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What are the challenges of working with an international company?

As working adults and part-time students, what are the issues dealing with
and managing your group members?

What are areas that you can improve in the future in preparing this whole
assignment and how your group members can be more efficient in
contributing their ideas?

1. What are the challenges of working with an international company?

The term "international business company " refers to organizations which having business
dealings or trade operations that often occur between two or more nations, such as those
that support the exchange of people, products, services, resources, ideas, and technologies
that span international borders. Effective international firms appreciate the diversity of the
global market and have the resilience to deal with the risks and uncertainties that come with
operating in a constantly shifting environment and also have the ability to offer several
advantages which could lead to the enhancement of competitive business among other
international business rivals .For instance, as a result of their involvement in international
trade, nations can sell their goods and services on a global scale by utilising their highly
skilled workforces and a variety of productive resources. In additional, international trade
also brings fresh opportunities to international markets and intensifies rivalry in domestic
ones by pushing and forcing the organizations to innovate and utilize resources more
effectively in global competition. International trade also raises consumer’s level of living and
exposes them to more innovative concepts, tools, services, and technologies by exposing
them to a wide range of products and services which can fulfil their demand and
expectations on company.

International business company is unquestionably more difficult than companies that

operates only in domestic markets because nation-states have distinctive governmental
structures, legal frameworks, taxation, duties, monetary systems, cultures, practises. As a
result, there are numerous problems or challenges in doing business internationally, some of
which we might mention below. For instance,

o Working in international business company may cause language barriers

The language barrier is one of the main barriers to employment in multinational corporations.
As a result, most multinational firms hire individuals who can communicate fluently in at least
one other language. In this place, it's important to highlight that because of information lost in
translation, businesses frequently have trouble communicating their objectives to customers.
It's also essential to consider the languages that the members of team are proficient in. If
you spend a lot of money on translators and keep a pool of people who are proficient in the
major languages of the globe, your business will run efficiently.

o Working in international business company may be challenging due to the

political issues and political environment

Political developments and international relations between nations have a significant impact
on the business environment globally. Understanding banking systems, trade rules, and
regional tax laws is not only crucial for company administration but also their employee who
are working for expanding the firm internationally and successfully. One of the key
challenges in conducting business and companies internationally is friction in cross-national
relationships which influences the business plan and guarantees that companies to follow
local laws and regulations. In additional ,the political choices made by the leaders also have
an impact on costs such as taxes, labour costs, commodity prices, infrastructure costs of the
company and it cause them to always consider the workplace structure, strategies, or any
contract policies to compliant with the laws and regulations to the foreign countries.

o Working in international company might be difficult due to the happening of

changes in currency and inflation rates
A dollar's value in your home currency may not necessarily be equivalent to the same sum in
other currencies. As a result, one of the main issues with doing business internationally is
that the value of the currency continually changes for the same quantity of goods and
services. Next, the cost of labour and commodity prices are impacted by inflation rates,
which ultimately affects the end product's price. So, you should become acquainted with the
inflation rates and currency conversion rates of the countries in which your worldwide firm

o Work in international company could be challenging because of engagement

with variety and differences of culture
Despite being one of the most challenging to comprehend, a foreign country's cultural milieu
continues to be a crucial part of the global business environment. Language, religion,
geography, governance, history, and education are just a few examples of the many
influences that shape a country's cultural milieu, which includes shared views and values.
The understanding of the various cultures that clients and workers adhere to improves
management and broadens cross-cultural business ties. Then, understanding their cultures
and using emotional intelligence will greatly help your worldwide operations, whether you're
running your abroad office, marketing your goods or services to foreign customers or
merchants, or running an overseas manufacturing facility.

o Working in international company might be tough due the difficulty of

enhancing a successful international team

Building and successfully leading teams on an international scale is a difficult task due to
some issues which are exacerbated by the complexity of global operations, which includes
disparate labour regulations, payroll rules, compliance, tax laws, and employee rights. In this
case, you must assure regular check-ins with your team, which may be dispersed around the
globe, preferably via a video conferencing software that allows for real-time interactions.
Numerous studies have demonstrated that employees who communicate with their
managers on a regular basis are three times more likely to be involved in their work
effectively than those who do not.

As conclusion, international trade is essential for any country's development because it

generates foreign cash through the process of exports and process of imports, and it also
makes it easier for a country to acquire lacking resources. So, we have to understand that,
even working on international businesses confront a variety of challenges, but with the right
knowledge, direction, and technical solutions, your company may easily overcome them. In
other words, paying respect to others culture, employment regulations, and employee
welfare of the nations where you operate is an easy and effective measure to overcome
problems associated with working on international business companies. Last but not least,
once your company has mastered the challenges of doing business abroad, it will be at the
top of the heap in terms of sales volume, profitability, brand value, and steady market growth
among the other business rivals as to quote,

“The successful business executive can handle challenges and solve problems at
remarkable clip.”

2. As working adults and part-time students, what are the issues dealing with and
managing your group members?

As working adults and students, I am pretty sure we may face or facing or faced many
challenges in dealing with group members in our daily lives.

