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The psychophysiology of stress and coping:

Is the discrepancy between autonomous

reactivity and self-reported negative affect of
health psychological relevance?

zur Erlangung des akademischen Grades Doktor der
Naturwissenschaften (Dr.rer.nat.) an der Naturwissenschaftlichen
Fakultät der Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz

vorgelegt von
Eva-Maria Messner
aus Oberdischingen
Verfasst von:
Mag.a Eva- Maria Messner (geb. Rathner)
Institut für Psychologie
Abteilung Klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie
Universität Ulm, Deutschland

Betreuung/Erstbegutachtung von:
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Andreas Schwerdtfeger
Institut für Psychologie
Arbeitsbereich Gesundheitspsychologie
Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, Österreich

Zweitbegutachtung durch:
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Thomas Kubiak
Psychologisches Institut
Abteilung Gesundheitspsychologie
Johannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz, Deutschland

Eingereicht am: 31.7.2020


As a psychotherapist, trained in systemic therapy, I do not believe in isolated

individuals. I am sure humans are first and foremost social beings. Therefore, this

dissertation would have never been achieved without the support of my environment.

So a massive thank you to everyone who took part in my life so far. To those who

taught me gently and with love, those who guided me through example and to those

whom I perceived negatively at the time but who helped me develop abilities I have

never dreamed of achieving.

At first, a thank you to my parents Manuela and Albert, who were brave enough to let

me develop as a free spirit. Warm gratitude to my families, it means the world to me to

feel connected and integrated. A thank you to my siblings, who taught me, real

unconditional love. I have no idea what I would be without you.

A thank you to all the teachers who saw talent in me, even when I was doubting myself

or struggling with the demands of my early life. Many thanks to the inspiring Professors,

such as Andreas Schwerdtfeger, Thomas Kubiak, Harald Baumeister, Christian

Montag, Rüdiger Pryß, Thomas Probst, Tamlin Conner, David Kavanagh, Nicholas

Cummins, and Björn Schuller, who stimulated my research. My gratitude to my student

assistants Alexandra, Linda, and Thomas, who support my work on a day-to-day basis.

Moreover, the highest appreciation to all my friends who patiently loved me and

nourished the positive aspects of mine through all those years. Lots of love for our child

Felix, who gave me the patience and spirit to ultimately finish my thesis. Special thanks

to my sister Hannah, who supported me with babysitting for the last 20 pages. Finally,

yet importantly, thanks to my husband Matthias, who is my anchor and gives me wings

at the same time. With all that support, I am looking forward to many occupational and

private adventures in this new chapter in my life.

Abstract - English

Introduction: Although stress is a part of daily life, prolonged and repetitive exposure

to stressors contributes to adverse health outcomes. When dealing with stressors,

diverse coping strategies are linked to health outcomes. This thesis aims to broaden

the knowledge about novel approaches to assess stress and coping in the field.

Furthermore, the association between coping and cardiovascular health will be


Methods: In the first study, the possibility of using smartphones to estimate levels of

experienced stress was investigated by tracking 157 individuals for eight weeks. In the

second study (n = 111), the association between cardiovascular reactivity (CVR)

assessed in the lab and field was examined. In the third study, the ecological validity

of the autonomic-subjective response dissociation (ASRD) in repressive coping was

tested on a sample of 114 individuals. Data were analyzed with multilevel models. In

the fourth study, markers of cardiovascular disease were associated with cognitive

avoidant coping (CAV) to investigate the clinical relevance of the habitual use of coping

strategies in healthy individuals (n = 124).

Results: Smartphones could be used in the future to unobtrusively assess mental

states such as stress in humans, especially when including sensor variables into the

models. When assessing coping and CVR, the generalizability of CVR retrieved in the

lab is limited. When inferring from CVR obtained in the lab to daily life CVR, the

baseline heart rate should be taken into account. In repressive coping, which is

accompanied by increased CVR, an interaction of CAV with markers of atherosclerosis

increasing with age was found. Furthermore, it could be shown that the ASRD in
repressive coping can be retrieved validly in the field, thus making it possible to study

the long-term effect of heightened CVR on health.

Discussion: This thesis adds knowledge regarding the methodology of the

assessment of stress and coping in the field. Taken together, these findings point out

that a.) valid and reliable unobtrusive assessment of stress and coping in the field will

be possible in the future; b.) this opportunity poses major legal and ethical challenges

as sensitive data (e.g., heart rate) could be collected on a large scale; c.) future studies

will be able to study the long-term health outcomes of habitual coping styles in the field.

Keywords: stress, coping, ambulatory assessment, passive sensing, smartphone

Abstract - Deutsch

Einleitung: Obwohl Stress ein essentieller Bestandteil des täglichen Lebens ist, kann

wiederholte und lang andauernde Exposition zu adversen gesundheitlichen Folgen

führen. Der habituelle Gebrauch spezifischer Bewältigungsstrategien ist mit

gesundheitlichen Folgen verbunden. Diese Dissertation diskutiert neuartige Ansätze

zur Erhebung von Stress und Bewältigungsstrategien im täglichen Leben. Darüber

hinaus wird der Zusammenhang zwischen habituellen Bewältigungsstrategien und

kardiovaskulärer Gesundheit diskutiert.

Methoden: In der 1. Studie wurde der Einsatz von Smartphones zur passiven

Erhebung von subjektivem Stresserleben untersucht, indem das

Smartphonenutzungsverhalten von 157 Personen acht Wochen lang erfasst wurde. In

der 2. Studie (n = 111) wurde der Zusammenhang zwischen der im Labor und im Alltag

gemessenen kardiovaskulären Reaktivität (CVR) erfasst. In der 3. Studie wurde die

ökologische Validität der autonom-subjektiven Reaktionsdissoziation (ASRD) bei

repressivem Coping an 114 Individuen getestet. In der 4. Studie wurden Marker von

Herz-Kreislauf-Erkrankungen mit kognitiv-vermeidendem Coping (CAV) assoziiert, um

die klinische Relevanz der habituellen Anwendung von Coping-Strategien bei

gesunden Personen zu untersuchen (n = 124).

Ergebnisse: Smartphones könnten in Zukunft verwendet werden, um psychische

Zustände wie Stress beim Menschen passiv, valide und reliabel zu erfassen. Die

Generalisierbarkeit von im Labor gewonnener CVR ist limitiert. Bei der spezifischen

Betrachtung der repressiven Bewältigung wurde eine Interaktion von CAV mit Markern
einer Atherosklerose und dem Lebensalter gefunden. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass

die ASRD bei repressivem Coping im Alltag valide ermittelt werden kann.

Diskussion: Die Ergebnisse weisen darauf hin, dass a.) in Zukunft eine valide und

reliable, passive Erfassung von Stress und Bewältigung im Alltag durch Smartphones

möglich sein wird; b.) diese Möglichkeit große rechtliche und ethische

Herausforderungen mit sich bringt, da sensible Daten in großem Umfang erhoben

werden können; und c.) künftige Studien in der Lage sein werden, die langfristigen

gesundheitlichen Folgen von habituellen Bewältigungsstilen im Alltag zu untersuchen.

Schlüsselwörter: Stress, Coping, Ambulantes Assessment, Passive Datenerhebung,

Table of Contents

1 Introduction .............................................................................................................. 1

1.1 Stress ................................................................................................................ 2

1.1.1 Stress in the meaning of episodic events or acute stress ........................... 3

1.1.2 Stress defined as significant life events ...................................................... 4

1.1.3 Chronic stress ............................................................................................. 5

1.1.4 Daily stressors............................................................................................. 5

1.2 Stress and Age .................................................................................................. 6

1.3 Stress and Mental Health .................................................................................. 7

1.4 Stress and Physical Health................................................................................ 8

1.5 Focus on Stress and Cardiovascular Health ................................................... 10

1.6 Treatment and Prevention of Stress ................................................................ 11

1.7 Theories of Coping .......................................................................................... 13

1.7.1 Krohne´s Model of Coping Modes ............................................................. 14

1.7.2 Coping and Personality ............................................................................. 18

1.7.3 Coping and Age ........................................................................................ 19

1.7.4 Coping and Mental Health ......................................................................... 20

1.7.5 Coping and Physical Health ...................................................................... 22

1.8 Focus on Repressive Coping and its Association with Cardiovascular Health 23

1.9 Cardiovascular Variables in Stress and Coping Research .............................. 25

1.10 The Assessment of Stress and Coping ......................................................... 26

1.10.1 The Autonomic-Subjective Response Dissociation ................................. 30

1.10.2 The Association of Laboratory and Field Studies .................................... 32

2 Research Questions .............................................................................................. 35

3 Study 1: Insights- Future implications of passive smartphone sensing in the

therapeutic context ................................................................................................... 37

4 Study 2: Does cardiac reactivity in the laboratory predict ambulatory heart rate? . 73

5 Study 3: The ecological validity of ASRD in responsive coping. .......................... 103

6 Study 4: Cognitive avoidant coping is associated with higher IMT in middle aged

adults. ..................................................................................................................... 137

7 General Discussion ............................................................................................. 165

7.1 Embedding of Relevant Findings into Current Literature ............................... 166

7.1.1 The Use of Smartphones to Assess Mental States ................................. 166

7.1.2 The Association of Cardiovascular Parameters Assessed in the Field and

under Laboratory Conditions ............................................................................ 170

7.1.3 The Ecological Validity of the ASRD in Repressive Coping .................... 173

7.1.4 The Association of Repressive Coping and Cardiovascular Health ........ 176

7.1.5 Summary of the Contribution of Own Research to the State of Art ......... 178

7.2 The Association of Laboratory and Field Studies .......................................... 179

7.3 The Association of Coping and Cardiovascular Health: Implications and Future

Directions ............................................................................................................ 181

7.4 Smartphones as a Way of Assessing Stress and Coping ............................. 183

7.5 Future Directions of Field Assessments: Potential, Limitations and Ethical

Considerations .................................................................................................... 187

8 Synopsis and a General Conclusion .................................................................... 192

9 References .......................................................................................................... 195

10 Curriculum Vitae ................................................................................................ 215

11 List of Publications ............................................................................................. 219

12 Author Disclosure .............................................................................................. 223

Figure 1: The stage model of stress and disease of Cohen, Gianaros, and Manuck

(2016). SAM= sympathoadrenal-medullary mediators, HPA= hypothalamic-pituitary-

adrenal system…………………………………………………………………………..…..8

Figure 2: Model of coping modes Krohne (1989) ……………………….………16

AA Ambulatory Assessment

AIDS Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome

ANS Autonomous Nervous System

ASRD Autonomic-subjective Response Dissociation

BNS Body Sensor Networks

BP Blood Pressure

CAV Cognitive Avoidant Coping

CVD Cardiovascular Diseases

CVR Cardiovascular Reactivity

EMA Ecological Momentary Assessment

GPS Global Positioning System

HIV Human Immunodeficiency Virus

HR Heart Rate

HRV Heart Rate Variability

HPA-axis Hypothalamus-Pituitary-Adrenal Axis

IMI Internet- and Mobile Based Intervention

IMT Intima-Media Thickness

MCI Mainz Coping Inventory

PANAS Positive and Negative Affect Scale

SMS Short Message Service

VARD Verbal Autonomic Response Dissociation

VIG Vigilance

WHO World Health Organization

Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 1

1 Introduction

Modern life is characterized by an elevated amount of self-reported stress (American

Psychological Association, 2017; Milczarek et al., 2009). In Germany, 60% of adults report

a substantial increase in experienced stress in their daily lives (Wohlers & Hombrecher,

2016). With minor exceptions (e.g., natural disasters, accidents) stressful life experiences

do not occur at random, they are influenced by environmental circumstances (e.g.,

socioeconomic status) and psychological characteristics of individuals (e.g., neuroticism)

(Cohen et al., 2019). Life stress has been associated with the development, maintenance

and acceleration of mental and physical diseases including asthma, rheumatoid arthritis,

anxiety disorders, depression, cardiovascular disease, chronic pain, HIV/AIDS and certain

types of cancer (e.g., ovarian cancer, breast cancer) (Slavich, 2016). Moreover, life stress

is linked to premature aging and higher mortality risk (Slavich, 2016).

Although stress is continuously found to be related to increased risk of disease in general,

most individuals who experience stressful events do not get sick (Cohen et al., 2019). It

is known that the response to a given stressor varies enormously between individuals.

While some individuals like giving oral presentations, others show signs of severe distress

when confronted with the same task. Therefore, psychological stress can be seen as the

endpoint of an appraisal process in which the threat is believed to exceed our resources

and coping abilities (Gianaros & Wager, 2015). In line with that, coping can be described

as a process of permanent effort to reduce stress. Therefore, the understanding of the

biological, psychological, and social determinants of stress experience and an individual's

capability of coping with stressors might lead to the development of interventions that

reduce the individual and societal burden of stress in the future.

Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 2

This dissertation will give insight into the theory behind stress and coping, the relation

between the experience of stress and health, the impact of coping onto this relationship,

and novel ways to assess stress and coping in the field. It will end with conclusions on

how to best assess stress and coping in daily life and propose future developments in the


1.1 Stress

There is an ongoing debate about what the term stress means and which definition can

be used in science (Cohen et al., 2019). One reason why there is inconsistency in findings

along stress is that the term is used inconsistently across disciplines, and diverse

methodological approaches are used to assess stress (Cohen et al., 2016). While the

specification of the term will be discussed in this chapter, the methodological aspects will

be discussed later in chapter 1.3.1.

The term stress is used differently in the scientific literature either by the description of a

stressful situation per se in the meaning of a contextual variable, such as 1.) episodic

events/ acute stress such as changes at work, job interviews, sporting events, etc. 2.)

major life events such as natural or human-made disasters, severe disease, etc.; 3.)

chronic stressors such as chronic disease, marital problems, work-related demands; 4.)

daily hassles such as traffic jam, unfinished tasks, etc. (Kivimäki & Steptoe, 2018; Steptoe

& Kivimäki, 2013). Or the term stress is used to describe the response to a stressful

situation, the actual stress experience.

Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 3

1.1.1 Stress in the meaning of episodic events or acute stress

While the physiological changes following acute stress are well established, little is known

about how exactly stress responses convert over time to pathological changes resulting

in mental and physical disease. In a nutshell, under acute stress, the autonomous nervous

system is activated within seconds. The nervous system innervates nearly all organs of

the body over the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems. Catecholamines

and norepinephrine heighten the heart rate, decrease heart rate variability (HRV),

optimize muscular blood flow, and elevate core body temperature (Brotman et al., 2007).

Heart rate variability is the measure of time intervals between the r-peaks of heartbeats.

For example, decreased heart rate variability was linked to overall health problems, stress

response, depression, and anxiety disorders (Chalmers et al., 2014; Koch et al., 2019;

Thayer et al., 2012).

In the second wave of the stress response, the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis (HPA-

axis) is activated within minutes. A sequence of hormones is released, resulting in

elevated levels of the adrenocorticotropic hormones, glucocorticoid cortisol, and blood

glucose (Brotman et al., 2007). While the experience of acute stress followed by a period

of rest and regeneration might not impair mental and physical health, the prolonged

exposure to stress is likely affecting an individual’s risk for the development and

occurrence of disease (Lagraauw et al., 2015). The before mentioned changes in the

sympathetic-parasympathetic balance in combination with an altered tone of the HPA-

axis are likely influencing the atherosclerotic process and lead to cardiovascular disease

in the long run (McEwen, 1998).

Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 4

1.1.2 Stress defined as significant life events

The theory behind significant life events is that there are objective stressors, which affect

all individuals, such as trauma, death, natural disasters, violence, and so forth (Williams

et al., 1981). Two reviews studied the epidemiology of stressful and traumatic events, one

focusing on the developed countries (Hatch & Dohrenwend, 2007) and one worldwide

(Benjet et al., 2016). In developed countries, men and women seem to experience similar

total amounts of critical life events but differ in the type of events. While men reported

more injuries, accidents, and physical assault, women reported more sexual assault. In

general, a low socioeconomic or minority status was linked to elevated levels of

experienced life events.

Moreover, young adulthood was associated with a peak in the experience of life events

(Hatch & Dohrenwend, 2007). Worldwide the occurrence of significant life events is

prevalent in two-thirds of the population. Five major life events, namely witnessing death

or severe injury, unexpected death of a loved one, being mugged, having a life-threatening

car accident, experiencing a life-threatening illness or injury account for over half of all

instances worldwide. The rate and type of significant life events vary concerning the

country of residence, sociodemographic status, education status, and the number of prior

life events (Benjet et al., 2016). Of note, experienced significant life events do not cause

disease directly. Most people stay healthy despite experiencing adverse life events

(Cohen et al., 2019). Mainly if stress exposure persists over time (e.g., chronic stress) with

too little resources to cope, thus it increases the chance for adverse health outcomes.
Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 5

1.1.3 Chronic stress

When looking at the construct of stress from a time perspective, stress can be

distinguished into acute stress and chronic stress. Both forms of stress have been

extensively examined for decades, but the complexity of the term stress and the biological

systems which are involved still leave many questions open (Nater, 2018). As mentioned

above, stress seems to increase the risk of mental and physical disease more if the stress

is experienced chronically. Persisting life events such as physical limitations are

associated with deterioration in mental health over time (Williams et al., 1981). One form

of chronic stress is low socioeconomic status. Low socioeconomic status has been

associated with the total number of life events and specific types of stressors (Benjet et

al., 2016; Hatch & Dohrenwend, 2007; Lantz et al., 2005). Moreover, specific stressors

related to a poor socioeconomic status like financial and parenting stress are related to

poor self-rated physical health (Lantz et al., 2005). Accumulated life stress is associated

with the development, maintenance, and acceleration of several physical and mental

diseases (Slavich, 2016).

1.1.4 Daily stressors

Daily stressors are more and more recognized as risk factors for adverse mental health

outcomes. Earlier research focused on the impact of significant life events on mental

health and well-being than on the effect of daily life stressors. There is evidence that daily

life stress is a better predictor of mental health and well-being than significant life events

(Newnham et al., 2015). Daily hassles appear to be more strongly associated with physical

health than life events (DeLongis et al., 1982). Charles and colleagues (2013) could show

that both, the average level of negative affect and the affective reactivity to daily stressors
Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 6

are related to long term mental health outcomes (e.g., affective disorders) (Charles et al.,

2013). The negative impact of daily hassles has also been shown for physical health, both

short term via elevated inflammatory levels (Sin et al., 2015) and on long term health

outcomes (Leger et al., 2018). In both studies, the prolonged experience of negative

emotions caused the effect, thus leading to the conclusion that quick affective recovery

alias successful coping has a buffering effect on the association between daily stressors

and adverse health outcomes.

1.2 Stress and Age

There are sensitive periods in life when stressful events are more likely to have an impact

on ones´ health and well-being (Cohen et al., 2019). It was shown that prolonged

childhood stress exposure leads to increased risk for chronic illness and higher overall

mortality (Norman et al., 2012). This higher risk for the development of a disease in later

life may be rooted in altered biological processes as well as behavioral proclivities. In

general, the association between stress and mortality is higher in younger individuals

when compared to older individuals (Cohen et al., 2019). There is an association between

the number of adverse life events and the total number of daily hassles with depression

in the elderly, pointing towards a cumulative effect of stressors over the lifespan (Kraaij et

al., 2002).

Moreover, older age is associated with a lower overall stressor diversity. While network

stressors and health stressors increase with age, work-related, overload-related, financial,

and interpersonal stressors diminish (Koffer et al., 2016). Moreover, older individuals are

more prone to chronic unavoidable stressors (such as disease, loss of a significant other,

or pain), which are characterized by high stressor exposure and low stressor diversity
Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 7

(Koffer et al., 2016). From a biological perspective, older people show an increased

cortisol response in stressful situations. This effect is three-fold stronger in females (Bale

& Epperson, 2015).

1.3 Stress and Mental Health

Overall prolonged stress exposure has been associated with mental health problems,

such as depression, anxiety, aggression (Richter-Levin & Xu, 2018; van Praag, 2004;

Wang, 2005) and increased suicide risk (Phillips et al., 2002). One biological pathway for

the association between stress exposure and mental health are altered cortisol levels.

Depending on the kind of mental illness, hair cortisol levels are increased (e.g.,

depression, late-onset bipolar disorder) or decreased (e.g., anxiety, posttraumatic stress

disorder) (Staufenbiel et al., 2013).

There are factors like forgiveness or self-efficacy, which moderate the association

between lifetime stress and decreased mental health (Schönfeld et al., 2016; Toussaint

et al., 2016). Forgiveness and self-efficacy buffer the effect of stress on mental health

(Toussaint et al., 2016).

Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 8

1.4 Stress and Physical Health

To sum up the evidence on the association

between stress and disease, Cohen and

colleagues (2016) introduced the stage model of

stress and disease. They argue that a broad view

of the term stress helps to subsume the

epidemiological, psychological, and biological

tradition of stress research. While the

epidemiological tradition aims to investigate the

objective levels a given stressor poses on an

individual life, the psychological tradition sheds

light on the interindividual differences in stress

appraisal and coping with stressors. The biological

tradition defines stress as the perturbation of the

physiological homeostasis. These different

approaches can be integrated into various stages

of a process linking environmental demands to

disease development (see figure 1). While Cohen

and colleagues (2016) illustrate a unidirectional

process, they recognize that some processes

might be organized bidirectional or in loops (Cohen

et al., 2016).

Figure 1: The stage model of stress and disease of Cohen, Gianaros, and Manuck (2016). SAM=
sympathoadrenal-medullary mediators, HPA= hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal system.
Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 9

In the stage model of stress and disease, an individual is confronted with environmental

demands. The individual can interpret these demands as stressful or harmless. In the

case of a stressful appraisal, the person perceives stress and experiences negative

emotional responses. These negative emotional responses lead to physiological reactions

such as an activation of the sympathoadrenal-medullary and the hypothalamic-pituitary-

adrenal system. Furthermore, these negative emotional responses - when activated

frequently - result in poor health decisions and behaviors. In the long run, these result in

disease-related physiological changes and, subsequently, an increased risk for the onset

or progression of the disease.

It was shown that prolonged stress experience could increase the risk of mortality and

morbidity (McLaughlin & Hatzenbuehler, 2009). In line with that, prolonged exposure to

stress could result in significant health impairments (Slavich, 2016). These include

physiological issues like gastrointestinal problems, metabolic syndrome, coronary heart

disease, cancer, allergies and neurodegenerative diseases (Adam & Epel, 2007;

Chandola et al., 2006; Dallman et al., 2005; Dalton et al., 2016; Diop et al., 2008; Hollifield

et al., 2018; Kane, 2009; Montoro et al., 2009; Padgett & Glaser, 2003; Richards &

Richardson, 2012; Rosengren et al., 2004; Segerstrom & Miller, 2004; Steptoe & Kivimäki,


Moreover, the impact of prolonged stress exposure on brain structure was shown in

several studies. Gianaros and colleagues (2007) could show that self-reported chronic

stress was a predictor of the diminished volume of the right orbitofrontal cortex and the

right hippocampus 20 years later. Furthermore, Papagni and colleagues (2011) could

show that the number of stressful life events in three months was associated with a volume
Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 10

reduction in the right hippocampus, the parahippocampi, and the anterior cingular cortex.

These regions are associated with learning, memory, and neuroendocrinological activity.

1.5 Focus on Stress and Cardiovascular Health

Cardiovascular diseases cause nearly 30% of deaths globally (WHO, 2007). In Europe,

cardiovascular diseases are the most common cause of death and the leading cause of

disease burden (Kivimäki & Steptoe, 2018; Townsend et al., 2015). Next to known risk

factors like genetics, obesity, smoking, diabetes mellitus, and hypercholesterolemia, self-

reported stress gained attention in the scientific community as a risk factor for

cardiovascular disease (Chida & Steptoe, 2010). Stress in childhood, like physical abuse,

sexual abuse, domestic violence, parental mental illness, neglect, and parental substance

abuse, can increase the risk of multiple chronic conditions in adulthood, including

cardiovascular disease (Hughes et al., 2017; Kivimäki & Steptoe, 2018). The association

between chronic stress and cardiovascular disease in adulthood is weaker when

compared to chronic childhood stress. Nevertheless, psychological factors like social

isolation, loneliness, and work-related stress are associated with cardiovascular risk on a

meta-analytic evidence level (Dragano et al., 2017; Kivimäki et al., 2012).

Kivimäki and Kawachi (2015) conducted a meta-analysis on the association between

work-related stress and cardiovascular disease, including 600,000 individuals from cohort

studies from Europe, the United States, and Japan. They conclude that work stressors

(e.g., job strain, long working hours, etc.) are associated with a moderately elevated risk

for a coronary incident. The increase in risk is ranging from 10-40% in affected individuals.

Furthermore, they point out that differences between men and women, as well as between

younger and older employees, are small and socioeconomic status also has no significant
Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 11

effect on the association between work-related stress and cardiovascular disease.

Moreover, they could show that work-related stress is also associated with other adverse

health outcomes such as type 2 diabetes but not to common forms of cancer. Overall, the

evidence is consistent but mainly based on correlational studies. They are thus leaving a

lack of knowledge concerning cause and effect.

A meta-analysis on the prospective evidence on the influence of mental stress on the

cardiovascular risk status showed that higher responsivity and weaker recovery from

acute stress are longitudinally associated with an elevated cardiovascular risk status.

Therefore, the management of stress responsivity alias coping could be used in the

preventive and curative treatment of stress-related disease (Chida & Steptoe, 2010).

Another meta-analysis of Richardson and colleagues (2012) indicates an elevated risk for

incident coronary heart disease in individuals with high perceived stress levels.

One plausible biological mechanism to explain the association between stress and

cardiovascular disease is the phenomenon of atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis describes

the development of plaques and the progressive thickening of arterial walls, which then

results in cardiovascular events like stroke or cardiac infarction (Hintsanen et al., 2005).

There is, moreover, some evidence linking stress with metabolic syndrome (Chandola et

al., 2008), which could be moderated by fitness (Gerber et al., 2016). One cross-sectional

study found differences between men and women concerning increased cardiovascular

risk associated with self-reported stress (Hintsanen et al., 2005).

1.6 Treatment and Prevention of Stress

Although there is substantial evidence that stress increases the risk of a variety of

diseases, individuals have significant power to reduce these effects and improve their
Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 12

well-being (Slavich, 2016). Psychotherapy, self-help, and the internet- and mobile-based

interventions (IMIs) aim to strengthen an individual's capability of coping with stress.

Lately, third-wave interventions became extensively studied in the prevention and

treatment of stress-related diseases (Hayes et al., 1999; Hayes, 2004; Hayes et al., 2011).

These include mindfulness, meditation, acceptance, and commitment training. These

approaches focus on altering the way individuals perceive situations and how they handle

their thoughts, feelings, and behavior (O’Connor et al., 2018). Regarding their

effectiveness, a meta-analysis about meditation showed moderate effects on anxiety,

depression, and pain. There were little to no effects of meditation on perceived

stress/distress and mental-health-related quality of life (Goyal et al., 2014). A meta-

analysis about the efficacy of mindfulness for healthy individuals showed significant

effects on stress but only moderate effects on stress-related diseases like depression,

burn-out, anxiety, and quality of life (Khoury et al., 2015). The effect of third-wave

interventions on perceived stress levels are also moderate (Messner et al., n.d.).

Next to these classical face to face approaches, the efficacy of IMIs concerning stress

reduction have been studied. IMIs offer one possibility to distribute psychological

interventions on a broad scale with acceptable costs, thus making them ideal for targeting

such a widespread phenomenon like stress. Heber and colleagues (2017) showed that

IMIs are moderately effective in reducing self-perceived stress. Moreover, the effect size

was larger in guided interventions, medium-long interventions, and interventions that were

based on cognitive behavioral therapy or third wave therapy. There is also evidence that

IMIs are effective in addressing work-related stress (Ebert et al., 2016) as well as stress

in college students (Harrer et al., 2018).

Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 13

1.7 Theories of Coping

Although, as previously described, stress is related to increased risk of mental and

physical disease, the majority of individuals who experience stressful events stay healthy

(Cohen et al., 2019). It is known that the response to a given stressor varies enormously

between individuals. In line with that, coping can be described as a process of permanent

effort to reduce stress. Folkman and Lazarus (1980) defined coping as „…the cognitive

and behavioral efforts made to master, tolerate, or reduce external and internal demands

and conflicts among them“. Therefore, vulnerability to stress is likely mediated by the use

of coping strategies. Most coping theories are based on the individuals´ focus of attention

in a stressful situation. Two meta-analyses were looking at the relative efficacy of coping

strategies (Mullen & Suls, 1982; Suls & Fletcher, 1985). Both concluded that the short

term outcome of subtracting attention from the stressor is superior, while in the long run

focusing attention on the stressor is advantageous.

Up to date, several theories on coping were postulated. An extensive overview is given

by Krohne (2001). Krohne (2001) outlines a classification of coping theories on the

dimensions a) trait (e.g., repression-sensitization (Byrne, 1964)) vs. state (e.g., Freud´s

defense mechanisms (1926)) and b.) micro-analytic vs. macro-analytic approaches. While

micro-analytic approaches focus on direct coping behavior, macro-analytic approaches

try to explain coping from a meta-perspective. In the following, macro-analytic trait-

orientated theories of coping will be described:

The repression-sensitization model was first introduced by the psychologist Byrne (1964).

The construct repression-sensitization is a unidimensional model. While repressers react

to stress with denial, inability to verbalize their experience, and suppression of negative
Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 14

thoughts and emotions, sensitizers try to gain more information about the stressor and

exhibit a tendency for rumination.

The monitoring and blunting theory of coping was introduced by Miller (1980) and is also

based on the assumption that individuals who are experiencing a threat can shift their

attention towards or away from the stressor. Blunting is a strategy in which individuals use

cognitive strategies such as distraction, denial, or reinterpretation to reduce the impact of

the stressor. These strategies are highly effective in uncontrollable situations such as

exams or surgeries (Miller & Mangan, 1983). In contrast, successful coping in controllable

situations is related to monitoring, which includes strategies like seeking information and

attaining control. Furthermore, the use of blunting or monitoring strategies relies not only

on the controllability of the stressful situation itself but also on the individuals´ personality

(Miller, 1987). The model of coping modes, which is the groundwork for this dissertation,

will be described in detail in the following chapter.

1.7.1 Krohne´s Model of Coping Modes

To classify different types of coping, Krohne developed the “Model of Coping Modes".

Krohne (1993) suggests that individuals widely differ in their ability to tolerate either

uncertainty inherent in ambiguous situations or emotional arousal triggered by danger

cues. Krohne postulates a two-stage process of attention orientation. At first, the

threatening stimulus is identified, and subsequently, the attention is turned towards or

away from the threatening stimulus (Krohne, 1993). The “Model of Coping Modes” aims

to describe and explain differences in individual behavior regulation in stressful situations

on the two independent dimensions vigilance (VIG) and cognitive avoidance (CAV). The

first, vigilance is a person's focus on the threatening attributes of a stressor, the second
Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 15

one cognitive avoidance relates to responses in which awareness is turned away from the

stressor (Krohne & Hock, 2011). The tendency to predominantly use vigilance or cognitive

avoidance is motivated by the characteristics of the individual and the situation (Krohne,


According to this theory, individuals who are more intolerant of uncertainty are prone to

vigilance as a strategy to cope with stress. Vigilant strategies comprise a multitude of

factors, for instance: the search for information, planning for the future, the anticipation of

adverse events, situation control, and control, among others. Due to their heightened

attention to potentially threat-related cues, vigilant individuals tend to interpret ambiguous

stimuli more likely as threatening (Hock et al., 1996). Hence, the aim of vigilant coping is

to minimize the probability of unexpected aversive events and to regain control over the


Conversely, individuals who are intolerant of emotional arousal triggered by danger cues

are hypothesized to be more prone to the use of cognitive avoidant strategies. In order to

decrease arousal in such situations, the individual may engage in attentional diversion,

self-enhancement, minimization, denial, or trust in positive outcomes, among others.

