BUET Final Written Exam 04 Solve Sheet

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cBrain Stormers

Admission Program-2022
Special Model Test: BUET Written Final Exam-04
Solution sheet
Time: 2-hour Full Marks:400
λ2 + 3λ λ−1 λ−3
4 3 2
01. hw` pλ + qλ + rλ + sλ + t = | λ − 1 −2λ λ − 4|; ‡mLv‡b p, q, r, s Ges t aªæeK| Z‡e t Gi gvb KZ?
λ−3 λ+4 3λ
λ2 + 3λ λ−1 λ−3
4 3 2
[Let pλ + qλ + rλ + sλ + t = | λ + 1 −2λ λ − 4|; where p, q, r, s and t are constants. Find value of t.]
λ−3 λ+4 3λ
0 −1 3
Solution Putting λ = 0, we obtain t = | 1 0 −4| = 0; as it is a skew symmetric determinant of odd order.
−3 4 0

02. ABCD AvqZ‡ÿ‡Îi cwie„‡Ëi GKwU e¨vm 2x − y + 4 = 0; A Ges B we›`yi ¯’vbv¼ h_vµ‡g (4,6) I (1,9)| AvqZ‡ÿ‡Îi †ÿÎdj wbY©q Ki| [A
diameter of the circumcircle of the rectangle ABCD is 2x − y + 4 = 0; the coordinates of points A and B are respectively
(4,6) and (1,9). Find the area of the rectangle.]

awi, ABCD AvqZ‡ÿ‡Îi cwie„‡Ëi †K›`ª O(h, k)| O(h, k) †K›`ª 2x − y + 4 = 0 (e¨vm) †iLvi Dci Aew¯’Z|

AZGe, 2h − k + 4 = 0 … … … (i), Avevi, ‡h‡nZz OA = OB, AZGe, (h − 4)2 + (k − 6)2 = (h − 1)2 + (k − 9)2

⇒ −8h − 12k + 16 + 36 = −2h − 18k + 1 + 81; ⇒ 6h − 6k + 30 = 0 ⇒ h − k + 5 = 0 … … … (ii)

Solution (i) I (ii) n‡Z cvB, h = 1, k = 6 ∴ cwie„‡Ëi †K›`ª (1,6)

x1 +4 y1 +6
C we›`yi ¯’vbv¼ (x1 , y1 ) n‡j, = 1 Ges = 6 [∵ O †K›`ª AC K‡Y©i ga¨we›`y] ev, x1 = −2, y1 = 6 A_v©r C Gi ¯’vbv¼ (−2,6)
2 2

AB evû = √(4 − 1)2 + (6 − 9)2 = 3√2 Ges BC evû = √(1 + 2)2 + (9 − 6)2 = 3√2

∴ ABCD Gi †ÿÎdj = AB. BC = 3√2 × 3√2 = 18 eM©GKK

03. ABC Gi AB, BC, CA evûi ga¨we›`y D(1, 2), E(2, 4), F(5, 6) n‡j ABC Gi cwie„‡Ëi mgxKiY wbY©q Ki| [Find the equation of the circum-
circle of ABC if the midpoints of the sides AB, BC, CA of ABC are D(1, 2), E(2, 4), F(5, 6).]
6−4 2
GLv‡b, mAB = mEF = = ∴ OD ⊥ AB ∴ mOD = −1
5−2 3

 OD †iLvi mgxKiY, y − 2 = −(x − 1)  x + y = 3 .............................(i)

2−4 1
Avevi, mAC = mDE = = 1 ∴ OF ⊥ AC ∴ mOF = −
1−2 2
 y − 6 = − (x − 5)  2 − 12 = − x + 5  x + 2y = 17..................(ii)

(i) I (ii) n‡Z, x = −11, y = 14  O we›`yi ¯’vbv¼ (−11, 14)

 OB2 = EO2 + BE2 = 32 + 269 = 301  cwie„‡Ëi mgxKiY, (x + 11) 2 + (y − 14)2 = 301

Brain Stormers Special Model Test

C A 3b C A 3b
04. hw` acos 2 + ccos 2 = nq Z‡e cÖgvY Ki †h, wÎfz‡Ri evû¸‡jv mgvšÍi cÖMwZ‡Z Av‡Q| [If acos 2 + ccos 2 = , then prove that
2 2 2 2 2 2
the sides of the triangle are in arithmetic progression]
C A 3b C A
‡`Iqv Av‡Q, acos 2 + ccos 2 = ⇒ a. 2cos 2 + c. 2cos 2 = 3b
2 2 2 2 2

