The Scramble For Fuel Subsidy Removal (Orgn)

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To, His Excellency, President Bola Ahmed Tinubu, Federal Republic Off Nigeria, Asoko,
Abuja, Nigeria. heme: “The scramble for fuel subsidy Removal: Magnificient Display of
Nigeri Sixteenth President”. Overall Work: All Agreed Campaign Organisation (AACO),
Nigeria Good Governance Crops (NGGC), Nigeriaad- Thursday 6 June 2023, 11:00 am
Level 1 (Low Volume) Political Forum by “Open Letter”.

 Our Campaigns

"It is our view that no state of the twenty-first century can afford to be without
automated additional civil support systems. It is our aim to destroy the myths
and fears and provide useful advice and offer that the world is important to all
its inhabitants” – AACO / NGGC.

 Fundamentals of our vision

Perhaps the easiest way to describe a complex process is to break it down into a series
of easily followed steps. We begin by identifying ourselves as an NGO aspiring to
reduce bad governance in our country by providing support to potential and actual
representatives and thus protecting the common people. That the final push from us in
our remote places with small volunteers is aspiring to reduce bad governance in our
country – by providing support to potential and dual responsibilities and thus protecting
the common people through a more human-value-driven society through our interaction
with textual analysis.

 Partnerships & Commitments

Sir, this brings us to the topic of today. In recent years, our organization has examined
the roles played by “Open Letters” in anticipation of reinforcement in a country operating
under a failing agreed convention. The strength of open letters in a special way
influenced the development in America, the UK, France, and others because it does
more thinking. We apply this concept to our relationship with your government where

knowledge is shared by using the inspirational message acquired through learning
principles to establish conditions that changed or maintain targeted behavior and viola.

Your excellency should lock this as well, Sir, in the darkest hour when your campaign
was drawn into crisis or conflict we did gather larger numbers of expressions of support
of particular publications as our welded support against the smear campaign on your
health. We have equally used our letters as a policy to the fact–policy used towards a
preventive to core public focus that protects our democracy when your predecessor
wants to trash your popularity into ineffective use by using Interpol in his government.
Based on collaboration and algorithms intelligence we intersected via our letters. The
rest is history.

In this letter, we briefly set out ethical grounds for taking decisions as "necessary
in a democratic society". We set out the economic discipline that has less than
local concern or importance on the direction of your government source of
revenue before finalizing. So therefore, we are identifying this most of all within
the tradition itself as its importance as we submit that you should urgently submit
this letter and all others coming to the scrutiny of thought, and should also be
considered a fundamental theoretical framework where knowledge is shared
throughout your tenure

Sir, on behalf of the Organisation, we are saying congratulations as you emerged under
the raveling and composition of generals in the system of governance, and we pray your
administration continues to be hugely popular for good. However, you will be well
remembered if political crimes such as robbery at polls under which you and those
opposing were demonstrated to have performed appear not to be the norm in many
ways for a political appointment or reward.

Our youth multi-stakeholder partnerships strengthen our connections

Over time, our youth participants’ workshop helped them understand progressive
independent careers as sources of learning and growth. Casting those tensions not to
engage in temporary disturbances but as valuable features of their working lives,
participants appeared to develop a self-worth. In addition to the examples examined in
this section, we provide more supporting data in our newsletter and we continue in the
Online Appendix

 Politics of fuel subsidy removal

Sir, in our capacity to bring together a broad variety of sources across the trending
issue, we offered to despise the removal of “Fuel Subsidy” in whatever its
complexion, we are a sublime and sometimes pugnacious publicists and, we could
never be racist to an opportunity to sound off, particularly when common sense dictated
otherwise. We hereby advise against further appetite for ill-gotten wealth otherwise all
economic policies will continue to collapse and such an approach is against
indispensable requirements for ‘Sustainable Development’.

As a matter of fact, the removal of the longtime moral balance fuel subsidies as a
public provision is an approach to imperialism and evidence of the resurgence of
maladministration like your predecessors. Whilst it is necessary to balance the
interests of the country with your government policies on fuel subsidy, it is
difficult to accept that the removal of fuel subsidy would NOT present any further
significant hardships for local people.

We are aware that the great majority of Nigerians simply cannot afford to eat like a
normal staple food. There may well be an argument for a rural hardship, poverty in the
more rural or countryside would be often more severe. So it will be hard to see why fuel
subsidy should not be reserved for the end users. It is unsurprising that this perverse
incentive to remove fuel subsidy ranks among the most powerful drivers of political and
socioeconomic destruction.

Fine, we believe that you are not obligated to maximize the retention and
recycling of the existing structure. We might support your prescriptions on this
frankly mendacious claim if the policy to remove fuel subsidy is for a radical
distribution of wealth from the rich to the poor. But to propose this menu on such
preferences without economic transformation for the electorate is to tantalize and

Responding to a survey from the government camp, “A significant number of these

petrol tankers are being held by the oil marketers for commercial breeding on diversion
to neighboring counties”. This has the question of what happens energetically hardwired
when some wealthy people are allowed to roam with our resources. There is no more
reason to favour the operators with an exclusive source of public funds but there will be

as a result, to probe the general failure to investigate whether these marketers followed
a standard trajectory in the lifting and sale of petroleum.

Respectfully Sir, you need not only remove subsidies for the marketers but
reduce the external pressure bearing upon the system to avoid supply breakdown
and rising home demand. You need to increase the number of players in
petroleum lifters, reduce the size and volume each marketer can lift, weaken their
links, and compartmentalize the network. Unfortunately, your government and its
enterprises seem to be attempting the wrong solution to the problem.

