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Chapter 4



Figure 1. Consent of the Respondents

Figure 1 presents the statistics of the respondents’ consent in participating to the survey.
The data shows that more than 97% of the respondents agreed to have their personal data
collected for research purposes. The researcher acknowledged the responses of the participants
by honoring the Republic Act 10173 or Data Privacy Act of 2012.

Valid Cumulative
Frequency Percent Percent Percent
Valid 18 1 .3 .3 .3
19 2 .7 .7 1.0
20 45 15.0 15.3 16.3
21 67 22.3 22.8 39.1
22 60 20.0 20.4 59.5
23 81 27.0 27.6 87.1
24 37 12.3 12.6 99.7
25 1 .3 .3 100.0
Total 294 98.0 100.0
Missing System 6 2.0
Total 300 100.0
Table 4.1. Age
Table 4.1. presents the distribution of the respondents according to their age. With a total
of 8 selections for age, the table presents the 23 years of age with the most respondents of 81 or
27.0% of the total population. This means that most of the respondents are students who are in
their 3rd or 4th year in college, and are ready to graduate and face the challenges of working in
their respective industries. On the other hand, the ages 25 and 18 got the lowest frequencies in
this study with only 1 respondent each or .3% of the total population. The youngest and the
oldest age category having only 1 respondent presents sets the limitations of the potential users
of the proposed system.
Moreover, the responses for age only garnered a total of 294 out of the 300 grand
population, which shows that there are 6 respondents not being able to state their responses.

Type of User
Valid Cumulative
Frequency Percent Percent Percent
Valid Faculty/ 5 1.7 1.7 1.7
Student 295 98.3 98.3 100.0
Total 300 100.0 100.0
Table 4.2. Type of User
Target users of the proposed system are students of the selected university, with a
frequency of 295 out of the 300 respondents or 92.3% of the total population. This means that
the developers will have to sustain the needs of these respondents by including specific features
that would fit their needs. On the other hand, only 5 of the respondents are working as part of the
faculty/staff, or 1.7% of the grand population.
Manual Archiving

and water
[The school utilized in I. COST [Replaceme [Equipment
pays for the the library [The school nt of the like
I. COST [I staff, are pays for a broken bookshelve
spent maintenanc included in part-time furniture is s are
money in e, and the position an brought
traveling or additional miscellaneo responsible additional from the
going to the books in us fee of a for building cost in the school
library. the library. student. security. library. funds.
N Valid 297 300 300 300 300 300
Mean 3.98 4.18 4.27 4.33 4.32 4.32
Std. .784 .531 .535 .567 .598 .565
Minimum 1 2 3 3 2 2
Maximum 5 5 5 5 5 5
Table 4.3. Cost
Table 4.3. presents the data for the cost of using the manual archiving system which
shows that the statement “The school pays for a part-time position responsible for building
security” having the mean score of 4.33, which is the highest amongst the 6 statements. This
shows that the school is spending extra money to keep the manual system afloat, which adds up
to the cost and potential human error during its utilization.
According to Picincu (2020), businesses and/or institutions that bring in new employees
to handle their manual procedures run the risk of having those employees quit after a few
months, which drives up the overall cost of sustaining the manual system. When you don't have a
specific objective in mind, hiring employees can drive up your operational expenditures.

[There is a ANCE ANCE [We MAINTEN damaged MAINTEN
regular re- [Maintenanc cannot use ANCE [The documents, ANCE [The
shelving of e includes the library library the library library
reading dusting and when there maintains uses requires
materials in cleaning of is an on- the mending and stock
the library dirt in going organization binding to verification
that takes reading maintenance of renew its before day-
hours. materials. . collections. life. end.
N Valid 300 300 300 300 300 300
Mean 4.35 4.37 4.36 4.33 4.40 4.40
Std. Deviation .634 .583 .616 .573 .607 .618
Minimum 2 2 2 2 2 1
Maximum 5 5 5 5 5 5
Table 4.4. Maintenance
Maintenance is a critical step that companies use to keep their systems up and running,
whether manual or automated. Table 4.4. presents the data that was gathered from the target
population, which results to two (2) statements having the highest mean score. “With the
damaged documents, the library uses mending and binding to renew its life” and “the library
requires stock verification before day end” are tied with the mean score of 4.40. This means that
once there are issues within the library, librarians would resolve using the manual procedures in
saving the damaged documents, which changes the entire appearance of the documents.