Thus, cognitive avoidant coping aims to shield the organism from aversive emotional

arousal. Of note, it has been shown that the habitual use of these coping strategies varies

between individuals and is stable over time (Derakshan et al., 2007; Egloff & Krohne,

1998; Hock & Krohne, 2004; Krohne, 1993; Krohne et al., 2000; Krohne & Hock, 2011).

Importantly, both vigilant and cognitive avoidant super-strategies are supposed to be

enacted independent of one another, thereby constituting orthogonal dimensions. That is,

individuals can engage in either vigilance or cognitive avoidance, in both vigilance and

cognitive avoidance within the same situation or use neither vigilance nor cognitive
Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 16

avoidance to cope with stress. Hence, by contrasting both super-strategies (vigilance and

cognitive avoidance) in a coordinate system, four distinct coping modes were

distinguished: sensitization (high vigilance, low cognitive avoidance), repression (high

cognitive avoidance, low vigilance), non-defensiveness (low on both dimensions) and

high-anxiousness (high on both dimensions) (illustration in figure 2).

Figure 2: Model of coping modes Krohne (1989)

High intolerance of uncertainty characterizes sensitizers. To reduce the uncertainty, they

shift attention towards the stressor. Furthermore, they show an interpretation and memory

bias in favor of threat-related cues. This strategy might prolong emotional arousal (Hock

et al., 1996; Hock & Krohne, 2004). Sensitization aims to minimize the probability of

unexpected aversive events as well as to regain control.

Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 17

People who mainly use cognitive avoidant coping and rarely vigilance are designated

repressers. They are hypothesized to recognize the ambiguity of stimuli instantly and to

show a retrieval bias towards a non-threatening interpretation. Concisely, ambiguous

stimuli end up as a non-threat memory (Hock et al., 1996). Repressers tend to show

diminished retrieval of emotional stimuli, especially for anxiety and threat-related cues

(Baumeister & Cairns, 1992; Cutler et al., 1996; Derakshan et al., 2007; Fajkowska et al.,

2011; Hock & Egloff, 1998; Hock & Krohne, 2004; Holtgraves & Hall, 1995; Mendolia et

al., 1996; Orbach & Mikulincer, 1996; Schimmack & Hartmann, 1997; Vendemia &

Rodriguez, 2010). Moreover, they show specific memory deficits for threat-related cues

as a strategy to reduce the experience of arousal and rumination. Correspondingly,

repressive copers have been found to exhibit reduced learning caused by retrieval deficits

and therefore are hesitant to flexibly change health behavior (Hock & Krohne, 2004). Of

note, on an organismic level, repressers have been found to show elevated physiological

stress reactivity while reporting little negative affect and anxiety, thus possibly putting them

at risk for bodily diseases (Schwerdtfeger & Kohlmann, 2004; Schwerdtfeger & Rathner,

2016). Accordingly, avoidant or repressive coping has also been associated with an

elevated risk for cancer and infectious diseases (Baltrusch et al., 1991; Mund & Mitte,

2012; Zozulya et al., 2008). The association with cancer might be a reaction to a life-

threatening stressor. In contrast, the association with infectious diseases might stem from

lower hygienic behavior due to the suppression of threatening information.

Individuals using both vigilant as well as cognitive avoidant coping strategies are termed

high-anxious. Their coping is assumed to shift between both these strategies, and they

are thought to be unable to tolerate both: heightened uncertainty and elevated arousal.

Their inconsistent use of coping strategies is likely maladaptive (Krohne, 1989, 1993).
Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 18

Finally, people who use neither vigilant nor cognitive avoidant coping strategies are

labeled as non-defensive. They are supposed to show reduced arousal and uncertainty

when confronted with threat-related cues. Those individuals might use different strategies

like cognitive suppression, reappraisal, acceptance, problem-solving, or exhibit more

flexible, situation-specific coping than the other three groups (Egloff & Krohne, 1998;

Krohne, 1993; Krohne & Hock, 2011).

General associations between a broader definition of coping and the variables personality,

age, mental and physical health will be discussed within the next chapters to paint a full

picture of the current state of research.

1.7.2 Coping and Personality

Coping has also been defined as “personality in action under stress," indicating that

personality and coping are intertwined (Bolger, 1990). A meta-analysis focussing on the

relationship between coping and personality studied possible moderators (Connor-Smith

& Flachsbart, 2007). It was found that personality was weakly correlated to coping in the

sense of engagement or disengagement from the stressor. Neuroticism, extraversion, and

conscientiousness were each associated with different coping actions. For example,

extraversion and conscientiousness were positively related to problem-solving and

cognitive restructuring, while neuroticism was related to dysfunctional strategies such as

wishful thinking, withdrawal, and emotion-focused coping (Connor-Smith & Flachsbart,


Furthermore, the strength of the association between coping and personality seems to be

moderated by age, stressor severity, and the mode of coping assessment. Younger age

is associated with a stronger relationship between personality and coping. With increasing
Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 19

stressor severity, the association increases, and dispositional coping assessment is

stronger related to personality measures (Carver & Connor-Smith, 2010). In line with that,

another study postulates that the association between coping and the five facets of

personality is strongest in neuroticism and conscientiousness. While neuroticism is

characterized by the use of passive and ineffective coping mechanisms,

conscientiousness is related to active more problem-focused coping actions (Watson &

Hubbard, 1996). The relationship between coping actions and extraversion is less clear

but points toward the direction that extraverted individuals use coping actions like seeking

social support, positive reappraisal, and problem-focused coping. Openness and

agreeableness are not consistently related to coping (Watson & Hubbard, 1996).

1.7.3 Coping and Age

As mentioned above, the relationship between coping and age appears to be stronger in

younger individuals (Carver & Connor-Smith, 2010). In childhood and adolescence,

adaptive forms of coping are associated with lower levels of psychopathology (e.g.,

internalizing and externalizing psychopathology) and maladaptive coping strategies such

as suppression, avoidance, and denial to higher levels of psychopathology (Compas et

al., 2017). Furthermore, Diehl and colleagues (1996) state that younger individuals are

more characterized by a weak impulse control as well as lower self-awareness resulting

in the use of more outwardly aggressive and undifferentiated coping actions. Older adults,

on the other hand, are characterized by a greater impulse control and the tendency to

approach stressful situations positively. In line with that, research shows that problem-

focused coping increases with age, while emotion-focused coping is not related to age
Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 20

(Trouillet et al., 2011), thus indicating a stronger form of cognitive impulse control and self-

awareness. In concordance with this, McCrae (1982) found that middle-aged and older

individuals are characterized by less frequent use of internal emotion-focused

maladaptive coping strategies such as hostility and escape fantasies regardless of the

type of stress. This less frequent use of escape strategies was also found by Aldwin (1991)

in a sample of community-residing middle-aged adults. Moreover, he found no other

differences between younger and older individuals. He explains this finding with the

assumption that not the coping ability is changing over the lifespan but rather the types of

stressors (Aldwin et al., 1996). Folkman and colleagues (1987) state that although there

are age-related differences in daily stressor and coping efforts, the primary source for

different use of coping strategies is rooted in development.

1.7.4 Coping and Mental Health

There is a relationship between coping and mental health. Especially in children and

youth, a meta-analysis showed that maladaptive forms of coping are related to both

internalizing and externalizing psychopathology (Compas et al., 2017). The same was

found in young adults, while adaptive coping strategies such as searching for social

support, problem-solving, and help-seeking contribute to better mental health,

maladaptive coping strategies like blame, wishful thinking, and withdrawal are associated

with psychopathology (Wang et al., 2018). These independent contributions of adaptive

and maladaptive forms of coping to mental health outcomes were also found in a study

on the association between coping and depression. In healthy and depressed adults,

maladaptive coping was only associated with depressive symptoms when there were low

levels of adaptive coping present (Thompson et al., 2010). Moreover, in adults coping
Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 21

moderated the relationship between occupational stress and mental health outcomes in

nurses (Mark & Smith, 2012). When looking at the association between burnout and

coping, it was found that problem-focused coping is negatively correlated to burnout

severity and emotion-focused coping positively (Shin et al., 2014).

The psychological mechanisms between coping and mental disease are still unclear. It

might be that the altered memory of repressers results in adverse health outcomes

through an inability to learn from a negative experience. Furthermore, defense

mechanisms like suppression, which is present in repressers, might prevent health-related

behavior such as visiting the psychotherapist, practicing mental first aid, and so forth

(Ollonen et al., 2005). The reduced memory retrieval of repressers was explained

differently by diverse research groups (Baumeister & Cairns, 1992; Cutler et al., 1996;

Derakshan et al., 2007; Fajkowska et al., 2011; Hock & Egloff, 1998; Holtgraves & Hall,

1995; Krohne & Hock, 2008; Mendolia et al., 1996; Orbach & Mikulincer, 1996;

Schimmack & Hartmann, 1997; Vendemia & Rodriguez, 2010). There are four main

theories to describe that phenomenon: Firstly, the superficial encoding hypothesis by

Davis (1990) states that repressers’ poor emotional memory is caused by reduced

emotional processing. Secondly, the frequency hypothesis by Schimmack and Hartmann

(1997) proposes that repressers have difficulties to feel the emotional response and,

therefore, do not establish associations between affect and event representations. Thirdly,

the emotional discreetness hypothesis by Hansen and Hansen (1988) suggests that

repressers encode anxiety-related cues into less complex cognitive-emotional structures.

Therefore, the links between representations of threatening events and insignificant

emotions are weak. Those representations are difficult to access due to their isolation.

Fourthly the repressive discontinuity hypothesis by Hock and colleagues (1996) is

Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 22

characterized by a consecutive sequence of stress-related information processing.

Initially, repressers react unconsciously highly sensitive to threat-related cues, which is

followed by counteraction of suppression. Those inhibitory processes may lead to a poor

memory of threat.

1.7.5 Coping and Physical Health

The relation between coping and health is not only present for mental disorders. The use

of positive coping is intertwined with perceived psychological and physical health (Chraif

& Anitei, 2012). Concerning physical diseases, repressers are of peculiar interest. As

mentioned in the previous section, repressers tend to show a memory bias in the way that

they have a diminished ability to recollect adverse events (Baumeister & Cairns, 1992;

Cutler et al., 1996; Derakshan et al., 2007; Fajkowska et al., 2011; Hock & Egloff, 1998;

Hock & Krohne, 2004; Holtgraves & Hall, 1995; Mendolia et al., 1996; Orbach

& Mikulincer, 1996; Schimmack & Hartmann, 1997; Vendemia & Rodriguez, 2010). Myers

and Brewin (1996) could show that repressive individuals rate themselves as less likely to

experience adverse events and that they rated negative words less descriptive of


Thus, they conclude that repressers create an illusion of well-being. This illusion of

prosperity might lead to impaired health and prevention behavior resulting in a higher rate

of morbidity and mortality (Myers, 2010).

Furthermore, a meta-analysis of the relation between repressive coping and somatic

diseases concludes that individuals with a repressive coping style have a 31% higher risk

to suffer from a physical illness (Mund & Mitte, 2012). In specific, the risk of suffering from
Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 23

cancer is increased by 51% and hypertension by 80% in repressers. Of note, the authors

state that the included studies cannot be interpreted causal. So far, only two studies

assessed coping styles before the cancer diagnosis, and both conclude that repressive

coping is instead a consequence rather than a cause of a cancer diagnosis (Kreitler et al.,

1993; Zachariae et al., 2004). When children suffering either from a severe but non-

malignant disease or cancer were compared to healthy children, the same pattern was

found. Children with a chronic disease showed higher levels of repression for one year,

thus indicating that repression is instead a consequence and less a cause of a severe

diagnosis (Phipps et al., 2001).

In individuals suffering from chronic physical disease, coping is the strongest predictor for

psychological distress. Primarily avoidant coping was found to increase illness-related

mental distress (Dempster et al., 2015). The associations between coping strategies and

health outcomes for individuals who have HIV yield similar results. While active forms of

coping such as direct action and reappraisal have been associated with better health

outcomes, avoidant coping strategies like behavioral disengagement or substance abuse

were associated with poorer health outcomes (Moskowitz et al., 2009).

1.8 Focus on Repressive Coping and its Association with Cardiovascular Health

To date, there is only one meta-analysis focusing on the relationship between repressive

coping and somatic diseases. The meta-analysis included 22 studies (n = 6775) and found

an increased risk for repressive copers for cancer, coronary heart disease, and

hypertension. The association between repressive coping and hypertension is medium to

high. Mund and Mitte (2012) conclude that repressive coping might be a consequence of

a cancer diagnosis. Furthermore, they point out that repressive coping plays a vital role in
Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 24

the development of hypertension, possibly leading to cardiovascular diseases (CVD) in

the long term (Mund & Mitte, 2012).

One large-scale prospective study on Japanese individuals found a negative correlation

between comorbid use of approach-oriented coping strategies with overall cardiovascular

disease-related mortality and stroke incidence (Svensson et al., 2016). A positive

relationship was found between the premorbid use of avoidant coping strategies, like

repression, and mortality from ischaemic heart disease only in hypertensive individuals,

thus indicating that the resulting increased mortality likely reflects an interplay between

psychological and physiological variables. This finding is in line with theories, suggesting

that repressive coping might not be adverse to mental health in general, but when

combined with the frequent experience of stressful events that lead to CVD in the long run

(Treiber et al., 2003). The vigilance avoidance theory states that repressive coping is a

two-stepped process with early vigilance accompanied by elevated cardiovascular

reactivity (CVR) and subsequent suppression of the arousal (Derakshan et al., 2007).

Repressive copers could, therefore, not be able to avoid stressful situations as they

suppress their response leading to a reduced ability to learn other ways of coping or to

prevent specific stressful situations.

When looking into the metabolic and immune function of repressive copers, it was found

that repressers showed changes in immune parameters (e.g., lower t-helper cells, higher

natural killer cells) as well as altered blood lipid parameters (e.g., lower high-density

lipoproteins, higher cholesterol ratio, and higher fasting insulin levels) when compared to

non-repressers. Moreover, under acute stress, repressers manifested an attenuated

increase in circulating natural killer cells. All these findings were unrelated to cofounding

variables like age, physical activity, and such (Barger et al., 2000). Another study on blood
Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 25

lipids and repression showed that male repressers had elevated cholesterol levels (Niaura

et al., 1992). Taken together, these findings indicate that there might be biological baseline

differences between repressers and non-repressers, which appear to be accelerated

under acute stress. Especially repressive men might be at higher risk for atherosclerotic

diseases (Niaura et al., 1992).

1.9 Cardiovascular Variables in Stress and Coping Research

There is a belief in psychological research about psychophysiology and health, that the

stronger the response to a laboratory stressor, the higher the risk for the development of

cardiovascular diseases (Lovallo, 2005; Treiber et al., 2003). Meta-analytic evidence from

prospective studies points to moderating and confounding variables for this association

such as 1.) duration of follow-up measures (more extended follow-ups lead to more

consistent associations), 2.) age (the association is more robust in younger individuals),

3.) exposure to psychological stress (the relation is more robust in individuals that

experience stress more frequently), 4.) methods of measurement of CVR (e.g., blood

pressure, heart rate, etc.), and 5.) baseline level of disease risk (elevated in individuals

that have a pre-existing medical condition) (Treiber et al., 2003).

So far, most research on CVR focused on high reactivity, but current studies imply that

also reduced CVR might be detrimental to health (Lovallo, 2011; Lovallo et al., 2012).

Therefore, healthy CVR might be in the medium range. Lovallo (2005) introduces a three

leveled model of the central nervous system control over peripheral response systems.

These three sources of elevated CVR might vary between individuals. The top-level

includes the limbic system and prefrontal cortex. These regions form a psychological
Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 26

stress response. They translate experiential and affective cues into bodily responses. The

middle level consists of the hypothalamus and the brain stem, which function as

translators in descending signals into physical outputs. The base-level consists of

peripheral tissues that build the response itself. To assess all sources of elevated CVR,

Lovallo (2005) proposed that studies should include physical and psychological stressors

and physiological and self-reported (psychological) outcomes as well. Therefore, groups

with different risks for cardiovascular outcomes could be figured out. Thus, the next

chapter introduces ways to assess the amount of stress and individual experiences as

well as methods for evaluating habitual coping modes.

1.10 The Assessment of Stress and Coping

There are several ways to assess stress and coping, including 1.) self-report 2.)

observation, and 3.) biomarkers. To date, self-report is the most common method to

determine stress levels or coping efforts (Kivimäki & Steptoe, 2018). Self-report

measurements are prone to several sources of bias including the poor capacity of

individuals to objectively assess their current stress and (emotional) states, individuals are

subject to recall biases, and show a tendency to answer in a socially desirable way

(Paulhus, 2017; Sariyska et al., 2018; Stone & Shiffman, 2002; Yannakakis et al., 2018).

Therefore, other ways to assess coping will later be discussed in this chapter.

Examples for widely used self-reported stress assessment are the Perceived Stress Scale

(PSS (Cohen et al., 1983)), the Depression Anxiety Stress Scales (DASS (Lovibond &

Lovibond, 1995)), the Perceived Stress Questionnaire (PSQ (Levenstein et al., 1993));

the Dundee Stress State Questionnaire (DSSQ (Matthews et al., 1999; Matthews et al.,
Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 27

2002)), and the Everyday Stressors Index (EDI (Hall, 1990)). Furthermore, numerous self-

report stress assessments are focussing on specific target groups like children and

adolescents (Adolescent Stress Questionnaire; ASQ (Byrne et al., 2007)), and specific

stressors such as parental stress (PSS (Berry & Jones, 1995)).

An overview of self-reported coping assessments is reported in Schwarzer and

Schwarzers' book chapter (1996). The most widely used coping inventories are the

Repression-Sensitization Scale (RSS (Byrne, 1961)), the Mainz Coping Inventory (MCI

(Krohne et al., 2000)), the Miller Behavioral Style Scale (MBSS (Miller, 1987)), the Ways

of Coping Questionnaire (WOC (Folkman & Lazarus, 1988)), the Coping Strategy

Indicator (CSI (Amirkhan, 1990)), the Life Events and Coping Inventory (LECI (Dise-

Lewis, 1988)), the Coping Inventory for Stressful Situations (CISS (Endler & Parker,

1990)), the COPE-Scale (SC (Carver et al., 1989)) and for adolescents the Adolescent

Coping Orientation for Problem Experiences Inventory (A-COPE (Patterson & McCubbin,

1987)). Furthermore, the three ways of stress and coping assessment will be discussed

in detail to introduce into the currently used methods and prepare for the suggestions to

collect data in the future, as discussed in chapter 7.5.

Self-reports can be obtained either at one or more defined time points, for example,

through the questionnaires, as mentioned earlier. Questionnaires can assess stress and

coping as a trait or state. A trait is a personality characteristic of an individual, consistent

over time, which is partly moderated by a given situation (Fleeson & Jayawickreme, 2015).

1.) Stress and coping can also be assessed in a situation of interest (e.g., a laboratory

stress task) in the sense of a state. The assumption behind a state assessment is

that there is also variance within a person concerning the level of stress or coping
Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 28

in a given situation. State assessments are usually obtained several times. Lately,

multiple self-report measurements gained popularity. These multiple self-report

measures are called ecological momentary assessment (EMA) or ambulatory

assessment (AA) (Beltrán-Velasco et al., 2018; Conner & Mehl, 2015). There are

basically two reasons: On the one hand, self-reports show higher correlations with

biological markers, and on the other hand, there is technological progress. For

example, self-reported stress measured at the end of the day is associated with

long-term health and well-being. Of note, daily measurements might not capture

negative affective responses to a given stressor adequately, as negative affect is

best assessed in the stressful situation (Koffer et al., 2016).

EMA and AA studies aim to increase ecological validity, try to avoid memory biases,

increase sensitivity to measure temporal dynamics, and to capture within- and

between-person patterns over time. Such studies cannot only assess self-reported

data, but they can also provide observational and physiological data via sensors

(e.g., accelerometer, GPS, heart rate, smartphone usage, online social activity,


2.) The collection of observational data is the second way to assess stress and coping.

Observation is believed to be less biased than self-report but has been proven not

to be objective either (Jorgensen, 2015). Nowadays, there is a variety of

possibilities to track an individual's behavior, and methods of handling such big

data are developing rapidly (Miller, 2012). Primarily, smartphones are used to

collect data about location, movement patterns, voice, surrounding sounds, and

closeness to other smartphones as a measure of social activity (Mehrotra et al.,

2014; Mehrotra & Musolesi, 2017). Smartphone usage and smartphones sensor
Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 29

data have been associated with mental states, disease, and well-being (Alvarez-

Lozano et al., 2014; Canzian & Musolesi, 2015; LiKamWa et al., 2013; Mehrotra et

al., 2014; Messner et al., 2019; Saeb et al., 2015; Servia-Rodríguez et al., 2017;

Suhara et al., 2017). These direct and indirect data assessment possibilities are

used to estimate person characteristics and environmental conditions (Servia-

Rodríguez et al., 2017). To handle such large data, (deep) machine learning

approaches have emerged. They provide data-driven insights into human behavior,

leading to new hypotheses about the development, maintenance, and cure of

disease. These new hypotheses can subsequently be tested in experimental


3.) Conventional biomarkers to assess stress and coping are heart rate (HR), heart

rate variability (HRV), blood pressure (BP), cortisol, and proinflammatory markers.

They can be used to assess both acute stress responses (e.g., cortisol levels in

saliva, blood pressure) and chronic stress levels (e.g., hair cortisol) (Kivimäki

& Steptoe, 2018). Such markers are now non-invasively accessible through

wearable electrochemical and biosensor devices.

In a nutshell, studies assessing stress and coping so far used self-report in the form of

questionnaires and multiple self-reports assessed in the field. Both types of self-report can

measure stress and coping with stress in general (trait-like) or in a given situation of

interest (state-like). Moreover, stress and coping with stress can be captured trough

observation and biomarkers such as HR, HRV, BP, Cortisol, and proinflammatory

markers. Through technological advances, possibilities for the collection of observational

and biological data have evolved rapidly within the last decade. Therefore, possible

developments in the near future will be discussed in chapter 7.5.

Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 30

1.10.1 The Autonomic-Subjective Response Dissociation

Interestingly, there is often a discrepancy between self-reported levels of stress and

coping and biological markers (Conner & Mehl, 2015). When looking at coping, the so-

called autonomic-subjective response dissociation (ASRD) (earlier called verbal-

autonomic response dissociation; VARD) has been extensively studied. In repressers,

self-reported stress and anxiety levels appear to be contrary to physiological

measurements (e.g., heart rate, skin conductance, etc.) (Schwerdtfeger & Kohlmann,

2004). Repressers have been found to exhibit elevated autonomous stress reactions while

reporting diminished negative affect (see Asendorpf & Scherer, 1983; Barger et al., 1997;

Brosschot & Janssen, 1998; Derakshan & Eysenck, 2001; Gudjonsson, 1981; Kohlmann

et al., 1996; Krohne & Fuchs, 1991; Newton & Contrada, 1992; Rohrmann et al., 2003;

Weinberger et al., 1979; Weinstein et al., 1968). The ASRD/VARD is a timely stable, and

cross-situational personality characteristic (Schwerdtfeger et al., 2006b), which could be

assessed continuously during stressful situations (Brosschot & Janssen, 1998). As

outlined lately, the VARD has been renamed to ASRD, thus putting more emphasis on

the autonomic-subjective dissociation (Schwerdtfeger & Rathner, 2016). The ASRD is not

only accessible in laboratory situations; the discrepancy between self-reported negative

affect and autonomic response can also be observed in daily life. This trans-situational

stability is of interest because most stressors in everyday life are moderate to mild and

still evoke similar coping mechanisms (Schwerdtfeger & Rathner, 2016).

The ASRD is amplified in public social-evaluative situations in repressers (Newton

& Contrada, 1992). Repressive women exhibited higher ASRD in a public speech

condition than in a private speech condition. Contrary, high-anxious women showed

elevated ASRD in a way that their self-reported stress exceeded their autonomous stress
Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 31

reaction (Newton & Contrada, 1992). Bonanno and colleagues (1999) studied how ASRD

affected grief and health outcomes after the loss of a close person. Surprisingly, they

found that reduced experience of self-reported negative emotion when coupled with high

levels of autonomic responsivity was associated with a mild grief course after 6, 14, and

25 months.

Moreover, there was no effect of ASRD on short, middle, or long-term health outcomes

(Bonanno et al., 1999). It is thus showing that repressive coping might be helpful in

uncontrollable situations. These findings are in line with the results of the efficacy of

repressive coping in dealing with a chronic or life-threatening disease (Kreitler et al., 1993;

Phipps et al., 2001; Zachariae et al., 2004). Coifman and colleagues (2007) confirmed

these findings. They found that ASRD is beneficial in dealing with extremely adverse, non-

controllable life situations. They argue that ASRD is a mainly automatic process of

emotion regulation that is outside of conscious awareness. Thus, the contradictory

findings of the association between ASRD/ repressive coping and health might be

explained by the level of consciousness involved in the process. While automated emotion

regulation might be adaptive, conscious, and active emotion suppression might be

maladaptive (Coifman et al., 2007).

Furthermore, there is not only a discrepancy between self-report and autonomous

reactions to stressors but also a difference between the assessment of stress and coping

in the field and under controlled conditions in the lab. The next chapter will introduce the

association between laboratory and field studies.

Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 32

1.10.2 The Association of Laboratory and Field Studies

To date, there is disagreement on the external validity of research conducted in

psychological laboratories. One large-scale meta-analysis summarising 82 prior meta-

analyses on the association of laboratory and field studies concludes that external validity

depends on the psychological subfield, research topic, and effect sizes (Mitchell, 2012).

Therefore, this chapter will focus on research associating field and lab assessments of

coping and stress, in particular, CVR.

Most studies on CVR have been conducted in the laboratory (Zanstra & Johnston, 2011).

While there are advantages of laboratory stress studies such as a controlled environment,

practicality and the possibility to imply a standardized stressor, there are several severe

limitations of laboratory stress studies including 1.) Ethical constraints on the intensity of

stress induction (e.g., prolonged harm to the participant must be avoided); 2.) Ethical

considerations about the nature of the stressor (e.g., mainly cognitive and social-

evaluative stressors); and 3.) Ethical limitations on the duration of the stress induction.

These limitations reduce the generalizability of findings from laboratory stress studies to

the field.

Furthermore, it is likely that CVR in a laboratory setting differs from everyday CVR

regarding size, duration, and underlying mechanisms (Zanstra & Johnston, 2011). CVR

measured in real life is often more extensive than that captured in the laboratory setting.

This might stem from differences in the subjective relevance of the stressor to the

individual. Real-life stressors are relevant to people while coping with laboratory stressors

could involve strategies such as altering the perceived impact of the event. Nevertheless,

it is assumed that the underlying mechanisms are similar between situations. Zanstra and

Johnston (2011) found that averaging CVR over multiple stressors leads to a better
Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 33

correlation between laboratory and real-life cardiovascular responses to stressful


A study by Johnston and colleagues (2008) tested whether the CVR to five laboratory

stress-inducing tasks is related to heart rate reactivity captured in the field. They found no

consistent relationship between laboratory and real-life heart rate reactivity in general, but

a better association under stressful conditions in real life. Therefore, they conclude that

elevated heart rate reactivity in real life may be a risk factor for the development of

cardiovascular disease if an individual experiences stressful events regularly. The

research presented points towards the limited generalizability of CVR induced through a

standardized laboratory stress task into everyday CVR (Schwerdtfeger et al., 2014). Only

baseline laboratory heart rate predicted ambulatory heart rate, whereas heart rate

reactivity was not associated. To conclude, further studies are necessary to understand

the biological and behavioral factors that contribute to the different CVR in the laboratory

and field setting (Kamarck et al., 2003).

Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 34
Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 35

2 Research Questions
Taken together, stress and coping are complex, semi-conscious psychophysiological

phenomena that occur regularly in a human’s lifespan. So far, there is neither agreement

on the definition of both terms, nor on the best way to assess stress or coping. Moreover,

there is little knowledge about the long-term effects of stress exposure and coping with

stress on health, especially CVD. Therefore, further research is needed to address these

gaps in scientific knowledge. This accumulative dissertation studied how the reaction to

standardized laboratory stressors and daily life stressors are affecting well-being and

physical health and how to assess them validly in the field with the following research


The first study addresses the association between self-reported and behavioral measures

of stress, thrive, and mood assessed via a smartphone. The smartphone offers unique

possibilities to track an individual's behavior and well-being in the field. Moreover, it might

be possible to passively collect data leading to good long-term adherence while reducing

intrusion. Therefore, the research question is:

1.) Can smartphones be used to assess stress and other parameters of mood in the
field passively?

With the second study, the question of how physiological stress response can be captured

in the laboratory and field setting was addressed as there is an ongoing debate about the

generalizibility of laboratory studies on the daily life. It was tested whether there is an

association between CVR assessed in the laboratory and the field.

2.) Does cardiac reactivity in the laboratory predict heart rate in daily life?
Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 36

In line with the idea of addressing the gap between laboratory and daily life research, it

was tested whether the autonomic-subjective response dissociation can be found in the

field. Therefore, the third research question is:

3.) Can the autonomic-subjective response dissociation in repressive coping be

assessed ecologically and valid in the field?

To shed further light on the association between repressive coping and cardiovascular

disease and coping, it was tested whether middle-aged individuals show physiological

alterations (intima-media thikness) depending on their dominant coping style with the

following final research question:

4.) Is cognitive-avoidant coping associated with cardiovascular changes?

Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 37

3 Study 1: Insights- Future implications of passive

smartphone sensing in the therapeutic context

Title: Insights- Future implications of passive

smartphone sensing in the therapeutic context

Brief title: Insights- Passive smartphone sensing in

Eva-Maria Messner1*, Rayna Sariyska2, Benjamin Mayer3, Christian Montag2, Christopher

Kannen4, Andreas Schwerdtfeger5 und Harald Baumeister1

1 Ulm University, Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, Institute of Psychology and Education, Ulm,
2 Ulm University, Molecular Psychology, Institute of Psychology and Education, Ulm, Germany;
3 Ulm University, Institute of Epidemiology and Medical Biometry, Ulm, Germany;
4 ckannen Software Development, Cologne, Germany;
5 Karl- Franzens University Graz, Health Psychology, Institute of Psychology, Graz, Austria.

* Corresponding Author:
Eva-Maria Messner
Ulm University
Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy
Albert Einstein Allee 47
89081 Ulm
Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 38


Background: Due to the ubiquitous use of smartphones in daily life, they offer unique

opportunities to study human behavior. This study sheds light on associations between

self-reported stress, drive, and mood levels and smartphone usage behavior.

Methods: A total of 157 students installed the Insights app on their personal smartphone

and tracked smartphone usage behavior. Furthermore, students assessed self-reported

levels of stress, drive, and mood for 8 weeks.

Results: Three multilevel models were used to associate smartphone usage behavior

and self-reported mood, drive, and stress levels. Results indicate a negative association

of self-reported stress and number of SMS (–3.539, SE = 0.937) as well as a positive

relation of stress and call duration (0.018, SE = 0.937). Mood was linked negatively with

total usage time (–0.019, SE = 0.004) and call duration (–0.016, SE = 0.007). Moreover,

drive was negatively associated with Facebook usage time (–0.127, SE = 0.041).