Solution ⇒ a(1 + cosC) + c(1 + cosA) = 3b ⇒ (a + c) + (acosC + ccosA) = 3b

⇒ a + c + b = 3b [∵ b = acosC + ccosA] ⇒ a + c = 2b ⇒ a − b = b − c, hv mgvšÍi cÖMwZwewkó|

05. y = a lnx + bx2 + x dvskbwUi x = −1 I x = 2 n‡Z `ywU cÖvwšÍK gvb Av‡Q| a I b Gi gvb wbY©q Ki| [The function y = a lnx + bx2 + x has two
extremities at x = −1 and x = 2. Determine the values of a and b.]
dy a
y = a lnx + bx2 + x.........................(i)  = + 2bx + 1..........................(ii)
dx x

d2 y a
 =− + 2b.........................(iii) ;
dx2 x2

Solution x = −1 n‡j, = 0  −a − 2b = −1  a + 2b = 1 .........................(iv)

dy a
x = 2 n‡j, = 0  + 4b + 1 = 0  a + 8b = −2 .........................(v)
dx 2

(iv) I (v) n‡Z, a = 2 Ges b = −

(tan x)...........∞ dy (tan x)...........∞ dy

06. y = (tan x)(tan x) n‡j, wbY©q Ki| [If y = (tan x)(tan x) , determine ]
dx dx

y = (tan x)(tan x)...........∞  ln y = y ln(tanx);

1 dy dy y dy 1 dy y2 sec x.cosecx
. = ln( tan x) + . sec 2 x ⇒ [ − ln( tan x)] = y sec x cosecx  =
y dx dx tan x dx y dx 1−y ln( tan x)

07. ∫ √x+√1−x =?

awi, x = sin2 θ ⇒ dx = 2sinθcosθdθ ⇒ dx = sin2θdθ

dx sin2θdθ 1+sin2θ−1 (sinθ+cosθ)2 −1 dθ
∫ √x+√1−x = ∫ sinθ+cosθ = ∫ sinθ+cosθ dθ = ∫ dθ = ∫(sinθ + cosθ)dθ − ∫
sinθ+cosθ sinθ+cosθ

Solution 1 dθ 1 π
= −cosθ + sinθ −
∫ cos (θ−π) = √x − cossin−1 √x − √2 ∫ sec (θ − 4 )dθ

1 π π
= √x − cossin−1 √x − ln |sec (sin−1 √x − ) + tan (sin−1 √x − )| + c
√2 4 4

08. y = ln(x + e) , x = ln ( ) eµ‡iLv `ywU Ges |x| = 2 Øviv Ave× ‡ÿ‡Îi †ÿÎdj KZ ? [Find the area enclosed by the two curves

y = ln(x + e) , x = ln ( ) and |x| = 2.]

x A‡ÿi Dci cÖ‡qvRbxq we›`y x = −2, x = 1 − e, x = 2 Ges g~jwe›`y (0,0)

1g PZzfv©‡M: x = ln ( ) eµ‡iLv Øviv Ave× †ÿÎ;

A1 = ∫0 e−x dx = e−2 + 1 = 0.865 sq. unit

Solution y = ln (x + e) eµ‡iLv Øviv Ave× †ÿ‡Î,

A2 = ∫0 ln(x + e) dx = [xln(x + e) − x + eln(x + e)]20 = 2.6 sq. unit

A′ = A2 − A1 = 1.735 sq. unit

2q PZzfv©‡M ‡ÿÎdj: A3 = ∫0 e−x dx = [−e−x ]−2 2
0 = −e + 1

Brain Stormers Special Model Test

A4 = ∫0 ln(x + e) = [xln(x + e) − x + eln(x + e)]1−e
0 = −1 + e − e = −1 ; A′′ = A3 − A4 = −e2 + 23q
PZzfv©‡M †ÿÎdj: A′′′ = ∫1−e ln (x + e) dx = [xln(x + e) − x + eln(x + e)]1−e
= 0.044 sq. unit

‡gvU Ave× †ÿ‡Îi †ÿÎdj, A = A′ + A′′ + A′′′ = 7.17 sq. unit

09. x, y ev¯Íe Ges z = x + iy Ges = ib n‡j †`LvI †h, (x, y) we›`ywU e„‡Ëi Dci Aew¯’Z Ges D³ e„‡Ëi †K›`ª I e¨vmva© wbY©q Ki| [If x, y is real and

z = x + iy and = ib, show that (x, y) point is located on the circle and determine the center and radius of that circle.]