Maintenance is a critical component of quality assurance and, in many instances, it is the

deciding factor in the long-term success of an organization. According to Aptean (2020), the
instability that results from resources that are not maintained properly can temporarily or
permanently halt production. This results to the rupture on the operation of any businesses or

Storage Capacity
is facing a Y [Library Y [The STORAGE
vast amount have Library III. CAPACIT
of printed limited makes sure STORAGE Y [The III.
materials storage that the [The library library STORAGE
that will space to reading limits the meets the [The library
eventually store more materials or number of maximum is not able
fill the information information people to number of to retain its
shelves for the is not out- enter the volumes of old
over time. readers. dated. building. books. materials.]
N Valid 300 298 300 300 300 299
Mean 4.62 4.54 2.53 1.96 2.00 2.01
Std. .551 .586 1.023 .994 .983 .955
Minimum 2 2 1 1 1 1
Maximum 5 5 5 5 5 5
Table 4.5. Storage Capacity
Table 4.5. presents the respondents’ perspectives on the storage capacity of the manual
archiving. The statement with the highest mean score is the “Library is facing a vast amount of
printed materials that will eventually fill the shelves over time” with 4.62. The respondents are
quick to understand the obvious output of the manual archiving since storage areas are quick to
fill with physical documents. On the other hand, “The library limits the number of people to
enter the building” got the lowest mean score, which means that there were no limitations to the
number of people in the libraries, which increases the volume of documents to be stored.
The use of manual archiving leads to the potential mismanagement of information and
messy work areas, as a direct results of taking more time in the retrieval of necessary information
(MEHSDS, 2021). This also leads to the high probability of human error, which amplifies the ill-
effects of manual archiving.

open for IV. ACCESSIB ACCESSIB There is no ILITY No
students ACCESSIB ILITY ILITY All limitation restriction
and ILITY Library is books are on the of a
teachers Library is open any available to number of particular
from our open for time and be books to be book is
university. outsiders. any day. borrowed. borrowed. regulated.
N Valid 299 299 300 299 300 300
Mean 4.65 2.10 1.73 1.74 1.68 1.79
Std. .519 .890 .807 .830 .770 .870
Minimum 2 1 1 1 1 1
Maximum 5 5 5 5 5 5
Table 4.6. Accessibility
Table 4.6 presents the accessibility of using the manual archiving, where it is shown that
“Library is open for students and teachers from our university” having the highest weighted
mean of 4.65. This posits that libraries are not restricted to anyone within the university; thus,
making it accessible to anyone. However, “There is no limitation on the number of books to be
borrowed” garnered the lowest weighted mean of 1.68, which means that there is a limitation on
the number of books to be borrowed in order to minimize the manual labor.
According to the American Library Association (n.d.), accessibility within libraries is
essential for students and faculty. Physical accessibility promotes equal movement in built
environments and throughout those environments. The American Library Association also added
that there is a need to maintain the accessibility within libraries in order to promote equitable

Searching, Browsing, and Retrieval

and V.
V. Retrieval I V. Searching, V.
Searching, scan the Searching, Browsing, Searching,
V. Browsing, reading Browsing, and Browsing,
Searching, and materials and [I can Retrieval [I and
Browsing, Retrieval It one by one smoothly can gather Retrieval I
and Manual is easy to to find the find the tons of can
document find the previous information information navigate the
filing takes previous one I have related to needed in information
lot of time. book. read. my studies. just a day. easily.
N Valid 300 300 299 298 300 299
Mean 4.45 2.36 2.49 2.34 2.28 2.30
Std. .612 .895 .974 .847 .790 .795
Minimum 2 1 1 1 1 1
Maximum 5 5 5 5 5 5
Table 4.7. Searching, Browsing, and Retrieval
Table 4.7 shows how searching, browsing, and retrieval of information works in the
manual archiving process. The table shows that “Searching, Browsing, and Manual document
filing takes lot of time” have the highest weighted mean score of 4.45, in contrast to the “I can
gather tons of information needed in just a day” with just 2.28 mean score. This means that
searching, browsing, and manual document filing takes more time in manual archiving processes
compared to the automated process; thus, increases the number of times wasted in the library.

