Final Exam PEH

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Name: _Micky Mae S. Grampa _____ Year / Section: _BEED 2-B___ Date Submitted: May 24, 2023____

Instructions: Read the following questions carefully. Place the answer on the spaces provided after each question.

1. A. Since the emphasis in Physical Education is on participation in physical activity, what assessment tools should
you use to assess different types of movement experiences? B. In Health Education, the emphasis is on
developing personal and social behavior-based skills, give examples of assessment strategies that help promote
interaction in order to assess different health topics and issues. Use the box below for your answers.

ASSESSMENT Tools – Physical education ASSESSMENT Tools – Health Education

__Classroom presentation _________________ __ Written Examination _________________
__Performance Task______________________ __ Classroom presentation_______________
Formative assessments ________________ __Students’ self-assessment_____________
Summative assessments. ________________ __ Performance Task____________________
_ Physical education assessments _________ __ Group Activities_____________________
_ Self-Report Activity Diaries/Logs.________ __ An open-ended question _____________
__ social behavior-based skills ___________

2. Team teaching exemplifies the real meaning of professionalism. Explain and attach quotes from other Notable
Educators from google.

A multidisciplinary approach is easily achieved through team teaching. Where a teacher can team teach with
another teacher, and when working with another teacher, you must be professional in your work. When I say
professional, I mean you must be able to accept feedback and demonstrate your commitment to the work. That is
how Team teaching demonstrates the true meaning of professionalism.

 “Believe passionately in what you do, and never knowingly compromise your standards and values. Act
like a true professional, aiming for true excellence, and the money will follow” – David Maister

 “Teaching is the essential profession, the one that makes all professions possible” – David Haselkorn

 “The whole educational and professional training system is a very elaborate filter, which just weeds out
people who are too independent, and who think for themselves, and who don’t know how to be
submissive, and so on because they’re dysfunctional to the institution” – Noam Chomsky

3. Why is microteaching described as “more focused and down-to-earth way of learning” than others? Support your
ideas from other educators from USA, Australia, Singapore, etc. Attach below message of other educators.

I agree that microteaching is described as a "more focused and down-to-earth way of learning" because it is
ignored despite numerous studies demonstrating its effectiveness. Micro-teaching allows student-teachers to
practice their skills with a small group of students prior to teaching a larger group, which is very beneficial to us
future students who are new to this type of field where we teach because it allows us to sharpen and develop our
skills so that we can teach effectively in the future. Microteaching is a focused form of peer feedback and discussion
that can help teachers improve their teaching strategies.

 According to Daniel Brown micro teaching is nothing new, it’s steadily increased in popularity due to its
effectiveness, especially in workplace training. Micro teaching is a proven method so you can micro teach to
the best of your abilities and ultimately drive better learning results. Simply put, micro teaching involves
scaling back the lesson material so that any given team member can absorb what’s being taught in small

 According to Althea Storm Microteaching enables teachers to experiment with different teaching methods
and take the necessary steps to upskill. This process works conjointly with the use of a well-designed
microteaching lesson plan that keeps the teacher focused on the lesson and the points they’re trying to pass
across to students.

4. The most widely used, reliable and valid tools of evaluation are the “objective written and performance
achievement tests”. Agree or disagree, support your answer with ideas from other educators. Attach below
ideas/opinion from other educators/ search from google.

I agree the most widely used, reliable and valid tools of evaluation are the objective witten and performance
achievement test ,because Objective written test are very common test examples is a Questionnaires . Objective
written test have finite correct answers and can be easily graded without subjective judgement, even by machine.
The most common form of objective tests are multiple choice tests. Performance achievement test is also very
common it is usually used after a lesson or activity, An achievement test measures how an individual has learned
over time and what the individual has learned by analyzing his present performance its like a reflection.

According to google Questionnaire is the Most commonly used method of evaluation is questionnaire in
which an individual attempts answers in writing on a paper.

 According to Kendra Cherry, achievement tests are widely used in a number of domains, both academic-
and career-related. Students face an array of achievement tests almost every day as they complete their
studies at all grade levels, from pre-K through college.

5. State the advantages and disadvantages in individual teaching. Provide evidences. Search from google.

According to New York State Education Department there are several benefits available to schools who elect to use
the individualized method of instruction, are shown below.

 Individualized instruction allows a student who is above or below "average" to proceed at the student’s own
pace for optimal learning.
 Students do not have to repeat portions of a course that they have already mastered.
 Students learn the self-discipline needed to motivate themselves and to keep their progress on target.
 Students can check their own results on class work and seek help when needed.

Also According to New York State Education Department there are also disadvantages that we should considered
prior to proposing use of this teaching method.

 Not all students will benefit from individualized instruction. Some students need greater interaction with
the teacher and classmates than is available using this method. Students with low reading ability may have
difficult progressing through materials which are presented primarily in writing.
 In order to properly monitor students’ progress, additional recordkeeping is necessary; student progress
charts are a necessity and must be kept up to date and reviewed by the teacher.
 Lesson plans must include activities for all students while the teacher is working with one or a few students.
 Additional pre- and post-testing is necessary to ensure that students begin instruction at the appropriate
level and that objectives are satisfied.
 Space must be provided for storing student records, student folders, and shared student materials.

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