, Hippocampus total volume; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging; MSIS, Multiple Sclerosis Impairment Scale; MSIS-­C, Multiple Sclerosis Impairment
Scale—­cerebellar scores; MSIS-­M, Multiple Sclerosis Impairment Scale—­motor scores; MSIS-­S, Multiple Sclerosis Impairment Scale—­sensory scores; MUCCA, Mean upper cervical spinal cord area; NACGM, Normal
appearing cortical gray matter; Put, Putamen total volume; T-­25FW, Timed-­25 Foot Walk; Thal, Thalamus total volume; TLV, Total lesion volume.
*p < .05 after Holm´s correction.
**p < .01 after Holm´s correction.
***p < .001 after Holm´s correction.
6      THEODORSDOTTIR et al.

F I G U R E 1  Correlation of MSIS and

EDSS with motor functional tests. A.
Correlation between MSIS and 9-­HPT,
T25FW, and 6-­SST, respectively. B.
Correlation between EDSS and 9-­HPT,
T25FW, and 6-­SST, respectively. C.
Difference of correlations. MSIS: Multiple
Sclerosis Impairment Scale. EDSS:
Expanded Disability Status Scale. 9-­HPT:
9-­Hole Peg test. T25FW: Timed-­25 Foot
Walk. 6-­SST: 6-­Spot Step Test. Rho:
Spearman correlation coefficient. CI:
confidence interval

p  <  .0001) compared to cerebellar FSS (putamen: rho  =  −0.2985, corpus callosum (rho = −0.3443, p = .005), and mean upper cervical
p = .0166 and thalamus (rho = −0.3741, p = .002), though the differ- spinal cord area (rho  =  −0.3342 p  =  .007), and a positive correla-
ence in rho values was not significant. Mean upper cervical spinal cord tion with the total lesion volume (rho = 0.3761, p = .003). T25FW
area showed stronger correlations with motor (rho = −0.3796, p = .002) and 6-­SST negatively correlated with the volume of thalamus
and sensory MSIS subscores (rho = −0.2536, p = .043) than pyramidal (rho = −0.3906, p = .001 and rho = −0.4220, p = .0005) and with
FSS (rho = −0.2807, p = .025) and sensory FSS (non-­significant), but mean upper cervical spinal cord area (rho = −0.4330, p = .0004 and
the strength of correlations was not significantly different. The vol- rho = −0.4279, p = .0004) (Table 2).
ume of thalamus negatively correlated with the sensory subscore of
MSIS (rho = −0.3386, p = .006) but not with sensory FSS. Finally, the
total lesion volume strongly correlated with the cerebellar subscore of 4  |  D I S C U S S I O N
MSIS (rho = 0.4846, p = .0001) and slightly less with the cerebellar FSS
(rho = 0.2671, p = .037) (comparison diff = 0.190, p = .134). A previous study reported a non-­linear correlation between MSIS
and EDSS in all phases of MS. 24 Here, we examined MSIS in a spec-
trum of patients with SPMS and in transition to SPMS and investi-
3.5  |  Correlations of functional motor tests and gated the correlation of MSIS with EDSS, functional system scores,
MRI outcomes MRI, and functional motor outcomes in a cross-­sectional cohort.
In this single-­center study, SPMS was defined clinically or sus-
We found significant negative correlations between the 9-­HPT and pected to be, judged by the patient's symptoms. The challenge of
the volume of thalamus (rho = −0.4602, p = .0001), cross-­sectional identifying the start of the secondary progressive phase of MS