The subsidy removal provided an excellent opportunity to test the cultural power of your
administration and our mission is to now brace up to rage carefully against the misuse
of any administrative power and somehow those that managed to overlook the obvious
issue that the executives are not meant to take a sole determinant on such a sensitive
issue. It is like governing without representation. As a moderator, we take up issues
that rightly be deemed as fairly needed attention before coming to agitate for political

With due respect Sir, your administration is starting on a collective style old fashion of
despot and oligarchy as you weren’t bothered to collect data across the relevant
spectrum of the society. Doing so might otherwise have been useful. Sir, you have only
come up with a decision likely to have been trashed for the sole purpose of harvesting
subsidies that will evolve into unproductive human or snake consumption. It is only in
our county that pythons or cobras or even anacondas engulfed public money.

Sir, we would encourage the government more direct engagement with the public, the
most effective government needs to engage all of society, including those at risk of
causing problems. Historical philology, we can infer that colonizing our country brought
stories with them to our collective survival. To avoid cultural implications is the using of
indirect government to rule us because of our historical philology. What will need to
make it work the most effective way is for your president to act as a critical friend and be
approachable. Sir, make a new global connection and bring international scholars’
dialogue into your government and take root towards elevating our country to the
League of Developed Countries.

We have not heard from your Excellency and your service chiefs or the politicians that
the money saved from fuel subsidy removal has the intention to radically reform. Just
as we have not heard about our looted money by the late despot military ruler
that loomed large in foreign account. Whereas we can make reference to how this
missing money had been collected by the past government. Sure, the formal task of this
letter is to require you to estimate joint planning to ensure a broad consultation between
what the grassroots people focus on. In developed countries for instance a high
proportion of subsidies are directed at farmers.

Sir, is the money to be saved from the subsidy going to be used to provide the
cash incentive or reward to Fulani herdsmen keeping their cattle on unproductive
land and stopping the greatest cause of habitat and wildlife destruction of
farmland in villages like yours, mine, and ours? Or is the money going to be given
to the farmers to help them rewild their land and engaged in mechanized
farming? Peradventure the transformation of our rivers, wildlife, livestock,
intensive farming, and fisheries will take everyone by surprise with the largesse
from the subsidies. Okay, that the money will be used to checkmate Boko Haram
and other local insurgencies, tah.

Finally, Sir, as a preliminary point we suggest suitable arrangements for

accommodating fuel subsidy removal by subsidizing it for the common users at the
sales point.

Rule with distinct

Sir, our mission, and that of any NGO is not about challenging the status quo but to
galvanized action in favour of measures for better development. Our mission in part 2 is
to highlight some renewable capital sources in order to move away from and have a
relief on crude oil. The importance of our reinterpretation also demonstrates how
microhistory can open numerous other lenses to explore. Sir, most continents like our
playful sub-genre of culture, our popular music that has developed around the world,
with our associated movies that have developed for global socializing.

Sir, have you considered we can get more dividends by promoting the traditional host
city and competing in perspectives that boost tourism with traditional outfits and
instruments on display? India has attracted a loyal and enthusiastic fan base as their
traditional weddings are being encouraged as a source of huge revenue. It is
anticipated that one stadium will act as a host of several weddings at a time, with
hundreds of guests visiting from abroad.

We write in a broad-based non-friction and we humbly encourage visiting Asia, in

contrast to their near-neighbor, Paradise Dubai, and witness what we enumerated.

There are regular accusations that our country has appeared to support tik tok,
Instagram, Netflix, and Facebook which also mimics the trademark software
communication like Apple in some way…the list goes on! with millions of unclaimed
royalties or dividends that would form part of our fiscal packages. The songs of
our artists with similar cultural performers have surfaced in the global geopolitical
landscape including Eurovision in various ways. It is important we invest in
representations that are produced by political, social, and cultural agencies (including
local government, education institutions, tourist boards, and national heritage agencies)
along with large businesses of the world.

We would have loved to divulge our blueprint for whole new contemporary thousand
ways we earmarked to make money to run the government of our country. The whole
world is wondering what is next for Nigeria.

Surprisingly, Stratford in East London still pays homage to millions of tourists since the
hosting of the Olympics in 2012. s—p

Special feature: Lagos State vs Iyabo Ojo

The demand by Lagos State for a huge tax from Iyabo Ojo may prove unattractive
to readers who share our views. Stop recruiting local tax collectors in an old
fashion to raise instant cash from common people. The creative sensation of
change in the global movie industry deserves accolades and awards as
“investors in people” as it is the norm in any society thriving to progress. Take
pride in turning their creative acumen to external revenue by recruiting credible
people, foreign-based intellectuals’ representatives, and NGOs to face corporate
space for negotiation.
In our next edition, we address the direction for the future of your government in our
country, with particular reference to our pending constitutional reform on Economic
exploitation, Political dominance, and Culturalism or racism as major issues
mitigating against our collective aspirations.
Long-life your Excellency, Long-life Federal Republic of Nigeria.
Respectfully submitted, Higher Honour.

How we stand in the hierarchy

1. Global Chairman, Sir Rafiu Aremu,
Fd, Llb, Cilex UK.
2. National President, Com. Olusoji
Onipede Williams
3. Standard-Moderator, Prophetess
Folusho Irewole
4. Campaign Advocate, Akerele
Abayomi Abiodun, Fd, Llb, Llm,

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Love is the only Good


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