Using the manual archiving procedure, users may have to wander in different places
within the library to find interesting materials (Shen & Fox, n.d.). browsing differs from
searching in that the target or end result of browsing is not necessarily fully understood in
advance. This makes browsing a less deliberate form of investigation than searching. This
includes glancing on the titles of the books which adds up to the physical tasks that students and
faculty have to do.

Preservation of Resources
n of
VI. Resources
Preservatio Shelve VI.
n of VI. VI. VI. books of Preservatio
Resources Preservatio Preservatio Preservatio approximat n of
Library re- n of n of n of ely the Resources
prints pages Resources Resources Resources same size Protect the
when it got Library The reading The library together so book further
unreadable. book binds materials has a spare they will with a box
blurry or the reading have plastic copy of the support one or other
unreadable. materials. covers. books. another enclosure.
N Valid 300 299 300 300 300 299
Mean 2.35 2.37 2.38 2.27 2.50 2.38
Std. .798 .905 .908 .879 .844 .849
Minimum 1 1 1 1 1 1
Maximum 5 5 5 5 5 5
Table 4.8. Preservation of Resources
Table 4.8 presents the information regarding the preservation of resources using the
manual archiving process. “Resources Shelve books of approximately the same size together so
they will support one another” garnered the highest mean score of 2.50. This data pertains to the
size of the resources which adds up the arrangements of the books within their shelves.

According to LISBnetwork (2018), it is widely acknowledged that preservation is an

aspect of librarianship that is relevant to all libraries and that it is an essential part of the process
of collection development. Therefore, librarians must be able to conduct preservation of
materials within their libraries in order to promote a library filled with good books.

Physical Boundaries
VII. Physical VII. VII.
VII. Physical Boundaries Physical Physical
Physical Boundaries Librarian Boundaries Boundaries
Boundaries I can VII. needs a I have to I need to
I have to borrow Physical daily check personally have a
visit the books with Boundaries on books to fulfill conversatio
library in a Permit Noise are verify if requirement n with a
order to letter to strictly there are no s in order to library
access communicat prohibited missing borrow a consultant
information e with the inside the reading book in the to access
. librarian. library. materials. library. information.
N Valid 300 299 300 299 300 300
Mean 4.55 4.36 4.46 4.45 4.46 4.52
Std. .624 .606 .635 .661 .645 .661
Minimum 1 2 2 1 2 1
Maximum 5 5 5 5 5 5
Table 4.9. Physical Boundaries
With regards to the physical boundaries of the use of manual archiving, “I have to visit
the library in order to access information” garnered the highest weighted mean of 4.55 which
means that students and faculty will have to physical be there within the library before they can
benefit from its purposes. “I can borrow books with a Permit letter to communicate with the
librarian” got the lowest mean score of 4.36, which means the through the use of manual
archiving, physical permits are needed before books can be borrowed.

The provision of access to knowledge and materials, encouragement of lifelong learning,

support of literacy and education, and the provision of a community meeting space
(BiblioLifestyle, 2022) are all vital functions that libraries do in the communities in which they
are located. Therefore, libraries are essential to students and faculty, regardless of their locations
and procedures.

Automated Research Document Archiving and Retrieval System


I. Cost [The
I. Cost user doesn't I. Cost I. Cost
[There is no have to pay [There is no I. Cost [The [Equipment
need to for need to Automated like
spend maintenanc select for a Research bookshelf is
money for I. Cost e, staff, and part-time Retrieval not in need
travelling [There is no additional position for and in the
going to need to pay reading building Archiving automated
library bills materials. security. is for free. set up.
N Valid 300 300 300 300 298 300
Mean 4.10 4.42 4.48 4.47 4.55 4.55
Std. 1.033 .521 .581 .586 .538 .579
Minimum 1 3 2 2 3 1
Maximum 5 5 5 5 5 5
Table 4.10. Cost using the Proposed System
Table 4.10 presents the cost of using the proposed system on the university. The
statements with the highest weighted means are the “The Automated Research Retrieval and
Archiving is for free” and “Equipment like bookshelf is not in need in the automated set up” with
4.55 each. The data shows that the use of the automated system is way better than the manual
archiving procedure since it eliminates the use of hiring new employees.

According Algorythms (2022), the automated system lessens the effort for the personnel
while also improving the effectiveness of the library. It refers to the process of switching from
manual, paper-based systems to digital ones that are run on computers and use software.