Discussion: Overall smartphone usage behavior is negatively associated with

measurements of well-being.

Conclusions: Passive smartphone tracking could assist in the standardized assessment

of behavioral data in real life in the future. Due to the risk of data misuse, ethical, legal,

and clinical guidelines have to be developed.

Key words: thrive; mood; smartphone-tracking; psychotherapy; stress.

Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 39

Theoretical Background
Digital interventions lead to behavior changes in individuals as well as societal

adjustments [Montag and Diefenbach, 2018]. For the first time in history, it is economically

possible to collect and analyze longitudinal data on a big scale [Montag et al., 2016, 2019].

The rise of technology is increasingly affecting mental health care through technology-

assisted diagnostic, prevention, treatment, and big data-based guidance in treatment

decisions [Ebert et al., 2017, 2018; Rathner and Probst, 2018].

The majority of the collected data is sensitive in nature (e.g., biographical data, GPS

location, social contacts, activity patterns, etc.) and requires a high standard of data

protection and further ethical consideration regarding patient safety [Harari et al., 2016;

Rubeis and Steger, 2019]. If these requirements are met, the collection and analysis of

big data on specific mental conditions could enhance diagnostic possibilities in the future

[Onnela and Rauch, 2016; Ben-Zeev et al., 2015]. This form of direct unobtrusive behavior

observation (e.g., movement patterns, number of social interactions, etc.) could provide

deeper insight into the development and preservation of mental disease. Moreover, data-

driven knowledge could in turn enhance established psychotherapeutic processes (e.g.,

passive monitoring of therapeutic processes) and lead to the development of novel

internet- and mobile-based interventions [Baumeister et al., 2018; Domhardt et al., 2018].

The distribution of tailored interventions could furthermore reduce health care costs

through shortened referral and decreased treatment duration [Insel, 2017; Markowetz et

al., 2014; Mohr et al., 2017; Onnela and Rauch, 2016; Raballo, 2018; Rathner et al.,

2018a, 2018b; Torous et al., 2017].

Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 40

The smartphone is one possibility to collect behavioral data in everyday life [Alvarez-

Lozano et al., 2014; Canzian and Musolesi, 2015; LiKamWa et al., 2013; Mehrotra et al.,

2014; Saeb et al., 2015; Suhara et al., 2017]. Currently, around 36% of individuals all over

the world and 81% of Germans own at least one smartphone, which is used by youths

and young adults for an average of 162 min a day [Montag et al., 2015].

The analysis of smartphone usage like daily usage time, size of the social network,

number of daily short messages and texts, number and duration of calls, or application

use is not only providing insights into an individual’s online life but also into their routine

behavior [Harari et al., 2016, 2017; Servia-Rodríguez et al., 2017a].

In addition to the smartphone usage, smartphone sensors can be used to observe

everyday behavior [Miller, 2012]. By using smartphone sensors (e.g., GPS, microphone,

accelerometer, camera, light sensors, Bluetooth, etc.) the assessment and analysis of

position, movement patterns, voice, environmental sounds, and distance to other

smartphones is attainable [Cummins et al., 2013, 2017; Mehrotra et al., 2014; Mehrotra

and Musolesi, 2017; Stasak et al., 2016]. This allows inferring to environmental conditions

(such as noise, surrounding, etc.), characteristics of the person itself (e.g., well-being,

mood, etc.), or an individual’s behavior (e.g., movement, social interaction, etc.) [Harari et

al., 2017; Saeb et al., 2015; Servia-Rodríguez et al., 2017a].

To date, mainly self-reports (e.g., questionnaires) have been used to assess such

characteristics. Passive sensing of behavior offers unique advantages when compared to

self-report. First, individuals have a limited capability of insight and are rather poor at

objectively assessing their own mood [Sariyska et al., 2018]. Secondly, humans are prone

to recall biases [Montag et al., 2015; Stone and Shiffman, 2002]. Thirdly, a tendency to

socially desired answer behavior is present [Paulhus, 2017]. Fourthly, adherence to

Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 41

repetitive data input is low and diminishing with progressing time [Donkin and Glozier,

2012; Markowetz et al., 2014].

One app that combines the advantages of mobile assessment and passive sensing is the

Insights app [Montag et al., 2019; Sariyska et al., 2018]. Prior studies using the Insights

app showed a correlation of the size of the social network with genetic polymorphisms

that are related to attachment [Sariyska et al., 2018] and the usefulness of the Insights

app to assess personality traits [Montag et al., 2019]. A detailed description of possible

applications of the Insights app can be found in the article by Montag and colleagues


The use of passive sensing in the health care sector could lead to reduced burden in

health care providers and patients. Passive sensing software could assist in (a) early

detection of disease, (b) diagnostics, (c) evaluation of treatment course, (d) evaluation of

treatment outcome, (e) giving feedback on a patient’s behavior, (f) delivering tailored

interventions, and finally, developing new internet-, mobile-, or face-to-face-based

therapeutic interventions.

As a first step to achieve these far-reaching visions, proof-of-concept studies are needed

which test whether mental well-being or disease is linked to variables that can be tracked

via smartphone. This feasibility study provides first insights into the use of smartphone

usage behavior to predict mental states such as self-reported mood, drive, and stress.

These variables mirror core symptoms of affective disorders [Kessler et al., 2003].

Currently between 9.3 and 23% of the population worldwide are affected by depression

[Moussavi et al., 2007]. Thereby, depression is the most common mental disease [Kessler

et al., 2003; Richards, 2011; Richards and Salamanca-Sanabria, 2014]. Major depression

is characterized by diminished affect and drive over a period exceeding 2 weeks.

Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 42

Furthermore, changes in appetite, sleep, concentration, psychomotor speed, and

exhaustion are symptoms associated with depression [ICD-10; WHO, 2001]. Besides

depression, a variety of mental diseases are defined by the trans-diagnostic variables

mood, drive, and stress.

Moreover, there is an association of self-reported stress and the development of physical

and mental disease [de Boer et al., 2017; Cohen et al., 2007; Mund and Mitte, 2012;

Slavich, 2016; van Praag, 2004; Wang, 2005]. Thus, the assessment of self-reported

stress as a general risk factor for the development of disease is expedient, especially

when self-reported stress is elevated over an extended period of time [de Boer et al.,

2017]. Vice versa, individuals affected by mental disease report higher levels of stress

when compared to healthy individuals, pointing towards a bidirectional association

[Kampling et al., 2014; Milczarek et al., 2009].

Previous studies differ in their findings [Alvarez-Lozano et al., 2014; Canzian and

Musolesi, 2015; Elhai et al., 2017; Ferdous et al., 2015; Rozgonjuk et al., 2018; Saeb et

al., 2015; Seabrook et al., 2016; Servia-Rodríguez et al., 2017; Suhara et al., 2017].

According to Saeb and colleagues [2015], an association between depression severity

and smartphone usage behavior was found. Other research groups could not find any

associations between daily usage time and depression [Elhai et al., 2017; Rozgonjuk et

al., 2018].

The largest study using smartphone tracking to predict mood in daily life was conducted

by Servia-Rodriguez and colleagues [2017]. They used smartphone sensors (such as

accelerometer, microphone, and location) as well as smartphone usage data (number of

text messages and calls) and collected self-reported mood twice a day between 8 a.m.

and 10 p.m. To assess self-reported mood, the core affect model by Russell [1999; 2003],
Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 43

which quantifies mood on the subscales valence and arousal, was used. The self-reported

valence and arousal scores could be predicted through the models with an accuracy of

64 and 60%. In a rather limited subset of the original data (1,600 participants), it was

shown that the percentage of significant correlation was higher when using smartphone

sensor variables compared to smartphone usage variables. A major limitation is the high

amount of missing values in this study and the so far insufficient prediction models.

Another comparably small study (n = 18) provides first insights into a relationship between

daily usage time as well as the usage of social applications (e.g., Facebook, WhatsApp)

and negative mood [Alvarez-Lozano et al., 2014].

In this study, the following three research questions are addressed: Is it possible to predict

self-reported mood (model 1), self-reported drive (model 2), and self-reported stress

(model 3) via smartphone usage variables?

Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 44


Participants were recruited via the online platform SONA of the Ulm University as well as

via flyers and posters. Data were obtained in two waves from April to September 2017

and November 2017 to February 2018 at Ulm University. The local ethics committee

approved the study. From a total of 253 participants, 157 (62.1%) were included in the

study. People were excluded for the following reasons: technical failure (n = 85; 33.5%)

or noncompliance with the study protocol (n = 11; 4.3%). Technical failures were for

example a server breakdown, insufficient battery status of the smartphone, or

compatibility problems of specific smartphones with the Insights app. The Insights app is

continuously refined and the occurrence of malfunction was less prone in the second wave

of data collection. Noncompliance with the study protocol was defined as missing data

above 25% [Enders, 2003].

Inclusion criteria were age above 18, ownership of a private smartphone running on

Android ≥4.1 Jelly Bean, and agreement with informed consent. The sample consisted

mainly of young (mean = 22.4; SD = 6.1) females (n = 115; 72.3%) with higher education

(n = 113; 85.5%). Details can be obtained from Table 1.

Study Design

At first, the Insights app was installed on the participants’ private smartphone. A detailed

description of the Insights app and its applicability can be found in the article by Montag

and colleagues [2019]. Subsequently, demographic variables and personality

characteristics were obtained. Results regarding these variables have been published
Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 45

elsewhere [Sariyska et al., 2018]. During the following 8 weeks, participants were asked

to report their mood, drive, and stress three times a day. Due to the extensive study

duration, a sample rate of three times a day was deemed sufficient. The largest

comparable study in the field only obtained mood twice a day [Servia-Rodríguez et al.,

2017a]. In addition to these self-reports, the Insights app collected smartphone usage data

passively. After completion of the 8 weeks, participants were either reimbursed with EUR

10 or 5.5 credits in the SONA system. Finally, the Insights app was uninstalled.


Smartphone Usage Behavior

The Insights app recorded smartphone usage behavior as anonymized data tuples and

automatically generated participant codes. The raw data was encrypted via a SHA-2

algorithm (version SHA-512) by the National Institute of Standards and Technology and

transferred to an encrypted server of Ulm University. For the current study, the total daily

smartphone usage time, the total time of incoming and outgoing calls per day in minutes,

the daily total number of sent and received text messages (SMS), and the usage of the

Facebook app were extracted from the database. A detailed description of the variable

characteristics can be obtained from Table 2.

Mood, Drive, Stress

The self-reported mood was assessed via the question “How are you feeling right now?”

on a visual analogue scale ranging from 0 to 100 with the endpoints “very bad” and “very

good.” The default mode of the cursor was set at 50. All three variables were collected

three times a day (8 a.m., 12 a.m., 8 p.m.). Correspondingly, drive was captured via the
Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 46

question “How active do you feel right now?” with an endpoint caption of “very passive” to

“very aroused.” Those two items were developed to assess the core affect according to

Russel [2003] as well as Russell and Barrett [1999], which consists of the dimensions

valence (mood) and arousal (drive). The item to assess self-reported stress was as

follows: “How stressed do you feel right now?” with the endpoints “extremely relaxed” to

“extremely stressed”. For the association of self-reported mood, stress, and drive, these

values have been averaged on a daily basis. A correlation matrix of the variables at

baseline is depicted in Table 3.

Statistical Analysis

To account for the nested structure of the data, we used multivariate multilevel models

(MLM) [Goldstein, 2008; Laurenceau and Bolger, 2012; MacCallum et al., 1997; Nezlek,

2012]. MLM take into account that answers are nested within persons and the resulting

dependence between variables [Nezlek, 2001; Nezlek et al., 2006]. In this study, the

repeated measurements (level 1) are nested within a person (level 2).

To test the association between smartphone usage behavior and mood (model 1), drive

(model 2), and stress (model 3), three MLM with a random intercept and a random slope

were modelled. Therefore, the random intercept mirrors the variance between individuals.

Mood, drive, and stress were predicted via smartphone usage variables (total usage time,

total calls, total texts, and total Facebook app usage). For an easier interpretation the

variables were z-standardized. The intercept represents the average mood, drive, or

stress across the study and the slope pictures the association between mood, drive, or

stress and smartphone usage behavior.

Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 47

For all computations, a two-sided alpha error likelihood of p < 0.05 was used. The software

SPSS (version 24; IBM, 2016) and SAS (version 9.4 M4, were used for

statistical analysis. Due to the explorative nature of the research questions no a priori

power analysis was conducted. Not alpha error adjusted significance indications which

were reported but should not be interpreted as in confirmatory studies [Bender and Lange,

Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 48

Table 3 presents a Spearman correlation matrix of the variables at baseline. There is a

correlation (p < 0.01) between mood and drive (r = 0.635) as well as between total usage

time and Facebook app usage time (r = 0.427). Furthermore, there is a negative

correlation between mood and stress (r = –0.427) and a negative correlation (p < 0.05)

between mood and number of SMS (r = –0.638). There are no gender differences between

the variables.


In model 1, self-reported mood was predicted through smartphone usage variables. With

every additional minute of calls, mood decreased 0.0166 (SE = 0.007). Furthermore,

mood attenuated by 0.019 (SE = 0.003) with every minute of total usage time. The number

of daily SMS and Facebook app usage were not associated with self-reported mood.

Parameters can be seen in Table 4. The model shows the association between self-

reported mood and call duration varies between individuals (var = 0.001, SE = 0.000).


Analogous to model 1, in model 2, the self-reported drive was predicted via smartphone

usage behavior. Drive decreased by 0.127 points (SE = 0.041) with every additional

minute spent using the Facebook app. The number of SMS, call duration, and total usage

time were not associated with self-reported drive. There was no variance between

individuals regarding the association between smartphone usage and drive. Detailed

parameters of the MLM are depicted in Table 5.

Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 49

In model 3, self-reported stress was predicted over smartphone usage variables. With

every additional minute of call duration, the self-reported stress level was increased by

0.018 points (SE = 0.006). Every additional SMS was associated with a 3.539 (SE = 0.937)

reduction in self-reported stress. Facebook app usage time and total usage time were not

associated with self-reported stress. In regard to the association between smartphone

usage and self-reported stress, differences between individuals (var = 0.002, SD = 0.001)

were found. Parameters are shown in Table 6.

Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 50

This feasibility study shows that passively sensed smartphone usage is associated with

self-reported mood, drive, and stress. In general, current mental states emerge in reaction

to various internal and external demands. One of these external demands is smartphone

usage. The magnitude of these associations is minor and can be rooted in the fact that

not only usage duration but also content or intention of use contribute to well-being [Harari

et al., 2016]. There are associations between smartphone usage variables and the

dependent variables as well as variance between individuals. These interpersonal

variances should be addressed in further studies. In regard to the dependent variable,

different smartphone usage variables were useful predictors. Therefore, it is

recommended to shed light on different smartphone usage patterns in relation to specific

psychopathological states.

In regard to mood, there was a negative association between call duration and total usage

time. This negative correlation between total usage time and mood was already reported

in a smaller sample [Alvarez-Lozano et al., 2014]. The elevated smartphone usage when

experiencing negative mood could be explained via the mood management theory by

Zillmann [1988a; 1988b]. The central assumption is that media consumption is used to

enhance one’s own mood. In line with that, individuals suffering from foul mood would try

to improve their mood by using their smartphone. Correspondingly, the increased call

duration could be interpreted as a form of mood manipulation through social contacts. On

the other hand, there are findings which show a direct influence of media consumption on

mood [David et al., 2018]. Due to the correlative study design, there is no way to make

causal assumptions about the association between smartphone usage and negative
Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 51

mood. Furthermore, some studies could not show a correlation between mood and

smartphone usage or found a positive association between mood and total usage time

[Elhai et al., 2017; Rozgonjuk et al., 2018; Saeb et al., 2015]. This could be a hint that

associations between smartphone usage and mood are nonlinear [Scherr, 2018].

Moreover, mood and drive represent two core symptoms of depression. Their different

expression in diverse clinically relevant subtypes could play a moderating role

[Baumeister and Parker, 2012; Saeb et al., 2015]. Moreover, variance in measurement

methods could account for the inconsistent findings [Stone und Shiffman, 2002].

Drive was best predicted via Facebook app usage time. This finding was confirmed by

Alvarez-Lozano and colleagues [2014], who also found a negative correlation between

mood and the usage of social networks. Again, the usage of social networks could be

seen as an attempt to manipulate one’s own mood through social contacts. Or on the

other hand, smartphone usage could be the cause of negative emotions [Lachmann et al.,

2018]. In line with this, Rotondi and colleagues [2017] could show that technological

interruptions reduce the quality of face-to-face interactions. Distinct smartphone usage

patterns (e.g., active versus passive usage) are associated with diverse outcomes [Burke

et al., 2010; McCord et al., 2014; Primack et al., 2017; Verduyn et al., 2017]. Tando and

colleagues [2015] could show that the correlation between depression and Facebook app

usage was moderated by envy.

In the current study, stress was associated negatively with number of SMS and positively

with call duration. Likewise, Sano and Picard [2013] could show that with elevated self-

reported stress levels, the number of SMS diminished. Overall, the literature regarding the

association between stress and smartphone usage is contradicting [Vildjiounaite et al.,

2018]. One reason could be that the used variables are not suitable to capture the
Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 52

difference between relaxed and stressed behavior. The use of smartphone sensors (e.g.,

accelerometer) could in future improve the stress prediction models. Furthermore, the

content of SMS or calls could contribute more to changes in mental states than the

frequency of the latter [David et al., 2018; Przybylski and Weinstein, 2017]. Due to the

significance of the association between mental states and smartphone usage, further

studies could test the clinical relevance of manipulating smartphone usage.

Due to the complexity of the original data set, further explorative analysis using deep

machine learning approaches could be fruitful. Deep machine learning is a method which

can handle big data very well and results in data-driven theories and hypotheses, which

can be subsequently tested in confirmatory studies [Oquendo et al., 2012]. In deep

machine learning approaches, the computer iteratively tries to find patterns in big data in

a bidirectional manner, so that additional data input leads to better models [Bengio et al.,

2013; Längkvist et al., 2014; Miotto et al., 2018; Mohr et al., 2017].

The results of the current study should be interpreted with caution because 85 (33.5%)

participants have been excluded due to technical failure. In future, the Insights app should

be expanded to the iOS operating system to broaden its application. Due to the closed

functionality of iOS products, this is hardly realizable. According to Götz and colleagues

[2017], there are no differences in personality characteristics like well-being, self-efficacy,

or big five personality dimensions between iOS and android users.

Due to the high homogeneity of the sample in regard to age, gender, and educational

status, the generalizability is questionable. Therefore, a replication study including

participants of diverse gender, educational status, and age is needed [Thomee, 2018].

With regard to psychotherapy research, this requires the use of passive sensing in

patients who are validly diagnosed.

Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 53

Overall, the knowledge about being observed could have led to an alteration of

smartphone usage behavior in participants. With the concept of habituation in mind, an

explorative analysis between the first and the other weeks of smartphone usage was

conducted. No differences were found. These first results point in the direction that an

alteration of smartphone usage through the observation itself is unlikely, given the

assumption that individuals would not show altered usage behavior over the span of 8


On the other hand, there is evidence that repetitive assessment of mental states is itself

a minimal intervention [Runyan et al., 2013]. According to this, the iterated focus on one’s

own mental state leads to an altered perception of the same [Shiffman, 2009]. In future,

an automated detection of mental states could avoid those natural processes of attention


Future studies should also take human rhythmicality into account (e.g., differences

between weekdays and weekends or variance within a day). A study by Servia-Rodriguez

and colleagues [2017] showed differences in prediction accuracy between weekends and


Moreover, there are first hints that the association between mental states and smartphone

usage are nonlinear [Scherr, 2018; Przybylski and Weinstein, 2017]. Future studies

should test whether cubic or quadratic models have a better fit.

Due to the fact that the observed associations between smartphone usage and mental

states were of small nature, the analysis of content could be promising [Harari et al., 2016].

In future, the content of apps (e.g., data mining of messages or on social networks) could

be used to develop better mental state prediction models. Despite this, potential ethical

considerations have to be taken into account [Schwartz et al., 2014].

Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 54

Moreover, the combination of smartphone usage variables with smartphone sensor

variables could lead to more precise results, due to the fact that smartphone usage

provides more insight into the online life of a person, whereas sensor variables provide

deeper insight into everyday life [Servia-Rodríguez et al., 2017a].

Future Developments

If these preliminary results can be replicated in a confirmatory study, the future

implications could be as following: self-report tools like questionnaires could be

complemented through automatized smartphone usage and sensor analysis. Therapists

and patients could therefore have more time to work on interpersonal or disease-specific

topics, and errors in questionnaire analysis or other diagnostic methods (such as

structured interviews) could be avoided. By using passive sensing, the issue of poor long-

term adherence could be circumvented because there will be no need for active user input.

Moreover, clinical judgements could be augmented through comparably objective

automated analyses. The extension of diagnostic possibilities through technology-based

assistance (e.g., voice or video analyses) could, in the long term, result in more accurate

international standards in diagnostics.

Given the assumption that enough primary data is available, therapy courses could be

captured in an automatized way and therapists could get feedback if the therapy course

deviates from the predicted one.

Overall, automatized behavior observations of any kind are highly prone to misuse for

individuals or vulnerable person groups. Up to date, there are no international standards

on how privacy and sensitive data can be protected sufficiently [Mohr et al., 2017; Shilton

and Sayles, 2016]. In respect of the novel general data protection regulation (GDPR) of
Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 55

the European Union, the current solution is to give the rights to use data to the individual

who produced it. Individuals can therefore maximize their control over who is collecting,

using, and sharing their data. To increase the acceptance, comprehensible informed

consent and data safety-friendly default modes are inevitable [Shilton, 2009]. There is

hope that data handling will be improved through the GDPR because it improved an

individual’s right on his data by allowing him to obtain all collected data from a given data

collection, a right that all collected data will be erased, a right to know which data is

collected, where this data is stored, and with whom it is shared (see https://dsgvo- All organizations which collect, or process data can be fined by the European

Union with 4% of their revenue or 20 million. Furthermore, software which is used for the

administration, maintenance, or improvement of health of individuals is affected by the

IEC82304 of the Medical Devices Act since May 2017. Tracking apps which are used in

the medical or psychotherapeutic context are affected by the IEC82304 and are tested for

their functionality and data safety.

Taking into account the previous arguments, it becomes obvious that digitalization in

health care carries enormous social, legal, and ethical challenges. Psychotherapists

should contribute to the developments with their expert knowledge.

Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 56

We thank Angela Serian, Annalena Schröder, Lisa-Marie Hank, Marcel Peitgen, Julia

Thümmler, Maximilian Buyer, Sarah Schneider, and Lisa Hummel for their help in data

collection. Furthermore, we want to thank Selma Catic and Yannik Terhorst for their help

in data preparation. A sincere thank you to my student assistants Linda Armbruster, Elmas

Can, Milena Engelke, and Alexandra Portenhauser for their help in formatting.

Statement of Ethics
The local ethics committee approved the study.

Disclosure Statement
The authors declare no conflict of interest.
Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 57

Alvarez-Lozano J, Osmani V, Mayora O, Frost M, Bardram J, Faurholt-Jepsen M, et al. Tell me your apps
and I will tell you your mood: correlation of apps usage with bipolar disorder state. In: Proceedings
of the 7th International Conference on PErvasive Technologies Related to Assistive Environments:
PETRA '14. New York: ACM Press; 2014. p. 1–7.
Baumeister H, Grässle C, Ebert DD, Krämer LV. Blended Psychotherapy – verzahnte Psychotherapie: Das
Beste aus zwei Welten? PiD. 2018;19(4):33–8.

Baumeister H, Parker G. Meta-review of depressive subtyping models. J Affect Disord. 2012


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Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 68


Tab. 1. Characteristics of the sample

Variable Parameter
Age m=22.53 sd=6.12 Streuung=18-63
Education A-levels N=136 85.53%
University degree N=23 14.47%
Gender male N=44 27.67%
female N=115 72.33%
m= mean; sd= standard deviation; N= number of participants

Tab. 2. Characteristics of the variables

Variable Kennwerte
Call duration a m=2.11 sd= 2.14 range=0.07-16.27
Number of messagesb m=0.64 sd= 1.04 range=0-8.81
Daily usage time c m=168.77 sd= 98.52 range=0.25-692.83
Facebook usage timed m=8.73 sd= 12.98 range=0-63.47
Mood m=63.83 sd= 11.78 range=28-92
Thrive m=50.94 sd= 10.31 range=24-81
Stress m=38.70 sd= 14.18 range=28-81
m= mean; sd= standard deviation; Total time of incoming and outgoing calls per
day, bTotal number of received and sent text messages per day, cTotal daily usage
time, dTotal daily usage time of the Facebook app in minutes
Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 69

Tab. 3. Correlation matrix at baseline

Mood Thrive Stress Telea SMSb TDUc FBUd

Mood 1**

Thrive 0.653** 1**

Stress -0.427** -0.157 1**

Telea -0.266 -0.198 0.081 1**

SMSb -0.638* -0.416 0.495 -0.072 1**

TDUc 0.095 -0.116 -0.018 0.104 -0.036 1**

FBUd -0.063 -0.005 -0.06 0.009 0.049 0.454** 1**

*Significant correlation p<0.05, **Highly significant correlation p<0.01, Daily
incoming and outgoing calls, bDaily received and sent messages, cTotal daily
usage time, dTotal daily usage time of the facebook app in minutes
Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 70

Tab. 4. Model 1: Multivariate multi-level model to predict self-reported mood

Parameter SE
Model fit
Restricted -2LLa 26744.1
AICb 26766.1
BICc 26799.2

Fixed effects*
Level 1 intercept 68.803* 1.490*
Call durationd* -0.016* 0.007*
Number of SMSe 0.657 0.655
Daily usage timef* -0.019* 0.004*
Daily facebook usageg -0.065 0.037

Random effects*
Level 2 intercept 89.342* 19.005*
Call durationd* 0.001* 0.000*
Number of SMSe 1.707 1.939
Daily usage timef* 0.000 0.000
Daily facebook usageg 0.005 0.006

*Significant result p<0.05, aLog likelihood, bAkaike criterion, cBayesan criterion, dTotal
daily time of incoming and outgoing calls in minutes, eNumber of receives and sent text
messages per day, fTotal daily usage time, gTotal daily facebook usage time in minutes.
Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 71

Tab. 5. Model 2: Multivariate multi-level model to predict self-reported thrive

Parameter SE
Model fit
Restricted -2LLa 27899.1
AICb 27921.1
BICc 27954.3

Fixed effects*
Level 1 intercept 54.412* 1.528*
Call durationd* -0.007 0.006
Number of SMSe 0.284 0.729
Daily usage timef* -0.009 0.005
Daily facebook usageg -0.127* 0.041*

Random effects*
Level 2 intercept 83.875* 17.567*
Call durationd* 0.000 0.000
Number of SMSe 1.308 2.800
Daily usage timef* 0.000 0.000
Daily facebook usageg 0.005 0.011

*Significant result p<0.05, aLog likelihood, bAkaike criterion, cBayesan criterion, dTotal
daily time of incoming and outgoing calls in minutes, eNumber of receives and sent
text messages per day, fTotal daily usage time, gTotal daily facebook usage time in
Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 72

Tab. 6. Model 3: Multivariate multi-level model to predict self-reported stress

Parameter SE
Model fit
Restricted -2LLa 28071.3
AICb 28093.3
BICc 28126.4

Fixed effects*
Level 1 intercept 36.730* 2.324*
Call durationd* 0.018* 0.006*
Number of SMSe -3.539* 0.937*
Daily usage timef* 0.015 0.009
Daily facebook usageg -0.016 0.052

Random effects*
Level 2 intercept 36.730* 2.324*
Call durationd* 0.000 0.000
Number of SMSe 8.915 5.864
Daily usage timef* 0.002* 0.001*
Daily facebook usageg 0.017 0.020

*Significant result p<0.05, aLog likelihood, bAkaike criterion, cBayesan criterion, dTotal
daily time of incoming and outgoing calls in minutes, eNumber of receives and sent text
messages per day, fTotal daily usage time, gTotal daily facebook usage time in minutes.
Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 73

4 Study 2: Does cardiac reactivity in the laboratory predict

ambulatory heart rate?

Does Cardiac Reactivity in the Laboratory Predict Ambulatory

Heart Rate? Baseline Counts.

Andreas R. Schwerdtfeger*1, Anne Schienle1, Verena Leutgeb1 & Eva-Maria

Rathner1, 2
1 Department of Psychology, University of Graz, Austria
2 Department of Applied Psychology: Health, Development, Enhancement and
Intervention, University of Vienna, Austria

* Corresponding Author:
Dr. Andreas R. Schwerdtfeger
Department of Psychology
Karl-Franzens-University Graz
A-8010 Graz, Austria
Tel.: +43 316 380-4953
Fax: +43 316 380-9807
Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 74

Background: Cardiovascular reactivity to laboratory stress might predict cardiovascular

load in everyday-life. However, previous research throws doubt on this hypothesis.

Methods: This study examined associations between heart rate (HR) to a public speaking

task and ambulatory HR throughout a day. ECG, bodily movement, and psychosocial

variables (affect, context) were recorded in 111 individuals.

Results: Ambulatory HR was positively associated with both positive and negative affect.

Baseline HR in the laboratory significantly predicted ambulatory HR, but HR reactivity did

not. The interaction of momentary negative affect and cardiac reactivity in the laboratory

was also not significant. However, a significant interaction of baseline HR and reactivity

indicated that when baseline was high, there was a positive relation between HR reactivity

and ambulatory HR.

Conclusions: Findings suggest that baseline has to be considered when aiming to predict

cardiovascular load in everyday-life.

Key words: Ambulatory monitoring, cardiovascular reactivity, heart rate, laboratory stress
Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 75

The hypothesis that comparably strong cardiovascular responses to a standardized

laboratory stress protocol (so-called cardiovascular reactivity; CVR) might impose risk for

cardiovascular diseases has a long tradition in psychophysiology and health psychology

(for an overview, e.g., Treiber et al., 2003; Zanstra & Johnston, 2011). An elevated CVR

is thought to index the individual’s disposition to respond strongly to a variety of different

challenging situations outside the laboratory, ultimately indicating elevated risk for

cardiovascular diseases. Of note, although the reactivity hypothesis has put strong

emphasis on the health-related consequences of exaggerated cardiovascular stress

responses (e.g., Lovallo, 2010; Schwartz et al., 2003), recent research suggests that also

blunted physiological stress reactivity could be maladaptive implying a loss of homeostatic

regulation (e.g., Lovallo, 2011; Lovallo, Farag, Sorocco, Cohoon, & Vincent, 2012). Thus,

it should be kept in mind that both exaggerated and attenuated cardiac reactivity in the

laboratory should generalize to everyday-life if they are thought to have health-related


However, the generalizability of the laboratory-based CVR has been challenged by

several studies. Usually, such studies measure the CVR in the laboratory and relate it to

the cardiovascular variability (i.e., standard deviation or other measures of variability) in

everyday-life (e.g., Fredrickson, Tuomisto, Lundberg, & Melin, 1990; Johnston,

Anastasiades, & Wood, 1990; Kamarck, Schwartz, Janicki, Shiffman, & Raynor, 2003) or

to an ecologically valid field stressor (e.g., giving a presentation or taking part in an exam;

e.g., Davig, Larkin, & Goodie, 2000; Johnston, Tuomisto, & Patching, 2008; Matthews,

Manuck, & Saab, 1986; van Doornen, & van Blokland, 1992). Although quite reasonable,
Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 76

both approaches have their pitfalls. First, the use of cardiovascular variability as an

indicator of stress reactivity poses the challenge that other various influences on

cardiovascular function in everyday-life that are unrelated to stress could severely bias

the data and, hence, need to be controlled (e.g., metabolic changes, situational and

affective characteristics, orthostatic challenges, circadian rhythms). Second, the use of a

standardized field stressor is grounded on the idea that this encounter represents a typical

and frequently occurring challenge for this individual. However, stressors remarkably differ

both between and within individuals, thus precluding generalizability (e.g., Schwartz et al.,

2003; Treiber et al., 2003). Consequently, a comparably strong CVR to a specific

laboratory challenge could be a rather poor indicator of cardiovascular disease risk.