In our experience, one of the main issues in managing group members is disagreement.
Disagreement is when there’s no acceptance of thoughts between people. In a group work
of 2 and more people, disagreements are common but how they deal with them and how
long they last is what matters. To our mind, the reason disagreements happen is mainly
because different people have different opinions and mindsets. This may turn into a conflict
one day if it is difficult to communicate or convey what we think to members who do not want
to listen and accept other people’s ideas. Any university, unites people with different
backgrounds, temperaments, experiences, and preferences. We usually don’t make friends
with everyone we meet and we can’t be everyone’s cup of tea either. Even the people we
are friends with or the people we think we can be friends with may have different perceptions
and thoughts than us. For an example, some people believe that government programs such
as welfare foster dependence and destroy the incentive to work. Others believe that
government benefits programs are always a good thing necessary to help those who are
struggling. Often, these differences can escalate to conflict if there’s no give and take
attitude and if there’s no 'intermediary' that provides a balanced view of things in a team. In
our opinion, having diverse opinions in a group actually lead to better outcomes where good
ideas and divergent views are served to improve and strengthen a particular plan. First
things first, in order to achieve a solution or come to a middle-ground, one must allow and
listen to what others is thinking and their reasoning for it and then from there, the team
representative or the team leader must choose the best and suitable idea fairly to get a
better or best outcome.

In addition, lack of cooperation is also an issue in our group since every one of us are
working. Cooperation is a core life skill and defined as the act or process of working together
and helping each other to get something done for a common purpose or to achieve mutual
benefit. Cooperation demonstrates the ability to work effectively and consistently with
diverse people, make compromises, build consensus in decision-making, assume shared
responsibility for collaborative work, and value the opinions and contributions of individual

team member. Hence, when someone does not cooperate, the whole process slows down
and obviously it will be difficult and unfair for other members of the group who give their
hundred percent. It seems to us that lack of cooperation may be due to competition,
laziness or limited time, skills and resources. Examples of how a member should be
cooperative are taking effort and collaborating to find solutions to problems, sharing as much
information as they know, working together to meet deadlines, making suggestions, helping
one another and giving constructive feedback. If members do not have these qualities or
follow any of these examples, problems can arise such as communication can break down,
lead to a lack of understanding and a decrease in productivity. But, by working together
towards a goal, teams can develop more sustainable strategies that may otherwise be
overlooked. This can help foster understanding, leading to less interpersonal conflict and
better communication over the long term. Not only that, but collaboration allows for more
efficient decision making and the ability to come up with innovative solutions to challenging
problems. Also, students who know how to cooperate in a team tend to have a positive
attitude about their roles and able to achieve goals successfully and easily in the end of the

Last but not the least, another issue in dealing with group members is over competition or
jealousy. While some level of competition among members can be motivating and beneficial
in completing tasks successfully, with friends encouraging one another to perform at their
best. However, some people may be too competitive. When members are overly
competitive, they may be less likely to communicate or to help each other, which can
increase the chances of mistakes happening and decrease productivity. Group members
may try to hide their envious feelings to themselves but we can find it by their actions such
as belittling other people’s accomplishments, ignoring other people’s ideas, refusing to
speak to someone and saying nothing when a colleague or friend is congratulated or when
someone shares their good news. A perfect example as a whole can be, if a member reacts
to someone else’s success by saying, “Oh, they just got lucky” or “Anyone could have done
that” then that could be a sign of jealousy. In contrast, this issue can disrupt the team
dynamic, resulting in tension and distrust between team members. When this occurs, the
team may become unable to effectively collaborate, leading to a decrease in quality of work
and a decrease in motivation. Thus, it is important to acknowledge and address any feelings
of envy that arise in a team setting. Open communication and respect between team
members can help make sure that jealous feelings and over competitive attitude do not
sabotage the overall success of the team. Also, managing student competition requires a fair
application of reward structures from universities and a continued emphasis on collaborative
work which can help them work together and build healthy relationships.

3. What are areas that you can improve in the future in preparing this whole
assignment and how your group members can be more efficient in
contributing their ideas?

a. Interaction
Efficient cooperation is built on effective communication. Talk clearly and honestly with your
group members about expectations, due dates, and responsibilities whether you're leading a
new project at work or collaborating on a presentation with your classmates. Creating open
channels of communication fosters trust and creates a supportive workplace atmosphere.
While conflicts may arise, being open and considerate in your contact with other team
members will aid in the speedy resolution of problems.

b. Managing time
Time management, responsibility, and accountability are all equally crucial for both your
academic and professional lives. For instance, project managers need to be well-organized
in order to set realistic goals for their team and keep everyone else on track to achieve

c. Problem solving
When difficulties or problems develop, effective problem solvers have the capacity to think
creatively. They maintain their composure and assist their team in finding a solution rather
than dwelling on the worst-case scenarios. This strategy makes it easier to identify any
inefficiencies or barriers to the team's success so that you can take steps to enhance such
procedures in the future.

d. Hearing
Being flexible is crucial when working in a group. Recognize that your team members might
have different viewpoints and take the time to listen to them. You can gain new perspectives
on a subject by listening to opposing viewpoints, some of which you may not have previously
considered. As a result, you can foresee needs and obstacles and be a better leader and


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