Module 2 Lesson 2 Step

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Lesson step-by-step instructions

Topic 1: Use theme fonts, Activity

Answer key not applicable for this activity.

Topic 1: Use theme fonts, Try-it 1

1. Open L2_T1_try1_farmers_market_starter.pptx.
2. Select the title text on the second slide.
3. Select the Home tab or use the Mini Toolbar to select Font.
4. Select Verdana from the list.
5. Select any bulleted text on any slide and examine the font size (it should be 28).
6. Select the bulleted list on slide 4 and select the Font Size drop-down arrow.
7. Choose 28 from the list or select the Increase Font Size button twice.
8. Select File, and then select Save As.
9. Select Browse.
10. Edit the file name to add your initials at the end and select Save.

Topic 1: Use theme fonts, Try-it 2

1. Open L2_T1_try2_farmers_market_starter.pptx.
2. Select the Design tab and then select the drop-down arrow in the corner of the Variants group.
3. Select Fonts, then select TrebuchetMs from the list.
4. Select File, and then select Save As.
5. Select Browse.
6. Edit the file name to add your initials at the end and select Save.

Topic 1: Use theme fonts, Try-it 3

1. Open L2_T1_try3_farmers_market_starter.pptx.
2. Select slide 3 and note the formatting applied to the title (Size 44, Verdana) and the bulleted list
(Size 28, Cambria).
3. Select slide 2 and select the title text, select the Font drop-down arrow and select Verdana.
4. Select the Font Size drop-down arrow and select 44.
5. Select the bulleted list and select the Font Size drop-down arrow and select 28.
6. Repeat steps 3, 4 and 5 on slide 4.
7. Select File, and then select Save As.
8. Select Browse.
9. Edit the file name to add your initials at the end and select Save.

40568A: Microsoft PowerPoint associate 2019
Module 2: Managing content on slides

Topic 2: Format text in multiple columns, Activity

Answer key not applicable for this activity.

Topic 2: Format text in multiple columns, Try-it 1

1. Open L2_T2_try1_spring_crops_starter.pptx.
2. Select the May slide (slide number 4) and note the font types and font sizes of the bulleted list.
3. Select the bulleted list on the March slide (slide number 2). From the Font size drop-down arrow
on the Home tab or on the mini toolbar, select 28.
4. Select any empty paragraph within the list and select Delete on your keyboard.
5. Select the bulleted list placeholder on the April slide (slide number 3).
6. Select the Home tab, and then in the Paragraph group, select Add or Remove Columns.
7. Select Two Columns.
8. Select the Font size drop-down arrow and select 28 from the list.
9. Select File, and then select Save As.
10. Select Browse.
11. Edit the file name to add your initials at the end and select Save.

Topic 2: Format text in multiple columns, Try-it 2

1. Open L2_T2_try2_spring_crops_starter.pptx.
2. Select the placeholder on the March slide (slide number 2).
3. Select the Home tab, and then in the Paragraph group, select Add or Remove Columns.
4. Select Three Columns.
5. Select the placeholder and right-click or activate the context menu to select Format Shape.
6. Select Text Options, then select Textbox.
7. Edit the top and bottom margins to 0.1" (0.25 cm).
8. Select Add or Remove Columns again and then More Columns.
9. Edit the Spacing to 0.2" (0.5 cm) and select OK.
10. Select the end of the 1st line in the 3rd column on the May slide (slide number 4).
11. Select Delete on your keyboard to bring the next line up.
12. Select Enter on your keyboard to return the text to the next line (the text will automatically line up
with the preceding line).
13. Repeat step 11 and 12 until all bullets are in line.
14. Select File, and then select Save As.
15. Select Browse.
16. Edit the file name to add your initials at the end and select Save.

40568A: Microsoft PowerPoint associate 2019
Module 2: Managing content on slides

Topic 3: Create bulleted and numbered lists, Activity

Answer key not applicable for this activity.

Topic 3: Create bulleted and numbered lists, Try-it 1

1. Open your Our_food.pptx file.
2. Select the Favorites slide and select the bulleted list.
3. Select the Bullets drop-down arrow and apply an option from the list.
4. Save and close the presentation.

Topic 3: Create bulleted and numbered lists, Try-it 2

1. Open your Our_food.pptx file.
2. Select the Favorites slide and select the bulleted list.
3. On the Home tab, select the Numbering button.
4. Select the hanging indent marker on the ruler and drag the marker along to the next position on
the ruler.
5. Select any numbered item and select the Format Painter button.
6. Select the Least Favorite slide and paint the formatting across the bulleted list to change it to a
numbered list as well.
7. Save and close the presentation.

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