Indeed, literature reviews suggest that lab – field associations appear to be moderate at

best with approximately only 20-25% of the predicted relationships to be significant (e.g.,

Kamarck & Lovallo, 2003; Turner, 1994). It should be emphasized, though, that

correlations tend to increase when responses are aggregated across different laboratory

challenges, thus increasing reliability of the measure (e.g., Gerin et al., 1998; Kamarck,

Debski, & Manuck, 2000; Manuck, Kamarck, Kasprowicz, &Waldstein, 1993).

Notably, studies comparing the relative predictive power of CVR with absolute values of

cardiovascular function suggest that absolute (i.e., tonic) values are far better predictors

of the cardiovascular load exhibited in daily life (e.g., Davig et al., 2000; Fredrickson et al.,

1990), thus challenging the incremental validity of laboratory-based stress protocols.

Moreover, it is striking to note that most studies examining the generalizability of

laboratory-based CVR did not analyze the moderating role of baseline activity. In general,

delta scores (stress activity minus baseline activity) or residualized change scores (i.e.,

regressing cardiovascular activity during a stress task on the baseline value and
Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 77

subtracting the predicted value from the observed value) are used to quantify CVR.

Whereas delta scores ignore the potential impact of different baseline values on CVR,

residualized change scores remove their influence. Either approach, however, might be

problematic when aiming to examine laboratory – field correspondence of CVR.

In particular, a comparably high baseline activity together with elevated CVR could

indicate enhanced load on the cardiovascular system. Such a response pattern may

characterize a hyperreactive response system that is associated with enhanced vigilance

and anxiety (e.g., Berntson, Sarter, & Cacioppo, 1998; Gianaros et al., 2008; Suinn, 2001).

We would expect this pattern of CVR to be associated with elevated cardiovascular activity

in everyday-life. Conversely, a comparably low baseline activity together with blunted CVR

seems to be more challenging to interpret. First, it could indicate a low-reactive

cardiovascular system with low cardiac load in daily life and rather favorable health-related

outcomes. Second, given recent evidence for health-compromising effects of blunted CVR

(e.g., Lovallo, 2011) it could be accompanied by rather maladaptive function. Hence, the

present study aimed to analyze interactive effects of cardiac baseline activity and reactivity

in the laboratory on ambulatory HR in everyday-life. Specifically, we hypothesized that

ambulatory HR could be predicted by the interaction of baseline HR and reactivity during

a laboratory challenge.

A second aim of this study was to examine the reactivity hypothesis more directly.

Therefore, we aimed to analyze interactive effects of the laboratory-based cardiac

reactivity and negative affect as exhibited throughout everyday-life on ambulatory HR. In

line with the reactivity hypothesis it was expected that ambulatory HR would be higher

when both laboratory-based HR reactivity and ambulatory negative affect, presumably

signaling increased levels of stress, are comparably high.

Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 78


Overall, 131 individuals participated in the study. The data of 11 participants could not be

used due to ECG artefacts (poor signal quality, frequent ectopic beats), technical failure

(n = 2; problems with the positioning of the chest belt or data retrieval), or withdrawal from

the study (n = 7), leaving a total of 111 participants (54 women) for the analysis of

ambulatory HR. The remaining sample had a mean age of 37.34 years (SD = 7.90) and a

mean waist to hip-ratio (WHR) of 0.81 (SD = 0.09). Twenty-seven individuals (24.3%)

reported to be smokers. Participants were screened prior to the study for medication use

and cardiovascular diseases by means of an online questionnaire. Hence, only individuals

without cardiovascular diseases (hypertension, ischemic heart disease, cardiopulmonar

disease, cerebrovascular disease) and without cardiovascular and psychoactive

medication were eligible for study participation. Participants were paid up to 100 Euros for


Study Design

This study was part of a larger study on coping and health. A 22-hours

psychophysiological ambulatory monitoring was conducted following the completion of a

standardized laboratory stress task (public speaking). Participants were equipped with

ambulatory monitoring devices (Varioport-b, Becker Meditec, Karlsruhe, Germany) to

record the electrocardiogram (ECG) and bodily movement to control for metabolically

relevant changes in HR. In addition, participants were repeatedly asked to provide ratings

of their current location, smoking, negative affect (NA) and positive affect (PA) on that

particular day using iPODs (iPOD touch 4GB, Apple Inc.). The study was approved by the
Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 79

institutional ethics review board and was therefore performed in accordance with the

ethical standards laid down in the 1964 Declaration of Helsinki.

Laboratory Stress Task

For examining CVR to laboratory stress a public speaking task was used. This task has

been shown to elicit reliable and relatively strong physiological responses (Al’Absi et al.,

1997). Participants were enrolled in a simulated job interview during which they should

introduce themselves unveiling their personal strengths and weaknesses in front of a

camera. To enhance social-evaluative cues the camera was adjusted prior the speech

and they were informed that the video would be evaluated by experts for authenticity and

eloquence. The task endured 3 minutes and was imbedded between a 3 minute baseline

period, a 3 minute preparation period and a recovery period (also 3 minutes). Prior to the

baseline recording, individuals were allowed to get adapted to the laboratory environment

for 5 minutes during which they were given the opportunity to read lifestyle-magazines.

During baseline and recovery tracks from an audiobook were presented (The Little Prince;

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry) to achieve a basal resting state (e.g., Piferi, Klein, Younger, &

Lawler, 2000).

Ambulatory Psychological Variables

We used iPODs programmed with the software iDialogPad App by G. Mutz (University of

Cologne, Germany) to assess PA, NA, and situational and behavioral characteristics.

Reports were given signal-contingent following a vibration signal, which was part of the

physiological monitoring equipment (see below). The signal was initialized about every 45

minutes (± 10 minutes). The interval between two alarms could therefore vary between 35
Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 80

and 55 minutes. Participants were asked to rate various affective states that they

experienced during the five minutes prior to each alarm. Items were adopted from the

German version of the PANAS (Krohne, Egloff, Kohlmann, & Tausch, 1996). The

corresponding items were presented in pseudo-randomized order. NA was assessed

using six adjectives that were presented on the screen (unsafe, discouraged, anxious,

ashamed, worried, and dissatisfied). PA was assessed via the following 6 adjectives:

dynamic, relaxed, calm, brisk, delighted, awake. For each item a six-point response format

was chosen ranging from 1 (not at all) to 6 (very much so). PA and NA scores for each

entry were summed across items, resulting in a possible range of scores between 6 and

36. For NA the mean sum across all entries was 8.68 (SD = 3.77, MIN = 6.00, MAX =

36.00), indicating rather moderate levels of NA throughout the day. For PA the mean sum

was 24.53 (SD = 5.16, MIN = 7.00, MAX = 36.00), suggesting comparably high levels of

positive well-being. To assess reliability of ambulatory affect Generalizability Theory

Analysis (GTA; Brennan, 2001; for a comprehensive review, see, Shrout & Lane, 2012)

was applied. GTA is especially suited to assess reliability of repeated assessments in

daily life, because it allows partitioning between-person variance, within-person variance

and error variance. Hence, the observed variance is decomposed into components

attributable to person, item, measurement occasion (time), or their respective interactions.

-person variance) and the person by time variance

whereas the other variance components are considered as error variance. Furthermore,

the following reliability estimates were calculated: RKR as a measure of between-person

reliability (equivalent to traditional measures of reliability) and RC as a measure of within-

person reliability (see, Shrout & Lane, 2012).

Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 81

The results of the GTA can be found in Table 1. The primary sources of variance in the

affect scales were between-person variance (P^2 > 11%) and change over time ((P*T)^2

> 30%; within-person variance). Variances resulting from measurement error or

methodological sources were ˂ 5%. Between-person reliability was very good for both

scales (RKF ≥ .87) and within-person reliability was adequate (RC ≥ .76), suggesting that

affect could be reliably assessed.

Additionally, participants were asked to report their location (work, home, outside, vehicle)

and whether they engaged in smoking during the last five minutes (no vs. yes) in case

they were smokers. We decided to contrast the location at home vs. all other locations,

because previous research has unveiled substantially lower cardiovascular activation and

NA when individuals were at home as compared to other settings (e.g., Gump et al., 2001;

Schwerdtfeger and Friedrich-Mai, 2009). Importantly, each assessment was supplied with

a time stamp to permit precise matching with the corresponding physiological signals (i.e.,

ECG traces, bodily movement).

Cardiac Reactivity and Ambulatory HR

The ECG in the laboratory was recorded by means of Ag/AgCl-electrodes attached with

adhesive collars at the right collar-bone and below left rib cage with Hellige electrode gel.

The signal passed a Coulbourn amplifier (V 75.04) with a low pass filter of 150 Hz. Time

constant was set to 0.16 seconds and the signal was sampled with 500 Hz. The

ambulatory ECG was recorded using disposable tap electrodes (Ambu® Blue Sensor VL).

The signal was scanned with 512 Hz and sampled with 256 Hz on a memory card. Both

laboratory and ambulatory data were analyzed offline by means of a semi-automatic peak

detection software written with LABVIEW® 6.0i (National Instruments). The ECG of each
Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 82

participant was visually inspected on a 60-s basis and low-pass filtered with 30 Hz to

overcome gross movement artifacts. Interbeat intervals (IBIs) were calculated in ms for

each 60-s segment. Extraordinarily strong successive IBI variations were corrected if

necessary by a moving average procedure if they differed by more than a multiplier of 1.5

or 0.7 from the previous IBI. HR for each segment was calculated by dividing 60,000 by

the respective IBI.

For the laboratory stress task, HR was aggregated throughout baseline, anticipation,

speech, and recovery periods, respectively, for the ambulatory protocol it was aggregated

throughout the five minutes time interval prior to each iPOD assessment. That is,

segments were extracted out of the 22-hour recording according to the time stamps

identified on the iPOD. The ECG was then analyzed for five minutes prior to each iPOD

entry on a minute-by-minute basis as described previously. Cardiac reactivity to the

speech task was analyzed via change scores from baseline to the speech period.

Therefore, HR was analyzed during baseline and speech and the difference was

calculated (∆HR; task-related values minus baseline values).

Bodily movement was recorded during ambulatory monitoring by means of two

accelerosensors. A uni-dimensional accelerometer (Becker Meditec®, Karlsruhe,

Germany) was attached on the left thigh (above the knee) to measure leg movements with

a sensitivity of 0.2 milli Gs, and a three-dimensional accelerometer was located inside the

VARIOPORT-b. This sensor is sensitive in three dimensions and has a sensitivity of 0.2

milli Gs. Signals from each sensor were sampled at 16 Hz and stored on a memory card

for further offline processing. Bodily movement was also calculated across the five

minutes prior to each iPOD entry. The signal was quantified by integrating each of the

axes of the accelerosensors and calculating the mean across axes. Prior to integration,
Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 83

the signal was detrended by subtracting the DC-component from the AC-component.

Integrals were subsequently square root transformed.


Study participants were instructed to choose a typical day for participation. They took part

in the laboratory session, which was appointed during a weekday in a time window

between 10 am and 5.30 pm. Thereafter they followed the ambulatory assessment

protocol for 22 hours. Upon arrival, participants were made familiar with the study protocol

and the technical equipment and signed informed consent. Subsequently, the electrodes

were attached, and signal quality was checked. They were told that a period of 5 minutes

would be needed to check the integrity of the physiological signal. During this time frame

they were given the opportunity to read lifestyle-magazines. Thereafter, the laboratory

task was initialized, beginning with the 3-minutes baseline recording, preparation period,

speech delivery, and recovery period. After the laboratory task participants were made

familiar with the ambulatory monitoring equipment. The vibration signal was initialized,

and participants were instructed to provide ratings of PA, NA, and location on the iPOD

following each alarm. Special care was taken to familiarize participants with the procedure

(i.e., vibration signal, iPOD entries). Overall, 2786 valid entries in the natural environment

of the participants were obtained averaging to approximately 25 entries for each

participant. Participants were asked to detach the electrodes after the recording period of

22 hours and to return the equipment to the laboratory the next morning. On account of

the sensitive technical equipment, participants were not allowed to engage in intense

aerobic training, bathing, or showering during the recording time.

Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 84

Data Analysis

Multilevel analyses were applied. Models were calculated to predict ambulatory HR by

various level 1 [bodily movement, current smoking (0 = yes, 1 = no), location (0 = home

vs. 1 = other), NA (mean centered), PA (mean centered)] and level 2 -variables [sex (0 =

men, 1 = women), age (grand mean centered), WHR (grand mean centered), baseline

HR (laboratory; grand mean centered), ∆HR (laboratory; grand mean centered)], as well

as by the level 2-interaction of baseline HR and ∆HR, and the cross-level interaction of

∆HR and NA.

A continuous autoregressive error structure (CAR1) was specified, which handles

unevenly spaced assessments and thus, has been recommended in ambulatory designs

with non-stationary data recording (Schwartz & Stone, 1998). The covariance parameter

estimate was significant (Phi = .59), suggesting that this assumption was consistent with

the data. Participants were treated as a random effects variable throughout. Moreover,

we allowed heteroscedasticity with respect to location for each participant (random

intercepts and random slopes for location). These models proved superior when

compared to more simple models according to Log-Likelihood tests. Moreover, a model

including random slopes for both PA and NA was not superior, thus it was decided to

focus on the simpler model. Multilevel models were calculated by using the statistics

program R (Version 2.13.0; R Development Core Team, 2011), package “nlme” (Version

3.1-101; Pinheiro et al., 2012). The level of significance was fixed to p < .05 (two-tailed).
Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 85

Preliminary data analysis aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of the laboratory stress task.

Table 2 depicts M and SD of HR throughout the phases of the task. Data were analyzed

by means of a repeated-measurement ANOVA with Greenhouse-Geisser corrected

degrees of freedom, which revealed a significant main effect of task period [F(1.85,

224.38) = 209.19, p < .001, ε = .62, η2p = .63]. HR significantly increased from baseline

to preparation to speech (all p’s < .001) and declined thereafter (p < .001). Of note,

baseline and recovery values did not differ significantly from each other (p = .66).

Moreover, the Pearson correlation between baseline HR and ∆HR was calculated. It was

r = -.024 (p = .79), suggesting the independence of baseline and reactivity scores.

Next, the multilevel model was analyzed to predict ambulatory HR. First, a null model was

calculated to estimate the proportion of variance in ambulatory HR that could be

accounted for by individual differences (ICC, type 1; Bliese, 2000). It was found that

approximately 39% of the variance was due to individual differences, suggesting that a

substantial proportion of the variance was dependent on intraindividual (i.e., psychosocial,

contextual) factors. In a next step, the model was extended as reported in the Methods

section. The results of the random and fixed effects are shown in Table 3. The variance

of the random effect of location (random slope) was 15.52, thus corresponding to 20.26%

of the total variance. Moreover, there was a negative association between the intercept

and the slope of location (r = -.37), suggesting that with higher ambulatory HR the

difference between home versus other locations was attenuated. With respect to the fixed

effects several significant predictor variables could be identified. Bodily movement was

associated with elevated ambulatory HR. Moreover, men showed lower HR than women
Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 86

and current smoking was accompanied by elevated HR. Being at home as compared to

other locations was related with lower ambulatory HR. Of note, both NA and PA were

positively associated with HR.

With respect to the laboratory variables it was found that baseline HR significantly

predicted ambulatory HR such that higher values were associated with elevated HR in the

field setting. Of note, ∆HR was not significantly related to ambulatory HR and there was

also no significant interaction effect of ∆HR and ambulatory NA. However, the interaction

of baseline HR and ∆HR on ambulatory HR was highly significant, suggesting that the

effect of cardiac stress reactivity was moderated by baseline HR. This interaction is

depicted in Figure 1.

In order to analyze this interaction in more detail, additional multilevel models were

calculated by centering either of the two interacting variables at the standard deviation

(resulting in high and low baseline HR or high and low ∆HR, respectively) and

recalculating the interaction with the other mean-centered variable. Hence, single slope

analyses for both baseline HR and ∆HR were conducted, thereby taking full advantage of

the whole sample size. For individuals showing attenuated baseline HR (1 SD below the

mean) there was a significant negative association between ∆HR and ambulatory HR (b

= -0.28, t = -2.89, p < .01), documenting that elevated ∆HR to laboratory stress was

accompanied by lower HR in the field. Conversely, for individuals with elevated baseline

HR (1 SD above the mean) a significant positive main effect for ∆HR was found (b = 0.42,

t = 4.48, p < .001), indicating higher ambulatory HR with elevated ∆HR in the laboratory.

After centering ∆HR at the standard deviation and mean-centering baseline HR the

following results were found: Participants with elevated ∆HR to the speech task (1 SD

above the mean) showed a significant positive relationship between baseline HR in the
Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 87

laboratory and ambulatory HR (b = 0.76, t = 7.60, p < .001). There was also a significant

positive association for individuals with blunted ∆HR to the speech task (1 SD below the

mean), although this association was somewhat smaller in magnitude (b = 0.26, t = 5.38,

p < .001). Together, these findings suggest that ambulatory cardiac activation was highest

in individuals with both elevated baseline HR and elevated ∆HR during the laboratory

stress protocol and lowest for individuals with lower baseline HR and elevated ∆HR.
Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 88

The aim of this study was to analyse the relationship between cardiac responses to a

standardized laboratory challenge and ambulatory HR and to examine the reactivity

hypothesis in detail by applying a 22-hours ambulatory monitoring. It was found that ∆HR

in the laboratory was unrelated to ambulatory HR, thus suggesting that CVR might not be

a good indicator of everyday-life cardiovascular activity. Moreover, the interaction of ∆HR

and NA as exhibited in everyday-life was not significant in predicting ambulatory HR. Thus,

there was no support for the assumption that a strong cardiac response to the public

speaking task would be predictive of a comparably high ambulatory HR in situations that

are characterized by eliciting comparably high levels of NA (i.e., potentially indicating


Importantly, although ∆HR was not significantly associated with cardiac activation in

everyday-life per se, the relationship was moderated by baseline HR. In line with the

hypothesis of this study, elevated baseline HR and elevated cardiac reactivity to the

speech task were accompanied by elevated ambulatory HR. Conversely, when baseline

HR was low the relationship between HR reactivity and ambulatory HR was negative,

suggesting lower cardiac activity in the field with elevated ∆HR to laboratory stress.

Hence, these findings are in accordance with the hypothesis that both elevated baseline

HR and elevated CVR to stress might characterize hypervigilant and highly anxious

individuals (e.g., Berntson et al., 1998; Gianaros et al., 2008; Suinn, 2001), who tend to

exhibit elevated cardiovascular load in everyday-life. In particular, it might be assumed

that a hyperactive sympathetic nervous system activity underlies this phenomenon.

Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 89

Importantly, elevated ∆HR and low baseline HR in the laboratory were related with the

lowest HR in the field. This finding is quite remarkable and documents that elevated

cardiac reactivity together with low baseline HR was accompanied by even lower

ambulatory cardiac activation than the combination of low baseline HR and blunted CVR

to stress. The findings seem to support theories proposing that elevated ∆HR might not

be problematic per se as long as it is accompanied by lower baseline activity (e.g.,

Dienstbier, 1989; McEwen, 1998). Dienstbier (1989) cited evidence suggesting that a fast

and strong physiological response to challenges assures energy allocation for active

coping at minimal psychological and physiological costs. Similarly, the theory of allostatic

load (McEwen, 1998) proposes that allostasis (i.e., the stress-related response of the

organism to regain homeostasis) is an adaptive response that aims to adjust the individual

to changing environmental demands. Correspondingly, when an individual exhibits low

basal cardiovascular activation and elevated CVR to a laboratory stressor one would

expect her/him to show comparably good adaptation to changing environmental demands,

leading to overall lower – and not higher – cardiovascular load in everyday-life.

Interestingly, the combination of low baseline HR and low cardiac reactivity was

associated with somewhat higher ambulatory HR. Although the clinical implication of this

finding warrants further research, it is somewhat in line with recent evidence suggesting

that blunted physiological reactivity might not always be beneficial for health (e.g., Phillips,

Ginty, & Hughes, 2013). Specifically, there is cumulating evidence suggesting that blunted

CVR to laboratory stress is related to depressive symptoms (e.g., Salomon, Clift,

Karlsdottir, & Rottenberg, 2009; Schwerdtfeger & Gerteis, 2013; Schwerdtfeger &

Rosenkaimer, 2011; York et al., 2007), early life adversity (e.g., Lovallo et al., 2012), poor

regulation of affect, obesity or abnormal motivational states in general (e.g., Carroll,

Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 90

Phillips, & Lovallo, 2013; Lovallo, 2011). According to the findings of this study, it might

also be speculated that both blunted CVR and blunted baseline HR might not be

necessarily accompanied by beneficial cardiac functioning in daily life. Thus, grounded on

recent evidence for health-compromising effects of blunted CVR, the response pattern of

low cardiac baseline and low reactivity should be studied in more detail in future research.

Importantly, this study found no direct support for the reactivity hypothesis. In particular,

in accordance with this hypothesis it was expected that elevated cardiac reactivity to a

laboratory challenge should be related with elevated ambulatory HR in situations in which

NA is high, thus presumably indicating stressful events. However, the interaction was not

significant. It is interesting to note that this study is not the only one that failed to find

evidence for the generalizability of the reactivity hypothesis by applying an ecological

momentary assessment design. For example, Kamarck et al. (2003) could also not

demonstrate significant interactive effects of laboratory-based HR reactivity and

psychosocial variables related to stress in everyday-life on ambulatory HR.

The failure to find the hypothesized relationship in this study might be attributed to several

factors. First, it should be noted that this study sample exhibited a comparably low level

and variance of momentarily assessed NA, which might have resulted in restricted

statistical power to unveil meaningful interactions. Second, the NA measure might not

have captured stressful episodes with sufficient accuracy. Hence, alternative measures of

stress might be more adequate. Third, the validity of the laboratory stress task might be

questioned. Although we applied a well-validated laboratory challenge (Al’Absi et al.,

1997), which resulted in significant increases in HR, other research suggests that lab-field

generalizability might depend on very specific experimental conditions. For example,

Johnston et al. (2008) found that the cold pressor task was more closely related to a
Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 91

standardized field stressor (giving a presentation) than to a public speaking task with

respect to CVR. Finally, it might be possible that lab-field generalizability is more prevalent

in other physiological measures, for example, blood pressure or cortisol, but to a lower

extend in HR.

Consequently, the results of this study warrant a closer examination of this interaction a)

in samples who have a comparably higher probability of experiencing NA and stressful

events in daily life (e.g., individuals undergoing stressful life events, individuals with high

job demands), b) with different laboratory stress tasks, and c) with different stress

measures and physiological variables (e.g., blood pressure, skin conductance, cortisol)

before definite conclusions about the generalizability of the reactivity hypothesis can be


Although our findings suggest implications for health the clinical relevance of elevated or

blunted cardiac reactivity remains debatable. Whereas there is a large body of evidence

linking basal cardiac activation (i.e., resting heart rate) with CVD and mortality of various

causes (e.g., Benetos et al., 1999; Greenland et al., 1999; Hillis et al., 2012; Hsia et al.,

2009; Jensen, Suadicani, Hein, & Gyntelberg, 2013; Jouven, Zureik, Desnos, Guérot, &

Ducimetière, 2001; Okamura et al., 2004; Palatini, 2005; Woodward et al., 2012), other

research suggests that HR reactivity to a laboratory stress task is related with lower CVD

risk (Ahern et al., 1990) and lower prevalence of preclinical atherosclerosis as assessed

via intima media thickness (IMT; Heponiemi et al., 2007). Conversely, as already

mentioned recent research found evidence for adverse health effects of blunted

cardiovascular stress reactivity (e.g., Lovallo et al., 2012). Hence, considerably more

research is warranted on the health effects of both elevated and blunted laboratory-based

physiological reactivity measures.

Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 92

The findings of our study could help explain the inconclusive findings for exaggerated

cardiac reactivity. Specifically, we would assume that when baseline HR is comparably

low, elevated cardiac responses to a stress task might not be related with elevated

disease risk, because this response pattern might not impose sustained effects on the

cardiovascular system. Hence, when studies aim to analyze cardiac reactivity without

taking baseline differences into account the clinical implications are likely to get blurred.

We are not aware of any study examining the interaction of baseline HR and CVR to

laboratory stress and to relate it to the development of clinical or preclinical disease states.

Such studies could help verify – or falsify – our hypothesis. Given the ambulatory findings

in our study and the robust evidence that basal cardiac activity is related to cardiovascular

morbidity and mortality, we would propose that both elevated baseline HR and ∆HR to a

laboratory challenge might have some clinical significance. With respect to the

consequences of blunted CVR our findings might suggest that low baseline cardiac

activation together with low cardiac reactivity might not necessarily indicate low

cardiovascular risk.

Of note, affect was positively associated with ambulatory cardiac activity, thus indicating

facilitating effects on HR. Whereas the finding for NA seems to be quite plausible, thereby

corroborating previous research (e.g., Brosschot, van Dijk, & Thayer, 2007; Pieper,

Brosschot, van der Leeden, & Thayer, 2007), the result for PA seems rather surprising.

Several studies suggest a soothing effect of PA on physiology as evidenced by higher

heart rate variability (e.g., Bacon et al., 2004), lower ambulatory heart rate (e.g., Steptoe,

Wardle, & Marmot, 2005) and lower cortisol levels (e.g., Polk, Cohen, Doyle, Skoner, &

Kirschbaum, 2005). However, it should be noted that the effects of PA on physiological

function may depend on different facets (Pressman & Cohen, 2005). In particular, whereas
Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 93

activated PA might be associated with elevated psychobiological responses, indicating

metabolically relevant changes in activation, deactivated PA might be accompanied by

attenuated physiological responding. Importantly, the PA scale applied in this study

consisted of 4 activated adjectives (i.e., dynamic, brisk, delighted, awake) and 2

deactivated adjectives (calm, relaxed). Thus, the positive within-person association with

ambulatory HR could well be attributed to the activated connotation of the PA scale.

This study has some limitations that should be emphasized: First, the study was restricted

to HR only; hence, the findings may not generalize to other measures of autonomic

nervous system or endocrinological function (e.g., blood pressure, skin conductance,

cortisol). Thus, future studies are needed to explore the moderating role of baseline

activity to predict ambulatory psychophysiological activity from laboratory-derived

reactivity measures for other variables as well. Second, only one laboratory stress task

was applied, which precludes generalizability to other stress protocols. It would be

informative to analyze interactions between baseline HR and an aggregated score of CVR

to various stress tasks to predict ambulatory HR with higher accuracy (e.g., Kamarck et

al., 2000).
Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 94

Although the present study could not find evidence that cardiac reactivity per se or in

combination with NA was predictive of cardiac activity in the field, it seems that elevated

baseline HR together with elevated stress reactivity could reliably index individuals who

are prone to elevated tonic cardiac activity in everyday-life, which is regarded a robust

indicator of morbidity and mortality (e.g., Palatini, 2005; Woodward et al., 2012). Hence,

our findings suggest that baseline has to be considered when aiming to generalize

laboratory-based CVR to cardiovascular activity as exhibited in the field. Both elevated

baseline HR and elevated cardiac reactivity to a public speaking task seem to be

accompanied by comparably high levels of cardiovascular load in everyday-life, thus

potentially increasing risk for CVD.

Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 95

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Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 99


Table 1: Variance Decomposition of Affect Scales Items and Summary Estimates of



Number of Items 6 6

Variance component

2Total 0.821 1.616

2P 0.112 13.6% 0.180 11.14%

2T 0.001 0.12% 0.005 0.31%

2I 0.038 4.63% 0.032 1.98%

2P*T 0.291 35.44% 0.488 30.50%

2P*I 0 0.00% 0 0.00%

2T*I 0 0.00% 0 0.00%

2Residual 0.379 46.46% 0.911 56.37%

GT reliability estimates

RKR .89 .87

RC .82 .76

Note. N=111. 2 = variance component, P = person, T = time, I = item; RKR =

between-person reliability; RC = within-person reliability.

Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 100

Table 2: Descriptive statistics for heart rate (HR) during the laboratory stress protocol.
Values are beats per minute (BPM)

Baseline Preparation Speech Recovery

M 73.98 82.83 89.55 73.84
SD 10.84 12.88 15.02 11.21

Note: N = 122
Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 101

Table 3: Multilevel Model Relating Heart Rate to Level 1 and Level 2 Predictors

Random Effects VAR Corr

Intercept 50.27 Intercept
Location 15.52 -.37
Residual 70.90
Fixed Effects
Parameter Estimatea (SE) Df t p
Intercept 76.24 (1.21) 2634 62.96 < .001
Bodily movement 1.04 (0.02) 2634 48.83 < .001
Sex (men vs. women) -5.93 (1.68) 104 -3.53 < .001
Age -0.10 (0.09) 104 -1.10 .275
WHR 12.33 (9.90) 104 1.25 .216
Smoking (yes vs. no) 3.09 (0.78) 2634 3.95 < .001
Location (at home vs. not at
-3.85 (0.57) 2634 -6.77 < .001
NA 1.84 (0.41) 2634 4.50 < .001
PA 2.42 (0.30) 2634 8.20 < .001
HRBL 0.51 (0.06) 104 8.32 < .001
∆HR 0.07 (0.07) 104 1.06 .291
HRBL x ∆HR 0.02 (0.005) 104 5.11 < .001
∆HR x NA -0.02 (0.03) 2634 -0.45 .650

Note. N = 111 with 2,751 assessments. VAR = variance, a = estimates are

unstandardized partial regression coefficient, Df = degrees of freedom, SE = standard

error, WHR = waist to hip ratio, NA = negative affect, PA = positive affect, HRBL =

Heart rate during baseline, ∆HR = Heart rate reactivity during speech. The model

includes an autoregressive error term (Phi = .59), a random intercept (participant) and

a random slope for location (home vs. not at home).

Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 102

Figure Captions
Figure 1. Two-way interaction between baseline heart rate (HR) and HR reactivity to a

public speaking task on ambulatory HR. When baseline was high, participants with

comparably strong responses showed significantly elevated HR in everyday-life.

Conversely, a low baseline together with elevated HR reactivity predicted a comparably

low ambulatory HR. Please note: Values are predicted values derived from the multilevel


This research was funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG; Grant No. SCHW

Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 103

5 Study 3: The ecological validity of ASRD in responsive


The Ecological Validity of the Autonomic-Subjective Response

Dissociation in Repressive Coping

Andreas R. Schwerdtfeger* & Eva-Maria Rathner

Department of Psychology, Health Psychology Unit, University of Graz, Austria

Acknowledgements: We are grateful to Michaela Hiebler, Sabine Heene, Bianca

Würger, Regina Pabst, Elisa Maier, and Bernadette Hofer for their help in data collection
and data parametrization.

This research was funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG; Grant No. SCHW

* Corresponding Author:
Dr. Andreas R. Schwerdtfeger
Department of Psychology
University of Graz
A-8010 Graz, Austria
Tel.: +43 316 380-4953
Fax: +43 316 380-9807
Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 104

Background: Repressive coping has been associated with elevated cardiovascular

reactivity and diminished self-reported negative affect (so-called autonomic-subjective

response dissociation; ASRD) in response to laboratory stressors.