F I G U R E 2  Correlation of MSIS and

EDSS motor subscores with motor
functional tests. A. Correlation between
MSIS motor subscores and 9-­HPT,
T25FW, and 6-­SST, respectively. B.
Correlation between FSS pyramidal
subscores and 9-­HPT, T25FW, and 6-­SST,
respectively. Difference of correlations
is given for each comparison. MSIS:
Multiple Sclerosis Impairment Scale.
EDSS: Expanded Disability Status Scale. 9-­
HPT: 9-­Hole Peg test. T25FW: Timed-­25
Foot Walk. 6-­SST: 6-­Spot Step Test. Rho:
Spearman correlation coefficient. CI:
confidence interval

patients is well known and is complicated by the lack of biomark- The most promising biomarkers for detection of early diagnosis
ers and the psychological burden of communicating the diagnosis of SPMS at the moment are atrophy measures of the brain and spi-
to the patient.30 Several approaches have been proposed to diag- nal cord7,37 and the measurement of the thickness of retinal nerve
nose SPMS earlier and more accurately, since EDSS is not sensitive fiber layer.38 Although elevated levels of neurofilament light chain
enough to measure silent progression in RRMS and has a low sen- in blood and cerebrospinal fluid have been suggested as potential
sitivity as an assessment tool.31,32 Therefore, a few SPMS predictor markers for progressive MS,39 recent data including a meta-­analysis
tools have been developed6,10,11 taking different parameters into ac- have not found differences between relapsing-­remitting and pro-
count. In the search for a more homogenous definition of SPMS for gressive MS.40,41
clinical trials, clinical retrospective data of 17.356 patients with MS In our study, we examined correlation of MSIS with clinical and
were used to define the “best definition” of SPMS in 2016, based on MRI outcomes in a SPMS cohort, including patients with high risk
changes in EDSS and FSS over a 3 months period.6 MSFC, also used to convert and possibly in the transition phase. In addition, we also
in many clinical trials, contains EDSS, T25FW, 9-­HPT and a cognitive compared the correlation of MSIS and EDSS with these outcomes
measure, Paced Auditory Serial Addition Test.33,34 EDSS-­Plus has to test their sensitivities. We found that MSIS correlated well
also been proposed,35 although it only differs from MSFC by lacking with EDSS, both as total scores and as subscores of motor, cere-
Paced Auditory Serial Addition Test. There is furthermore a need for bellar and sensory function. A general feature was that the MSIS
tools for accurate evaluation of subtle signs of progression in clinical scores had a wide range in comparison with the EDSS and FSS,
practice, and for that purpose, MS Progression Discussion Tool36 has a difference that weakens direct statistical comparisons between
been developed. the MSIS and EDSS scales. However, we observed the lowest
8      THEODORSDOTTIR et al.

F I G U R E 3  Correlation of MSIS and

EDSS cerebellar subscores with motor
functional tests. A. Correlation between
MSIS cerebellar subscores and 9-­HPT,
T25FW, and 6-­SST, respectively. B.
Correlation between FSS cerebellar
subscores and 9-­HPT, T25FW, and 6-­SST,
respectively. Difference of correlations
is given for each comparison. MSIS:
Multiple Sclerosis Impairment Scale.
EDSS: Expanded Disability Status Scale. 9-­
HPT: 9-­Hole Peg test. T25FW: Timed-­25
Foot Walk. 6-­SST: 6-­Spot Step Test. Rho:
Spearman correlation coefficient. CI:
confidence interval

