Turbojet Enelne Ceruice Twetm N o - 8 0 9

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No. 809
- TAF-2J-0

Engine - case, assembly of, inner combustion chamber - pressure testing and

1. -Planning
- Information

A. Effectivity

Yodel Application

JT8D-1 Engines prior to Serial No. P648943B, except P648920B,

P648922B, P648930B, P648931B, P648935B thru P648938B.

JT8D-1 Engines prior to Serial No, P648941F, except P648926F.

JT8D-5 Engines prior to Serial No. P649015D.

Issue Sequence

JT8D-1 72-48
JT8D-5 72-15

'B. Reason

To ensure structural integrity under extreme operating conditions and to

provide new part number to identify cases which have been tested,

C. Description

Pressure test case assembly externally with water at 195-197 PST exerting
axial tension load of 39400-40300 pounds.

-- Compliance


E. Approval

FAA approved.

Approximately 3.0 man-hours are required to accomplish this bulletin.

G. References



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, Engine - case, assembly of, inner combustion chamber - pressure testing and
. * . reidentification of
2. Accomplishment Instructions.

A. At next overhaul, pressure test and reidentify Assembly of Inner

Combustion Chamber Case, Part No. 493084, as follows:


In conjunction with pressure testing Assembly of

Inner Combustion Case, Part No. 493084, it is
necessary to perform preliminary and after test
inspection of critical areas to ensure that minor
distortion which may be experienced during test,
is within established limits.

(1) Make preliminary inspection as follows:

a. Record Serial No. of case assembly.

b. With part on surface plate, front flange down, make two marks
180° apart on outside of case, at 4, 8, 12 and 16 inch heights with Dykem
Marker, or equivalent. Measure diameters at each height using vernier
tape, and record measurements.

C.Establish average height and parallelism bottom flange to

bottom of top flange using vernier height gage, and record and mark case


If average height of case exceeds 19.300 inches

or out of parallel by more than 0.010 inch, case
shall be rejected.

(2) Pressure test case assembly, with water using following PWA
tools with water supply at minimum of 250 PSI: Combustion Chamber Inner
Case Pressure Check Fixture, PWAL4427; Combustion Chamber Inner Case
Pressure Check Fixture Adapter, 'PWA 12589; Combustion Chamber Inner
Case Pressure Check Fixture Rear "0" Ring Seal, PWA 12590 and Combustion
Chamber Inner Case Pressure Check Fixture Front "0" Ring Seal PWA 14430.

Place Adapter, PWA 12589, on suitable bench or table, front

(flange) :id up. Install Seal, PWA 12590, in OD groove of pilot diameter
at rear of case assembly. Mount case assembly on adapter and secure with
38 bolts and washers, Details 2 and 3, and two each of bolts and washers
Details 4 and 5 of Adapter PWA 12589.

b. Install Seal, PWA 14430, in groove just inside bolt circle

of Plate, Detail 11 of Fixture, PWA 14427, and mount plate on case
assembly. Secure with 36, 5116-18 bolts, and washers, Details 13 and 14
of Fixture PWA 14427.

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* .I.
NO. 809 .
Engine - case, assembly .
---..----of, inner combustion
___ --_ chamber - pressure testing and .
reidentification of- L I *
C. Plug eight vent holes on periphery of case with appropriate
rubber plugs.

d. Using suitable hoist, place case with attached adapter and

detail, in cylindrical portion of Fixture, PWA 14427, and install 30 nuts,
washers and bolts, Details 8, 9 and 10 of Fixture PWA 14427. Tighten at
least 16 bolts, for hoisting.

Install "0" King Seals, Details 2 and 24, on Inner Ring,

Detail l,eill details of Fixture PWA 14427.

f. Lifting assembled portion of fixture with case, using hoist,

align and secure detail 1 with assembled Adapter, PWA 12589 using 18 bolts
Detail 6 of Adapter.

6. Tighten all bolts and nuts.

h. Lnstall pressure gage, relief valve, and other fittings prep-

aratory to test.

Pressure test at 195-197 PSI Raise pressure in three

increment:; 0 to 95 PSI, 95 to 145 PSI an: 145 to 195-197 PSI. At each
increment, inspect ID for evidence of collapsing and leakage. Mark areas
of leakage for attention fluorescent inspection. Reject case assembly
upon evidence of collapsing.

j. Relieve pressure and drain by means of bleeder valve.

k. Disassemble case from fixture and remove eight rubber plugs.

(3) Fluorescent penetrant inspect.

a. Fluorescent penetrant inspect welds, giving special emphasis

to areas marked as leaking during pressure test. Indications of porosity
in resistance seam or fusion welds of the outer and inner stiffener do
not impair structural durability of part and are acceptable providing
porosity indications are contained in weld area and do not extend into
parent metal. Indications of small cracks in the longitudinal fusion
welded surface which result from the welding process are also acceptable
providing the indications meet the limits of paragraph 1. following.
Cracks in the circumferential resistance seam welds are acceptable
provided they meet the limits of paragraph 2. following:

-’ Limits for indication of cracks in longitudinal fusion

(a) Not to exceed 0.062 inch length.

(b) Kot to extend into parent metal.

(cl Are separated by a minimum of 3.500 inches.

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b Engine - case, assembly of, inner combustion chamber - pressure testing and
I 1 ,- reidentification of

2-. Limits for cracks in circumferential resistance seam


(a) Not to exceed 0.125 inch in length.

(b) Are separated by minimum of 0.500 inch.

(c) Are confined to welded area with no crossover into

parent metal.

(d> Do not exceed four cracks per quadrant within the

above limits.

(4) Make "after test" inspection of critical areas. Two sets of

limits are provided for this inspection: a set of nominal limits and a
set of provisional extended limits. If measurements fall with nominal
limits, case assembly is acceptable. If measurement(s) exceed extended
limits, case assembly shall be rejected. If measurement(s) exceed nominal
limits, but do not exceed extended limits, a second pressure test of the
case assembly shall be made and another set of measurements taken. If
measurements after second test do not exceed measurements after first
test, case assembly is acceptable. If second measurement(s) exceed
first measurement(s), case shall be rejected. Make inspection as follows:

a. Recheck the four diameters at 4, 8, 12 and 16 inch heights -

reference paragraph (l)b. Diameters shall not be smaller than respective
measurements obtained in paragraph (l)b., by more than;

-a Nominal limits; 0.010 inch.

2-. Extended limits; 0.020 inch.

b. Recheck average height - reference paragraph (1)~. Average

height shall not exceed measurement obtained in paragraph (l)c., by more

1 Nominal limit; 0.020 inch, but in no event shall measure-

ment exceed 19:300 inches.

2. Extended 1Fmi.t; maximum measurement of 19.300 inches.

C. Recheck parallelism - reference paragraph (1)~. Recheck

measurements shall not exceed measurements obtained in paragraph (l)c,,
by more than;

-0 Nominal limits; 0.010 inch.

2-a Extended limits; 0.010 inch.

(5) Bake at temperature of 300°F(1490C) for one hour to dissipate

entrapped moisture.

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Engine - case, assembly of, inner combustion chamber - pressure testing and
I - v * reidentification of
3. LYaterial Information

A. The basis for the following material data is per engine.

New P/N Quantity Key Word Old P/N

*522066 1 Case Assembly 493084

*Obtain by test and reidentification.

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