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CONDUCTED DATE: 08/05/2023

The aim of the fluid friction in pipes practical is to study and understand the behavior of fluid
flow through pipes and the effects of friction on the flow. By conducting this practical
experiment, the aim is to investigate the relationship between pressure drop, flow rate, pipe
diameter, and the properties of the fluid (such as viscosity) in order to determine the impact
of fluid friction on the flow characteristics.


2. Hydraulic bench
3. Stopwatch

Figure 01: Fluid friction apparatus

Figure 02: Schematic diagram of fluid friction apparatus


There are two types of pipe flows commonly exists which are laminar flow and turbulent
flow. The behaviour of fluid in a pipe depends on factors such as the flow velocity, viscosity
of the fluid, and the roughness of the pipe wall. Here's an explanation of these two types of
flows along with the corresponding equations:

1. Laminar Flow: Laminar flow occurs when a fluid flows in smooth, orderly layers
with minimal mixing or turbulence. It is characterized by a parabolic velocity profile,
where the fluid velocity is highest at the centre of the pipe and gradually decreases
towards the pipe walls.

2. Turbulent Flow: Turbulent flow occurs when a fluid flows in an irregular, chaotic
manner with significant mixing and eddies. It is characterized by a flattened velocity
profile with random fluctuations in velocity across the pipe cross-section.

Also, when it comes to hf (head loss due to friction) and v (average velocity of the fluid[m/s])
of both flows;
 Laminar flow regime at low velocities where hf ∝ v
 Turbulent flow regime at higher velocities where hf ∝ vn

Head loss due to friction, also known as frictional head loss, refers to the loss of pressure or
energy that occurs as a fluid flow through a pipe or conduit due to the effects of fluid friction.
It is an important concept in fluid mechanics and is used to quantify the resistance
encountered by the fluid as it moves through a conduit.

The head loss due to friction is caused by the interaction between the fluid and the inner
surface of the pipe. As the fluid flows, it experiences shear forces and frictional resistance,
which result in a decrease in pressure and a loss of energy. This head loss is typically
expressed in terms of a length of the pipe and is often measured in units of meters or feet of
fluid head.

The head loss due to friction can be calculated using various empirical equations such as for a
circular pipe flowing full, the head loss due to friction may be calculated from the formula
and also this law is used to calculate the friction coefficient. It is determined by

L v2
h f =f −−−−−−−−−( 1 )
D 2g
h f =h2−h1 −−−−−−−− ( 2 )
 h1 = Height of the water column at the beginning of the pipe [m]
 h2 = Height of the water column at the end of the pipe [m]
 f = Friction coefficient [dimensionless]
 L = Length of the pipe [m]
 D = Inner diameter of the pipe [m]
 g = Gravity acceleration [m/s2]

The average fluid velocity in pipes refers to the average speed at which the fluid flows
through the pipe cross-section. It is an important parameter in fluid mechanics and plays a
crucial role in various engineering calculations, such as determining flow rates, pressure
drops, and sizing of pipes and equipment.

The average fluid velocity is typically calculated by dividing the volumetric flow rate of the
fluid by the cross-sectional area of the pipe. The equation for average fluid velocity (V) is as
v= −−−−−−−−−−(¿)
In this equation:
 v represents the average fluid velocity (in meters per second or feet per second).
 Q is the volumetric flow rate of the fluid (in cubic meters per second or cubic feet
per second).
 A is the cross-sectional area of the pipe (in square meters or square feet).

As mentioned above, this equation also can be simplified for a circular pipe as shown below
v= −−−−−−−−−−−−(3)
π D2
 A = Area of the section [m2]
 v = Average velocity of the fluid [m/s]
 D = Inner diameter of the pipe [m]

The Moody chart, also known as the Moody diagram or Moody's friction factor chart, is a
graphical representation of the Darcy-Welsbach equation, which relates the friction factor (f)
to the Reynolds number (Re) and the relative roughness (ε/D); [ε = Absolute roughness and
D = diameter of the pipe] for calculating head loss due to friction in pipes.

The Moody chart is widely used in fluid mechanics and is particularly useful for estimating
the friction factor in turbulent flow, where analytical solutions are often complex and difficult
to obtain. The chart provides a convenient way to determine the friction factor by visually
interpolating or extrapolating data points.

The Moody chart typically consists of a logarithmic scale for the x-axis, representing the
relative roughness (ε/D), and a linear scale for the y-axis, representing the friction factor (f).
The chart includes multiple lines or curves, each corresponding to a different Reynolds
number. The Reynolds number ranges from laminar flow to fully turbulent flow, covering a
wide range of flow regimes.

To find the friction factor using the Moody chart, you need to follow these steps:

1. Determine the Reynolds number (Re) for your flow condition. The Reynolds number
is calculated using the formula: Re = (ρVD) / μ, where ρ is the fluid density, V is the
fluid velocity, D is the pipe diameter, and μ is the dynamic viscosity of the fluid.
2. Calculate the relative roughness (ε/D) of the pipe.
3. Locate the Reynolds number (Re) on the x-axis of the Moody chart. Follow the
appropriate curve for the given Reynolds number.
4. Locate the relative roughness (ε/D) on the y-axis of the Moody chart. Intersect the
curve corresponding to the Reynolds number from step 3.
5. From the point of intersection, draw a line horizontally to the left until you reach the
leftmost scale of the chart, which represents the friction factor (f).
6. Read the value of the friction factor (f) at the leftmost scale where your horizontal line
intersects. This value represents the estimated friction factor for the given Reynolds
number and relative roughness.

It's important to note that the Moody chart provides an estimation of the friction factor and
requires visual interpolation or extrapolation to obtain precise values. Additionally, the chart
assumes fully developed, turbulent flow conditions and is not applicable for laminar flow or
extremely rough pipes.

