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Dynamic Eng-Spa Consecutive Interpreting

Practice | MED 2 Fractured Rib NBCMI CCHI

R: Hello mr. Rivera how are you today?
LEP: Well, It still hurts me, doctor
R: Yes, I would expect that we have reviewed y
our x- rays and you do have a fractured
rib there is no other visible damage
LEP: It's ok, and What is the treatment for
R: Well first of all, how are you doing with the 
pain medication? Is it helping you?
LEP: The truth is, no, it isn't. It hurts me so
much that I can't get asleep. It hurts
me a lot when I get a deep breath.
R: Okay,tell you what we will do, first I'm going 
to give you strong medication so
you can sleep, it's normal to have pain when
you breathe because of your
fracture and it will keep on hurting 
until it is healed you will get an 
anti-inflammatory painkiller
this will help you with your breathing pain.
LEP: Very Good
R: what kind of work do you do?
LEP: I work in a warehouse, in the storage
R: Okay, I don't want you to go to work for the  bien, no quiero que vayas a trabajar
next five days just rest, no bending down  durante los próximos cinco días,
twisting or lifting heavy objects over 
five pounds after that you can 
go back to work but I will write you 
instructions for light
duty this means no bending down 
no twisting or lifting heavy objects
LEP: Ok, just rest for 5 days and light duty
for how many days did you say?
R: you will be on light duty for four weeks then I 
will see you for a follow-up in five weeks
 I have already sent the prescription to the p
harmacy downstairs
let them know in the front desk that you 
need a follow-up scheduled for five
weeks if you have any symptoms such as 
cough fever chest pain shortness of
breath or increasing phlegm, come see me.
any questions?
LEP: No, thank you very much, dr.
R: you're welcome see you in five weeks

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