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The increasing competitive pressures brought on by globalization are forcing

business professionals to find new ways to engage customers. Event marketing
is a tool for experiential marketing that focuses on consumer experiences, and
treats emotionally and rationally driven consumption as a holistic experience. It
is defined as the marketing discipline focused on face-to-face interaction via
live events, trade shows and corporate meetings among other event types.

Event marketing is a strategy marketers use to promote their brand, product, or

service with an in-person or real-time engagement. These events can be online
or offline, and companies can participate as hosts, participants or sponsors.
Marketers use both inbound and outbound event marketing strategies for
promotional purposes.

Event marketing encompasses a wide range of event types:

a. Mega events and local events,

b. Exhibitions,

c. Trade shows,

d. Publicity stunts,

e. Themed and created events,

f. Corporate entertainment,

g. Award ceremonies.
Importance of Event Marketing:

1. It helps in brand building, that is, creating awareness about the launch of new

2. To highlight the added features of the product/services.

3. It helps in rejuvenating brands during different stages of product life cycle.

4. Helping in communicating the repositioning of brands/products.

5. Associating the brand personality of clients with the personality of target


6. Creating and maintaining brand identity.

Event marketing is one of the best ways to:

 Build brand awareness

 Increase customer engagement

 Generate leads

 Educate prospects and customers

 Upsell customers

Why You Should Include Marketing Events in Your Plan

An event marketing plan can help your company stand out in a crowded
marketplace. By combining event marketing with your digital campaigns, you
create a more meaningful and longer lasting relationship with your buyers.

Whether it’s an exclusive appreciation dinner, an informational webinar, or

you’re a sponsor at a trade show, events offer a unique chance to interact with
your customers on a more personal level. Having a direct interaction is
invaluable to fostering a long and prosperous relationship.
Events, if done right, can be one of your most impactful marketing channels.

Why are Companies Using Event Marketing?

One of the biggest reasons companies participate in, or host, an event is to

establish and build their brand name and identity. With the increasingly fierce
competition in almost every industry, being able to differentiate yourself is

Event marketing occurs when a firm sponsors an event. A strong physical

presence at the event is one of the keys to successfully linking an organization’s
name with a program. To do so, the firm determines the major objective of the
sponsorship, matches it with company customers and publics, and ensures that
the firm’s name is prominently displayed on all event literature.

Sponsoring something (or someone) is the act of supporting an event, activity,

person, or organization financially or through the provision of products or
services. Event sponsorship is providing financial support to the event to
achieve business goals like increasing brand awareness or receiving recognition.
sponsorship. When done right it can do the world of good to your brand image
and help drive sales, but it isn’t all plain sailing.


 Build awareness – The most obvious benefit of sponsoring events,

charities or projects is that it builds awareness of your brand, exposing
your business to a wider audience and giving them a positive association
with your brand. When they’re looking to make purchases in your field,
this could help persuade them to choose you over your competition.

 Consolidate expertise – If you choose to sponsor an event or

organisation that aligns with your business goals and values, it can help
position you as an expert in your field. An excellent example of this is
our client Capital Space who sponsoring business awards in the areas
where they have their business accommodation centres. Not only does
this expose their brand to the companies who are nominated for the
awards, but it shows their philosophy and motivation to support SMEs
and work with them to facilitate their growth, which spreads the message
of their Points of Difference from their competitors and supports their
brand image.

 An excellent targeting tool – Knowing your target market is an

important part of your marketing strategy, but once you’ve pinned down
who your ideal customer is it can be a challenge to reach them. If you
sponsor an aligned charity or event which is likely to attract your ideal
clients, it can expose your brand to your target market customer.


Potential controversies 

It’s important to consider that the actions of any person/brand/event you

sponsor will immediately be linked to you. Hopefully you will have already
ensured that whoever you sponsor remains responsible and professional;
however, sometimes you can run into problems.

No guaranteed returns 

As with all marketing strategies, there is no guaranteed return on investment.

However, you can take steps to ensure that you get what you consider to be
appropriate exposure for your support; this is more than advisable, it is crucial,
as otherwise you could end up with no benefits at all. There is a that sponsored
a local football team, but didn’t agree any terms; it took them months to arrange
a photo of the players in the kit so that they e could create some PR around the
sponsorship – as far as the club were concerned, they didn’t have to deliver
anything in return for the cheque.