correlation for the cerebellar scores, possibly because these are stronger correlation with T25FW and better correlation with 6-­
highly dependent on motor disabilities in both functional scoring SST (strength of difference although not significant) compared to
systems. Within a progressive cohort, the motor abilities are highly pyramidal FSS, indicating that the ambulation that drives EDSS
affected, which also was the case in our cohort, where motor FSS scores above 3 is not fully explained by motor deficits. The cor-
scores were 3–­4 in most patients and MSIS scores mainly around relations of motor scores with 9-­HT, indicating hand function,
20–­4 0 points. This artificially lowers the cerebellar scoring in both were low for both scales although it was slightly higher for pyra-
systems because it cannot be evaluated properly. The scales are midal FS scores of EDSS.
differently constructed—­w hile in the EDSS, the patient is given The 9-­HPT correlated stronger with MSIS cerebellar scores than
an approximate cerebellar FS score, marked with an X, the MSIS with cerebellar FSS. However, 9-­HPT correlated poorly with the
excludes the subscores that cannot be evaluated properly due to motor subscore of MSIS, suggesting that 9-­HPT may primarily be
motor disabilities and proportionally weights the other subscores determined by coordination and ataxia in this cohort. 9-­HPT has
higher in the total score. This also leads to an artificially low cere- a ceiling effect for patients with EDSS<3.0 and a large variability
bellar score on the MSIS. when EDSS exceeds 6.0.42 This is illustrated for the current cohort
The MSIS is less dependent on ambulation compared to EDSS. in Figure 1A.
The MSIS score increases linearly with each objective deficit in the We examined the correlation of both MSIS and EDSS with dif-
neurological examination. However, we expected the observed ferent MRI outcome measures and found only significant negative
stronger correlation of T25FW with EDSS compared to MSIS. correlations with the volume of thalamus, and with mean upper cer-
On the contrary, the correlation between MSIS and 9-­HPT was vical spinal cord area when the total score of each scale was exam-
higher than expected. MSIS motor scores showed a significantly ined. When we examined the subscores of each scale, however, we

F I G U R E 4  Correlation of MSIS and

EDSS sensory subscores with motor
functional tests. A. Correlation between
MSIS sensory subscores and 9-­HPT,
T25FW, and 6-­SST, respectively. B.
Correlation between FSS sensory
subscores and 9-­HPT, T25FW, and 6-­SST,
respectively. Difference of correlations
is given for each comparison. MSIS:
Multiple Sclerosis Impairment Scale.
EDSS: Expanded Disability Status Scale. 9-­
HPT: 9-­Hole Peg test. T25FW: Timed-­25
Foot Walk. 6-­SST: 6-­Spot Step Test. Rho:
Spearman correlation coefficient. CI:
confidence interval

found stronger correlations with MSIS subscores compared to FSS. upper cervical spinal cord area. Thalamic volume has also previ-
Particularly, MSIS cerebellar subscores correlated with corpus callo- ously been correlated with 9-­HPT in RRMS patients.45,46 In our
sum and cortical normal appearing gray matter volumes in contrast to SPMS cohort, we found a correlation of 9-­HPT with thalamic,
cerebellar FSS; putaminal, thalamic, and lesion volumes also showed corpus callosum, mean upper cervical spinal cord area, and total
stronger correlation with cerebellar MSIS. The stronger correlations lesion volumes. This indicates that hand function may be highly
of cerebellar MSIS subscore with volumetry compared to cerebellar complex and dependent on multiple cerebral areas. For the 6-­SST,
FSS somewhat mirrored its stronger correlation with the functional we found correlations with the thalamic and mean upper cervical
motor tests. The volume of mean upper cervical spinal cord area also spinal cord area volumes, which perhaps is surprising because the
showed stronger correlation with MSIS motor subscore compared to coordination required for 6-­SST is most likely as complex as the
pyramidal FSS and was also correlated with sensory MSIS subscore in hand function needed for 9-­HPT.
contrast to sensory FSS. The volume of the basal ganglia correlated Similar to other studies, we used the cervical cross-­sectional
with the cerebellar deficits in our cohort, and the motor symptoms area for atrophy measure of the spinal cord, since it is the technically
were highly affected by the volume of the spinal cord. The cross-­ easiest method. However, a study of the thoracic volume measures
sectional area of the cervical spinal cord correlates stronger with of white and gray matter showed a specific correlation with certain
MSIS scores for RRMS and SPMS patients than with EDSS. motor disabilities in the lower extremities, not explained by the
The volumes of thalamus and putamen have previously been cervical atrophy,47 indicating that total spinal cord volume measure
found to correlate with T25FW. In our study, we only found might be needed to explain the full disability progression within MS
correlations of T25FW with the volume of thalamus and mean patients.
10      THEODORSDOTTIR et al.

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