†`Iqv Av‡Q, z = x + iy Ges = ib

x+iy−i x+(y−1)i {x+(y−1)i}{(x−1)−iy}

∴ = ib ⇒ = ib ⇒ = ib
x+iy−1 (x−1)+iy {(x−1)+iy}{(x−1)−iy}

x(x−1)−ixy+i(y−1)(x−1)−i2 y(y−1) x(x−1)+y(y−1) (y−1)(x−1)−xy

⇒ = 0 + ib ∴ + = 0 + ib
(x−1)2 +y2 (x−1)2 +y2 (x−1)2 +y2

Solution  Dfqcÿ n‡Z ev¯Íe Ask mgxK…Z K‡i cvB|

1 1 1 1 1 1
x(x − 1) + y(y − 1) = 0 ⇒ x 2 − x + y 2 − y = 0 ⇒ x 2 − 2. . x + + y 2 − 2. . y + = +
2 4 2 4 4 4

1 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 2
 (x − ) + (y − ) = ∴ (x − ) + (y − ) = ( )
2 2 2 2 2 √2

1 1 1
A_©vr (x, y) we›`ywU GKwU e„‡Ëi Dci Aew¯’Z hvi †K›`ª ( , ) I e¨vmva© GKK|
2 2 √2

10. †h kZ© mv‡c‡ÿ x2 + bx + c = 0 Gi g~jØq x2 + qx + r = 0 Gi g~j؇qi cÖ‡Z¨‡Ki ¸Y n‡e Zv wbY©q Ki| [Find the condition under which the
roots of x2 + bx + c = 0 are times of each of the roots of x2 + qx + r = 0.]

g‡b Kwi, x2 + qx + r = 0 mgxKi‡Yi g~jØq ,    +  = −q ;  = r

3 3 3 −3
Solution cÖ`Ë kZ©vbymv‡i, x2 + bx + c = 0 Gi g~jØq  Ges   ( + ) = −b  q = −b  3q = 4b
4 4 4 4

3 3 9 9
Avevi, α × β = c ⇒ αβ = c ⇒ r = c  9r = 16c  wb‡Y©q kZ©: 4b = 3q Ges 9r = 16c
4 4 16 16

11. GKwU Dce„‡Ëi mgxKiY wbY©q Ki hvi †dvKvmØq (−1, −1) I (1, 1) Ges hvi e„nr A‡ÿi ˆ`N©¨ 2√3| [Find the equation of an ellipse whose foci
are (−1, −1) and (1, 1) and length of major axis is 2√3.]

awi, cive„‡Ëi Dci †h‡Kv‡bv we›`y p(x, y) Ges †dvKvmØq s(−1, −1) I s(1, 1)

⇒ √(x + 1)2 + (y + 1)2 + √(x − 1)2 + (y − 1)2 = 2√3

⇒ (x + 1)2 − (x − 1)2 + (y + 1)2 − (y − 1)2 − 12 = −4√3√(x − 1)2 + (y − 1)2

Solution ⇒ 4x + 4y − 12 = −4√3√(x − 1)2 + (y − 1)2

 (x + y − 3)2 = 3{(x − 1)2 + (y − 1)2 } [eM© K‡i]

⇒ x 2 + y 2 + 2xy − 6y − 6x + 9 = 3(x 2 + y 2 − 2x − 2y + 2)

⇒ x 2 + y 2 + 2xy − 6x − 6y + 9 = 3x 2 + 3y 2 − 6x − 6y + 6  2x2 + 2y2 − 2xy − 3 = 0

1 3 π 1 1 3 π 1
12. cÖgvY Ki †h: cos −1 = − tan−1 [Prove that: cos −1 = − tan−1 ]
2 5 4 3 2 5 4 3

π 1 1 1− 1
R. H. S. = − tan−1 = tan−1 (1) − tan−1 ( ) = tan−1 3
1 = tan−1
4 3 3 1+ 2
1 1 1 1− 1 3
= . 2tan−1 = . cos −1 4
1 = cos −1 = L. H. S [Proved]
2 2 2 1+ 2 5

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1 5b−3a
13. mgZ¡i‡Y Pjgvb GKwU KYv mgvb weiwZKv‡j cici a, b, c `~iZ¡ AwZµg K‡i| cÖgvY Ki †h, b = (a + c) Ges AšÍ‡eM I Avw`‡e‡Mi AbycvZ . [A
2 3a−b
particle moving with uniform acceleration travels successive distances a, b, c at equal intervals. Prove that, b = (a +
c) and the ratio of final velocity and initial velocity is .]