Forms of Sponsorships

Sponsorship marketing occurs when a company pays money to sponsor

someone, some group, or something that is part of an activity. A firm can
sponsor a long list of groups, individuals, activities, and events. Various
businesses sponsor everything from local Little League baseball and soccer
teams to national musical tours.

Sponsorship programs enhance and build the company’s image and brand
loyalty. A sponsorship of an individual or group involved in an activity—
whether a sporting event, a contest, or a performance by an artistic group—can
be used to link the company’s name with the popularity of the player involved.
Sponsorships should match a firm’s products and brands.

Financial Event Sponsorship

Financial, or sometimes referred to as cash sponsors, continue to be the leading

type of event sponsorship. With this one, a sponsor offers money to an event
organizer in exchange for promotions or other benefits outlined in their
sponsorship agreement. For large-scale events, you can create individual event
sponsorship packages for those who agree to contribute to your organization.

If you’re after a new marketing strategy that will give your brand new exposure,
you might want to consider sponsorship – an excellent way to build up your
brand awareness as well as associate your brand with goodwill and a positive
image. But be careful! Learn from mistakes of other companies so that your
sponsorship deal is watertight and puts your business in a strong position.
The 5C’s

What Are the 5 C’s of Marketing?

In a nutshell, the 5 C’s of marketing is a situation analysis framework for

helping you determine the strengths and weaknesses of your brand, relative to
the field in which you operate. As a good guideline for marketing strategies, this

mnemonic consists of five

terms, and it typically
includes: company,
customers, competitors,
and climate.
Overall, what you decide to do with the 5 C’s is up to you. If you think your
content marketing strategy needs a tuneup based on the overall climate in your
industry and the tactics you’ve observed among your competition, it’s time to
shift in that direction. The point is to take in as much information as you can
and to regularly refine your process so it gets better over time.


Management is a very essential element of production in every organization

irrespective of size or the operations it is involved with. It entails the
organization and coordination of activities and practices of an organization with
respect to certain policies in order to achieve some stipulated goals and
objectives. Brand on the other hand is a name, a symbol or design that clearly
identifies a seller’s good or service distinctively as compared to those offered by
other sellers. It is more of a trademark. Brand management is therefore a broad
management practice that involves aspects such as definition of the brand, its
positioning as well as delivering the brand. It simply entails the art of creating
and sustaining a brand.

This piece of work gives an in depth discussion of brand management including

contemporary key branding theory and the impact on brand management
practice. A comparative perspective will be taken where Louis Vuitton brand
and the Giorgio Armani brand will be compared and contrasted in regard to the
brand strategies they apply.


As stated earlier, branding is one of the most important activities that can
significantly determine the success of a particular organization. This is because
it helps in creation of a unique name which differentiates a company’s products
from those produced by its competitors. This exercise plays a pivotal role in
attraction and retention of customers in a competitive environment as well as
winning their loyalty.

However, the success of a brand will largely depend on the effectiveness of the
branding process. In order for a company to sell the new product successfully,
we need to have an effective branding strategy. In order to have a clear
understanding of the theory of brand management, it is important that we take a
look at the concept of marketing mix. Marketing mix is a very crucial marketing

Alternative marketing involves finding and creating programs that are smart and
imaginative. Finding new places where consumers can interact with a brand,
then creating the ultimate attention-getting marketing messages. Alternative
marketing programs requires creativity and imagination.

Buzz Marketing

Buzz Marketing is also know as word of mouth marketing. Buzz marketing can
occur several different ways. The most commonly considered occurs when
customers who enjoyed the brand, or a product recommend it to their friends
and family.  But, buzz can also be created by endorsing a brand ambassadors,
these are people who often hold significant sway with a large group of people.
Brand ambassadors create buzz by introducing new products, or providing
information on products, and recommend the products to their followers.
Another popular way to create buzz for a company is to show case employees,
this tactic is called employer branding. This tactic shows consumers, that
employees are proud of the company they work for, and creates trust.

