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zzz --= Compound Sentences Setting the Context 2revie a ? Do the: Paes wing —_Do you believe women are as intelligent as men? Do they 3 much as men do? generally achieve as Wasted Potential? | es do the achievements of wornen | for this gap apparently has little to are at least as intelligent as men, sts than boys do. Still, studies of |Q scores almost Tu ceither primitive nor modern soci even approach those of men. Yet the reason do with natural ability, Itis obvious that wome! on 10 te for girls consistently perform better a 5 | gifted children of both sexes have shown that boys with higl always achieve success as adults, BUR high-scoring girls often do not = Ras cussing Why do you think that women have traditionally tested as well or better than men deas but have not achieved as much? Is this changing? Coordinating Conjunctions with Clauses Coordinating conjunctions (and, but, for, or, $0, yet, and nor w ( ) are used to join Svorindependentlauses of roushly equalimportanee into oneieomoud ' EERIE of roughly Gl sitege. The specific coordinating conjunction chosen highli relationship between the clauses. When a hts the logical clauses, it is normally preeededibyrarcomma. How. joins two ever, with (WolShort clauses. Mosaic Two * Grammar and, but, for, or, so, yet Fred is antisocial, nor and he can be quite rude. but he has a few friends. for he is very insecure. or at least he seems that way. So many people don't like him. yet he loves to go to parties. Fred is not very sociable. He is not very polite. Patty doesn’t stay out late. She doesn’t gamble. May hasn't read the chapter. She hasn't written her essay. Fred is not very sociable, norsisihe very polite. Patty doesn’t stay out late, noridoesishe gamble. May hasn't read the chapter, norihasishe written her essay. Nor is used to joinitwo the verb be is placed beforeithersubject and the negative in the sec- Quickly reread the passage “Wasted Potential? on the opposite page. Underline . What type of felationship does each express? Are the sentences punctuated in the same way? example: GOimibine the sentences here and on the next page wi making necessary changes in punctuation and se In rural areas of developing nations, women are often underfed. They are also overworked. In rural areas of developing nations, women are often under- fed, and they are also overworked. 4. Men are more muscular than women, Women often do the hardest physical labor. 2. Male infants receive better treatment in many countries. They are more highly prized than female babies. 3. Oftentimes, baby girls are not fed as much as their brothes 1s. The girls don’t get as much attention. 4. In rural Guatem: babies are breast- ‘ala, female infants are less valued than males. Female "fed for a much shorter period than male babies . 5. In 1970, during the Biafran War, Nigerian girls often suffered from i SeVerg malnutrition. Their brothers did not. 6. Female babies may be treated better in the future. Their situation may worsen. exercise "Complete the following sentences with a clause. Use students in your class for the subjects. example: Francesca loves to dance, but. . . . Francesca loves to dance, but she rarely goes out at night, 1. Last Friday, ________ asked me to go to a movie, but. . . , 2 is engaged to be married, so. . . . 3 may never get married, for. . . . 4. will never get married, nor... . 5. is in love with one of his/her teachers, yet. . . . 6. doesn’t have a new car, nor. . . . 7. has several boyfriends, and. . . . 8. After dinner, does the dishes, or... . exercise 4” oa the word that best expresses your opinion and densi each sentence by ig 100 ling a complete clause. Use each of the connecting words that are provided. example: Men are@@onged/ weaker than women, so they should make all the decisions. Men are@ronged/ weaker than women, but Women are more intelligent. 1. Men are mentally stronger/weaker than women, yet. . . . Men are mentally stronger/weaker than women, so... . Men are mentally stronger/weaker than women, or... _ Men are mentally stronger/weaker than women, and... . 2. Women/Men should never have to do any housework, nor. . . . Women/Men should never have to do any housework. and. . . - Women/Men should never have to do any housework, so. . . . Women/Men should never have to do any housework, but. ‘A woman’s/man’s place is at home with the children, yet. A woman’s/man’s place is at home with the children, so. A woman’s/man’s place is at home with the children, or. + Men/Women are more important in the world, so. . . . Men/Women are more important in the world, and... . Mosaic Two * canoe Coordinating Conjunctions with Words and Phrases The coordinating conjunctions §% and for can joinlelauses only. Nor dsually joins clauses. However, Gd, ‘et, and 6r are often used to join Units For example, they can join (W6l6r more nouns, 4djec- tives, adverbs, or phrases. Of course, the structures must be parallel (noun. . . noun, adjective. . . adjective). — Nouns Khalil and Tasir met us at the airport. Adjectives We were tired but happy. Verb Phrases They took us to the hotel and arranged for a room. Adverbs || The clerk spoke rapidly yet clearly. Prepositional Phrases We will return in August 6r at the end of the year. exercise ¥§" Combine each group of sentences here and on the next page into one sentence, using andylonmonifor,sojbutvoryet. Don’t use the same connecting word more than once within each set. Make these sentences as short as possible by omitting all unnecessary words. Some women have decided that their place is not at home even if they have children. This is the story of such a woman. example: In class, Julie’s eyes are always sparkling with attention. In class, Julie’s eyes are always sparkling with joy. In class, Julie’s eyes hold a deep sadness. In class, Julie’s eyes are always sparkling with attention and joy, but they hold a deep sadness. 4. Julie’s face seems, at times, childlike. Her face on closer inspection is wizened.* She has been through a lot in her life. 2. Julie was born in the Philippines. She lived in China during the ten-year Cultural Revolution. She is no stranger to hard times. 3. Some of her family starved during the Cultural Revolution. ‘There was no food to buy. There was no food to borrow. sii riormeiionticerac bcs sned wrinkled, with lines in the skin 101 102 4. Julie was able to stay alive by moving to a communal farm. She became ill with hepatitis” there. She almost died. 5. Eventually, the situation in China improved. Julie moved back to the city. She got married. 6. In 1991, she had a husband. In 1991, she had a child. In 1991, she had a relatively well-paying job. In 1991, she left them all to come to the United States. 7. She has been working in Santa Barbara since 1991. She has been studying in Santa Barbara since 1991. She hasn’t seen her son for several years. She hasn’t seen her husband for several years. 8. Leaving China was a big sacrifice for her. Leaving China was a big sacrifice for her family. It was an opportunity that comes once in a lifetime. 9. Julie is leaving California for China this December. She wants to see her son. She wants to see her husband. She plans to return to Santa Barbara to finish her degree. 10. Life has given Julie an opportunity. The opportunity is very special. Life has also forced Julie to make choices. The choices have been difficult, The choices have been between family and education. — eee “hepatitis a disease of the liver

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