1 1 1
a = ut + rt 2 ; b = (u + rt)t + rt 2 ; c = (u + 2rt)t + rt 2
2 2 2

(a + c) =
{rt 2 + (2u + 2rt)t} = (u + rt)t +
rt 2 = b a u+ rt b c
Solution 2 2 2 u v
v u+3rt 2ut+6rt2
5 3
5ut+5rt2 + rt2 −3ut− rt2 5b−3a
t t t
2 2
= = = 3 2 1 = [Proved]
u u 2ut 3ut+ rt −ut−rt2 − rt2 3a−b
2 2

14. f‚wgi mv‡_ AvbZ GKwU gm„Y Z‡ji Dci 20gm f‡ii GKwU e¯‘‡K Zj eivei GKwU ivwki mvnv‡h¨ †e‡a myw¯’i ivLv n‡q‡Q| iwkwU m‡e©v”P 10√3gm IRb
mn¨ Ki‡Z cv‡i| Z‡ji AvbwZ KZ n‡j iwkwU wQ‡o hv‡e| [An object of mass 20gm is kept stable on a smooth surface inclined to the
ground by means of a rod tied along the surface. The rope can withstand a maximum weight of 10√3gm. At what amount
of inclination the rope will snap?]


15. w¯úªs Gi AMÖfv‡M AvUKv‡bv m f‡ii †Kv‡bv e¯‘i ch©vqKvj T I w¯úªs aªæeK k. T = (1.1  0.1)s, M= (210  5) gm [The time period of motion
of an object of mass m attached to the front of the spring is T and the spring constant is k. T = (1.1  0.1)s, M= (210  5)

(i) T wbY©q Ki [Calculate T] (ii) k Gi cwigv‡c AwbðqZv KZ? [Calculate the error in measurement in k]

M M 0.21
(i) T= 2π√ ev k = 4π2 = 4×(3.14)2 × = 6.85Nm−1
k T2 (1.1)2

Solution Δk ΔM ΔT ΔM ΔT 5 0.1
(ii) k cwigv‡c AwbðqZv, = +2 ∴ Δk = ( +2 )×k= ( +2× ) × 6.85 = 1.41Nm−1
k M T M T 210 1.1

k = (6.94  1.41)Nm−1

16. GKRb e¨w³ GKwU e„ËvKvi c‡_ 5 m/s aªæe MwZ‡Z ‡`Šov‡”Q| hw` wewfbœ mg‡q A, B, C Zvi †Kv‡bv ZvrÿwbK Ae¯’vb nq Zvn‡j †e‡Mi cwieZ©b †ei Ki| [If
a person is running in a circular path at a constant velocity 5 m/s. If at different times A, B, C are its instantaneous positions
then find the change in velocity.]

(a)A †_‡K B [From A to B] ; (b) A †_‡K C †Z| [From A to C]

awi A ‡Z †eM VA ; B ‡Z †eM VB ; C ‡Z †eM VC

cÖkœ Abyhvqx †e‡Mi cwieZ©b, = ⃗⃗⃗⃗

VB − ⃗⃗⃗⃗
VA = ⃗⃗⃗⃗ ⃗⃗⃗⃗A )
VB + (−V


Zvn‡j, R = √VB 2 + (−VA )2 + 2. VB . (−VA )cos90° = √52 + (−5)2 + 0 = 7.1 m/s

V 5
w`K, θ = tan−1 ( B ) = tan−1 ( ) = 45°
VA 5

⃗⃗⃗⃗C − ⃗⃗⃗⃗
(b) GKBfv‡e, ‡e‡Mi cwieZ©b, = V VA = 5 − (−5) = 10 m/s

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17. GKwU †fjv 10 km/h †e‡M MwZkxj Ges G‡Z 60 kg Ges 70 kg f‡ii `yÕRb e¨w³ (A I B) Ae¯’vb Ki‡Q| cÖ_g e¨w³ A, 4 km/h †e‡M †fjvi †e‡Mi
wecixZ w`‡K Ges wØZxq e¨w³ B, 6 km/h †e‡M †fjvi †e‡Mi w`‡K jvd †`q| ‡fjvi fi 200 kg| [A raft moves with a velocity of 10 km/h
and carries two persons (A and B) of masses 60kg and 70kg. The first-person A jumps in the direction opposite to the velocity
of the raft with a velocity of 4 km/h and the second person B jumps in the direction of the velocity of the raft with a velocity
of 6 km/h. The weight of the raft is 200 kg.]