Guerilla Marketing

Successful guerrilla marketing is known for quick results, and anti-typical

resources. Marketing teams take great risk trying out unusual approaches, but
with great risk comes great reward. Guerrilla marketing often uses “a
combination of of media, advertising,public relations and surprises to reach
consumers” according to Kenneth Clow and Donald Baack. Guerrilla
marketing is often based largely on psychology and human behavior. It requires
targeting smaller groups, or individuals. This form of marketing requires large
amounts of energy as it is aggressive and must appear to be natural to
consumers and not forced.

Alternative Marketing Venues


Intunnel, subway Parking lot


Airline inflight

Leaflets and brochures

Carry home menus

Carry home bags

Clothing Mall signs


What is a brand community?

Since the last decade, brand community has been a central topic of branding
research, and marketers have increasingly focused on building, managing, and
maintaining brand communities. A brand community is a group of people who
have developed an emotional attachment or affinity towards a brand after
purchasing their products or engaging with their services in some way. The
community reflects a shared sense of purpose, passion and values, inspiring
them to seek connections beyond interactions on social media. The following
discourse will explain what is brand community.

However, a brand community is not the equivalent of brand awareness. Just

because a person made a purchase or knows your brand doesn’t mean they are
members of a committed brand community. And that is why community
building can make a difference. To be more specific, your brand community
consists of people, who follow you on social media, engage with your content,
share it with others, and in general enjoy keeping up with everything your brand
accomplishes. Many brands started building their communities through their
social media accounts, but the important part of building a strong online
community is bringing these members together, to provide them with the
opportunity to discuss, interact and engage with each other.
So, an online platform, such as social media, websites, and forums, is an
essential step for creating a brand community, especially in the digital world.

What are the benefits of building a brand community?

The main idea behind branding is that a brand represents an organisation and

consequently a brand’s value is shaped by the company itself and the
community that was built around it. That’s the reason why building a strong
brand community is a valuable asset for a company in the digital world.

Additionally, it is necessary to understand that your community already exists in

social media. What you need to do is to find this community, connect with
it and start creating a marketing strategy that appeals to individuals within
this community. In a few words, your brand community is quite powerful and
you need to take advantage of it.

Some of the benefits of building an online brand community-:

Better communication with your target audience

By building a brand community you can monitor the communication process

with your audience and that means you get first-hand insights into your
customers’ interests. A good brand community boosts your communication and
enables you to receive feedback, and therefore understand what needs to be
improved. By showing that you’re open to constructive feedback you let
everyone know that you are listening to them and you care about their opinion.
This community helps your brand by making customer-driven decisions and it
will also spread the word about your way of doing business. Some companies
also prefer to develop a customer portal for creating a more engaged
community. And shouldn’t forget that word of mouth is a useful tool for gaining

Brainstorming your next big concept

Transparency and engagement with your audience are key elements that work
conjointly, for you to create an unforgettable customer experience. By involving
your target audience you provide them with the opportunity to get actively
involved in the growth of their favourite brands. Instead of pouring vast
amounts of money into research, you can benefit from the outcome of a group
effort to come up with your next great idea. If your digital community can
support you in these efforts you can instantly turn customer expertise into profit,
and on that same note build up customer retention.

Establish your presence as an industry authority

Sharing helpful and productive content with your community can generate
conversation and by doing so you build authority. That means, the greater your
authority is, the greater will be your reach, and so your audience will probably
recommend your brand to others. Establishing your brand as an authority in its
domain is quite difficult, especially nowadays in a competitive market world, in
which many startups don’t make it. So, even well-established brands need to
work continuously to keep their name among the ones related to trust and

Brand loyalty

Having great products and quality sometimes is not enough, you need the
element that will make your audience follow and support your brand until the
end. Don’t get me wrong, having an incredible product experience is vital, but a
community and an amazing brand experience can be a powerful link between
liking a brand and loving it. Customer experience is more than beneficial as it is
one of the leading factors, with a 57% percentage, in keeping consumers loyal
to brands worldwide. Simply put, loyal customers support their favourite
brands; they are a part of the brand’s development and they spread the word
around its products/services.

Customers who stay in touch with brands and companies on social media are
considered loyal consumers, with nine out of ten people confirming that they
buy from brands they follow on social media platforms. So, by connecting with
your community and enhancing loyalty among your brand and your audience,
you invest in increasing your brand awareness.