Kinematic viscosity and dynamic viscosity are two important properties of fluids that play a
significant role in fluid mechanics and the analysis of fluid flow. They are related to each
other and affect the Reynolds number, which is a dimensionless quantity used to characterize
the flow regime.
a. Dynamic Viscosity (μ): Dynamic viscosity, denoted by the symbol μ, represents a
fluid's resistance to shear or flow. It measures the internal friction or "stickiness"
of the fluid. Essentially, it quantifies how easily a fluid can be deformed or how
difficult it is for adjacent layers of fluid to slide past each other.

b. Kinematic Viscosity (ʋ): Kinematic viscosity, denoted by the symbol ʋ, is

derived from dynamic viscosity and represents the ratio of dynamic viscosity to
fluid density (ρ). It quantifies the fluid's resistance to flow in relation to its
The relationship between kinematic viscosity, dynamic viscosity, and fluid density is given


In this equation:

 ʋ represents the kinematic viscosity.

 μ is the dynamic viscosity.
 ρ is the fluid density.

The unit of kinematic viscosity is typically expressed in square meters per second (m^2/s) or
stokes (St).

Also, by using the above equation and as mentioned above Reynolds number is defined as

Re = (ρVD) / μ and it can be expressed with kinematic viscosity as showed in the following

Re =

Additionally, the Reynolds number is an essential parameter in fluid mechanics as it

determines the type of flow. For lower Reynolds numbers (Re < ~2,000), the flow is typically
laminar, and for higher Reynolds numbers (Re > ~4,000), the flow tends to be turbulent. The
transition between laminar and turbulent flow occurs in the range of Re around 2,000 to
4,000, depending on the specific circumstances.


1. Connect The hydraulic bench was connected to the AFT/AFTB/AFTC/AFTP.

2. The “mushroom button” of the hydraulic bench was activated with the V1, V2, V3,
V4, V5, V6, V7 and the regulation valve number 23 was closed.
3. The unit and switch on the pump were connected.
4. The V1 valve was opened and waited until all the air from the pipe is expelled.
5. The pressure taps of the corresponding manometer was connected to the inlet and
outlet of pipe number 2. The manometric tubes were chosen when there were water
column differences lower than 800 mm.
6. Readings were taken at a number of different flow rates, altering the regulation valve
number 23.
7. Flow rates were measured using the volumetric tank. Measuring cylinder was used for
small flow rates. Head loss was measured between the tapings using the manometer.
8. Readings were obtained on all four smooth test pipes as permitted by time.

Table 01: Observations and calculations for the practical

Pipe Flow Pipe Velocity Reynolds Measured Friction Calculated

number rate (Q) diameter (U) [m/s] number Re head loss (H) factor (f) head loss
[l/hr] (D) [mm] (H)[m H2O)
2 1000 17 1.2233 23366.51 0.170 m H2O 0.02492 0.1118
2 1200 17 1.4680 28039.82 0.231 m H2O 0.02387 0.1542
2 1400 17 1.7126 32713.12 0.315 m H2O 0.02303 0.2025
2 1600 17 1.9573 37386.42 0.403 m H2O 0.02234 0.2566
2 1800 17 2.2020 42059.72 0.13 bar 0.02176 0.3163
2 2000 17 2.4466 46733.03 0.12 bar 0.02127 0.3817
2 2200 17 2.6913 51406.33 0.12 bar 0.02083 0.4523

3 1000 23 0.6683 17270.90 0.98 m H2O 0.02681 0.0265

3 1200 23 0.8020 20725.08 0.85 m H2O 0.02562 0.0365
3 1400 23 0.9356 24179.26 0.96 m H2O 0.02468 0.0479
3 1600 23 1.0693 27633.44 0.120 m H2O 0.02390 0.0606
3 1800 23 1.2030 31087.62 0.155 m H2O 0.02325 0.0746
3 2000 23 1.3366 34541.80 0.190 m H2O 0.02269 0.0898
3 2200 23 1.4703 37995.98 0.222 m H2O 0.02220 0.1064

5 1000 16.5 1.2986 24074.59 0.062 m H2O 0.02475 0.1289

5 1200 16.5 1.5583 28889.51 0.068 m H2O 0.02371 0.1778
5 1400 16.5 1.8180 33704.43 0.084 m H2O 0.02288 0.2336
5 1600 16.5 2.0777 38519.34 0.124 m H2O 0.02220 0.2960
5 1800 16.5 2.3374 43334.26 0.223 m H2O 0.02163 0.3650
5 2000 16.5 2.5971 48149.18 0.310 m H2O 0.02114 0.4405
5 2200 16.5 2.8569 52964.10 0.392 m H2O 0.02071 0.5221

Following shows a sample calculation by using the 1st raw of the observation table;
 Diameter of the Pipe = 0.0170 m
 Density of Water (ρ) = 1000 kg m-3
 Dynamic Viscosity of Water (μ) = 8.9 × 10-4 kgm-1s-1
 Length between Tapping Points (L) = 1 m

By using equation number 3;

v= 2
10−3 3 −1
4 ×1000 × m s
V= −3 2
π ×(17 ×10 )

V = 1.2233 ms-1

Likewise, by using the following equation;

ρv D
Re =
−3 −1 −3
1000 kg m ×1.2233 m s ×17 ×10 m
Re = −4 −1 −1
8.9 ×10 kg m s

Re = 23366.51

Likewise, by using the equation number 01;

L v2
h f =f
D 2g
−1 2
1m (1.2233 ms )
h f =0.02492× −3
× −2
17 ×10 m 2 ×9.81 m s

hf = 0.1118 m



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