Objectives: However, there is a lack of knowledge regarding the ecological validity of this

response pattern.

Methods: An ambulatory assessment strategy was applied in order to analyze

associations between ASRD and repressive coping throughout a day. A sample of 114

individuals was recruited. Heart rate was recorded via ECG and subjective reports of

negative affect as well as the experience of demand and control (as indicators of stress)

and situational characteristics were assessed several times a day via mobile electronic


Results: Repressive coping relative to other coping dispositions was accompanied by

elevated ASRD during stressful episodes in daily life, thus supporting previous laboratory


Conclusions: The findings suggest that repressive coping is associated with a

discrepancy between subjective reports of negative affect and autonomic responding to

stressful encounters in everyday-life, which might impact health.

Keywords: ambulatory assessment, demand-control model, repressive coping,

subjective-autonomic response dissociation

Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 105

Research throughout the last decades could convincingly demonstrate that individuals

seem to prefer certain coping strategies that they tend to use habitually throughout

different aversive encounters (e.g., Krohne, 2003; Weinberger, Schwartz, & Davidson,

1979). Whereas some individuals tend to avoid elaborating in detail on the threatening

aspects of a specific aversive situation, others seem to allocate their attention closely to

the impending aspects of the stressor. Indeed, both these strategies [i.e., cognitive

avoidance (CAV) and vigilance (VIG)] seem to play prominent roles in different theories

of coping with threat (e.g., Derakshan, Eysenck, & Myers, 2007; Krohne, 1993; Miller,

1980; Roth & Cohen, 1986; Skinner, Edge, Altman, & Sherwood, 2003).

According to the model of coping modes (Krohne, 1993), for example, CAV and VIG are

suggested to constitute conceptual independent coping dimensions that do not preclude

each other. That is, individuals might choose either more vigilant or more avoidant

strategies, both strategies in combination, or none of these. Thus, according to the model

of coping modes individuals can be designated along their preference of either of the two

strategies into repressive copers (high CAV, low VIG), sensitizers (low CAV, high VIG),

high-anxious copers (high on both dimensions), and non-defensive copers (low on both

dimensions) 1. The validity of this method has been demonstrated in several studies (e.g.,

Hock, & Krohne, 2004; Hock, Krohne, & Kaiser, 1996; Peters, Hock, & Krohne, 2012).

It has been suggested that some of these coping modes might be more adaptive than

others. Originating from psychodynamic theory (e.g., Erdelyi, 2006) the repressive coping

disposition has raised considerable interest among researchers for several decades now

(for a conceptual discussion of repressive coping, see Garssen, 2007 and Myers, 2010).

It refers to a group of strategies that aim to shield the organism from stimuli that could
Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 106

threaten the self (e.g., Weinberger, 1990). Hence, individuals who consistently use

repressive coping strategies tend to minimize the relevance of the stressor, use self-

enhancing cognitive strategies, or negate the impact of threat-related cues on the self

(e.g., Krohne, 1989). Although repressive coping aims to shield the organism from threat,

it has been hypothesized to constitute a rather maladaptive strategy because the

consistent use of CAV could undermine more adaptive problem-focused approaches,

leading ultimately to deleterious effects on adjustment to stressful encounters.

Importantly, laboratory-based stress research converge to suggest that individuals who

predominately use repressive coping strategies exhibit elevated autonomic nervous

system (ANS) responses to stressful encounters [e.g., higher heart rate (HR)], while at

the same time they tend to report low subjective stress, anxiety and negative affect (NA;

for an overview, see, Schwerdtfeger & Kohlmann, 2004). Hence, the underreporting of

negative states and feelings is a characteristic of repressive copers. This response pattern

has been referred to as autonomic-verbal response dissociation or, more specifically, as

autonomic-subjective response dissociation (ASRD). For example, several studies found

comparably stronger behavioral (e.g., Asendorpf & Scherer, 1983; Weinberger et al.,

1979), cardiovascular (Asendorpf & Scherer, 1983; Kohlmann, Weidner, & Messina, 1996;

Newton & Contrada, 1992; Schwerdtfeger, Schmukle, & Egloff, 2006a), electrodermal

(e.g., Barger, Kircher, & Croyle, 1997; Brosschot & Janssen, 1998), and cortisol

responses (e.g., Rohrmann, Netter, Hennig, & Hodapp, 2003) than subjective reports of

discomfort to stressful aversive encounters in individuals with a repressive or cognitive

avoidant coping disposition, thus suggesting that elevated reactivity in repressers might

extend beyond the autonomic nervous system.

Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 107

Of note, the vigilance-avoidance theory (Derakshan et al., 2007) aims to ascribe this

discrepancy in repressive copers to different, consecutively applied, information

processing strategies. In particular, whereas repressive copers are hypothesized to be

rather attentive at a very early stage of information processing, they seem to apply

cognitive avoidant strategies later on. This initial allocation of attention could be key to

detect threatening cues early and could trigger automatic behavioral and physiological

threat responses. In a later stage of information processing, avoidant cognitive biases

(e.g., attentional, interpretative, and memory) are thought to predominate that may result

in low self-reported NA, thus ultimately contributing to the ASRD. Other theorizing has

hypothesized that the discrepancy of self-reported NA and ANS reactivity could reflect an

impaired (i.e., dysregulated) self-regulatory system (e.g., Lambie & Marcel, 2002;

Schwartz, 1990). Hence, repressers might not adequately perceive and process

physiological signals, thus lacking feedback from the body, which might impair self-


Of note, it has been shown that the ASRD constitutes a rather stable trait-like response

pattern (Levin & Linden, 2008; Schwerdtfeger, Schmukle, & Egloff, 2006b). Specifically,

Schwerdtfeger et al. (2006b) could show that the HR-based ASRD proved to be superior

to a skin conductance-based score with respect to consistency across different laboratory

stressors and long-term stability throughout a time interval of one year. Levin and Linden

(2008) could confirm the relative stability of the ASRD (based on different cardiovascular

measures) within a time period of 3 years. Given this evidence it might be assumed that

the cardiovascular-based ASRD constitutes a dispositional response style that pervades

various stressful situations in everyday-life. The ecological validity of this response

pattern, however, has not been demonstrated yet. Of note, identifying discrepant
Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 108

responses of NA and ANS responses across diverse situations in everyday-life could

imply clinical relevance of this response pattern. Therefore, the present study aimed to

record HR and self-reported NA throughout 22 hours to examine the relative (im)balance

of both measures in real life as related to repressive coping. Drawing on previous research

it was of interest to examine whether repressers show elevated autonomic relative to

subjective responses in stressful situations outside the laboratory in everyday-life, thus

verifying the ecological validity of the ASRD.

Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 109


Overall, 131 individuals participated in this study. They were recruited via flyers and

announcements at the university campus and at the local city center. There were 66

women and 65 men and 31 (24%) were smokers. Participants were screened prior to the

study for medication use and cardiovascular diseases by means of an online

questionnaire. Hence, only individuals without self-reported cardiovascular diseases

(hypertension, ischemic heart disease, cardiopulmonar disease, cerebrovascular

disease) and without cardiovascular and psychoactive medication were eligible for study

participation. The data of 11 participants could not be used due to excessive artefacts in

the electrocardiogram (ECG; poor signal quality, frequent ectopic beats), technical failure

(n = 2), or withdrawal from the study (n = 4), leaving a total of 114 participants (60 women)

for analysis. Descriptive data of the final sample are reported in Table 1.

Research Design

The study was part of a larger research project on coping and health, comprising of a

laboratory stress protocol, a sonographic assessment of the carotid arteries, a blood

sample, and a 22-hours ambulatory assessment, which will be described in more detail.

Specifically, the individual’s mode of coping was assessed via questionnaire and

physiological and subjective variables were recorded throughout one weekday. Therefore,

participants were equipped with ambulatory monitoring devices to record the ECG and

bodily movement to control for metabolically relevant changes in HR. In addition,

participants were repeatedly asked to provide ratings of their current location, smoking,
Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 110

affect, demand and control (to quantify stress) on that particular day by using electronic

devices (iPOD touch 4GB, Apple Inc.). The decision to use demand and control ratings to

measure stress was grounded on Karasek’s stress model (Karasek, 1989), which

postulates elevated vulnerability to disease in individuals who experience high demands

and comparably low control during work. Indeed, several studies found evidence for higher

risk for cardiovascular diseases in individuals who report more demands and less control

during work (so-called demand/control-ratio) (e.g., Alterman, Shekelle, Vernon, & Burau,

1994; Slopen, Glynn, Buring, Lewis & Williams, 2012). Of note, using an ambulatory

assessment strategy Kamarck et al., (2004) could show that the role of demand and

control experience in health and disease was not tied to the work context. They

demonstrated that both variables were reliably associated with physiological responding

on a momentary basis in everyday-life as well. Importantly, the advantage of using

demand and control ratings to quantify stress in the present research -- and not applying

a more ordinary stress measure -- was grounded on the common finding that individuals

with a repressive coping disposition tend to underreport both NA and stress during

aversive encounters (e.g., Schwerdtfeger & Kohlmann, 2004). Thus, a more indirect

approach deemed more appropriate for this study. Participants were also instructed to fill

out a questionnaire to assess coping modes and demographic and lifestyle variables (e.g.,

regular physical exercise, smoking status) prior to the ambulatory protocol.

Variables and Instruments

Coping. The German version of the Mainz Coping Inventory (MCI, Krohne, Egloff, Varner,

Burns, Weidner, & Ellis, 2000) was applied to assess coping modes. The MCI has been

developed to assess preferred coping strategies on a dispositional level and has been
Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 111

well validated (e.g., Hock & Krohne, 2004; Krohne et al., 2000; Peters, Hock, & Krohne,

2012). The MCI measures CAV (e.g., attentional diversion, self-enhancement, denial) and

VIG (e.g., information search, anticipation of negative events) directly in four ego-(i.e.,

self-)threatening (public speaking, exam, job interview, mistake on the job) and four

physically threatening situations (dentist, inexperienced driver, group of people, turbulent

flight) of varying controllability. For each situation five CAV and five VIG response options

are given in a true-false format. Answers were summed for CAV and VIG items,

respectively, across all situations to yield a measure of dispositional cognitive avoidant

and vigilant coping. Cronbach’s alpha was .79 for CAV and .87 for VIG. CAV and VIG

were moderately negatively interrelated (r = -.38, p < .001), thus supporting recent

research with this instrument (e.g., Peters et al., 2012).

Of note, the model of coping modes posits that both CAV and VIG can vary independent

of each other, thereby determining an individual’s mode of coping (repressive copers,

sensitizers, non-defensive copers, and high-anxious copers; e.g., Krohne, 1993). It should

be noted that the negative interrelation of CAV and VIG in this sample leads to a slight

overrepresentation of repressers and sensitizers, whereas individuals scoring low or high

on both dimensions, respectively are underrepresented, thus diminishing statistical power.

Our main data analytic strategy was to calculate the interaction of the continuous variables

CAV and VIG to analyze coping modes.

Demographic and lifestyle variables. Demographic (age, sex, family status) and lifestyle

variables (smoking, physical exercise) were assessed by means of a self-constructed

questionnaire. Waist to hip-ratio (WHR) was assessed objectively via an elastic centimeter

belt. These variables were included because they could substantially effect HR and NA.
Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 112

Psychophysiological monitoring. Physiological variables (ECG, bodily movement) were

recorded by means of a lightweight ambulatory monitoring device (Varioport-b, Becker

Meditec Karlsruhe, Germany). This device is capable of recording up to 16 physiological

channels with 16 bit resolution. It is lightweight (170 grams), and the dimensions are 12

(length) x 6.5 (width) x 2.2 cm (height). It is worn on the right side of the chest via a chest

belt. HR was recorded by means of an ECG by applying a chest lead, and participants

were grounded on the lower right rib cage. Disposable tap electrodes (Ambu® Blue

Sensor VL) were used for signal transduction. The ECG signal was scanned with 512 Hz

and sampled with 256 Hz on a memory card.

In addition, bodily movement was recorded by means of two accelerosensors. A uni-

dimensional accelerometer (Becker Meditec®, Karlsruhe, Germany) was attached on the

left thigh (above the knee) to measure leg movements, and a three-dimensional

accelerometer was located inside the VARIOPORT-b. The sensitivity of the

accelerometers is 0.2 milli Gs. Signals from each sensor were sampled at 16 Hz and

stored on a memory card for further offline processing. Importantly, bodily movement was

recorded to control for metabolically relevant changes in HR. Thus, increases in HR that

were not due to mental stress or affect but rather reflected metabolic adjustments to

increased muscle activity could be controlled for.

Ambulatory psychological variables. iPODs were programmed with the software

iDialogPad App by G. Mutz (University of Cologne, Germany) to assess demand, control,

NA, positive affect, and situational and behavioral characteristics in everyday-life. Reports

were given signal-contingent following an acoustic signal, which was initialized about

every 45 minutes (± 10 minutes). The interval between two alarms could therefore vary

between 35 and 55 minutes to prevent anticipatory behavioral adjustments. Participants

Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 113

were asked about the perceived demand and control as well as affect during the five

minutes prior to each alarm. Items were presented in pseudo-randomized order. Demand

and control ratings were provided using 6-point Likert scales with the poles 1 (low) and 6

(high). The mean demand score in this sample was 3.21, indicating rather moderate levels

of demand (SD = 1.14, MIN = 1, MAX = 6). The mean control score was 5.16 (SD = 0.96,

MIN = 1, MAX = 6), documenting comparably high levels of control in everyday-life.

Demand/control ratio was calculated to quantify stress (e.g., Slopen et al., 2012). The

demand/control ratio was 0.67 (SD = 0.35, MIN = 0.33, MAX = 3), which indicated rather

moderate levels of perceived stress.

NA was assessed using six adjectives that were presented on the iPOD screen. Adjectives

were as follows: unsafe, discouraged, anxious, ashamed, worried, and dissatisfied. A six-

point response format was chosen ranging from 1 (not at all) to 6 (very much so). Scores

were summed across items, resulting in a possible range of scores between 6 and 36.

The mean sum across all entries was 8.68 (SD = 3.77, MIN = 6.00, MAX = 36.00),

indicating rather moderate levels of NA throughout the day. Of note, positive affect (i.e.,

dynamic, relaxed, calm, brisk, delighted, awake) was also recorded to ensure that

participants were not overly biased toward the reporting of negative affective states.

However, this measure was not further considered in this study because of the prominent

role of NA in research on repressive coping and the lack of a theoretical underpinning of

the relationship between repressive coping and positive affect. Reliabilities of the affect

scales are reported in detail elsewhere (Schwerdtfeger, Schienle, Leutgeb, & Rathner,

2014) and suggested that affect could be reliably assessed.

Additionally, participants were asked to report their location (work, home, outside, vehicle)

and whether they engaged in smoking during the last five minutes (no vs. yes). With
Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 114

respect to location, being at home was contrasted with all other locations because

previous research has unveiled substantially lower cardiovascular activation and NA when

individuals were at home as compared to other settings (e.g., Gump et al., 2001;

Schwerdtfeger & Friedrich-Mai, 2009). Moreover, momentary smoking has been found to

impact ANS function (e.g., Karakaya et al., 2007; Schwerdtfeger & Gerteis, 2014).

Importantly, each EMA assessment was supplied with a time stamp to permit precise

matching with the corresponding physiological signals (i.e., ECG traces, bodily

movement). Overall, 2786 valid electronic momentary assessment (EMA) entries were

obtained, averaging to approximately 25 entries for each participant across the 22-hours

recording period.


Study participants were instructed to choose a typical day for participation. Upon arrival,

participants were made familiar with the study protocol and the technical equipment and

signed informed consent. Subsequently, the electrodes were attached and signal quality

was checked. An acoustic signal was initialized, and participants were instructed to

provide ratings of demand, control, affect, and location on the iPOD following each alarm

(as referred to a time-interval of five minutes prior each alarm). Special care was taken to

familiarize participants with the procedure (i.e., acoustic signal, iPOD entries). Participants

were explicitly informed about the possibility of muting or ignoring a prompt if necessary

(e.g., while driving a car or attending a meeting), and to initialize an assessment manually

later on. However, it was emphasized that participants should make every effort to

respond to the acoustic prompts and that manual assessment initiation was meant to be

an exception. Participants were asked to detach the electrodes after 22 hours and to
Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 115

return the equipment to the laboratory the next day. On account of the sensitive technical

equipment, they were not allowed to engage in intense aerobic training, bathing, or

showering during the recording time. Participants were compensated with up to 100 Euros

for participating in the research project. The study was approved by the institutional ethics

review board of the University of Graz and was therefore performed in accordance with

the ethical standards laid down in the 1964 Declaration of Helsinki.

Parameterization of the Physiological Signals and Calculation of the ASRD

The ECG was analyzed by means of a semi-automatic peak detection software (written

with LABVIEW® 6.0i; National Instruments). Segments were extracted out of the 22-hour

recording according to the time stamps identified on the iPOD. The ECG was analyzed

for five minutes prior to each EMA entry on a minute-by-minute basis. Previous to

parameterization, the ECG was low-pass filtered with 30 Hz to overcome gross movement

artifacts. Interbeat intervals (IBIs) were then calculated in milliseconds for each minute.

Extraordinarily strong successive IBI variations were corrected by a moving average

procedure if they differed by more than a multiplier of 1.5 or 0.7 from the previous IBI.

Minutes with more than 5 erroneous IBIs were discarded.

Bodily movement was also calculated across the five minutes prior to each iPOD entry.

The signal was quantified by integrating each of the axes of the accelerosensors and

calculating the mean across axes. Prior to integration, the signal was detrended by

subtracting the DC-component from the AC-component. Integrals were subsequently

square root transformed.

Ambulatory ASRD. Laboratory studies usually quantify ASRD by z-transforming both NA

and ANS reactivity (relative to a baseline period) and subtracting one value from the other.
Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 116

Hence, individual autonomic and subjective reactivity is typically quantified relative to the

study sample (z-transformation). Obviously this approach is not feasible in ambulatory

designs with multiple assessments for multiple individuals, thus intermixing within- and

between-person variance. Specifically, z-standardization implies relating the individual

score to the sample. In ambulatory designs with multiple (and differentially spaced and

differentially numbered) repeated assessments per person a z-standardization would treat

intra- and interindividual assessments equally, which means that each data entry of each

person would be related to both within- and between-person variation. Even more,

because individuals differ in the number of data entries, the individual response in a given

situation would strongly depend on the number of assessments within the other

participants, which would severely distort the findings. Z-standardizing solely within-

person would also be problematic, because each data entry of each person would be

compared solely to the intraindividual variation. Obviously, such an approach would not

allow to detect stable between-person differences (i.e., trait differences in coping as

suggested by the model of coping modes), but merely context-dependent differences in

response discrepancies. Therefore, an alternative quantification was applied as outlined


Ambulatory ASRD was quantified by referring HR and NA to the potential maximum and

then, calculating the difference between both relative values (HRrel minus NArel). The

potential maximum of HR was calculated for each individual separately with the formula

208 - (0.7 x age) (Tanaka, Monahan, & Seals, 2001). HRrel was then quantified by dividing

HR by the individual maximum HR and multiplying it by 100. We decided to use the

formula of Tanaka et al. (2001) instead of more simple formulas (e.g., 220 minus age),

because it has been developed for healthy participants based on meta-analytic evidence
Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 117

with 18,712 participants. Of note, this quantification has been found to be independent of

sex and habitual physical activity status, thus suggesting a reasonable good

approximation to maximum HR. Maximum NA was set to the potential maximum of 36 (6

items with a maximum rating of 6) for each individual and each entry. Similar to HRrel,

NArel was calculated by dividing NA by the maximum and multiplying it by 100. Hence,

for each individual and each momentary assessment the percentage of actual NA relative

to the possible maximum score was subtracted from the percentage of actual HR relative

to the individual maximum HR. Across all entries this resulted in a mean ambulatory ASRD

of 20.59 (SD = 13.11, MIN = -51.74, MAX = 72.76), suggesting a preponderance of

autonomic relative to subjective responding. Importantly, it has been suggested that the

ASRD captures incremental information only when both variables entering the score are

somewhat interrelated. Otherwise, it would merely reflect the main effect of one of its

constituting variables (Walschburger, 1981). Therefore, a multilevel model accounting for

an autoregressive error structure was specified to predict HRrel from bodily movement

and NArel. Both variables were significantly positively correlated (b = 0.024, t = 1.98, p <

.05), suggesting that the ASRD captured unique variance.

Data Analysis

Multilevel modeling. Multilevel modeling was applied. This statistical approach is well

suited for ambulatory monitoring designs with extensive within-person assessments (e.g.,

Laurenceau & Bolger, 2012; Nezlek, 2012). Several models were calculated to predict

individual observations in demand/control-ratio and ambulatory ASRD. The models are

specified in the Results section in more detail. In general, location (1 = home vs. 0 = other)

was treated as a Level-1 predictor throughout. Variables that had no natural zero in this
Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 118

study (e.g., age, WHR, CAV, VIG) were centered prior to analysis to facilitate

interpretation of coefficients. Demand/control-ratio was rescaled by subtracting the value

1 (hence, a balanced ratio of demand and control was rescaled to zero). For ambulatory

ASRD, we also controlled for the effect of the time-covarying variable bodily movement,

which was treated as a Level-1 fixed effect. Moreover, we specified a continuous

autoregressive error structure (CAR1), which handles unevenly spaced assessments and

thus, has been recommended in ambulatory designs with non-stationary data recording

(Schwartz, & Stone, 1998). Of note, because this design involved non-stationary

measurement points (i.e., ecological momentary assessments could occur anywhere in a

time frame from 35 to 55 minutes), the statistical analysis needs to account for variations

in interrelationships between repeated measurements of varying length. The covariance

parameter estimate was significant in each model, suggesting that this assumption was

consistent with the data. Participants were treated as a random effects variable

throughout. Moreover, for predicting ambulatory ASRD we allowed heteroskedasticity with

respect to demand/control-ratio for each participant (random intercepts and random

slopes). These models proved superior when compared to more simple models according

to Log-Likelihood tests. Multilevel models were calculated by using the statistics program

R (Version 3.1.0; R Development Core Team, 2014), package “nlme” (Version 3.1-117;

Pinheiro et al., 2014).

Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 119

Predicting Stress in the Field Setting

Firstly, associations between coping and demand/control-ratio in everyday-life were

analyzed in order to examine whether the stress measure was independent of the coping

mode. Multilevel modeling was applied specifying a null model to estimate the proportion

of variance in demand/control-ratio that could be accounted for by individual differences

(ICC, type 1; Bliese, 2000). It was found that approximately 24% of the variance was due

to individual differences, suggesting that a substantial proportion of the variance was

dependent on intraindividual (i.e., situational) factors.

Next, demand/control-ratio was regressed on age, sex, location, CAV, VIG, and the

interaction of both these strategies. Moreover, heteroscedasticity with respect to location

was allowed (random intercept and random slopes for each participant). It was found that

neither age (b = 0.002, SE = 0.002; t = 0.77) nor sex (b = 0.02, SE = 0.03; t = 0.56) were

significantly associated with demand/control-ratio. When participants were at home as

compared to other locations, they showed a significantly lower demand/control-ratio (b =

-0.08, SE = 0.017, t = -4.61), documenting lower levels of stress. CAV was unrelated with

demand/control-ratio (b = -0.005, SE = 0.003; t = -1.52), but there was a significant positive

association with VIG (b = 0.007, SE = 0.002; t = 3.05), indicating that VIG was associated

with the reporting of more stress. Importantly, the interaction between CAV and VIG was

not significant (b = -0.0003, SE = 0.0003; t = -0.89), thus documenting that coping modes

did not systematically differ with respect to demand/control-ratio.

Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 120

Predicting Ambulatory ASRD

Again, a null model was analyzed first in order to get an estimate of the proportion of the

individual variance of the ambulatory ASRD. The ICC(1) was .49, thus suggesting that

49% of the variance in response discrepancies throughout the recording period was due

to individual (i.e., trait-like) differences.

Next, ambulatory ASRD was regressed on several demographic and lifestyle-variables

(including bodily movement, age, sex, WHR, location, smoking at time of assessment),

and on demand/control-ratio, CAV, VIG and the interaction of the latter three variables.

Heteroscedasticity was modeled with respect to demand/control-ratio (random intercept

and random slopes for each participant). The result of this analysis is presented in Table

2. Bodily movement significantly predicted ASRD with higher amount of movement being

associated with relatively greater autonomic than subjective responses. Moreover, older

participants showed elevated ASRD as compared with younger participants and

momentary smoking was accompanied by elevated ASRD relative to not smoking. When

participants were at home as compared to other locations they showed a smaller response


There were no main effects of CAV and VIG, respectively, but demand/control-ratio was

significantly negatively related with ambulatory ASRD, indicating that higher levels of

stress were accompanied by greater subjective than autonomic activation. Moreover, a

significant CAV x VIG interaction was found. This effect was examined further by centering

CAV at the standard deviation, thus allowing for simple slope analyses for individuals high

and low in CAV, respectively (e.g., Webster, Kirkpatrick, Nezlek, Smith, & Paddock, 2007).

For individuals high in CAV there was a significant negative association between VIG and

ASRD (b = -0.33, SE = 0.19, t = -2.07), documenting that higher use of vigilant coping
Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 121

strategies among cognitive avoidant copers was associated with attenuated response

discrepancies. In other words, high-anxious copers (individuals scoring high on both

dimensions) showed a comparably low ASRD as compared to repressers (high CAV, low


Importantly, the two-way interaction between CAV and VIG was further qualified by a

significant three-way interaction including demand/control-ratio2. A graph of this

interaction is depicted in Figure 1. This interaction was analyzed further by centering

demand/control-ratio at the standard deviation and recalculating the model for situations

with comparably low stress (-1 SD on demand/control-ratio) and comparably high stress

(+1 SD on demand/control-ratio). These analyses revealed that there was no reliable CAV

x VIG interaction when stress was comparably low (b = -0.03, SE = 0.16, t = -1.71, p =

.09), suggesting that coping modes did not differ during low-stressful situations. However,

with increasing levels of stress the coping modes differed significantly with respect to

ambulatory ASRD as became evident by a significant two-way interaction between CAV

and VIG (b = -0.05, SE = 0.02, t = -2.26, p = .03), documenting that repressive copers

showed comparably high ASRD during stressful situations.

Further analyses were conducted to examine the slopes between low stressful and high

stressful situations for each coping mode in detail. Therefore, both CAV and VIG were

alternately centered at the respective standard deviation and the model was re-calculated

several times. Specifically, 4 additional models were compared with respect to the main

effect of the stress measure (demand/control-ratio): low CAV, low VIG (non-defensives);

low CAV, high VIG (sensitizers); high CAV, low VIG (repressers); high CAV, high VIG

(high-anxious). Of note, there were significant main effects for each group; however, the

strongest stress-related decline in ASRD was found for non-defensive copers (b = -10.75,
Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 122

SE = 2.15, t = -5.00, p < .0001), followed by sensitizers (b = -8.41, SE = 1.36, t = -6.18, p

< .0001) and high-anxious copers (b = -7.81, SE = 2.15, t = -3.64, p < .0001), whereas it

was considerably less pronounced in repressers (b = -3.84, SE = 1.68, t = -2.29, p = .022).

In a final step, the stress-dependent slopes between coping modes were compared by

centering either CAV or VIG at the standard deviation and calculating the three-way

interaction with the other mean-centered coping variable and demand/control-ratio. For

individuals with relatively low CAV-scores (1 SD below the mean) there was no significant

interaction between VIG and demand/control-ratio (b = 0.16, SE = 0.16, t = 1.01, p = .312).

In a similar vein, the two-way interaction between VIG and demand/control-ratio was not

significant for participants with comparably high CAV-scores (b = -0.27, SE = 0.19, t = -

1.46, p = .146). Both these models suggest that repressers (high CAV, low VIG) did not

show different slopes from low stress to high stress situations as compared to high-

anxious individuals (high CAV, high VIG). Moreover, sensitizers (low CAV, high VIG) did

not differ from non-defensive copers (low CAV, low VIG).

In sum, the findings of these models indicate that repressers generally showed higher

ASRD irrespective of the stressfulness of the situation as compared to high-anxious

individuals. Moreover, the stress-related decline in ASRD was moderated by coping

mode. Although there were no significant coping-related differences during low stress

situations, the decline towards high stress situations was less steep in repressers and

high-anxious copers. Hence, individuals with a repressive coping disposition showed the

highest level of ambulatory ASRD of all groups when stress was comparably high.
Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 123

The aim of this study was to examine the ecological validity of the discrepancy between

autonomic and subjective responses in repressive coping using ambulatory monitoring

technology. The hypothesis that repressive copers show a preponderance of autonomic

relative to subjective activation in stressful situations in daily life could be substantiated,

thus establishing ecological validity of the ASRD.

This finding support previous laboratory-based work on repressive coping and the

discrepancy between autonomic and subjective reactivity during stressful encounters

(e.g., Schwerdtfeger & Kohlmann, 2004). In particular, repressers showed a higher ASRD

as compared to the other coping modes. Of note, this effect was only evident when stress

in everyday-life was comparably high. There were no significant differences between

coping modes during low stressful situations. Hence, the findings of this study are

compatible with the vigilance-avoidance theory of repression (Derakshan et al., 2007).

According to this theory repressive copers are hypothesized to be rather attentive at an

early information processing stage, which may trigger exaggerated physiological reactivity

and spontaneous anxiety-related behavior during aversive encounters. They are avoidant,

however, at the later stages of information processing by showing interpretative biases of

their own behavior and physiology and impaired retrieval of threatening autobiographical

memories. Thus, the present findings could be interpreted in terms of a dynamic

information processing strategy exhibited by repressive copers, resulting ultimately in

elevated ambulatory ASRD.

It should be noted, though, that it remains debatable whether the early attention toward

threat is solely accompanied by elevated physiological reactivity in repressers. It has been

Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 124

speculated that effort-related processes might result in response discrepancies as well,

and repressive copers have been suggested to invest more effort during self-threatening

tasks (e.g., Schwerdtfeger & Kohlmann, 2004). Moreover, Schwerdtfeger and Derakshan

(2010) could observe that disengagement from angry faces (i.e., use of cognitive avoidant

strategies) during a spatial cueing paradigm was associated with elevated

parasympathetic withdrawal during a public speaking task, thus suggesting that

attentional diversion might have physiological consequences as well. Future research

should aim to elucidate the physiological concomitants of the time line of threat processing

in repressive copers in more detail to help elucidating the mechanisms behind the ASRD.

To our knowledge this is the first report of a relationship between repressive coping and

ASRD in a real life setting without exposing participants to a standardized stress task (e.g.,

public speaking, standardized interview, picture viewing). Although this approach is

certainly hampered by the non-comparability of the stressors individuals face in their daily

life, it offers new insights into the ecological validity of this primarily laboratory-based

phenomenon. Importantly, individual (i.e., trait-like) differences accounted for

approximately 49% of the variance in ambulatory ASRD, thus supporting a previous study,

which could find that HR-based dissociation scores showed cross-situational consistency

and reasonable long-term stability throughout one year (Schwerdtfeger et al., 2006b).

Hence, the finding of the present study adds further support to the hypothesis that the

ASRD constitutes a relatively stable individual response characteristic related to

repressive coping.