II. Maintenanc
Maintenanc e The
e Re- Automated II. II. II. II.
shelving is Research Maintenanc Maintenanc Maintenanc Maintenanc
not required Retrieval e We can e [The e [The e [Files are
in and use the system system not
Automated Archiving system maintains requires available
Research system when it is the data stock when there
Retrieval undergoes on organizatio verification is system
and maintenanc maintenanc n of before day- maintenanc
Archiving. e. e. collection. end. e.
N Valid 298 297 300 300 300 300
Mean 4.45 4.50 4.46 4.51 4.46 4.46
Std. .619 .582 .597 .539 .640 .619
Minimum 1 2 2 2 1 2
Maximum 5 5 5 5 5 5
Table 4.11. Maintenance using the Proposed System
Table 4.11 presents the maintenance using the proposed system where “The system
maintains the organization of collection” got the highest mean of 4.51. This means that
maintenance is way better and easier in the automated library system compared to the manual
procedure since there is a need for lesser physical activities in doing so.

By utilizing the automated system, the librarians and other members of the library staff
are given the opportunity to contribute in a manner that is more significant to the dissemination
of information and knowledge. According to (Librarianshipstudies, 2020), the technology that is
involved with the development and creation of processes and systems that minimize the
necessity of human involvement in their functioning is referred to as automation.

Storage Capacity

III. Storage
III. Storage [The system
[The system has the
makes sure ability to
that the III. Storage retain its III. Storage
III. Storage reading [The system old data and III. Storage [The system
[The system materials or operates its files even if [The system can restore
can store information preservation there are has no issue tons of
unlimited is not on data and new of corrupted information
data or files. outdated. files. uploads. files. at a time
N Valid 299 300 300 299 300 300
Mean 4.55 4.48 4.47 4.49 4.50 4.49
Std. .531 .575 .608 .604 .641 .609
Minimum 3 3 1 1 1 1
Maximum 5 5 5 5 5 5
Table 4.12. Storage Capacity using the Proposed System
Table 4.12 presents the storage capacity through the use of the proposed system.
Following the information derived from the target respondents, “The system can store unlimited
data or files” got the highest weighted mean of 4.55 which means that the automated system
allows more storage capacities and data for the documents. More storage data means more
information to be recovered and more users to benefit from it. In addition, it requires lesser
physical storage area to make it possible. According to Shavit (n.d.), the purpose of storage
capacity planning is to estimate the amount of data storage that a client will require over a
specific period of time so that one can purchase exactly the right amount of disc space to meet
that demand.


IV. Accessibilit IV.
Accessibilit y [There are Accessibilit
IV. y [The IV. IV. no y [E-
Accessibilit system is Accessibilit Accessibilit limitations Library is
y [It is open open for y [Eone can y [The on the open for
for students non- access the system is number of students and
and teachers educator data and accessible files and teachers
from our and non- files anytime and data to be from our
university. student. available. anywhere. accessed. university.
N Valid 300 300 300 300 300 299
Mean 4.68 2.59 2.56 4.37 4.44 4.47
Std. .473 .952 1.037 .596 .633 .631
Minimum 3 1 1 1 1 1
Maximum 5 5 5 5 5 5
Table 4.13. Accessibility using the Proposed System
Table 4.13 presents the accessibility using the proposed system where the statement “The
system can store unlimited data or files” garnered the highest weighted mean of 4.68. This means
that the students and faculty are aware of the purpose of the automated system within the
university. The automated system is also open for students and teachers which means that there
are more information to be relayed using this process compared to the manual procedure.
Searching, Browsing, and Retrieval

V. V. V. [There is
Searching, Searching, V. Searching, search
Browsing, Browsing, Searching, Browsing, V. history in
and and Browsing, and Searching, the system
Retrieval Retrieval [I and Retrieval [I Browsing, which
[The system can Retrieval [I can restore and makes it
can smoothly can gather or retrieve Retrieval [I easier to go
abruptly find the tons of information can to the
retrieve and information information by just navigate the previously
archive related to needed in minutes of information visited file
data. my studies. just a day. searching. easily. or data.
N Valid 300 300 300 300 300 299
Mean 4.54 4.43 4.45 4.49 4.48 4.54
Std. .519 .594 .629 .592 .604 .575
Minimum 3 1 1 1 2 1
Maximum 5 5 5 5 5 5
Table 4.14. Searching, Browsing, and Retrieval using the Proposed System
Table 4.14 searching, browsing, and retrieval is presented using the responses of the
participants where “The system can abruptly retrieve and archive data” and “There is search
history in the system which makes it easier to go to the previously visited file or data” got the
highest weighted mean of 4.54. Searching, browsing, and retrieval are more accessible in the
automated system compared to the manual processes since there is an intervention of technology
in the process. Moreover, Accessibility refers to both the software and the hardware of a
computer system, as well as the configuration of both in order to make it possible for students
and teachers to to successfully use that computer system within the library (Rouse, 2022).