(i) e¨w³ `yÕRb hw` GKBmv‡_ jvd ‡`q Zvn‡j †fjvi †eM KZ n‡e ? w`K wbY©q Ki|[What will be the velocity of the raft if two persons jump
simultaneously? Determine the direction.]

(ii) hw` A Gi 3sec c‡i B jvd †`q Zvn‡j †fjvi †kl ‡eM KZ n‡e? [If B jumps 3sec after A then what will be the final velocity of the

(i) ‡`Iqv Av‡Q, †fjvi Avw`‡eM, v0 = 10 km/h ; ‡fjvi fi m = 200 kg ; A e¨w³i fi, mA = 60 kg ;

B e¨w³i fi,mB = 70 kg ; A e¨w³i ‡eM, vA = −4 km/h ; B e¨w³i ‡eM,vB = 6 km/h ; ‡fjvi †kl †eM, v =?

Avgiv Rvwb, Avw` fi†eM = †kl fi†eM

(m + mA + mB )v0 = mA vA + mB vB + mv

⇒ (200 + 60 + 70) × 10 = −60 × 4 + 70 × 6 + 200 v ⇒ v = 15.6 km/h

∴ ‡e‡Mi w`K †fjv †hw`‡K MwZkxj wQj †mB w`‡KB|

Solution (ii). awi, A jvd †`qvi ci B mn †fjvi †eM v′

hw` A Av‡M jvd †`q, (m + mA + mB )v0 = mA vA + (mB + m)v′

⇒ (200 + 60 + 70) × 10 = 60 × (−4) + (70 + 200)v′ ⇒ v ′ = 13.11 km/h c~‡e© MwZi w`‡KB

A Gi 3sec c‡i B jvd †`q| GLv‡b mgq †Kv‡bv f~wgKv cvjb K‡i bv Kvib †fjvi †eM mg‡eM Ges Zv cieZx© fi‡e‡Mi cwieZ©b bv
nIqv ch©šÍ GKB _vK‡e| myZivs, (mB + m)v ′ = mB vB + mv" [v" n‡”Q B jvd †`qvi c‡ii †eM]

⇒ (200 + 70) × 13.11 = 70 × 6 + 200v" ⇒ v" = 15.598 ≈ 15.6 = (i) n‡Z cªvß v

A_v©r, GKmv‡_ jvd A_ev Avjv`v jvd Dfq‡ÿ‡Î †fjvi †kl †eM GKB _vK‡e|

18. †Kvb Mv‡Qi Wv‡j GKwU Avg SzjwQj| GKRb †jvK AvgwU jÿ¨ K‡i Lvov Dc‡ii w`‡K GKwU cv_i Qzo‡jb| AvgwU‡K AvNvZ Kivi mgq cv_iwUi †eM 9.8ms−1|
hw` H †jvK Av‡Mi Zzjbvq A‡a©K kw³ e¨q K‡ib Z‡e cv_iwU †Kej AvgwUi D”PZvq †cŠQ‡Z cv‡i, AvgwUi D”PZv KZ? [A mango was hanging on the
branch of a tree. A man noticed the mango and threw a stone steep upwards. The velocity of the stone when it hits the
mango is 9.8ms−1. If the man expends half as much energy as before, the stone can only reach the height of the mango, what
is the height of the mango?]
†`Iqv Av‡Q, Avw`‡eM = v0 Ges AvgwU‡K AvNvZ Kivi mgq †eM V n‡j m(v02 − v 2 ) = mgh. . . . . . . . . . . . . . (i)
1 1
2q †ÿ‡Î, mv02 × = mgh. . . . . . . . . . . . . . (ii)  v02 = 4gh GLb (i) n‡Z, v 2 = 2gh  h = 4.9 [∵v = 9.8ms−1]
2 2

19. A I B `ywU e¯‘i fi h_vµ‡g 8000kg Ges 6000kg| e¯‘Øq 0.25m e¨eav‡b Aew¯’Z| [Two objects A and B of mass 8000kg and 6000kg
respectively are located at a distance of 0.25m.]

(i) A I B †_‡K h_vµ‡g 0.2m Ges 0.15m `~‡i Aew¯’Z GKwU we›`y P †Z Dfq e¯‘i Rb¨ m„ó gnvKl©xq †ÿÎ cÖve‡j¨i jwäi gvb wbY©q Ki| [Determine
the magnitude of the resultant gravitational field strength created for both objects A and B at a point P which is 0.2m and
0.15m from A and B respectively.]

