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Ch4: Operational Amplifiers

25.15 Operational Amplifier (OP- Amp)

• The Op-amp is produced as an integrated

circuit (IC).
Op-Amp properties
• An operational amplifier is a multistage amplifier. The
input stage of an OP-amp is a differential amplifier
• Have two inputs an inverting and a noninverting.
• A high input impedance at both inputs.
• A Low output impedance.
• A large open loop Voltage gain, typically 10^5.
• The voltage gain remains constant over a wide
frequency range.
Output Voltage from Op-Amp
• The out put voltage depends on the following
1- The voltage gain of OP-amp.
(open loop voltage gain Aol greater than 10^5.
close loop volt gain Acl is reduced when negative
feedback exist between output and input
2- The polarity relationship between v1 and v2.
3- The values of supply voltages, +V and –V.
Real and Ideal Op-Amp
Parameter Ideal Op-Amp Real Op-Amp
Differential Voltage Gain ∞ 105 - 109
Gain Bandwidth Product (Hz) ∞ 1-20 MHz
Input Resistance (R) ∞ 106 - 1012 Ω
Output Resistance (R) 0 100 - 1000 Ω
Why Use Negative Feedback?
• Negative feedback is the process
whereby a portion of the output voltage
of an amplifier is returned to the input
with a phase angle that opposes (or
subtracts from) the input signal.
• Open-loop voltage gain of a typical op-
amp is very high.
• Therefore, an extremely small input
voltage drives the op-amp into its
saturated output states.

Voltage gain Input Z Output Z Bandwidth

Without negative Aol Is too high for linear amplifier Relativity high Relativity Low narrow
feedback applications
With negative feedback Acl Is set by feedback circuit to Can be increased or Can be reduced Wider
desired value reduced to a desired to a desired value
value depending on type
of circuit
Applications of Op-Amp

• Inverting Amplifier
• From figures: If = Ii.
Input and Output Impedance of
Inverting Amplifier
(i) Input impedance: While an OP-amp has an
extremely high input impedance, the inverting
amplifier does not. (Zi = Ri).
(ii) Output impedance: From figure the output
impedance of the inverting amplifier is the parallel
combination of Rf and the output impedance of OP-
amp itself.
• Example: Determine the output voltage for
the circuit of Fig.
Noninverting Amplifier
• Voltage gain:
Voltage Follower
• The voltage follower arrangement is a special
case of noninverting amplifier.

The most important features of the voltage

follower configuration are its very high input
impedance and its very low output impedance.
Faults in Feedback Circuit
Summing Amplifiers
• summing amplifier is an inverted OP-amp that
can accept two or more inputs.
• The output voltage of a summing amplifier is
proportional to the negative of the algebraic
sum of its input voltages.
Applications of Summing Amplifiers
(averaging amplifier)
• All input resistors (R1, R2 and so on) are equal in value.
• The ratio of any input resistor to the feedback resistor is equal
to the number of input circuits.
Applications of Summing Amplifiers
• Subtractor circuits: provide an output voltage that is equal to
the difference of two voltages.

• output from second OP-amp is given by

OP-Amp Integrators and Differentiators

OP-Amp Integrator
• Circuit Analysis: i=ic
Output voltage of integrators circuits
(at fixed voltage)
Critical Frequency of Integrators
• All integrators have a critical frequency fc below which they
do not perform proper integration.
• The following equation is used to calculate the critical
frequency of an integrator:
OP-Amp Differentiator

Circuit analysis:
Comparator Circuits
• A comparator is an OP-amp circuit without negative feedback.
• It uses no feedback so that the voltage gain is equal to the
open-loop voltage gain (AOL) of OP-amp.
• It is operated in a non-linear mode.
Applications of comparators circuits
1. As a square wave generator or As a zero-crossing detector.

2. As a level detector.

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