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product data sheet PDS no.



glass WOOL

lProduct Descrip on lStandard Density and Size

Glass Wool Pipe cover
PACO’s Glass wool has high performance for thermal and
acous c Insula on . Because PACO’s Glass wool can be Density(kg/m3)) 60~100 Upon request
packed by pressed bale, it is possible to save transporta on Thickness(mm)
mm) 25~ Upon request
cost and storage cost. PACO’s Glass wool can be used for Max. Service Temperature(ºC)
mperatu 450
much wider range of temperature than other insula on
materials and can be manufactured or used in various forms
for various uses. Thermal Co
Conducc vity(W/mk)
Normal Density(kg/m3)
lCharacteris c Mean Temperature(ºC)
1. Fire Safety 25 0.034
- A unique feature of Glass wool products is their
ir 70 0.039
fire-resistant proper es. Because of its non-combus
combus bility,
150 0.055
there is no contribu on to the fire load within
in buildings.
300 0.077
2. High durability
- Glass wool is highly durable
able because it maintains
ins its Glass Wool Blanket
mechanical proper es, have a high dimensional
dimen al stability
Density(kg/m3) 24 Upon request
and s ffness, which
ich is unaffected by chang
change in temperature
or humidity. Thickness(mm) 25 ~ 100 Upon request
Max. Service Temperature(ºC) 450
3. Noise reduc on
- Glass wool can provide a very high level of sound
absorp on, a property which
ich is u lised efficiently in Thermal Conduc vity(W/mk)
acous c ceilings. Normal Density(kg/m3)
Mean Temperature(ºC)
25 0.032
70 0.037
150 0.048
300 0.083

HEADQUATERS : #1603 Suite, Hansuh-Bldg, 11-11, Youido-Dong, Youngdungpo-Gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea.
TEL/FAX : +82-2-3775-1775(Rep)/ +82-2-3775-3700(Rep)
FACTORY : 7-4, 7-22, 7-28, 7-29, SeongDong-Ri, TanHyun-Myun, Paju-Si, GyeongGi-Do, Republic of Korea
SINGAPORE OFFICE : 438 Alexandra Load, #17-09 Alexandra Point, Singapore 119958
TEL/FAX : +65 8266 8995(Rep) / +65 6270 8905(Rep)

COPYRIGHT© PACO Corporation All Rights Reserved

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