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 ESTROGEN - It is the hormone that stimulate the female secondary

sexual characteristics; repair of the wall of the uterus; control
 METABOLISM - the conversion of food to energy to run cellular processes.
 PHYSICAL SELF - refers to the body, which we interface with our
environment and fellow beings.
 TESTOSTERONE- It is the hormone that stimulates the male
secondary sexual characteristics.
 The desire to eat is considered the most common one you experience,
making up around 28% of your daily urges.
 BODY IMAGE - It is generally defined as how one thinks and feels towards
one’s body.
 People with higher leptin and insulin sensitivity are generally going to
have an easier time losing weight and maintaining a healthy weight.
 CALORIES - a term used to measure the energy content of foods and
 OBESITY - It is the condition of being grossly fat or overweight.
 INNER SELF- A type of self by which you are aware of alterations in your
own state. This includes your rational intellect and your psychological
state, such as moods, feelings, and sensations, pleasure, and pain.
 BEAUTY - It is the degree to which a person’s physical traits are
considered pleasing or beautiful.
 SELF ESTEEM - defines as how you value yourself and how you fell others
value you.


 GENDER – A social and legal status, and set of expectations from society,
about behaviors, characteristics, and thoughts.
 SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED DISEASE - A disease acquired through sexual
contact where the organisms that cause such disease are passed on from
person to person in blood, semen, and vaginal or any other bodily fluids.
 SECONDRY SEX CHARACTERISTICS - These characteristics appear during
puberty in humans and at sexual maturity in other animals.
 SEXUAL ORIENTATION - is a person's emotional and erotic attraction
toward another individual. It is about who you’re attracted to and who you
feel drawn to romantically, emotionally, and sexually.
 SEXUAL SELF - refers to the individual’s feelings, actions, and behavior
concerning various aspects as development of secondary sex characteristics,
primary sex characteristics, sexual behavior, among many others.
 FERTILIZE - a cause to develop a new individual by introducing male
reproductive material.
 AFFECTION- a gentle feeling of fondness or liking.
 ABSTINENCE - The practice of restraining oneself from indulging in sex.
 VAGINAL RING - It is a birth control ring inserted into the vagina and
slowly releases hormones through the vaginal wall into the bloodstream to
prevent pregnancy.
 REFRACTORY PERIOD - It is the time in which usually a man is unable to orgasm
again, women can also experience such.
 GENDER IDENTITY - It is how you feel inside and how you express your
gender through clothing, behavior, and personal appearance. It’s a feeling
that begins very early in life.
 VASECTOMY - A surgical operation wherein the tube that carries the sperm
to a man's penis is cut. It is a permanent male contraception method.
 ATTACHMENT - involves the desire to have lasting commitment with your
significant other. At this point, you may want to get married and/or have
 SEX- is a label – male or female- that you’re assigned by a doctor at birth
based on the genitals you’re born with and the chromosomes you have. It
goes on your birth certificate.
 SUBDERMAL IMPLANTS - These implants involve the delivery of a steroid
progestin from polymer capsules or rods placed under the skin.
 TRANSDERMAL CONTRACEPTIVE PATCH - It is a medicated adhesive
patch that is placed on the skin to deliver a specific dose of medication
through the skin and into the bloodstream.
 FEMALE CONDOMS - It is a thin pouch inserted into the vagina before sex
serving as protective barrier to prevent pregnancy and protection from
sexually transmitted diseases.
 HUMAN SEXUAL REPONSE - refers to the sequence of physical and
emotional occurrence’s when the person is participating in a sexually
stimulating activity, such as intercourse or masturbation.
 LUST - This stage is marked by physical attraction. You want to seduce and
be seduced by your object of affection.
 ATTRACTION - this stage, you begin to crave for your partner's presence.
You feel excitement and energetic as you fantasize about the things you
could do together as a couple.

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