Of note, the adapted approach to quantify response discrepancies in the field setting

resulted in an elevated ASRD when stress was low (comparably low demand and high

control) and a low ASRD when demand increased and control decreased (i.e., higher
Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 125

stress), indicating that participants responded with a generally stronger increase of NA

during stress as compared to autonomic activation.

Previous research suggested that elevated ASRD might be associated with impaired

symptom perception (e.g., Papousek, Schulter, & Premsberger, 2002; Schwerdtfeger et

al., 2006a), thus constituting a plausible mechanism through which repressive coping

might impact health. In particular, an imbalance between ANS and subjective responding

during stressful situations could indicate impaired self-regulation (e.g., Schwartz, 1990).

Specifically, repressers might lack feedback from their body when they are stressed,

leading to flattened subjective responses. Attenuated NA in such situations could then

foster continued exposure to challenging environments, which could result in wear and

tear on the artery walls, ultimately leading to cardiovascular diseases. It is interesting to

note that there is some evidence for elevated risk for clinical events in repressers with

coronary artery disease (Denollet, Martens, Nyklicek, Conraads, & de Gelder, 2008). Of

note, only few studies examined the prospective validity of the ASRD in predicting more

proximal indicators of health. Although, Coifman, Bonanno, Ray, and Gross (2007),

among others, found that the ASRD was associated with better psychological adjustment

in bereaved individuals, Levin and Linden (2008) could not find evidence that a longterm-

stable blood pressure-based ASRD predicted ambulatory blood pressure 10 years later.

Thus, considerably more research is warranted to verify -- or falsify -- the clinical relevance

of this response style.


The findings of this study should be interpreted in light of several caveats that need to be

emphasized: First, HR-based ASRD was calculated, thus caution needs to be taken when
Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 126

comparing the present findings with other research on repressive coping that used blood

pressure (e.g., Kohlmann et al., 1996), skin conductance (e.g., Coifman et al., 2007;

Barger, Kircher, & Croyle, 1997), or endocrinological measures (e.g., Rohrmann et al.,

2003) to calculate response discrepancies. We decided to use HR for two reasons: First,

it is a robust and easy to use measure in ambulatory settings with comparably low

assessment reactivity (i.e., unlike oscillographic blood pressure measurement it can be

recorded continuously without further notice). Second, previous research could show that

the HR-based ASRD showed higher cross-situational consistency and longterm-stability

than the electrodermal-based ASRD (Schwerdtfeger et al., 2006b), thus having

psychometric benefits. Nonetheless, the clinical significance of HR-based ASRD as

compared to, for example, blood pressure-based dissociations, remains debatable.

Second, the operationalization of ambulatory ASRD in the present study might be

questioned. In order to overcome the problem of standardization across situations and

individuals, an alternative algorithm was used by relating both HR and NA to the potential

maximum prior to calculating difference scores. Unlike the classical z-standardized

difference score, the resulting ASRD is difficult to interpret on an absolute level. Hence,

only relative changes/differences can be construed. Hence, this procedure considerably

deviates from the standard approach in the literature, thus questioning comparability with

previous laboratory research. However, the traditional approach using z-standardized

reactivity scores for both HR and NA is not applicable for ambulatory data, thus

necessitating alternative quantifications. Obviously, studies are needed to directly

compare both measures of ASRD in combined laboratory and ambulatory research in

order to assure comparability across studies.

Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 127

Third, it turned out that stress levels were rather moderate in this sample, thus,

questioning the usefulness of our stress quantification or, the eligibility of the study

sample. Specifically, most of the assessments were characterized by comparably high

levels of control and only moderate demands. According to Karasek (1998), a stress job

is characterized by rather high levels of demands and low levels of control. In the present

study most stressful episodes were presumably more comparable to “active jobs” in

Karasek’s terminology, implying both elevated demand and control. Therefore, the

findings need to be replicated in more stressful environments. Given the restriction of

variance in the present study the observed effects might even get more robust when stress

levels increase.

Finally, it should be emphasized that the comparably stronger increase in NA than

autonomic activation to stress might be partially explained by shared method variance,

because both demand/control and NA were assessed via self-report. Hence, the

experience of high demand, low control, and elevated NA might share the same

underlying construct (e.g., negative affectivity), thus challenging the interpretation of the

findings. This is a limitation of the study that could be circumvented in future research by

applying objective indicators of stress (e.g., via other-rated stress or interactive

psychophysiological monitoring allowing to detect and feedback episodes with

comparably high physiological activation; e.g., Fahrenberg, Myrtek, Pawlik, & Perrez,

2007; Myrtek, 2004).


Notwithstanding these limitations, the findings of this study considerably add to previous

laboratory-based findings on repressive coping and ASRD. It was found that repressive
Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 128

coping was related to an elevated ambulatory ASRD during moderately stressful

situations, thus suggesting that the discrepancy of autonomic and subjective responses

to stress might generalize beyond the well-studied laboratory setting to everyday-life.

Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 129

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Table 1: Descriptive Statistics for the Main Variables of the Study


Age 37.30 7.82

CAV 23.38 5.92
VIG 20.76 7.30
Waist to hip-ratio 0.81 0.09
Demand rating 3.21 1.14
Control rating 5.16 0.96
Stress (demand/control-ratio) 0.67 0.35
NA 8.68 3.77
HR 81.29 15.50
ASRD 20.59 13.11

Note: N = 114; CAV = cognitive avoidance; VIG = vigilance; NA = negative affect; HR =

heart rate; ASRD = subjective-autonomic response dissociation.

Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 134

Table 2: Multilevel Model Relating Autonomic-Subjective Response Dissociation (ASRD)

to Level 1 and Level 2 Predictors

Parameter Estimate a T p
Intercept 17.04 10.82 < .0001
Bodily movement 0.59 29.56 < .0001
Location (other = 0, home = 1) -2.00 -5.23 < .0001
Age 0.22 2.14 .034
Sex (-1 = male, 1 = female) -3.66 -1.96 .053
Waist to hip-ratio 7.77 0.72 .474
Smoking at time of assessment
1.91 2.56 .010
(0 = no, 1 = yes)
Stress (demand/control-ratio) -7.70 -8.13 < .0001
CAV 0.06 0.38 .708
VIG -0.15 -1.06 .292
CAV x VIG -0.04 -2.12 .036
CAV x demand/control-ratio 0.31 1.89 .059
VIG x demand/control-ratio -0.06 -0.42 .675
CAV x VIG x demand/control-ratio -0.04 -1.97 .049

Note: ASRD = Autonomic-subjective response dissociation, CAV = cognitive avoidance;

VIG = vigilance; NA = negative affect; HR = heart rate; a unstandardized regression

Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 135

autonomic-subjective response discrepancy

26 Sensitizers
Non-defensive copers
24 High-anxious copers





Stress- Stress+

Figure 1. Cross-level interaction of cognitive avoidant coping (CAV), vigilant coping (VIG)

and demand/control-ratio on autonomic-subjective response dissociation. Sensitizers are

characterized as being high on VIG and low on CAV; repressers, on the contrary, are high

on CAV and low on VIG; non-defensives are low on both dimensions while high anxious

copers are high on both dimensions. Values are derived from the multilevel models and

are adjusted for bodily movement, age, sex, waist to hip-ratio, and smoking at the time of

assessment. Please note that stress according to demand/control-ratio was quantified as

+1 and -1 SD from the mean for graphical reasons. Note also that response dissociations

are generally higher during non-stress as compared to stressful situations. This is due to

a stronger increase in negative affect relative to heart rate when stressful situations are

Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 136

1) This operationalization shows close resemblance with the well-established

classification of coping styles according to Weinberger, Schwartz, and Davidson (1979),

who cross-classified individuals according to their scores on trait anxiety and social

desirability questionnaires (for a methodological comparison of both approaches; see

Egloff & Hock, 1997). In short, individuals scoring low on anxiety and high on social

desirability have been designated repressers and those scoring high on anxiety and low

on social desirability have been designated sensitizers. Individuals with low anxiety scores

and low social desirability scores were classified as truly low anxious and those with high

scores in anxiety and high scores in social desirability as defensive high-anxious. Although

both approaches to the assessment of coping show similarities, the respective

terminologies are not directly transferrable and not synonymous.

2) Of note, the analysis was repeated with both HR and NA as dependent variables to

evaluate whether the significant interaction for ASRD could be deduced to a single

variable entering the discrepancy score. The three-way interaction was neither significant

for HR (b = -0.008, t = -0.51) nor for NA (b = 0.001, t = 1.78), thus suggesting that the

ASRD captured unique variance.

Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 137

6 Study 4: Cognitive avoidant coping is associated with

higher IMT in middle aged adults.

Cognitive Avoidant Coping is Associated with Higher Carotid Intima

Media Thickness Among Middle-Aged Adults

Andreas R. Schwerdtfeger1*, PHD, Hubert Scharnagl2, PHD, Tatjana

Stojakovic2, MD, & Eva-Maria Rathner1, Mag.

1Department of Psychology, Health Psychology Unit, University of Graz, Austria

2Clinical Institute of Medical and Chemical Laboratory Diagnostics, Medical University of
Graz, Austria

ARS received funding by the German Research Foundation (DFG; Grant No. SCHW
1188/5-1). We are grateful to Daniela Thaler for the sonographic screening of the

* Corresponding Author:
Dr. Andreas R. Schwerdtfeger
Department of Psychology
Karl-Franzens-University Graz
A-8010 Graz, Austria
Tel.: +43 316 380-4953
Fax: +43 316 380-9807
Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 138


Background: Cognitive avoidant coping (CAV) has been associated with elevated

autonomic stress reactivity, thus presumably elevating risk for cardiovascular diseases.

However, more direct evidence for this hypothesis is lacking.

Objectives: To relate carotid intima media thickness (IMT) to CAV in non-clinical


Methods: 124 participants (61 women) with a mean age of 37.52 years (SD = 7.93, MIN

= 30, MAX = 60) participated in the study. IMT was assessed by ultrasonic imaging and

CAV via questionnaire (Mainz Coping Inventory; MCI).

Results: Regression analysis revealed that although CAV was not significantly

associated with IMT, there was a significant interaction of CAV and age. Whereas for

younger adults there was no significant relation for older individuals CAV and IMT were

significantly positively associated.

Conclusions: Findings suggest that CAV could constitute a risk factor for cardiovascular

diseases with increasing age.

Keywords: Cardiovascular risk; cognitive avoidant coping; intima media thickness;

preclinical atherosclerosis
Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 139

An individual’s disposition “to inhibit the experience and the expression of negative

feelings or unpleasant cognitions in order to prevent one’s positive self-image from being

threatened” (1) has been referred to as repressive coping. One of the most striking

characteristics of this coping disposition is cognitive avoidance (CAV) of threat-related

information, which describes strategies to cope with stress to shield the individual from

stimuli that might threaten his/her self-esteem (2, see 3 for a review). Such strategies

include, but are not limited to, attentional diversion, re-interpretation of aversive events,

minimization, denial or self-enhancement (e.g., 3, 4). Unlike emotional suppression, which

characterizes behavioral control of emotion expression CAV refers to cognitive strategies

that aim to diminish the impact of threatening stimuli on the individual in order to reduce

emotional arousal (4).

Repressive coping and its major constituent, CAV have been discussed to be associated

with elevated autonomic reactivity to stressful encounters (e.g., 5, 6, 7). Specifically, it has

been found that these avoidant-related concepts are accompanied by elevated blood

pressure, heart rate and skin conductance responses to laboratory stress tasks.

Moreover, Schwerdtfeger and Derakshan (8) have shown that the habitual use of cognitive

avoidant strategies was associated with early engagement and subsequent

disengagement from angry facial stimuli, thus supporting the attention-avoidance theory

(3). In the same study it was also found that this attentional pattern was accompanied by

a comparably strong vagal withdrawal to the anticipation of a public speaking stressor,

thus suggesting stronger reactivity to the stress task.

Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 140

Although there is meta-analytic evidence that various measures of repressive coping are

related to adverse health outcomes (9), more studies are needed to examine the

relationship with more proximal indicators of health. Specifically, according to the meta-

analysis associations with cardiovascular diseases (CVD; hypertension, heart attack,

coronary heart disease) seem to be fragile and rather heterogeneous, thus calling for more

studies on the relationship between repressive/ cognitive avoidant coping and health. It

should be acknowledged, however, that a comparably strong physiological reactivity as

found in individuals with a repressive coping disposition needs not necessarily be

accompanied by adverse health effects. For example, there is some evidence that

elevated cardiac reactivity to a laboratory challenge could be associated with lower signs

of preclinical atherosclerosis (e.g., 10, 11). Although prospective cohort studies could

provide the most robust evidence for the health-implications of repressive coping,

nowadays modern imaging techniques are available, which may reliably indicate future

disease risk, thus constituting a promising alternative. For example, the combined

thickness of the intimal and medial layers of the arterial wall (so-called Intima Media

Thickness; IMT) can be measured noninvasively using B-mode ultrasound technique

(e.g., 12). IMT has been discussed as a surrogate marker of atherosclerosis that elevates

future risk for CVD (for a meta-analytic review of prospective studies, see 13). Accordingly,

an increase in IMT of 0.1 mm increases the risk for stroke by approximately 13-18% and

for myocardial infarction by approximately 10-15%. Thus, vascular events can be reliably

predicted by IMT.

Importantly, there is evidence that emotional factors and the exposure to stressful

environments could impact IMT (e.g., 14, 15, 16, 17), thus demonstrating relevance of this

measure for research in behavioral medicine. Because exposure to stress always calls for
Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 141

coping efforts, it seems plausible to assume that the way individuals encounter stressful

events should be related to IMT as well. Although -- to our knowledge -- the relationship

between repressive / cognitive avoidant coping and IMT has not been examined yet, a

recent research report suggested that unrealistic optimism, which is somewhat related to

repression (e.g., 18), was positively correlated with IMT in older individuals (19).

Moreover, other studies analyzed blood lipids that are closely related with IMT in

repressive and non-repressive individuals and found that repressive coping was

associated with a higher amount of low density cholesterol in men, thus indicating

increased risk for atherosclerosis (20, 21). Taken together, research using more proximal

indicators of vascular health (i.e., IMT) is missing although there is suggestive evidence

that individuals applying cognitive avoidant coping strategies might be at higher risk for

developing CVD.

Hence, the aim of this study was to examine the relationship between CAV and IMT.

Importantly, because preclinical atherosclerosis slowly develops throughout decades and

personality and lifestyle factors have been suggested to unfold their effects mainly in

middle-aged individuals (e.g., 22), we expected that the relationship between CAV and

IMT should be prevalent primarily in older but not necessarily in younger individuals.
Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 142


Overall, 131 individuals with a mean age of 37.82 years (SD = 8.09) and a body mass

index (BMI) of 23.77 (SD = 4.00) participated in this study. There were 66 women and 65

men and 31 were smokers (24%). The majority was working full-time or part-time and had

higher education (university degree or high school diploma). Participants were recruited

via flyers, the university local mailing list, and personal communications with the incentive

of monetary compensation. Because the study was part of a larger research project

involving both laboratory-based and ambulatory psychophysiological assessment (please

refer to 23), individuals were compensated with up to 100.- Euros for study participation.

They were screened prior to the study for medication use and CVD by means of an online

questionnaire. Hence, only individuals without self-reported CVD (hypertension, ischemic

heart disease, cardiopulmonar disease, cerebrovascular disease) and without self-

reported cardiovascular and psychoactive medication were eligible for study participation.

Data of 124 participants could be used, because 7 participants did not keep the

appointments for sonography or blood withdrawal or exhibited otherwise missing data.

The descriptive statistics of the final sample can be found in Table 1. The study was

approved by the institutional ethics review board and was therefore performed in

accordance with the ethical standards laid down in the 1964 Declaration of Helsinki.
Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 143

Variables and Instruments


The German version of the Mainz Coping Inventory (MCI, 24) was applied to assess CAV.

The MCI has been developed to assess preferred coping strategies on a dispositional

level and has been well validated (e.g., 24, 25, 26). Unlike the Weinberger-approach,

which measures repressive coping rather indirectly by assessing participant’s anxiety

together with social desirability (2), the MCI measures CAV strategies (e.g., attentional

diversion, self-enhancement, denial) and vigilant coping strategies (e.g., information

search, anticipation of negative events) directly in four ego-threatening (public speaking,

exam, job interview, mistake on the job) and four physically threatening situations (dentist,

inexperienced driver, group of people, turbulent flight) of varying controllability. For each

situation five avoidant and five vigilant response options are given in a true-false format.

Answers were summed for cognitive avoidance items only to yield a measure of habitual

CAV. In this study, the average CAV score was comparable to that of a comparably large

North American sample (M = 20.90, SD = 6.74; 24). The reliability was acceptable

(Cronbach’s alpha = .79).

Demographic and lifestyle variables

Demographic (age, sex, marital status, parental history of CVD, highest education,

working status) and lifestyle variables (smoking, physical exercise) were assessed by

means of a questionnaire. In particular, participants were asked whether they smoked

(yes, no), whether they engaged in regular physical activity (i.e., “engaging in any bodily

movement produced by skeletal muscles activity that makes you sweat and out of breath”)

and whether one of the parents have/had any CVD. Moreover, working status and highest
Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 144

education was assessed. Height and weight were measured objectively via a centimeter

belt and a scale, and BMI was calculated.

Preclinical Atherosclerosis

IMT measurement was carried out by a trained female sonographer using a B-mode

ultrasound imaging device (Vivid™ S5; GE Healthcare) equipped with a high precision

linear array transducer (5-13 MHz). Measurements were taken 1 cm distal from the carotid

bifurcation from the far wall of the arteria carotis at a length of 1 cm. IMT was automatically

quantified by the IMT software module, which allows automatic contour detection of the

borders of the intima and medial layers of the carotid arteries. Mean IMT was recorded for

both the left and right carotid artery and averaged prior to analysis.

Cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol (HDL-C), LDL-cholesterol (LDL-C), triglycerides

Blood samples were collected by a trained physician following a standardized protocol.

Blood samples were collected in fasting condition via a Vacuette-system (Greiner Bio-

One, Kremsmünster, Austria). After centrifugation (15 minutes at 4° celsius) serum

samples were analyzed for triglycerides, LDL-C, and HDL-C. Cholesterol and triglycerides

were measured using enzymatic methods and reagents from DiaSys (Holzheim,

Germany). The measurements were performed on an Olympus AU640 automatic

analyzer and were calibrated using secondary standards from Roche Diagnostics

(Mannheim, Germany). Lipoproteins (LDL-C, HDL-C) were determined by quantitative

agarose gel electrophoresis (Helena Bioscience Europe, Gateshead, UK).

Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 145

Statistical Analysis

In order to analyze associations between IMT and CAV a hierarchical linear regression

model was calculated. Age, sex, BMI, smoking status, parental CVD, and regular physical

exercise were entered in step 1 followed by triglycerides and HDL-C/LDL-C-ratio in step

2. CAV was entered in step 3 and the interaction of age and CAV was entered in step 4.

Of note, CAV and age were centered prior to analysis to account for multicolinearity. The

level of significance was fixed at p < .05 (two-tailed). Residuals were normally distributed

as indicated by a Kolmogorov-Smirnov-test (K-S = .075, p > .05).

Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 146

Table 2 depicts the zero-order correlations between the main variables of this study.

Because several of the variables were not normally distributed Spearman-Rho-

correlations were used throughout. Correlations were low to moderate in size. Of note,

there was a moderate correlation between age and CAV (r = .23, p < .01), indicating that

older individuals scored higher on CAV than younger individuals. Sex and CAV were also

positively associated, documenting that men showed higher scores than women (r = .259,

p < .01). BMI, age, and sex were also significantly associated with HDL/LDL-ratio. Finally,

age, sex, BMI, CAV, parental history of CVD, triglycerides, and HDL/LDL-ratio were all

significantly associated with IMT, thus corroborating the inclusion of these variables in the

regression model.

The findings of the regression analysis are presented in Table 3. The final model was

significant, explaining approximately 55% of the variance [F(10, 123) = 13.91, p < .001].

As expected, age was significantly positively associated with IMT, suggesting more

atherosclerotic plaques with increasing age. Furthermore, a higher BMI and parental CVD

were associated with elevated IMT and, unexpectedly, a higher prevalence of regular

physical activity was associated with higher IMT. A more positive HDL-C/LDL-C-ratio was

accompanied by a lower IMT. There was no significant effect for CAV but the interaction

of CAV and age was statistically significant, suggesting that the association between CAV

and carotid IMT was moderated by age. In order to conduct simple slope analyses, age

was standardized at the standard deviation (+1SD, -1SD, respectively) and separate

regression models were run for each age group, thereby making use of the whole sample

size. For older individuals (≈ 46 years) the effect for CAV was highly significant (b = 0.005,
Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 147

β = .35, p < .001), suggesting that with each 1-point increase in CAV the increase in IMT

equaled 0.005 mm. For the younger individuals (≈ 30 years) there was no significant

association between CAV and IMT (b = -0.001, β = -.04, p = .64). A graph of this interaction

is depicted in Figure 1, applying the tools cited in Preacher, Curran, and Bauer (27). In

addition, we calculated zero-order correlations with median-split groups using scatterplots

for identifying outliers (data not shown). The pattern of findings was homogeneous and

comparable with the regression approach. Specifically, whereas the correlation between

CAV and IMT for the younger group (≤ 34 years) was not significant (r = -.002, p = .99) it

was highly significant for the elder group (≥ 35 years; r = .41, p = .001), thus corroborating

the findings from the moderated regression approach.

Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 148

This study aimed to assess cardiovascular risk in individuals with varying scores on CAV

by applying sonographic imaging of the vessel walls of the carotid arteries (IMT). It was

found that although there was no main effect for CAV, age seemed to significantly

moderate this relationship. Specifically, whereas for younger individuals CAV and IMT

were not reliably associated, for older individuals elevated CAV scores were accompanied

by elevated IMT, thus implying higher cardiovascular risk.

Importantly, this finding supports the assumption that CAV as a major constituent of

repressive coping might have health-compromising effects (e.g., 9). In particular, it has

been suggested that cognitive avoidant and repressive coping are accompanied by

physiological dysregulations, affecting health and well-being (e.g., 28, 29). Several studies

found evidence for elevated or aberrant physiological stress responses in individuals who

have been designated repressive copers or who reported using cognitive avoidant coping

strategies (e.g., 30, 31, 32). These dysregulations have been discussed to damage health

(e.g., 7). This study moreover suggests that CAV-related health-effects might be more

prominent among older but not among younger individuals. Although this study is the first

one relating CAV with preclinical atherosclerosis, it is compatible with the result of a

recently published study reporting elevated IMT in older individuals (≥ 57 years) who are

overly optimistic about their health risk (19). Please note that unrealistic optimism and

repressive coping have been found to coincide (18).

Considering the meta-analytic finding of an increase in risk for stroke of 13-18%, and for

myocardial infarction of 10-15% with an increase in IMT of 0.1 mm (13), the clinical

significance of this difference remains debatable. In fact, for older participants the increase
Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 149

in IMT with each unit of change in CAV was b = 0.005, suggesting that the lowest possible

(Min = 0) and the highest possible scorers on the CAV scale (Max = 40) could differ by

approximately 0.2 mm in IMT. With respect to the above mentioned meta-analysis of an

approximately 15% increase in CVD risk with each 0.1 mm thickening of the carotid walls

(13) it might then be concluded that given a linear relationship CAV could maximally

increase risk by approximately 30%, which may be considered a rather small effect given

a very large difference in coping.

It is interesting to note that there is evidence from other research showing that anxiety,

anxiety disorders and amygdala reactivity were associated with elevated IMT (e.g., 33,

34, 35), thus favoring the hypothesis that an anxious and hypervigilant disposition

constitutes a reliable risk factor for CVD (for a recent meta-analysis, see, 36). At a first

glance, the finding of the present study seems to contradict this line of research, because

repressive coping and the use of cognitive avoidant strategies have been found to be

related with lower self-reported anxiety (e.g., 3, 7). However, it should be noted that

repressive coping has been associated with elevated autonomic nervous system

responses that are more characteristic of individuals with a high anxious personality

disposition (e.g., 37). Moreover, Schwerdtfeger and Derakshan (8) could show that CAV

was correlated with early vigilance but late avoidance of threatening stimuli, thus

suggesting that at least during early stages of information processing an anxiety-related

attentional style is prevalent in cognitive avoidant copers. Taken together, it seems that

CAV and anxiety share similar physiological concomitants and that these outcomes could

be partially explained by common attentional factors.

Of note, IMT was positively associated with age and BMI (see also, 38, 39, 40, 41) and

negatively associated with HDL/LDL-ratio (e.g., 42, 43), which supports previous
Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 150

research. Moreover, in line with expectations IMT tended to be lower when participants

reported no parental CVD, but the finding of a higher prevalence of self-reported physical

activity to be associated with elevated IMT was rather unexpected. In general, previous

studies cite evidence for attenuated carotid wall thickness in individuals with higher levels

of physical activity (e.g., 44, 45), although not every study could support this finding (e.g.,

46, 47). In our view, the divergent result in our study might be due to the rather rough and

simple measure of physical activity, which might have affected assessment validity.

Moreover, it should be noted that this study was cross-sectional in nature, thus it could

have been the case that at least some at risk-individuals might have decided on physical

activity as preventive behavior, thus blurring the relationship with IMT.


Although the main finding of this study is coherent with evidence from previous studies

suggesting health-compromising effects of repressive coping and CAV, it should be

interpreted in light of several caveats. First, although the study sample included

participants of various ages (30 to 60 years), it should be emphasized that the mean age

was 37.6 years, thus indicating a middle-aged sample with relatively more younger than

older participants. Moreover, IMT was generally small in this sample not exceeding 0.85

mm. Previous research could show that carotid IMT strongly progresses beyond the age

of 45 (e.g., 48), and personality and lifestyle factors have been suggested to exert

influence in adulthood (22). Thus, it could be expected that associations between

personality and coping variables get stronger with increasing age of the sample.

Therefore, the findings of this study should be regarded preliminary and future studies
Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 151

should recruit a larger sample of older individuals to allow a more powerful analysis on

the moderating role of age on the relationship between coping and health.

Second, it should be emphasized that this was a cross-sectional study that did not allow

a closer examination of the dynamics linking CAV with IMT. In particular, it could well be

that exaggerated physiological responses (in particular, blood pressure responses) to

diverse stressful encounters in cognitive avoidant and repressive copers might impact IMT

somewhat later in time. Other studies suggest that repressive coping might be associated

with elevated cholesterol levels (e.g., 20, 21), thus increasing risk for atherosclerotic

plaques. It should be noted, though, that this study controlled for blood lipids, thus

suggesting that other pathways from coping to morbidity might be involved as well.

Therefore, it seems inevitable to identify potentially intervening variables (e.g., health

behavior, physiological reactivity, genetic vulnerability) in individuals scoring high and low

on CAV-related strategies in order to get a better understanding of the pathways linking

repressive/ avoidant coping with health. Although worse health behavior might constitute

one pathway linking repressive coping with health, it is interesting to note that Myers (49)

found evidence for both worse and better health behaviors in repressive individuals,

depending on the controllability of the behavior. Moreover, prospective studies are needed

to unveil the dynamics of disease progression as related to repression and related coping

styles. For example, it has been shown that stress-related variables could predict IMT

progression across several years (e.g., 50). A similar approach could help strengthen –

or weaken – the hypothesis that CAV negatively impacts health. Finally, it should be

acknowledged that more research is needed to examine the specificity of this effect. In

particular, it has to be determined whether repressive coping in general, or more specific

avoidant strategies as assessed in this research, unrealistic optimism, or other related

Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 152

emotion regulation strategies have similar consequences or contribute uniquely to

cardiovascular malfunction. According to Garssen (1) the specificity of repressive coping

and other related concepts needs to be established yet and comparative studies are

warranted in order to disentangle their respective health impacts.


Notwithstanding these limitations, the findings of this study suggest that CAV might impact

cardiovascular health with increasing age. The size of this effect might be considered

rather moderate; however, it should be kept in mind that several other biological and

lifestyle variables were controlled for. Certainly, replication studies are needed to evaluate

the trustworthiness of this effect. Future research is also needed to examine the specificity

of this effect and the pathways linking CAV and repressive coping with health in order to

delimit the usefulness of intervention programs.

Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 153

Conflict of Interest
Andreas R. Schwerdtfeger, Hubert Scharnagl, Tatjana Stojakovic, and Eva-Maria Rathner

declare that they have no conflict of interest.

All procedures followed were in accordance with the ethical standards of the responsible

committee on human experimentation (institutional and national) and with the Helsinki

Declaration of 1975, as revised in 2000. Informed consent was obtained from all

participants for being included in the study.

Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 154

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Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 159


Table 1: Descriptive Statistics (Means, Medians, Standard Deviations and Minimum and
Maximum Values) of the Main Variables

Sex women 49%
Marital single 22%
married /
divorced 1%
missing 6%
Working Working full- 37%
status time
Working part- 21%
Self-employed 13%
Trainee 17%
employed / 12%
Education University 53%
High school 32%
Professional 6%
Other 3%
Smoking yes 24%
Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 160

no 76%
Physical yes 73%
no 27%
Parental yes 34%
no 66%
M Md SD Min Max
Age 37.52 34.35 7.93 30 60
BMI 23.76 23.09 4.01 16.73 36.03
CAV 23.37 24.00 5.94 7 35
Mean IMT 0.52 0.51 0.08 0.38 0.77
Mean IMT 0.52 0.51 0.09 0.35 0.87
Mean IMT 0.52 0.51 0.08 0.39 0.82
Triglycerides 97.76 82.50 57.22 25 352
HDL-C/LDL- 0.60 0.55 0.31 0.19 2.50

Note: N = 124; M = mean, Md = median, SD = standard deviation, Min = minimum value,

Max = maximum value, BMI = body mass index, CVD = cardiovascular diseases, CAV =

cognitive avoidant coping, IMT = intima-media thickness, HDL-C/LDL-C-ratio = ratio of

HDL-cholesterol to LDL-cholesterol.
Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 161

Table 2: Zero-order Correlations (Spearman-Rho) Between the Main Variables of the Study

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Age1 -
Sex2 (0 = m, 1 = w) .109 -
BMI3 .305** .359** -
CAV4 .234** .259** .162 -
Regular physical activity (0 = no, 1 = yes)5 .000 -.026 -.077 .020 -
Smoking status (0 = no, 1 = yes)6 -.102 -.140 -.087 .033 -.021 -
Parental CVD (0 = no, 1 = yes)7 .135 -.204* .059 -.201* -.113 .153 -
Triglycerides (mg/dl)8 .068 .155 .198* .080 -.090 .140 .188* -
HDL-C/LDL-C-ratio9 -.245** -.354** -.514** -.133 -.159 -.042 -.003 -.474** -
Mean IMT average10 .503** .209* .383** .229* .131 -.026 .202* .189* -.330**

Note: N = 124, * p < .05, ** p < .01.

Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 162

Table 3: Regression Model Relating Carotid Intima Media Thickness (IMT) to

Demographic, Lipometabolism, and Coping Variables (specifically, Cognitive

Avoidant Coping, CAV)

Parameter b β t p F ∆R2 R2
Carotid Intima Media Thickness (IMT)
Step 1 17.25** .469 .469
0.005 <
Age .53 7.47
Sex (-1 = women, 1 = 0.019
.13 1.71 .090
BMI 0.004 .19 2.47 .015
Smoking status
-0.0003 -.002 -0.03 .978
(0 = no, 1 = yes)
Regular physical activity
0.029 .17 2.51 .014
(0 = no, 1 = yes)
Parental CVD
0.027 .16 2.25 .026
(0 = no, 1 = yes)
Step 2 3.31* .029 .598
Triglycerides (mg/dl) -.06 -0.81 .421
HDL-C/LDL-C-ratio -0.049 -.20 -2.57 .011
Step 3 3.82 .016 .514
CAV 0.002 .14 1.95 .053
Step 4 9.42** .037 .552
CAV x Age 0.0003 .23 3.07 .003

Note. N = 124; BMI = Body Mass Index, CAV = cognitive avoidant coping, IMT = intima-

media thickness, CVD = cardiovascular diseases, HDL-C/LDL-C-ratio = ratio of HDL-

cholesterol to LDL-cholesterol; * p < .05, ** p < .01

Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 163


Figure 1.


