Russian Stack

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I He

You (familiar) She

You (polite) It (neuter)

This one/that one This/that

own ya

anah thi

ano vhi

eta etat
We Good Morning

You (you people) Good Afternoon

They Good evening

Good night Night

Dobraye Utra mui

Dobre dyen Vui

dobre vyecher ani

noch spakoyne noche

Tranquil night youre welcome

Goodbye thank you

please yes

sir no
paszaulsta spakoyne noche

spaciba Dos vydanya, paka

da paszaulsta

niet gaspadeen
madame, mrs, miss I don't want...

I want I want a ticket.

I desire to me

I need for me
ya nye hachu gaspaszha

Ya hachu bilyet. ya hachu

minye ya hachu

minye minye nushna

For me, it's necessary.. where, where is

I want coffee where is the toilet

i need coffee how much

how much does it cost? how many

gydye minye nushna

gydye tooalyet minye nushna cofye

skolka minye nushna cofye

skolka skolka eta stoit

how much does that cost? what time?

hour at what time?

o'clock is

you have exists

katoram chisu skolka eta stoit

fkatoram chisu, va skulka chas

yest chas

yest uvas yest

by you is.. by you is a book (pol)

a book (polite) do you have a map

you have a book (polite) do you have a pencil

i don't understant i understand

uvas yest kuneega uvas yest

uvas yest karta kuneega

uvas yest karandash uvas yest kuneega

ya paneemyu ya nye paneemyu

do you understand (pol) it is

i don't speak is it?

i don't speak russian train

automobile trains
eta vuh paneemyitsa

eta? ya nye gavaru

poyest ya nye gavaru pa ruski

poyestda maschina aftomabil

automobiles airplane

boat airplanes

boats bus

ticket bus stop

samolyoht maschinee aftomabili

somolyohteh karabul

aftobus karablee

astanofka afto-busa bilyet

tickets ticket window

cash register ticket office

pay desk ticket agency

airports airport
bilyetnaya casa bilyeti

bilyetnaya agyentstva casa

bilyetnaya agyentstva casa

ay-era-port ayeraporteh
the flight gate (airport)

a connection (flight) toilets

connections (flight) station

a way road
varota eriyes

tooalyetee svyas

stancia svyazee

daroga daroga
a journey railway station

iron (ferrous) the bus station

the railway platform

which track? which platform?

szheleznayadaroshnaya stansaya, vagzal daroga

afto-busnaya stansaya shyelezni

platforma shyelezni daroga

kakaya platforma? kakoi poot

which train car? to the train station please

phrases to the airport please

where is the train station? i need a taxi

a ticket to moscow i need a ticket

na vagzal pashaulsta kakoi vagon

va ayeroport pashaulsta vereshzenye

minye nushna taxi gydye vagzal?

minye nuszhan bilyet bilyet dumoskvih, bilyet vuhmoskvu

the train to moscow first

the train from moscow first class

the train from kiev to moscow second class

a one way ticket an end, a way, a route

pyervi el poyest vumoskvu, poyest dumoskvih

pyervi klahs poyest izmoskvi

ftaroy klahs poyest izkieva vumoskvu

konyet bilyet vadeen konyet

there no smoking

a round trip ticket, a ticket there and back at what time does the train leave

to smoke at what time does the train arrive

what number? where is the bus to moscow

nye kooreet toodah

vaskulka poyest atpravlaitsa bilyet toodah y abratna

vaskulka poyest privavayat kooreet

gydye aftobus dumoskvih kakoye nomer

which number? a seat reservation ticket

which seat, which place a time table, schedule

seat number 5 the first train

the next train the second train

zabranyervanee bilyet kakoye nomer

raspisanya kakoye myista

pyervi poyest myista nomer pyat

ftaroy poyest salyeduishi poyest

the last train
basledknee poyest

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