Apple as an example

Apple has invested in building a strong online brand community. Apple’s goal
was to sell a lifestyle, not just products. So, the company fully comprehended its
target audience and created a team of brand enthusiasts. The lifestyle the
community provides isn’t just focused on technology; it is about the
opportunities offered and the connections that could be formed through the
company’s products. As a result, Apple is considered a synonym of lifestyle,
customer loyalty, and brand advocates.

Why do we Like it: Apple’s community members serve as referrals; by

engaging and representing the brand values and brand voice of the company.
The community-driven lifestyle it offers is part of the brand’s identity and
accordingly part of its customers’ identity, enhancing the sense of belonging.

A brand community is an essential aspect of your brand’s image as it provides a
medium where the consumers have the opportunity to share their opinions,
thoughts, feelings and experiences and where they can exchange brand
information based on their brand knowledge . It’s the core that holds your
followers together and enables them to interact and co-exist. So, creating a
space for the ones who love and support your brand is the key element for your
company to keep evolving. In other words, paying attention to what your
audience needs will help you gain awareness and will make you stand out from
your competitors.


Media Planning Starts with analysis of target market such as

Focusing on consumer behavior: what influences their final decision.

Understanding purchase process: processes customers use in making


Study media choices: planning involves study of media choices that members
of a specific, defined target market might make at different times during the
course of a day

Listening and viewing habit: Information about the listening and viewing
patterns of a designated target audiences helps marketing team to select the best
times and places for the ads to appear



 Formulates a program stating where and when to place ads

 The media planner conducts research to match the product with the market
and media

 The media planner gathers information about various media along with the
characteristics of the people who read them.

Media Planners produce action plans for advertising campaigns. As a media

planner, you’ll identify which media platforms will best advertise your client’s
brand or product. You’ll work within media planning and buying agencies, with
the aim of maximising the impact of advertising campaigns through a range of
media platforms. Work with the client and account team to understand the
client’s business objectives and advertising strategy.


Purchase space and negotiate rates, times, and schedules for the ads

Placement important consideration: in terms of price and effectiveness.

Little connection between agency size and price: Differences in media costs
are based on the time of the actual purchase (closer to the day the ad is to run)
rather than the size of the agency

Spot ad – one time placement of a commercial in a medium

Small agencies tend to know local markets because they are in tune with
conditions and changes in the area

Media buyers oversee the media buying process, with input from the media
planning team. With an understanding of marketing goals and target audience
preferences given by the media planning team, media buyers execute the actual
purchase of the advertisement space. A huge part of the media buyer position is
negotiating with the sites, networks, and other channels they want ads to appear
on. They must ensure they are purchasing the correct placements at the correct
times, for the correct duration, all within strict budgets.

Effective media buying goes far beyond the actual transaction of money for ad
space. Media buying teams can create impactful relationships with media
owners that result in greater reach with less investment.


An advertising agency is a service business dedicated to creating, planning and

handling advertising and other promotional activities for its clients. An
advertising agency (ad agency) is independent from the client and provides a
third-party perspective on the selling of the client’s goods or services. These
agencies employ different marketing strategies that are intended to increase
their clients’ market share, increase revenue or build brand awareness.

Types of Advertising Agencies

 In house agency: In house agency involves conducting marketing activities

using employees on your company’s payroll. In-house agency relies on an
internal marketing team, which your company maintains, to market your
 Outside Agency: outsource some or all marketing activities to marketing
agencies. These agencies are set up with the staff, expertise, and resources to
provide outsourced fullservice. Outside agency means using an external or
outsourced marketing team, which you pay to use, to market your business.

Advantages of In-House Advantages of Outside Agency

 Reduce costs
 Lower costs
 Greater expertise
 Consistent brand message  Outsider’s perspective
 Access to top talent
 Better understanding of product
and mission
 Faster ad production
 Work closer with CEO
 Lower turnover rate in the
creative team

In-house marketing relies on an internal marketing team, which your company

maintains, to market your business. In comparison, agency marketing uses an
external or outsourced marketing team, which you pay to use, to market your

In-house marketing

In-house marketing revolves around building an internal marketing team to

develop, manage, and maintain your digital marketing strategy. The question is,
should your business invest its resources in an internal versus external team?