(ii) e¯‘ `ywUi Rb¨ P we›`y‡Z gnvKl©xq wefe KZ? [What is the gravitational potential at point P for both objects?]
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0.15 m
Special Model Test
0.2 m

0.25 m
cÖvej¨, E =

GMA 6.673×10−11 ×8000

 EA = = = 1.3346 × 10−5 NKg −1
(0.2)2 (0.2)2

GmB 6.673×10−11 ×6000

EB = = = 1.779 × 10−5 NKg −1
(0.15)2 (0.15)2
(0.2)2 +(0.15)2 −(0.25)2
 cos  APB =  cos  APB = 0  APB = 90

 jwä cÖvej¨, E = √EA 2 + EB 2 = 2.22 × 10−5 NKg −1

−GmA GmB 8000 6000

 gnvKl©xq wefe, V = VA + VB = − = −G ( + ) = −5.34 × 10−6 JKg −1
0.2 0.15 0.2 0.15

20. mxmvi ¯^vfvweK NbZ¡ 11.4 g cm−3 Ges AvqZb ¸YvsK 0.8× 1010 Nm−2 n‡j, 2× 108 Nm−2 Pv‡c mxmvi NbZ¡ KZ n‡e? [The density of lead is 11.4
g cm−3 & the coefficient at volume is 0.8× 1010 Nm−2 then what will be the density of the lead with 2× 108 Nm−2 pressure.]

mxmvi ¯^vfvweK NbZ¡ ρ = 11.4 cm-3 =11400 kg m-3, AvqZb ¸Yv¼ B = 0.8 × 1010 Nm-2 I Pvc P = 2 × 108 Nm-2
∴ρ= | GLb Pvc evov‡j fi AcwiewZ©Z _v‡K wKš‘ AvqZb cwiewZ©Z nq| d‡j Nb‡Z¡i cwieZ©b N‡U| myZivs, Pvc evovi d‡j
cwieZ©bK…Z NbZ¡ I AvqZb ρ' I V'|
Solution PV PV V−V′ P 2× 108 V′ 2×108 V′
GLb AvqZb ¸Yv¼, B = = ⇒ = = ⇒ 1− = ⇒ = 0.975 ∴ V ′ = 0.975 V
∆V V−V′ V B 0.8 × 1010 V 8× 109 V

m m V
∴ bZzb NbZ¡, ρ' = = = 11400 × = 11692.31 kgm-3
V′ 0.975V 0.975V


m1 f‡ii GKwU eøK V †e‡M Wvb cv‡k iwÿZ m2 f‡ii Av‡iKwU eøK‡K AvNvZ K‡i Ges m2 Gi mv‡_ AvU‡K hvq| Abyf‚wgK ZjwU‡K Nl©Ynxb we‡ePbv Kiv
n‡q‡Q| wØZxq eøKwU mvg¨ve¯’vq Av‡Q| GLv‡b, m1 = 5kg, m2 = 3kg, K = 3000Nm−1 Ges V = 15ms−1 [A block of mass m1 strikes with
velocity V and collides with another block of mass m2. The vertical surface is considered to be frictionless. The second block
is in equilibrium. Here, m1 = 5kg, m2 = 3kg, K = 3000Nm−1 and V = 15ms−1]

(i) ¯ú›`‡bi †KŠwYK K¤úv¼ wbY©q Ki| [Determine the angular frequency of the vibration.]

(ii) w¯úªs Gi m‡e©v”P ms‡KvPb wbY©q Ki| [Determine the maximum contraction of the spring.]

(iii) mshy³ eø‡Ki Z¡iY KZ? [What is the acceleration of the attached block?]
m1 v 5×15
fi‡e‡Mi wbZ¨Zvi wewa Abymv‡i, m1 v = (m1 + m2 )vf ⇒ vf = = = 9.375ms −1
m1 +m2 5+3

k k 3000
(i) †KŠwYK K¤úv¼, ω = √ = √( )=√ = 19.37rads −1
m m1 +m2 5+3
v 9.375
(ii) vmax = A ⇒ A = = = 0.484m [vmax = vf]
ω 19.37

(iii) amax = 2A = (19.37)2  0.484 = 181.6ms−2

22. †Kvb n«‡`i Zj‡`k †_‡K cvwb DcwiZ‡j Avmvi d‡j †Kvb evqy ey`ey‡`i AvqZb wظY nq| evqygÛ‡ji Pvc 105Pa Ges n«‡`i MfxiZv 10m n‡j Zzwg wKfv‡e
cÖgvY Ki‡e, n«‡`i cvwb m¤ú~Y© weï× bq? [As water rises from the bottom of a lake, the volume of an air bubble doubles. If the
atmospheric pressure is 105Pa and the depth of the lake is 10m, how do you prove that the water in the lake is not
completely pure?]