IMT (mm)

age +1SD
age -1SD


0 10 20 30 40


Figure 1. Significant interaction between cognitive avoidant coping (CAV) and age on
mean carotid intima media thickness (IMT). Older individuals showed a significant
increase in IMT with increasing scores on CAV, whereas for younger individuals a
negative, non-significant association could be observed. Values are adjusted for
Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 164
Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 165

7 General Discussion
Technological interventions and the advent of the World Wide Web drastically changed

the way scientists were able to study human behavior over the last decades (Montag

& Diefenbach, 2018). For example, it became possible to measure an individual's heart

rate with small devices over several days, or by introducing GPS, an individual's

movement patterns can be observed unobtrusively. Of note, these changes are

occurring rapidly and will be accelerated in the near future.

Due to these new technological possibilities, a shift from controlled laboratory studies

towards momentary ecological assessments (EMA) in the field was possible, thus

complementing seminal research done primarily under laboratory conditions. The

research presented in this thesis spanned from 2013 to date and underpinned these

possibilities. Whereas the first studies were carried out with sensors attached to the

participants (studies 2-4), the last survey (study 1) used the individual’s smartphones

to assess daily usage time, and the device’s built-in sensors were already adequate to

model human behavior and mental states.

The research discussed in this thesis contributes to the knowledge about the

methodology of field assessments, such as the ecological validity of the ASRD and the

use of laboratory parameters of heart rate to predict ambulatory heart rate measures

(Schwerdtfeger et al., 2014; Schwerdtfeger & Rathner, 2016). Adding to that, it could

be demonstrated that in future smartphones might be a valid instrument to assess

mental states of individuals and differences between individuals (Messner et al., 2019).

Moreover, due to the possibility to assess reactions to daily stressors in the field, we

could glimpse into the processes that link coping styles to cardiovascular health and

disease (Schwerdtfeger et al., 2015). Although this thesis was able to close some
Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 166

research gaps, future prospective studies are needed to confirm the results derived

from these cross-sectional correlative studies.

In the following, the embedding and relevance of our findings into the current literature

will be discussed. Furthermore, the core outcomes will be addressed, such as the

association of laboratory and field studies, the association of coping and

cardiovascular health, and the use of smartphones to assess mental states and

behavior in the field. The general discussion will end with a glimpse into the future

directions of assessments in the field.

7.1 Embedding of Relevant Findings into Current Literature

In this chapter, the embedding of the core findings of the four articles will be discussed.

Moreover, the limitations of each study will be presented with suggestions for future

research to eradicate these obstacles. This chapter ends with an overview of the

results this research could add to the current knowledge about stress and coping.

7.1.1 The Use of Smartphones to Assess Mental States

Study 1 gave insight into the possibility of predicting stress and mood levels via

smartphone usage. Overall, the prediction of mental states through smartphone usage

variables seems promising, but associations where small. Thus, the clinical relevance

remains questionable. This research found small negative, but significant associations

between stress and mood levels and smartphone usage parameters such as total

usage time, Facebook usage, call duration, or the number of daily SMS (Messner et

al., 2019). These findings are in line with the current literature (Alvarez-Lozano et al.,

2014; David et al., 2018; Lachmann et al., 2018; Sano & Picard, 2013; Tandoc et al.,

2015). On the other hand, some studies did not find an association between
Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 167

smartphone usage and mood parameters (Elhai et al., 2018; Rozgonjuk et al., 2018;

Saeb et al., 2015). There are several ways to explain these contradicting findings:

Firstly, the associations between smartphone usage and state measurements of stress

and mood might be non-linear (Scherr, 2018). It might be possible that meager and

raised amounts of smartphone usage are detrimental to parameters of well-being as

well as mental and physical health. In the majority of parameters of psychological and

physical health, there is a range that can be associated with optimal functioning. The

same principle might apply to smartphone usage as a parameter of well-being. For

example, high stress could result in diminished (e.g., too occupied by the stressor to

use the smartphone) or accentuated (e.g., using the smartphone to gather information

about the stressor) use of one´s smartphone.

Secondly, the variance in measurement methods could contribute to these diverse

outcomes (Stone & Shiffman, 2002). So far, smartphone usage was parameterized

very differently across studies. Some studies account for total active user time such as

unlock events, app- use, etc., while others include passive user time as well, such as

listening to audiobooks or music. Moreover, some studies include only particular apps

(such as Facebook, messenger services, Instagram, etc.), other researchers

group apps according to their function (e.g., social networks, messenger services,

entertainment, etc.) (Chow & Ma, 2017; David et al., 2018; Frost & Rickwood, 2017;

McCord et al., 2014; Schwartz et al., 2014; Tandoc et al., 2015). Given these vast

differences in the parametrization of smartphone usage, the contradicting findings

concerning the association of smartphone use and mental states seem reasonable.

Likewise, self-reported affect is assessed differently across studies. While some

studies assessed the variables of interest twice a day over long periods, others apply

a sample rate of 10 times and more a day. Furthermore, self-reported affect is

sometimes collected via the core affect model (Russell & Barrett, 1999) and sometimes
Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 168

via the PANAS (Watson et al., 1988) and on Likert scales ranging from 1-5 up to Likert

scales ranging from 1-10 (Alvarez-Lozano et al., 2014; Elhai et al., 2018; Rozgonjuk et

al., 2018; Saeb et al., 2015; Servia-Rodríguez et al., 2017). Therefore, agreements

about sample rates and questionnaire use would lead to better comparability of study


Thirdly, there are first hints that distinct smartphone usage patterns (active versus

passive use) are related to diverse mental health outcomes (Burke et al., 2010; McCord

et al., 2014; Primack et al., 2017; Verduyn et al., 2017). Direct interaction on social

networks is associated with feeling socially included and less lonely, while passive

consumption of content (looking at pictures and posts of friends) is associated with

higher levels of loneliness and reduced well-being (Burke et al., 2010). Overall, the

heavy use of multiple social media platforms was related to adverse mental health

outcomes, such as symptoms of depression and anxiety (Primack et al., 2017).

Fourthly, smartphone usage patterns might not be able to distinguish stressed from

relaxed behavior (Messner et al., 2019). For example, a person showing little activity

on the smartphone might either sleep or be in a quarrel with his or her spouse. The

smartphone usage behavior would be the same; the experienced level of stress quite


Fiftly, the content of the interaction with the smartphone might be a better predictor of

stress and mood (David et al., 2018; Przybylski & Weinstein, 2017). While overall

smartphone use is vastly associated with negative well-being, a lot of studies come to

conflicting results (David et al., 2018). If you take a closer look into the predictor “online

time”, it quickly becomes evident that time spent online is a slightly rough parameter.

More precise would be a look at the content individuals are producing (such as texts,

posts, etc.) or the content they are consuming (e.g., inspirational quotes, news, etc.).

It might be difficult to obtain informed consent on automated analysis of the content

Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 169

because individuals might want to keep their privacy (e.g., consumption of porn, etc.).

Moreover, data safety would need to be given. Given an informed agreement, the

observation of the content individuals consume might be ethically acceptable. The

collection and analysis of content individuals produce is intrusive and raises ethical

concerns. It would easily be possible to track keyboard inputs on a person´s

smartphone and to analyze their word usage automatically and changes thereof to

monitor mental states. Such an approach would be challenging in itself, as one would

have to guarantee to save data transfer and the automated removal of sensitive data

(e.g., credit card numbers, names, laces). So far, international standards on privacy

and data safety are still missing (Mohr et al., 2017; Shilton & Sayles, 2016).

Sixthly, the intention or the reasons of use might elicit different emotional states (e.g.,

to study or for social comparison) (Harari et al., 2016; Tandoc et al., 2015). For

example, a person could use a google search to quickly gather information about a

stressor and then apply other adaptive strategies. Or, another person could indulge in

excessive google searches resulting in heightened anxiety and stress levels.

Seventhly, sensor variables like GPS, microphone, etc., could be more precise in

capturing mood and stress levels (Canzian & Musolesi, 2015; Servia-Rodríguez et al.,

2017). Smartphones can capture known natural stressors via their sensors, such as

brightness, noise, distance to other smartphone users, etc. Some research teams

already showed that arousal and stress levels could be predicted accurately from an

individual's voice or facial expressions (Cordaro et al., 2016; Lasalle et al., 2019;

Ringeval et al., 2016; Vogt et al., 2008).

Eightly, not the total amount of usage might be of interest, but the changes in usage

patterns over time. For example, a change in usage behavior due to the onset of a

depressive episode could be an initial increase in the use of social networks,

messenger services, and calls as a way of seeking help, followed by a collapse of

Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 170

smartphone usage mirroring the social withdrawal of the individual. In line with that,

the automated detection of early warning signs for the onset of mental disease could

be fruitful to prevent the outbreak and guarantee early therapeutic interventions.

Ninthly, human rhythmicality should be taken into account when analyzing the data.

Individuals show different usage patterns between weekdays and weekends as well

as during the day due to diverse hormonal activities (Servia-Rodríguez et al., 2017).

Therefore, future confirmatory studies should use larger and more representative

samples to examine such questions. Moreover, clinical samples would be of interest

to study adaptive and maladaptive smartphone use in people with different

psychopathologies compared to healthy controls, and its consequences. As our study

found correlations between smartphone usage and parameters of well-being, a

prospective study design could shed light on the causality. Both directions seem to

have face validity; media consumption could be used to alter emotional and mental

states that impact on well-being, and media use could unintentionally influence current

emotional states (David et al., 2018; Zillmann, 1988a, 1988b).

7.1.2 The Association of Cardiovascular Parameters Assessed in the Field and under

Laboratory Conditions

Study 2 shed light on the association between CVR to a standardized laboratory

stressor and cardiovascular reactivity to daily stressors (Schwerdtfeger et al., 2014).

The main aim was to understand the reactivity hypothesis in depth. The theory behind

the association of CVR and cardiovascular health is the cardiovascular reactivity

hypothesis (e.g., Krantz & Manuck, 1984; Lovallo, 2010; Obrist, 1981; Schwartz et al.,

2003; Treiber et al., 2003). It is supposed that the wear and tear of heightened CVR in

the cardiovascular system causes health impairments in the long run. In extensive

cross-sectional and prospective studies, a positive association between the magnitude

Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 171

of CVR to psychological laboratory stress tasks on future blood pressure status (Carroll

et al., 1995; Carroll et al., 2001; Carroll et al., 2003; Markovitz et al., 1998; Matthews

et al., 1993; Newman et al., 1999) as well as markers of atherosclerosis was found

(Barnett et al., 1997; Everson et al., 1997; Lynch et al., 1998; Matthews et al., 1998).

As suggested by Kamarck and colleagues (2003), a multilevel approach was used to

analyze our data. In studies that compare cardiovascular parameters in the field and

lab, a multilevel approach maximizes comparability through better management of

cofounding variables in the field (such as movement, etc.) without sacrificing the

benefits of daily life assessments.

In the research carried out, it was found that 39% of the variance in ambulatory CVR

was due to intraindividual differences. Men showed higher HR compared to women,

more bodily movement, and smoking was associated with higher HR. Being at home

was related to a lower HR, thus indicating highly accurate measurements. When

associating laboratory cardiovascular parameters with those recorded in the field, it

could be shown that baseline laboratory HR predicted ambulatory HR. The lab delta

score was not related to the ambulatory HR, pointing towards the limited

generalizability of CVR lab scores.

Moreover, there was an interaction of baseline HR and the ambulatory HR delta score,

indicating that the effect of CVR was moderated by baseline HR. In summary, the

ambulatory cardiovascular load was the highest in individuals with a high baseline HR

and elevated CVR and lowest in individuals with low baseline HR and elevated CVR

(Schwerdtfeger et al., 2014). This finding can be interpreted in a way that a high delta

of CVR in laboratory tasks is a vital sign of coping with a mental stressor when

accompanied by low ambulatory baseline HR. This process could be seen as an

analogy to the physical adaptions when exercising regularly. Individuals acquire quick
Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 172

energy to master the stressor by elevated CVR and drop back rapidly to a relaxed


Davig and colleagues (2000) also found that the correlation between real life and

laboratory stressors was higher when using absolute values of HR and BP. In this

study, the relationships were higher during the anticipation periods than in the actual

task periods (free speech task versus defensio). Overall, the magnitude of change in

the cardiovascular parameters was the greatest in the real-life stressor. This finding is

contrary to the results of the papers included in this thesis. In this data, the range of

subjective stress ratings was limited, pointing towards average but frequently occurring

stressors in the daily life of participants (Schwerdtfeger et al., 2014). Participants were

instructed to choose a typical day for study participation. Still, a more naturalistic

approach was used when compared to Davig and colleagues (2000), who observed

individuals while defending their Ph.D. thesis. The defensio of one´s Ph.D. thesis can

be seen as an extreme and rarely occurring social-evaluative stressor. The approach

used in the papers contributing to this thesis might mirror ordinary daily life stressors

better, as most individuals are not at all experiencing a defensio in life. Therefore, the

impact of CVR on such a stressor is unlikely to alter cardiovascular health.

To conclude, the findings in the presented research do not support the reactivity

hypothesis in general. Due to the fine-grained data assessments, it was found that

individuals who have both elevated baseline HR and elevated CVR might be at higher

risk for cardiovascular dysfunction. Higher CVR to laboratory stressors per se are not

mirrored by dysfunctional cardiovascular activities in daily life. In line with that,

Kamarck and colleagues (2003) explained that in individuals who show elevated CVR

in the lab and the everyday setting, a causal role of CVR in processes to cardiovascular

disease is plausible.
Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 173

Therefore, future studies should try to understand the higher ambulatory heart rate

reactivity in individuals with a low baseline HR and diminished CVR. When taking

findings into account that state that blunted CVR could be maladaptive and

accompanied by adverse health outcomes, this group of individuals might also be at

high risk for the development of CVD and should, therefore, be studied in depth

(Lovallo, 2011; Lovallo et al., 2012; Phillips et al., 2013). Possibly they are depleted by

prolonged lifetime stress. Future confirming studies are needed to assess the clinical

relevance of the findings. Furthermore, studies using more than one assessment of

the ANS (such as blood pressure, cortisol, or skin conductance) on a larger sample

and with longitudinal study designs are needed.

7.1.3 The Ecological Validity of the ASRD in Repressive Coping

In study 3, the ecological validity of the ASRD in repressive coping was tested

(Schwerdtfeger & Rathner, 2016). The ASRD is a time stable trait-like (Levin & Linden,

2008; Schwerdtfeger et al., 2006b) response pattern in stressful situations, which is

characterized by a high CVR and low subjective reported stress levels (Schwerdtfeger

& Kohlmann, 2004). ASRD is associated with the habitual use of repressive coping

and is theorized to constitute a somewhat maladaptive form of coping as it averts the

use of more adaptive problem-focused ways of coping (Hock et al., 1996; Hock

& Krohne, 2004). As repressive coping is associated with adverse health outcomes,

especially for cardiovascular diseases (Mund & Mitte, 2012), the ecological validity and

clinical relevance of this response pattern were tested in this study (Schwerdtfeger

& Rathner, 2016).

As in studies 1 and 2, a multi-level model was applied to account for the nested data

structure (Goldstein, 1995; Laurenceau & Bolger, 2011; MacCallum et al., 1997;

Nezlek, 2012). These models take into account that multiple answers are nested within
Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 174

persons, and therefore dependence between variables is present (Nezlek, 2001;

Nezlek et al., 2006). According to our findings, the null model implied that 49% of the

variance of ambulatory ASRD was due to intraindividual (trait-like) differences. Bodily

movement, age, and current smoking were associated with elevated ASRD while being

at home was related to lower autonomic activation. There was a significant CAV x VIG

interaction, indicating that high-anxious copers showed a comparably low ASRD when

compared to repressers. Moreover, there was a three-way interaction between CAV x

VIG x self-reported stress, showing that coping modes did not differ in stressless

situations. However, in high-stress situations, repressive copers showed comparably

high ASRD. Taken together, these results demonstrate that repressers show the

highest ASRD independent of the amount of experienced stress. When looking at

stressful situations, repressers exhibit the highest level of ambulatory ASRD. Our

findings could prove the ecological validity of the ASRD. Furthermore, the results are

in line with previous results obtained in controlled laboratory studies (Asendorpf

& Scherer, 1983; Barger et al., 1997; Brosschot & Janssen, 1998; Derakshan

& Eysenck, 2001; Gudjonsson, 1981; Kohlmann et al., 1996; Krohne & Fuchs, 1991;

Newton & Contrada, 1992; Rohrmann et al., 2003; Schwerdtfeger & Kohlmann, 2004;

Weinberger et al., 1979; Weinstein et al., 1968). Furthermore, the finding that high CVR

only occurs in repressers during stressful situations is following the vigilance-

avoidance theory of repression (Derakshan et al., 2007). The vigilance-avoidance

theory of repression states a two-stepped way of information processing of ambiguous

stimuli. In the early stage, repressers are highly vigilant and more likely to interpret

ambiguous stimuli as threatening. The initial stage is mainly subconscious but

accompanied by elevated CVR. In a later stage of information processing repressers

suppress the unwanted negative emotions so successfully that they show impaired

retrieval of negative autobiographical memories (Baumeister & Cairns, 1992; Cutler et

Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 175

al., 1996; Derakshan et al., 2007; Fajkowska et al., 2011; Hock & Egloff, 1998; Hock

& Krohne, 2004; Holtgraves & Hall, 1995; Mendolia et al., 1996; Orbach & Mikulincer,

1996; Schimmack & Hartmann, 1997; Vendemia & Rodriguez, 2010).

There are four main theories to explain that phenomenon: Firstly, the superficial

encoding hypothesis by Davis (1990) states that repressers´ poor emotional memory

is caused by reduced emotional processing. Secondly, the frequency hypothesis by

Schimmack and Hartmann (1997) proposes that repressers feel less emotional

response and, therefore, do not establish links between affect and event

representations. Thirdly, the emotional discreetness hypothesis by Hansen and

Hansen (1988) suggests that repressers encode anxiety-related cues into less

complex cognitive-emotional structures. Therefore, the links between representations

of threatening events and insignificant emotions are weak. Those representations are

difficult to access due to their isolation. Fourthly, the repressive discontinuity

hypothesis by Hock and colleagues (1996) is characterized by a consecutive sequence

of stress-related information processing. Initially, repressers react unconsciously highly

sensitive to threat-related cues; this is followed by counteraction of suppression. Those

inhibitory processes lead to a poor memory concerning threats.

Moreover, there is still no direct evidence for the vigilance-avoidance theory of

repressive coping in relation to the cause of the higher CVR in repressers. The

elevated CVR could also stem from a higher effort of repressive coping strategies in

self-threatening tasks compared to other forms of coping (Schwerdtfeger & Kohlmann,

2004). Furthermore, attention withdrawal during stressful situations was proven to

elevate parasympathetic withdrawal leading to higher CVR in repressers

(Schwerdtfeger & Derakshan, 2010). Therefore, future research should investigate the

timeline of physiological responses and self-reported stress levels to threat in

Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 176

The clinical relevance of our findings might be worth investigating in further studies. So

far, a higher ASRD was associated with reduced interoception (Papousek et al., 2002;

Schwerdtfeger et al., 2006a). If so, repressers might lack the ability to perceive

stressful situations. This could lead to increased exposure to stressors in daily life.

When taking the diminished ability to memorize threats into account, a vicious circle

could be set in motion (Hock et al., 1996). But there is little research on the long-term

effect of ASRD on cardiovascular health. Two prospective studies report somewhat

positive outcomes. The first study found that individuals with high ASRD cope better

with the loss of a significant other (Coifman et al., 2007). The third study concludes

that the dissociation of CVR and self-reported affect might not be a significant predictor

of cardiovascular diseases (Levin & Linden, 2008).

7.1.4 The Association of Repressive Coping and Cardiovascular Health

In study 4, the association between repressive coping operationalized as CAV and

preclinical atherosclerosis was tested in cross-sectional study design. The main aim

was to gain insight into the effects of habitual high CVR on cardiovascular risk

(Schwerdtfeger et al., 2015). Some studies found that repressive coping and

specifically high CAV is related to elevated CVR in laboratory stress tasks, daily life

and during bereavement periods (Coifman et al., 2007; Kohlmann et al., 1996;

Schwerdtfeger & Derakshan, 2010; Schwerdtfeger & Rathner, 2016). Of note, this

association was found via several parameters of autonomic stress responses such as

heart rate, blood pressure, and skin conductance (Schwerdtfeger & Derakshan, 2010).

Moreover, there is meta-analytic evidence that repressive coping is associated with

adverse health outcomes such as cancer and hypertension (Mund & Mitte, 2012).

Nevertheless, some laboratory studies point toward possible health benefits of

repressive coping (Barnett et al., 1997; Heponiemi et al., 2007). Therefore, a close look
Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 177

at the processes that might link repressive coping, elevated CVR, and health outcomes

was needed. It was found that CAV was associated with a higher IMT in older

individuals, indicating that the continual use of CAV over the lifespan is accompanied

by atherosclerotic processes over time. As a correlational cross-sectional study design

was used, in future prospective studies are needed to test the actual effect of time or

aging. As coping styles like CAV are theorized to be time-stable personality traits (Levin

& Linden, 2008; Schwerdtfeger et al., 2006b), experimental designs might be hard to

apply. One could think of longitudinal therapeutic intervention studies that aim to

change habitual coping styles to achieve better long-term health outcomes.

Moreover, the finding that repressive coping is related to higher risks of cardiovascular

disease is in line with meta-analytic evidence showing that repressive coping is

associated with adverse health outcomes (Mund & Mitte, 2012). One of the underlying

processes of this relationship might be a physiological dysregulation of stress

responses such as elevated or blunted CVR (Diamond et al., 2006; Gianaros et al.,

2009; Newton & Contrada, 1992; Schwartz, 1990).

The clinical relevance of these findings might be limited as the IMT thickness of

individuals with the highest and lowest score on the MCI could maximally differ 0.2mm

resulting in a maximum of 30% increased risk of cardiac events (Lorenz et al., 2007;

Schwerdtfeger et al., 2015). Of note, the IMT in our sample was generally small (m=

0.82mm). This might originate from the relatively young age of included individuals (m=

37.5; range= 30-60). There is strong evidence that IMT especially progresses after the

age of 45 (Spence, 2006). Thus, studies on a larger sample, including individuals over

the age of 45, are needed. As there are contradicting findings on the health outcomes

of repressive coping future research should aim to dissect the concepts of repressive

coping and CAV (Garssen, 2007; Mund & Mitte, 2012; Myers, 2010).
Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 178

7.1.5 Summary of the Contribution of Own Research to the State of Art

My research could add the following knowledge to the current state in the field of Health


 Smartphones are widely used in one´s daily life and, therefore, might offer a

unique possibility to track parameters of an individual's health and well-being

unobtrusively over more extended periods. I could prove that this is also

possible in the passive tracking of experienced stress levels (Messner et al.,


 It was shown that lab induced stress, operationalized via CVR, cannot be

generalized generally to daily life CVR. The baseline laboratory HR was the best

predictor of ambulatory HR, and therefore, should be taken into account

(Schwerdtfeger et al., 2014).

 Moreover, it was proven that the discrepancy between self-reported stress

levels and the autonomous reaction to a stressor (ASRD) could be assessed in

the field (Schwerdtfeger & Rathner, 2016).

 The clinical relevance of repressive coping might be given with increasing time.

An association between cognitive avoidant coping and a marker of CVD (IMT)

with increasing age was detected (Schwerdtfeger et al., 2015).

Taken together, my research contributed to the knowledge about the health impact

of habitual coping with stress on cardiovascular health. CAV is associated with CVD

with increasing age. Moreover, my research deepened the knowledge of the

methodology of laboratory and field studies of stress and coping with stress. The

generalization of cardiovascular stress parameters assessed in the lab to daily life

CVR is not given, but the ASRD can be ecologically evaluated in the field.

Moreover, smartphones could be used to assess stress levels passively.

Nevertheless, more extensive research is needed to study the assessment of

Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 179

stress and coping in the field and to broaden the knowledge of long-term health

outcomes of habitual coping modes.

7.2 The Association of Laboratory and Field Studies

There is an ongoing debate about the generalizability of laboratory-based research to

field studies. One large meta-analysis, including 217 lab-field comparisons from 82

meta-analyses of psychological research, leads to a differentiated view (Mitchell,

2012). The external validity of laboratory research was differing according to the

psychological subfield, research topic, and effect size. The overall covariation of effect

sizes was r = .71, varying from r = .28 (gender-focused research) to r = .97

(organizational research). Moreover, external validity differed by effect sizes. Smaller

effects were less likely to replicate in the field when compared to larger effect sizes.

This result points to the need for sample size planning in field studies. Thus, Mitchell

(2012) states that the external validity and clinical relevance of lab results as a whole

are questionable. Therefore, a closer look will be taken on the generalizability of coping

and stress research from the lab to daily life.

On the one hand, laboratory studies with a standardized stressor offer the possibility

to assess interindividual differences in the way people cope physically and mentally

with stressful events. On the other hand, laboratory studies are limited in their

generalizability (Davig et al., 2000; Johnston et al., 2008). The advantages of

laboratory studies are centered around standardization of measurement, study design,

and controllability over stimuli and confounding variables (Zanstra & Johnston, 2011).

Furthermore, lab stressors might not be ecologically valid, as the stressors, which can

be applied to participants, are limited by ethical considerations. Stressors and their

CVR might differ in amplitude, duration, and even the underlying mechanisms between

daily life and lab settings (Zanstra & Johnston, 2011). So far, it is common to build
Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 180

theories based on experiments under controlled laboratory conditions and then to test

those theories in the field. Lately, it became modern to directly study in daily life and to

build theories from ambulatory (big) data. These possibilities will be discussed, in-

depth in chapter 7.5.

A common task to assess CVR in the lab is the free speech paradigm (Johnston et al.,

2008). A free speech stressor seems real-life valid but is not occurring over the lifetime

in such a frequency that it may contribute to the development of CVD. Therefore, the

generalizability of the lab assessed CVR to study the general effects of CVR on health

is questionable.

Moreover, assessments of CVR in real life are prone to misinterpretation as there are

various influences on cardiovascular parameters such as movement, metabolic

changes, circadian rhythms, and such. One way to account for confounding variables

is to assess them and include them in multilevel models. Nevertheless, unknown

confounding variables could still reduce data quality and limit interpretation (Kamarck

et al., 2003).

Of note, stressors in daily life vary remarkably between and within individuals.

Therefore, a comparison of the magnitude of daily stressors between individuals is

impossible (Schwartz et al., 2003; Treiber et al., 2003). Accordingly, it is not surprising

that the results regarding the generalizability of lab CVR to daily life CVR are mixed so

far (Kamarck et al., 2000). One way to obtain satisfying reliability is to repeatedly

assess CVR and use the aggregated lab scores to predict daily life CVR. Another

option to enhance reliability would be to measure CVR across multiple situations

(Kamarck et al., 2000).

One study relating five different laboratory stressors (tracking task, progressive

matrices, stressing video, social problem-solving task, and cold pressor test) to CVR

in the field suggests that the CVR to laboratory stressors does somewhat relate to CVR
Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 181

in real life (Johnston et al., 2008). Furthermore, they found some support for

aggregating responses over several tasks to provide a more robust measure as

proposed by Kamarck and colleagues (2000). Of note, the cold pressure test was the

best predictor for ambulatory CVR. They concluded that most laboratory stressors are

valid to assess CVR leading to CVD over time in commonly stressed individuals

(Johnston et al., 2008). The findings presented here are in line with that, as it was

found that baseline laboratory HR predicted ambulatory HR. Moreover, the lab delta

score was not related to the ambulatory HR, pointing towards the limited

generalizability of CVR lab scores. Of note, the cardiovascular load in daily life was the

highest in individuals who showed both, elevated baseline HR and elevated CVR in

the lab. To conclude, our findings can only partly confirm the reactivity hypothesis

(Schwerdtfeger et al., 2014).

7.3 The Association of Coping and Cardiovascular Health: Implications and

Future Directions
In earlier studies, it was assumed that high CVR to a laboratory task might also impose

a risk for cardiovascular diseases in real life (Barnett et al., 1997; Everson et al., 1997;

Johnston et al., 2008; Kamarck et al., 1997; Lynch et al., 1998; Matthews et al., 1998;

Tuomisto et al., 2005; Zanstra & Johnston, 2011). The general hypothesis behind

stems from the cardiovascular reactivity hypothesis. The cardiovascular reactivity

hypothesis states that individuals who show elevated cardiovascular reactivity to

stressors are more prone to the development of cardiovascular disease (Krantz

& Manuck, 1984; Obrist, 1981; Treiber et al., 2003). As mentioned earlier, the findings

regarding the generalizability of CVR assessed in the lab to daily life CVR are mixed.

Results that support the cardiovascular reactivity hypothesis are studies that show

elevated CVR obtained from blood pressure in middle-aged individuals also in real life
Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 182

when experiencing a stressful event (Matthews et al., 1992). When comparing lab

induced CVR with the defensio of 33 healthy males satisfying predictive quality was

found over several more biological (e.g., cold pressor test) and more psychological lab

stress tasks (van Doornen & van Blokland, 1992). Moreover, Kamarck and colleagues

(2000) could show that healthy individuals, who show elevated CVR to psychological

stressors in the lab tend to show elevated CVR during daily life stressors. Furthermore,

the accuracy of this correlation improved when aggregating observations across

multiple situations. A prospective study on the long-term effects of increased blood

pressure reactivity could show that CVR induced by psychological stress was related

to future systolic blood pressure and the need for antihypertensive medication

(Tuomisto et al., 2005).

There are several studies that conclude that a generalization from lab induced CVR to

daily life CVR is not given, thus questioning the external validity. One study on

musicians (n=29) undergoing a lab task (arithmetic and visual-verbal concepts task)

and a real-life stressor (musical performance in front of a jury) found no support for the

generalizability of lab-assessed heart rate and diastolic blood pressure reactivity (Abel

& Larkin, 1991). Another study on 24 females finding stronger correlations between

measurements of CVR obtained from blood pressure and heart rate within settings

(lab, classroom or at home) than between settings, concluded that the change in

environment is having an impact on CVR, thus limiting generalizability (Gerin et al.,


Nevertheless, CVR seems to be a stable measure of individual physical differences in

coping with stressors (Kamarck et al., 2000). Moreover, not only the magnitude of the

CVR but also the duration of the CVR response may play a vital role in the development

of CVD (Stewart & France, 2001). It could be that heightened CVR itself is not a

problem, when accompanied by a fast recovery, such as the strain on the heart when
Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 183

exercising is in itself no problem when followed by an extensive recovery period.

Stewart and France (2001) found that CVR and cardiovascular recovery are modest

predictors of longitudinal changes in blood pressure.