Preservation of Resources

Preservatio VI.
VI. n of VI. Preservatio
Preservatio VI. resources. Preservatio n of
n of Preservatio [The system VI. n of resources.
resources. n of has an Preservatio resources. [Users can
[The system resources. automatic n of [System is edit the
can [User can restoration resources. protecting existing file
preserve preserve for [The system the integrity to preserve
data and his/her corrupted has a back- and identity its
files account. files or data up files. of data. ( originality
N Valid 300 300 299 300 300 300
Mean 4.56 4.50 4.51 4.50 4.57 4.49
Std. .595 .626 .615 .609 .577 .677
Minimum 1 1 1 1 1 1
Maximum 5 5 5 5 5 5
Table 4.15. Preservation of Resources using the Proposed System
Table 4.15 presents the preservation of resources through the use of the proposed system
where statement “The system has a back-up files” garnered the highest weighted mean of 4.57.
the respondents are aware of the advantages of the use of automated system in the preservation
of resources. According to Dunakin (2016) the automated systems within the library decreases
the amount of manual labor that is required to complete activities, hence lowering the variable
costs of operations. The automated system allows more chances of recovering the resources
without traces of maltreatment of mismanagement.
Physical Boundaries

Physical VII. Physical
boundaries Physical boundaries
[You don’t boundaries [There is no VII.
have to go [You can need to go VII. Physical
VII. somewhere seek to the Physical boundaries
Physical else to information maker of boundaries [There is no
boundaries access the without the system [You can be physical
[There is no system. physical to access noisy prohibition
physical communicat data and whatever upon using
boundary. ion. files. you want. the system.
N Valid 300 300 299 300 300 299
Mean 4.56 4.58 4.56 4.57 4.65 4.62
Std. .536 .540 .567 .553 .532 .546
Minimum 3 2 2 2 2 2
Maximum 5 5 5 5 5 5
Table 4.16. Physical Boundaries using the Proposed System
Table 4.16 presents the physical boundaries of the proposed system. “You can be noisy
whatever you want” got the highest weighted mean with 4.65 which posits that the use of the
automated system disconnects the traditional noise restricted procedures within the library. This
is an advantage since students and teachers can be more vocal on their selections and opinions of
the given topic However, MyEdu (2020) argues that barriers within the use of the proposed
system hinders its complete and timely operation. Major obstacles include a scarcity of training
facilities as well as untrained personnel in the workforce. Skilled data operators are required for
barcode operations as well as the retrospective conversion of materials.
Algorythms. (2022, February 24). Library Automation: Definition, Purpose, and Advantages.




American Library Association. (n.d.). Introduction: Why Accessibility? Library Technology

Reports, 48(7), 5–6. Retrieved April 29, 2023, from


Aptean. (2020). Importance of Maintenance Management.


BiblioLifestyle. (2022, February 4). Importance of Libraries: 10 Reasons Why. BiblioLifestyle.


Dunakin, C. (2019, November 18). Automated storage and retrieval systems: advantages &

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Librarianshipstudies. (2020). Library Automation.





LISBDNETWORK. (2018, March 21). Importance of preservation of library materials. Library

& Information Science Education Network.



MESHDS. (2021). The Disadvantages of Manual Document Filing Processes.

MyEdu. (2020, March 23). Challenges and Solutions of Library Automation in College

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Picincu, A. (2020). Advantages & Disadvantages of Hiring an Employee. Small Business -


Rouse, M. (2022). What is Accessibility? - Definition from Techopedia.


Shavit, Y. (n.d.). The benefits of storage capacity planning | TechTarget. IT Channel. Retrieved

April 29, 2023, from

Shen, R., & Fox, E. (n.d.). Browsing in Digital Libraries.


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