GLv‡b, Zj‡`‡k ey`ey‡`i AvqZb, V1 = V; DcwiZ‡j ey`ey‡`i AvqZb, V2 = 2V; n«‡`i MfxiZv, h = 10m

Solution Zj‡`‡k Pvc, P1 = evqygÛ‡ji Pvc + hg = 105 + hg; DcwiZ‡j Pvc P2 = evqygÛ‡ji Pvc = 105 Pa

P2 105
Avgiv Rvwb, P1 V1 = P2 V2 ⇒ (P2 + hρg) × V = P2 × 2V ⇒ ρ = =  NbZ¡ =  = 1020.4kgm−3
hg 10×9.8

Brain Stormers Special Model Test

wKš‘, weï× cvwbi NbZ¡ = 1000 kgm−3|  cvwb weï× bq|

23. 100°C ZvcgvÎvq 1g cvwb‡K ev‡®ú iƒcvšÍwiZ Kiv n‡jv| hw` ev‡®úi AvqZb 1671 cc Zvn‡j wm‡÷‡gi Af¨šÍixb kw³i cwieZ©b ‡ei Ki| ev‡®úi
Av‡cwÿK myßZvc = 2256Jg −1 [1g water is converted into vapour at 100°C. Find the change in internal energy of the system if
the volume of the vapor is 1671 cc. Relative Latent Heat of Vapor = 2256Jg −1 ]

ZvcMwZwe`¨vi cÖ_g m~Î g‡Z, dq = du + Pdv ⇒ ml = du + P(Vs − Vw )

cvwbi fi m = 1g = 10−3 Kg ; Af¨šÍixb kw³i cwieZ©b du ; evqygÛjxq Pvc P = 101325Pa

Solution m 10−3
ev‡®úi AvqZb Vs = 1671cc = 1671× 10−6 m3 cvwbi AvqZb Vw = = = 10−6 m3
ρ 103

∴ du = ml − P((Vs − Vw ) = 10-3 × 2268000 − 101325 × (1671 × 10−6 − 10−6 ) = 2098.787 J

24. GKwU mgevû wÎfz‡Ri wZb †KvYvq cÖ‡Z¨KwU +6nC gv‡bi wZbwU PvR© ivLv Av‡Q| wÎfz‡Ri cÖwZevûi ˆ`N©¨ 0.12m. wÎfz‡Ri f‚wgi ga¨we›`y‡Z wefe wbY©q Ki|
[An equilateral triangle has three charges of value +6nC each at the three corners. The length of the each side of the
triangle is 0.12m. Find the potential at the midpoint of the base of the triangle.]


g‡b Kwi, ABC DwÏó mgevû wÎfzR| AB = BC = CA = 0.12m Ges D, BC ga¨we›`y| ABC mgevû e‡j,

ADC = 90  AD = √AC 2 − CD2 = √(0.12)2 − (0.06)2 = 0.104m

q 1 1 1
PvR©Î‡qi cwigvY,q1 = q2 = q3 = q = 6 × 10−9 C  wb‡Y©q wefe,V = VA + VB + VC = ( + + )
4π∈o AD BD CD

1 1 1
= 6 × 10−9 × 9 × 109 × ( + + ) = 2319.23V
0.104 0.06 0.06

25. M¨vjfv‡bvwgUv‡ii ga¨ w`‡q cÖevn wbY©q Ki| [Determine the current through the galvanometer.]

wPÎwU‡K Avevi AvuK‡j ABCDA jy‡c wKk©‡di 2q m~Î cÖ‡qvM K‡i cvB,

−100I1 − 10(I1 − Ig ) + 5(I2 + Ig ) + 60I2 = 1

Solution ⇒ −100I1 − 10I1 10Ig + 5I2 + 5Ig + 60I2 = 0

⇒ 15Ig − 110I1 + 65I2 = 0. . . . . . . . . . . . (i)

ABDA jy‡c wKk©‡di 2q m~Î cÖ‡qvM K‡i cvB, −100I1 − 15Ig + 60I2 = 0

Brain Stormers Special Model Test

⇒ −20I1 − 3Ig + 12I2 = 0
⇒ −20I1 − 3[110I1 − 65I2 ] + 12I2 = 0
⇒ −42I1 + 25I2 = 0. . . . . . . . . . . . . (ii)