The advantages of in-house marketing include:

 Brand familiarity

When you have an internal marketing team, they know your brand, which
informs all their marketing decisions and materials. While agencies will get to
know your company’s value, tone, and overall brand, that process takes time.

 Accessibility

It’s also easy to access your in-house marketing team — just walk over to their
desk or office. In comparison, agencies aren’t located right next door. You need
to call or email to chat, which is why (if your business outsources its
marketing), you want a responsive agency.

 Focus

In-house marketing teams focus 100% on your business. While agencies will
learn your brand and dedicate time to its marketing strategy, they also focus on
other clients and their marketing needs. Depending on your company, you may
prefer having a team all to yourself.

 Control

When you outsource your marketing and hire a marketing firm, you share the
responsibilities of your marketing strategy. In some cases, businesses prefer to
have complete control over their marketing, which can make working with an
agency difficult. That’s why, if you like having that level of control, it’s best to
build an in-house team.

Agency marketing

Agency marketing provides your business with an external marketing team,

which uses various online marketing strategies to grow your company. The
question, however, is whether an Internet marketing agency is your best option.


Working with a digital marketing agency vs. an in-house marketing team offers
a few benefits, including:

 Expertise

When you partner with an agency, you get to choose from the most experienced
companies in the industry. This perk allows your business to hire agencies with
a background in your market, for example, or a heavy focus on your preferred
strategy, like SEO.

Working with such an experienced partner can help your company get the most
value and return on investment (ROI) from digital marketing. If you’re looking
for the best use of your marketing budget, an experienced agency can often

 Capabilities

A digital marketing company often comes with skills that in-house teams can’t
match, especially internal marketing teams at small-to-midsized businesses.
These capabilities can range from accessing beta features in Google Ads to data
on effective tactics or strategies.


Do’s” and “Don’ts” for Advertising Agencies in Making Pitches.

Do listen. Allow the client to talk.

 Do your preparation. Know the client and its business.

 Do make a good first impression. Dress up, not down.

 Do a convincing job of presenting. Believe in what you are presenting.

 Don’t assume all clients are the same. Each has a unique need.

 Don’t try to solve the entire problem in the pitch.

 Don’t be critical of the product or the competition.

 Don’t overpromise. It will come back to haunt you.

 Don’t spend a lot of time pitching credentials and references.

Media scheduling methods and factors influencing media scheduling


Media scheduling refers to the decision taken by media planner regarding –

timing of an advertisement, continuity of and advertisement and the size of an
advertisement to be played. Once a media planner decides media mix i.e. which
all media vehicles will be used to communicate advertising messages to the
target audience, media scheduling starts. Thus, in simple words, media
scheduling deals with 2 main things – Number of advertising giving to a
selected media vehicle and frequency of the ads.

Three Continuity schedules

1. Continuous scheduling

Under this strategy, an advertisement runs throughout the year with an equal
amount of weight each month. This strategy should be used if a particular
product category is sold thought the year. No external factors are considered
such as seasons, events, etc. These advertisements are in the form of reminders
so that the target audience recall these brands at the time of the purchase.

Example: Shampoo’s advertisement comes throughout the year

2. Flighting advertisement

This is when an advertisement runs for some period and then there is a gap, this
means advertisers shows a heavy advertisement for a specific period of time and
no advertisement on other time of the year. A business should use this strategy
in case of seasonal products. Running heavy advertisement in the peak purchase
period results in immediate brand awareness and this strategy also helps to fight

Example: Air conditioner ads during summer

3. Pulsing advertisement

In this strategy, advertisers run ads throughout the year but for a specific period,
there will be more advertisements as compared to other times of the year.
Pulsing advertisement is a mix of both – Continuous and flighting advertising
strategies. In strategy, the pulse means high-level advertising during a certain
period. Pulse can occur at the time of product/brand launch to increase



A point of sale display (POS) is a specialized type of sales advertising in which

goods are shown near, next to or in a buying area of a transaction. In general
these products are found in the checkout area or where purchasing decisions are
made. They are intended to attract the attention of consumers to items that may
be new products or exclussive deal. Then a point of purchase (POP), is a special
type of sales advertising that is displayed instore to attract the most attention.
The power of using POP displays is to increase instore success, sales and
overall brand awareness.

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