Future directions in the investigation of long term health outcomes of cardiovascular

reactivity will be in the main domains: 1.) technical developments, 2.) theory building,

3.) more empirical research, and 4.) application of the findings (Zanstra & Johnston,

2011). The technical developments will be discussed in other sections: Smartphones

as a way of assessing stress and coping will be discussed exhaustively in chapter 7.4,

and the future technological directions of field assessments will be presented in section

7.5. The main research question remains: To what extend is CVR rooted in the

individual or the situations she or he experiences. Moreover, it is likely rooted in the

interplay of both sources. Far more research is needed on the influence of personal

characteristics such as age, gender, race, and socioeconomic status.

Moreover, longitudinal studies on large samples are required. So far, the hope that

ambulatory assessment will answer those questions was unfulfilled. Nevertheless,

future studies might try to implement the previous findings into clinical practice. One

could think of interventions that aim to help individuals at risk to recover quicker after

stressful events or interventions that help people to use more adaptive forms of copings

in their daily life might be worth examining. These interventions could be delivered face

to face, in blended care settings, or as guided/unguided online- or mobile-based


7.4 Smartphones as a Way of Assessing Stress and Coping

In general, smartphones offer unique opportunities to collect a vast amount of data in

daily life (Montag & Diefenbach, 2018). Smartphone ownership is widespread all over

the world and specifically high in developed countries (Donner, 2008; Statista, 2018).
Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 184

Overall, younger individuals are more likely to own and use a smartphone when

compared to the elderly, but the technological gap between generations is closing

(Albrecht, 2018). The average active smartphone usage time of a young adult in

Germany is 162 minutes (Montag et al., 2015). Thus, smartphones are not only giving

insight into online behavior, but they also track our offline lives via multiple integrated


In the following, a closer look will be taken on the predictive power of different

smartphone sensors to assess psychological states (e.g., stress, mood, etc.). So far,

there are no studies known on the assessment of stress trough smartphones.

Therefore, the current literature on the assessment of other mental states through

smartphones will be reviewed.

Cornet and Holden (2018) reviewed 35 studies about smartphone-based passive

sensing for health and well-being. Of all included studies, 51% focused on mental

health, 14% on bipolar disorder, and 14% on depression. Throughout the 35 reviewed

papers, accelerometer, location (GPS), audio, and usage data were the most

commonly used sensors. GPS signal was mostly studied concerning depressive

symptoms. The sample sizes of the included studies varied from 5 to 171 participants,

indicating diverse statistical power to detect effects. The Android smartphone operating

system was used in 89% of the included studies. This is not surprising as the iOS

operating system does not allow access to data. Furthermore, android operating

smartphones are more widely used all over the world (88% versus 12% (Statista,

2018)). Instead of using single sensors, most studies combined multiple sensors to

overcome this severe limitation of past approaches (Mehrotra & Musolesi, 2017).

According to Cornet and Holden (2018), the reviewed studies yielded promising results

regarding the feasibility and validity of smartphone-based passive sensing as

significant associations between traditional and sensor-based measurements. They

Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 185

conclude that future research has to address methodological shortcomings, privacy

issues, and the integration of results into routine clinical care.

A closer look on studies using GPS data shows that they can be used to track daily

movement patterns, which might reveal behavioral patterns of mental disease, e.g.,

changes in mobility in depressed individuals (Beiwinkel et al., 2016; Canzian

& Musolesi, 2015; Grünerbl et al., 2012; Grünerbl et al., 2014; Saeb et al., 2015).

Grünerbl and colleagues (2012) conducted a feasibility trial on ten bipolar patients via

an Android app assessing smartphone usage and found first evidence, that location as

well as motion patterns are reasonable indications of state transitions. For example,

time spent outside (4%) in a depressive episode increased to 13% in a "normal" state.

In a follow-up study, it was shown that the mental state of bipolar patients could be

predicted with an accuracy of 80%. Moreover, changes in mood could be detected with

a precision of 96% when using the acceleration sensor and GPS traces (Grünerbl et

al., 2014). Other studies using GPS data also took circadian movements, location

variance, and mobility between locations into account when analyzing the raw data.

They found high correlations between these mobility features and depression,

indicating that depressed individuals visit fewer locations and spend more time at home

(Saeb et al., 2016). Beiwinkel and colleagues (2016) observed similar movement

patterns in bipolar patients. Saeb and colleagues (2015) concluded that GPS signals

may be an essential and reliable predictor of depressive symptom severity and can

serve as early warning signs. If mental states like affect and mental disease can be

predicted through smartphone usage and sensors, the same approach might be used

to predict individual stress levels. Messner and colleagues (2019) could confirm this

assumption in a feasibility study, including 157 students. However, these findings can

only be interpreted as initial evidence due to the small numbers of included participants

as well as limited data analysis (e.g., no movement pattern evaluation, etc.).

Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 186

So far, Servia-Rodríguez and colleagues (2017) conducted the most extensive study

about passive smartphone-based sensing and mood prediction. Smartphone sensor

data, usage data, and self-rated mood based on Russell's core affect theory (2003)

were assessed in 18,000 individuals over three years. Machine learning strategies

were employed to predict demographic user characteristics as well as users’ mood.

They were able to predict mood with an accuracy of 64% for valence and 60% for

arousal. Notably, significant correlations were higher when smartphone sensor data

was used instead of usage data.

Regarding the relationship between mental states and smartphone usage, findings are

mixed so far. Excessive smartphone use has been linked to sleep disturbances and

reduced mood (Demirci et al., 2015; Saeb et al., 2015; Thomée et al., 2011). Saeb and

colleagues (2015) revealed that higher phone usage duration and frequency of use are

related to higher levels of depressive symptom severity. Another study found that

smartphone use and sleep quality predicted depression and anxiety levels (Demirci et

al., 2015). Zillmann´s (1988a) mood management theory states that individuals

consume media to manage their mood, could explain the association between high

smartphone use and diminished mood. Individuals in a foul mood could use their

smartphones to pass the time and to escape their feelings (Adams & Kisler, 2013).

Taken together, smartphones are an integral part of modern life and can, therefore, be

used to track behavior and mental states. So far, the first studies show promising

results in the passive sensing of mental states and disease. The next chapter will

discuss current research about field assessments.

Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 187

7.5 Future Directions of Field Assessments: Potential, Limitations and Ethical


Recent biotechnological advances could complement traditional self-report measures

by including behavioral and biological data (Messner et al., 2019). In the future, the

separation between science and everyday life will be reduced, as smartphones and

other sensors get more weight in one´s daily lives (Conner & Mehl, 2015). Although

the promise of higher accuracy and objectivity in data collection is tempting at first

hand, the danger of abuse of highly sensitive data is given (Harari et al., 2016; Rubeis

& Steger, 2019). Any behavioral or biological data which can be obtained on the big

scale with a rather little cost and effort can be used to either assist individuals or person

groups (e.g., feedback on risky behavior or upcoming adverse events, etc.) or to

systematically penalize them (e.g., higher insurance rates for relapsed smokers, etc.).

One current example from China is the social ranking system of the government

rewarding and punishing its citizens according to their social credibility (Ma, 2018).

Therefore, international standards on what kind of data can be legally obtained, how it

can be transferred safely, where data can be stored securely, and with whom data can

be shared are urgently needed (Mohr et al., 2017; Shilton & Sayles, 2016). One current

effort to increase privacy and data safety is the general data protection regulation of

the European Union, which states that every data is owned by the person who

produced it. Therefore, the individual has maximal control over the handling of his or

her generated data. This approach might also enhance the acceptability of passive

sensing and any other form of behavioral assessment in the field (Shilton, 2009).

Nevertheless, current studies examining data sharing practices in health-related apps

show that the lack of international guidelines leads to questionable and intransparent

data sharing (Grundy et al., 2019; Huckvale et al., 2019). In a study focusing on the 24
Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 188

most popular medical-related apps, it was found that 79% of these apps shared user

data with third parties (Grundy et al., 2019). Moreover, 67% of medical apps provided

services that collected and analyzed user data leading to a heightened risk for a privacy

violation. They conclude that end-users should be aware that their health data is

shared and that this makes them vulnerable to data misuse. One could, for example,

think about a stigmatized disease like HIV/AIDS and a tracking app for medication

intake or safe sex practices. Such information could be used against the individual from

health insurance and other individuals. Moreover, they suggest that developers should

be more transparent on which data is collected, where it is stored, and with whom it is


Another study looking at data sharing and privacy practices in depression and smoking

cessation apps found that 23 out of 25 apps stated in their privacy policy that data

would be shared with third parties. The transmission of data was detected in 33 out of

36 apps. Data was mainly shared with Google and Facebook, but end-users were only

informed in 50% respective 43% of cases about this specific practice. They conclude

that users are denied an informed choice about which data will be collected and to

whom it will be shared. Again, these practices are very problematic when thinking of

data misuse (Huckvale et al., 2019). For example, health insurance could be very

interested in real-life data of relapses into smoking. Taken together, these findings

support individuals' concerns about the use of technology to manage health (Nicholas

et al., 2019). Before implementing passive sensing or IMIs into health care systems,

an improvement of data security and data sharing practices must be given.

Preconditioned that data safety is given, big data analysis could enhance established

therapeutic approaches and assist in lifestyle changes by providing real-time feedback

on desired and unwanted behavior (Baumeister et al., 2018). Furthermore, this

Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 189

somewhat objective way of behavior assessment could enhance diagnostics, assist in

treatment decisions, and give deeper insight into the development, onset, and

persistence of diseases and into the preservation of health (Onnela & Rauch, 2016;

Rathner & Probst, 2018).

The state of the art method to analyze “bigger” data are (deep) machine learning

approaches. These are approaches were the computer iteratively tries to find patterns

and associations in a training data set based on neural networks. If such patterns are

recognized, their accuracy is evaluated on a test data set. These models can easily be

made continuously self-adapting (Bengio et al., 2013; Längkvist et al., 2014; Miotto et

al., 2018; Mohr et al., 2017). Deep machine learning approaches are explorative in

nature. Therefore, those approaches can only lead to novel data-driven theories, which

can be subsequently tested in classical confirmatory studies (Oquendo et al., 2012).

Disadvantages of (deep) machine learning approaches are: 1.) the „black box”, as it is

hard to quantify what the machine learned, 2.) that large quantities of test data are

needed to build sufficient models, and 3.) it is time-consuming (Fatima & Pasha, 2017;

Singh et al., 2007). Therefore, explainable artificial intelligence is a rising field in


Big and large data can be obtained via different devices such as computers, tablets,

smartphones, smartwatches, smart glasses, smart wear, etc. rather unobtrusively.

Either the actual digital trace or the sensors which are integrated into the hardware

such as GPS, microphones, etc. can be used to collect data. With the ongoing

biotechnological advances, these possibilities will increase in the future (Conner

& Mehl, 2015). At the moment, the combination of different body sensors, the so-called

body sensor networks (BNS), is extensively investigated. BNS are used to study

physical activity recognition, emotion recognition, and general health (Gravina et al.,
Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 190

2017; Muzammal et al., 2020; Tian et al., 2019). For an overview, see the article of

Gravina and colleagues (2017) as well as Nweke and colleagues (2019).

So far, sensor variables allow inferences onto environmental conditions (e.g., light,

noise, etc.), characteristics of the person (e.g., gender, age, political orientation, etc.)

and an individual’s behavior (e.g., movement patterns, social interactions, etc.) (Harari

et al., 2016; Saeb et al., 2015; Saeb et al., 2016; Servia-Rodríguez et al., 2017).

Due to these current and future possibilities, researchers and governments should

develop ethical and legal frameworks on how to use data to benefit and not to harm

humanity. Data abuse is a significant threat to the beneficial use of passive sensing to

establish or improve health (Mohr et al., 2017; Shilton & Sayles, 2016).
Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 191
Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 192

8 Synopsis and a General Conclusion

Due to the rapid development of technology, the cost-effective collection of real-life

longitudinal data on the big scale is becoming a reality and will be used by companies,

governments, and scientists to study human behavior (Montag & Diefenbach, 2018).

Moreover, the amount of data being digitally collected and stored is ample and

expanding fast (Murdoch & Detsky, 2013). Due to novel technological interventions

and, therefore, the availability of big affordable data, the way scientists can study

human behavior is changing rapidly. These unique opportunities entail a great

responsibility to manage and handle data carefully and to prevent the misuse of highly

sensitive data (Harari et al., 2016; Mohr et al., 2017; Rubeis & Steger, 2019; Shilton

& Sayles, 2016).

Any biological and behavioral data is sensitive in nature. For example, tracking an

individuals' movement patterns via GPS or Bluetooth might give insight into changes

in mental health and well-being (Cornet & Holden, 2018; Mehrotra & Musolesi, 2017)

but would also reveal frequented places the individual would like to keep private (e.g.,

seeing at a medical specialist). Such private insights entail great responsibility in

handling data. Some studies have taken a closer look at data handling practices of

medical-related or health-behavior apps (Grundy et al., 2019; Huckvale et al., 2019).

They conclude that sharing health-related data is common and that theses sharing

routines are not made transparent for the end-users. This confirms end-users concerns

when using technology to monitor health. According to Nicholas and colleagues

(2019), individuals are more likely to share data about health information (such as

sleep, mood, and physical activity) than sensor data (e.g., location, social actions, and

communication logs). Moreover, insecurity about data safety is a significant inhibitor of

uptake of technical health management solutions (Messner et al., 2019). Thus, before
Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 193

using a technical solution to monitor behavior and health, ethical aspects and data

security must be taken into account.

Nevertheless, the possible advantages of passively monitoring health via technological

devices (such as smartphones) outweigh data safety concerns, as those could be

handled well in the future. Future benefits of passively monitoring individuals' health

would be a.) early detection of disease onset; b.) the delivery of tailored interventions,

c.) evaluation of treatment, d.) improvement in adherence to data collection, e.)

reduction of recall biases and socially desired answer behavior (Messner et al., 2019;

Rathner & Probst, 2018).

Traditional laboratory studies are the counterpart of AA. Their advantages are

controllability of stimuli and cofounding variables, standardization, and fixed study

designs (Zanstra & Johnston, 2011). To date, it is common to infer from laboratory

studies to phenomenons in daily life. When especially looking at social-evaluative

stress and it´s physiological and physical consequences, the dominant theory linking

lab induced stress with health outcomes is the reactivity hypothesis. The reactivity

hypothesis states that accelerated CVR under stress assessed in the lab is associated

with adverse CVD outcomes over time (Krantz & Manuck, 1984; Obrist, 1981; Treiber

et al., 2003). Although this might be true on a rather general level (Johnston et al.,

2008), when taking a closer look into the CV parameters, it was found that CVR

assessed in the lab and in daily life were not associated. Only baseline laboratory HR

predicted ambulatory HR. Moreover, the lab delta score was not related to the

ambulatory HR, pointing towards the limited generalizability of CVR lab scores. Of

note, the cardiovascular load in daily life was the highest in individuals who showed

both, elevated baseline HR and elevated CVR in the lab. To conclude, our findings can

only partly confirm the reactivity hypothesis (Schwerdtfeger et al., 2014).

Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 194

When thinking about the clinical relevance of this finding, it would be of interest,

whether the habitual coping mode of an individual might be associated with CVD over

time. Therefore, this research tested whether CAV is associated with CVD. A

relationship between CAV and a heightened reaction of the ANS to social–evaluative

stressors in the lab and in daily life was shown in previous studies (Coifman et al.,

2007; Kohlmann et al., 1996; Schwerdtfeger & Derakshan, 2010; Schwerdtfeger

& Kohlmann, 2004; Schwerdtfeger & Rathner, 2016). The risk for CVD was

operationalized via the IMT, a general parameter of (pre)clinical atherosclerosis

(Lorenz et al., 2007). It was found that CAV was associated with IMT with increasing

age, thus suggesting that CAV could be a potential risk factor for the development of

CVD over the lifespan (Schwerdtfeger et al., 2015).

When examining the ecological validity of assessing coping with stress in the field, this

thesis could demonstrate that the ASRD, as a form of repressive coping, in stressful

situations can be economically and validly retrieved in the field. The ASRD is a time

stable trait-like coping pattern of elevated autonomous stress reactions compared with

low levels of self-reported stress (Schwerdtfeger & Kohlmann, 2004). It was associated

with adverse health outcomes, such as CVD and cancer (Mund & Mitte, 2012). Future

research could assess ASRD in the field over extended periods to gain insight into the

processes linking habitual coping and the development, onset, and maintenance of


In this thesis could be shown that coping and stress can be ecologically assessed in

the lab and field via diverse methods. Moreover, it was demonstrated that habitual

coping is associated with long-term health outcomes such as atherosclerosis.

Nevertheless, more extensive prospective research is needed to study the assessment

of stress and coping in the field and to broaden the knowledge of long-term health

outcomes of habitual coping modes.

Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 195

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Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 214
Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 215

10 Curriculum Vitae

Mag.a Eva- Maria Messner (maiden name: Rathner)

Herrengasse 11
89610 Oberdischingen

Telephone: +49 (0)17630116053

Date of birth: 26.06.1984

2020 Maternity leave

2019 License to practice Psychological Psychotherapy in Germany
2019 Scientific exchange at the University of Technology Queensland,
2012-2019 Ph.D. study of Psychology at the University of Graz, Austria
2018 License to practice Psychological Psychotherapy in Austria
2018 Scientific exchange at the University of Otago (New Zealand) and
the University of Technology Queensland (Australia)
2016-dato Scientific staff at the University of Ulm, Clinical Psychology and
Psychotherapy, Germany
2013-2016 Scholarship holder of the Austrian Academy of Sciences at the
University of Graz, Health Psychology, Austria
2014 Scientific Exchange at the University of Otago
2012-2013 Scientific staff at the University of Vienna, Clinical Psychology and
Psychotherapy, Austria
2012-2018 Postgraduate Training in Systemic Psychotherapy, ÖAGG Austrian
Association for Group Therapy and Group Dynamics, Austria
2012 Further education as a Trainer in Yoga, Pilates, Zumba, Skiing,
2011-2012 Scientific staff at the University of Graz, Health Psychology, Austria
2011-2012 Officially recognized Trainer for Fitness and Athletics, BSPA
Federal Ministry of Education and Research, Austria
Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 216

2010-2011 Postgraduate Training in Clinical and Health Psychology, KLIPS

University of Vienna, Austria
2011 Trainee in Health Psychology at the Viennese Programme for
Womens Health, Austria
2009-2010 Postgraduate Propaedeutic Psychotherapy Training, HOPP
University of Vienna, Austria
2010 Trainee in Clinical Psychology at the Psychosomatic Clinic
Eggenberg, Austria
2003-2009 Study of psychology (MA) at the University of Vienna, Austria

Main research interests are: Systemic Psychotherapy; Internet- and mobile- based
Therapy (IMI); quality assessment of m-health apps (; ambulatory
assessment; passive sensing (; meta-analysis; voice and speech
analysis; stress, emotion and coping; psychophysiology of health and disease;

Third party funds

Research Grant of the Society for Psychotherapy Research 2019: "The way we talk
and psychological health: Linguistic markers of patient-therapist interaction
and their association with patients’ psychological, interpersonal, and social
systems functioning" in cooperation with Priv.-Doz. Dr. Christina Hunger
(University of Heidelberg), Dr. Markus Wolf (University of Zürich), Dr. Dr.
Gudrun Salamon (Sigmund Freud University Vienna) und Prof. Dr. Johannes
Zimmermann (University of Kassel): 4.990,59$
Women´s fund of Ulm University 2019: 4.000€
Women´s fund of Ulm University 2018: 3.000€
Project fund of the „Systemic Society“ and the „German Association of Systemic
Therapy, Counselling and Family Therapy“2018 in cooperation with Priv.-Doz.
Dr. Christina Hunger (University Heidelberg) for the project “Meta-analysis on
the efficacy of systemic therapy in adults, children and youth”: 10.000€
Short term research stays (KUWI) of the University of Graz 2014: 3.000€
Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 217

DOC scholarship of the “Austrian Academy of Sciences“ 2013 for the project “MiRNA
expression and verbal-autonomic stress response in surgery patients”:
Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 218
Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 219

11 List of Publications

(h-index 7;


Schuller, B. W., Batliner, A., Bergler, C., Messner, E.-M., Hamilton, A., Amiriparian,
S., Baird, A., Rizos, G., Schmitt, M., Stappen, L., Baumeister, H., MacIntyre A.
D., & Hantke, S. (2020). The interspeech 2020 computational paralinguistics
challenge: Elderly emotion, breathing & masks. Proceedings INTERSPEECH.
Shanghai, China: ISCA.

Harrer, M., Adam, S. H., Messner, E.-M., Baumeister, H., Cuijpers, P., Bruffaerts, R.,
Auerbach, R. P., Kessler, R. C., Jacobi, C., Taylor, C. B., Ebert, D. D. (2020).
Prevention of eating disorders at universities: A systematic review and meta-
analysis. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 53, 813-833.

Kraus, J., Scholz, D., Messner, E.-M., Messner, M., & Baumann, M. (2020). Scared to
Trust? – Predicting trust in highly automated driving by depressiveness, negative
self-evaluations and state anxiety. Frontiers in Psychology, 10, 2917.

Messner, E.-M., Terhorst, Y., Barke, A., Baumeister, H., Stoyanov, S., Hides, L.,
Kavanagh, D., Pryss, R., Sander, L., & Probst, T. (2020). The German version of
the Mobile App Rating Scale (MARS-G): Development and Validation Study.
JMIR mHealth uHealth, 8(3), e14479.

Sander, L. B., Schorndanner, J., Terhorst, Y., Spanhel, K., Pryss, R., Baumeister, H.,
& Messner, E.-M. (2020). ‘Help for trauma from the app stores?’ A systematic
review and standardised rating of apps for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
(PTSD). European Journal of Psychotraumatology, 11(1), 1701788.

Sander, L. B., Baumeister, H. & Messner, E.-M. (2020). Smart-Therapy - Internet und
Apps in der Psychotherapie. Psychotherapie aktuell, 1, 20-25.

Schuller, B. W., Batliner, A., Bergler, C., Messner, E.-M., Hamilton, A., Amiriparian,
S., Baird, A., Rizos, G., Schmitt, M., Stappen, L., Baumeister, H., MacIntyre, A.
D., & Hantke, S. (2020). The INTERSPEECH 2020 Computational Paralinguistics
Challenge: Elderly emotion, breathing & masks. Proceedings of the Annual
Conference Interspeech 2020, Shanghai, China.

Stach, M., Kraft, R., Probst, T., Messner, E.-M., Terhorst, Y., Baumeister, H.,
Schickler, M., Reichert, M., Sander, L. B., & Pryss, R. (2020). Mobile Health App
Database - A repository for quality ratings of mHealth Apps. Proceedings of the
33rd IEEE International Symposium on Computer Based Medical Systems
(CBMS), Rochester, MN, USA.
Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 220

Tammewar, A., Cervone, A., Messner, E.-M., & Riccardi, G. (2020). Annotation of
emotion carriers in personal narratives. Proceedings of the Annual Conference
Interspeech 2020, Shanghai, China.


Baird, A., Amirparian, S., Cummins, N., Sturmbauer, S., Janson, J., Messner, E.-M.,
Baumeister, H., Rohleder, N., & Schuller, B. (2019). Using speech to predict
sequentially measured cortisol levels during a Trier Social Stress Test.
Proceedings of the Annual Conference Interspeech 2019, Graz, Austria (pp. 534-

Baumeister, H., Pryss, R., Baumel, A., Pryss, R., & Messner E.-M. Persuasive e-health
design for behavior change. In: H. Baumeister & C. Montag (editors). Digital
Phenotyping and Mobile Sensing (pp. 261-276). Berlin: Springer.

Domhardt, M., Messner, E.-M., Ebert, D. D., & Baumeister, H. (2019). Internet- und
mobilbasierte Psychotherapie. In W. Rief, E. Schramm & Strauß. B. (Hrsg).
Psychologische Psychotherapie - Ein kompetenzorientiertes Lehrbuch.
München: Elsevier Urban & Fischer Verlag.

Knitza, J., Tascilar, K., Messner, E.-M., Meyer, M., Vossen, D., Pulla, A., Bosch, P.,
Kittler, J., Kleyer, A., Sewerin, P., Mucke, J., Haase, I., Simon, D., & Krusche, M.
(2019). German mobile Apps in rheumatology: Review and analysis using the
Mobile Application Rating Scale (MARS). JMIR mHealth uHealth, 7(8), e14991.

Messner, E.-M., Sariyska, R., Mayer, B., Montag, C., Kannen, C., Schwerdtfeger, A.,
& Baumeister, H. (2019). Insights: Future implications of passive smartphone
sensing in the therapeutic context. Verhaltenstherapie, 1–10.

Messner, E.-M., Probst, T., O´Rourke, T., Stoyanov, S., & Baumeister, H. (2019).
mHealth applications: Potentials, limitations, current quality and future directions.
In: H. Baumeister & C. Montag (editors). Digital Phenotyping and Mobile Sensing
(pp.235-248). Berlin: Springer.

Montag, C., Baumeister, H., Kannen, C., Sariyska, R., Messner, E.-M., & Brand, M.
(2019). Concept, possibilities and pilot-testing of a new smartphone application
for the social and life sciences to study human behavior including validation data
from personality psychology. Multidisciplinary Scientific Journal, 2(2),102-115.

Ringeval, F., Schuller, B., Valstar, M., Cummins N, Cowie R, Tavabi, L., Schmitt, M.,
Alisamir, S., Amiriparian, S., Messner, E.-M., Song, S., Liu, S., Zhao, Z., Mallol-
Ragolta A., Ren, Z., Soleymani, M. & Pantic, M. (2019). AVEC 2019 workshop
and challenge: State-of-mind, detecting depression with AI, and cross-cultural
affect recognition. Proceedings of the 9th Audio/Visual Emotion Challenge AVEC
2019, Amherst, MA, USA (pp. 2718-2719).

Sariyska, R., Rathner, E.-M., Baumeister, H., & Montag, C. (2018). Feasibility of linking
molecular genetic markers to real-world social network size tracked on
smartphones. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 12, 945.
Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 221

Schwerdtfeger, A. R., Heene, S., & Messner, E.-M. (2019). Interoceptive awareness
and perceived control moderate the relationship between cognitive reappraisal,
self-esteem, and cardiac activity in daily life. International Journal of
Psychophysiology, 141, 84–92.

Stappen, L., Cummins, N., Messner, E.-M., Baumeister, H., Dineley, J., & Schuller, B.
(2019). Context modelling using hierarchical attention networks for sentiment and
self-assessed emotion detection in spoken narratives. Proceedings of the
ICASSP 2019, Brighton, United Kingdom (pp. 6680-6684).

Stegmaier, M., Raschke, A., Tichy, M., Messner, E.-M., Hajian, S., & Feldengut, A.
(2019). Insights for improving diagram editing gained from an empirical study.
ACM/IEEE 22nd International Conference on Model Driven Engineering
Languages and Systems Companion (MODELS-C), Munich, Germany (pp. 405-

Sturmbauer, S. C., Hock, M., Rathner, E.-M., & Schwerdtfeger A. R. (2019). Das
Angstbewältigungsinventar für medizinische Situationen (ABI-MS). Diagnostica,
65(4), 253-265.

Tammewar, A., Cervone, A., Messner, E.-M., & Riccardi, G. (2019). Modeling user
context for valence prediction from narratives. Proceedings of the Annual
Conference Interspeech 2019, Graz, Austria (pp. 3252-3256).


Rathner, E.-M., & Probst, T. (2018). Mobile Applikationen in der

psychotherapeutischen Praxis: Chancen und Grenzen. Psychotherapie im
Dialog, 19(4), 51–55.

Rathner, E.-M., Djamali, J., Terhorst, Y., Schuller, B., Cummins, N., Salamon, G.,
Hunger-Schoppe, C., & Baumeister, H. (2018). How did you like 2017? Detection
of language markers of depression and narcissism in personal narratives.
Proceedings of the Annual Conference Interspeech 2018, Hyderabad, India (pp.

Rathner, E.-M., Terhorst, Y., Cummins, N., Schuller, B., & Baumeister, H. (2018).
State of mind: Classification through self-reported affect and word use in speech.
Proceedings of the Annual Conference Interspeech 2018, Hyderabad, India (pp.

Schuller, B. W., Steidl, S., Batliner, A., Marschik, P. B., Baumeister, H., Dong, F.,
Hantke, S., Pokorny, F. B., Rathner, E.-M., Bartl-Pokorny, K. D., Einspieler, C.,
Zhang, D., Baird, A., Amiriparian, S., Qian, K., Ren, Z., Schmitt, M., Tzirakis, P.,
& Zafeiriou, S. (2018). The INTERSPEECH 2018 Computational Paralinguistics
Challenge: Atypical & self-assessed affect, crying & heart beats. Proceedings of
the Annual Conference Interspeech 2018, Hyderabad, India (pp. 122-126).
Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 222

Terhorst, Y., Rathner, E.-M., Baumeister, H., & Sander, L. (2018). “Hilfe aus dem App-
Store?”: Eine systematische Übersichtsarbeit und Evaluation von Apps zur
Anwendung bei Depressionen. Verhaltenstherapie, 28(2), 101-112.


Schwerdtfeger, A. R., & Rathner E-M. (2016). The ecological validity of the autonomic-
subjective response dissociation in repressive coping. Anxiety, Stress & Coping,
29(3), 241-258.

Schwerdtfeger, A. R., Scharnagl, H., Stojakovic, T., Rathner, E.-M. (2015). Cognitive
avoidant coping is associated with higher carotid intima media thickness among
middle-aged adults. International Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 22(5), 597-604.

Schwerdtfeger, A. R., Schienle, A., Leutgeb, V., & Rathner, E.-M. (2015). Does cardiac
reactivity in the laboratory predict ambulatory heart rate? Baseline counts.
Psychophysiology, 51(6), 565-572.
Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 223

12 Author Disclosure


This research was partly funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG; Grant

No. SCHW 1188/5-1). Furthermore, this work was funded from 2013-2016 by the

Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW;, the KUWI

scholarship for the research stay at the University of Otago (2014) of the University of

Graz, the Women´s fund of Ulm University for the research stays in Australia and New

Zealand in 2018 and 2019.


This accumulative doctoral thesis was developed and written by myself under the

supervision of Univ.-Prof. Dr. Dipl.-Psych. Andreas Schwerdtfeger. My contributions to

the included papers were as followed:

The paper „Insights: Future implications of passive smartphone sensing in the

therapeutic context.” (Messner, Sariyska, Mayer, Montag, Kannen, Schwerdtfeger,

Baumeister, 2019) was drafted and handed in by myself. For this paper, I developed

the research idea, the technology, collected the data, prepared the data, and

calculated the models in cooperation with Benjamin Mayer. All co-authors revised the

manuscript and the adaption after the peer-review.

For the article, “Does cardiac reactivity in the laboratory predict ambulatory heart rate?

Baseline counts.” (Schwerdtfeger, Schienle, Leutgeb, & Rathner, 2014) I collected the

data, prepared the data, prepared the descriptive statistics, discussed the results, and

was assisting in writing the first draft as well as the revisions.

Psychophysiology of Stress and Coping 224

My contributions to the manuscript “The ecological validity of the autonomic-subjective

response dissociation in repressive coping” (Schwerdtfeger, & Rathner, 2016) I

collected the data, prepared the data, prepared the descriptive statistics, discussed the

results, was assisting in writing the first draft as well as the revisions.

For the article „Avoidant Coping Is Associated with Higher Carotid Intima-Media

Thickness Among Middle-Aged Adults.” (Schwerdtfeger, Scharnagl, Stojakovic, &

Rathner, 2014) I collected the data, prepared the data, prepared the descriptive

statistics, discussed the results, and was assisting in writing the first draft as well as

the revisions.

Conflicts of Interest

With this, I declare no conflicts of interest.

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