ADCEA jy‡c Kvk©‡di 2q m~Î cÖ‡qvM K‡i cvB, −60I2 − 5(I2 + Ig ) + E = 0 ⇒ −60I2 − 5I2 − 5Ig + 10 = 0
110 65
⟹ 60I2 − 5I2 − 5 ( I − I ) + 10 = 0
15 1 15 2

⇒ −36.65I1 − 43.35I2 = −10. . . . . . . . . . . . (iii)

(ii) I (iii) mgvavb K‡i cvB, I1=0.091344A; I2=0.1535A

110 65 110 65
∴M¨vjfv‡bvwgUv‡ii cÖevn, Ig = I1 − I2 = × 0.09134 − × 0.1535 = 4.8672 × 10−3 A
15 15 15 15

26. (a) GKwU mgZj †MÖwUs Gi wP‡oi I `v‡Mi †ea 0.0006mm Ges 0.001mm| cÖwZ †mw›UwgUv‡i wP‡oi msL¨v wbY©q Ki| [A flat grating has slit and
line thickness of 0.0006mm and 0.001mm. Find the number of slits per centimeter.]

(b) GKwU mgZj †MÖwUs Gi cÖwZ †mw›UwgUv‡i `v‡Mi msL¨v 7000| 5000Å Zi½‰`‡N©¨i mgZj Av‡jvK Zi½ j¤^fv‡e †MÖwUs Z‡ji Dci AvcwZZ n‡”Q| cÖ_g
µ‡gi D¾¡j †iLvi Rb¨ AceZ©b †KvY wbY©q Ki| [A flat grating has 7000 lines per centimeter. A plane light wave of wavelength
5000Å falls perpendicularly to the grating plane. Find the angle of diffraction for the first order bright line.]

(K) d = a + b=(0.0006 + 0.001)mm = 0.0016 = 1610−5 cm

1 1
GLb N = = = 6250cm−1
a+b 16×10−5

Solution (L) D¾¡jZvi kZ© Abyhvqx, dsin = n 

sin θ
= nλ N = 7000cm−1 ; n = 1

 = 500010−8cm

 sin = Nn  sin = 7000  1  5000  10−8  sin = 0.35   = 20.487

27. GKwU mxmvi cv‡Î 113g R a − 226 Av‡Q| Gi †_‡K cÖwZ †m‡K‡Û 5.72 × 1020 wU α Kbv wbM©Z n‡”Q| wbM©Z α Kbv cvÎ †_‡K †ewi‡q hvq|] [α Kbvi
fi 6.68 × 10−27 kg [A lead container contains 113g R a − 226. It emits 5.72 × 1020 α particles per second. Emitted α
particles exit the container. [Mass of α particle is 6.68 × 10−27 kg]

(a)R a − 226 Gi Aa©vqy wbY©q Ki] [Determine the half − life of R a − 226]

(b)Gi N›Uv ci cv‡Î Aewkó c`v‡_©i fi KZ n‡e? [What will be the remaining mass of the substance in the

container after an hour?]

dN g 113
(a) = 5.72 × 1020 ; N = nNA = NA = × 6.02 × 1023 = 3.011 × 1023 wU
dt m 226

dN ln2
= λN ⇒ 5.12 × 1020 = λ × 3.011 × 1023 ⇒ λ = 1.9 × 10−3 5−1 ∴ T1 = = 364.873
dt 2 λ

(b) Radioactive decay releases α particles. The newly formed nucleus remains in the vessel. So the mass lost

will be the mass of the ejected α particles. An equal number of atoms will be emitted equal to the number
Solution of α

particles. [‡ZRw¯Œq ÿ‡qi d‡j α Kbv wbM©Z nq| bZzb m„ó wbDwK¬qvm cv‡Î i‡q hvq| ZvB nviv‡bv fi n‡e wbM©Z α Kbvi fi| ÿqcÖvß
−3 ×60×60
cigvbyi mgvb msL¨K α Kbv wbM©Z n‡e|] ∴ N = N∘ e−λt = 3.011 × 1023 × e−1.9×10 = 3.22 × 1020

Aewkó fi = 113 − (N∘ − N) × 6.02 × 10−27 = 113 − (3.011 × 1023 − 3.722 × 1020 ) × 6.02 × 10−27 =


Brain Stormers Special Model Test

28. 20mL 0.9M Ca(NO3 )2 `ªe‡Y 40mL 0.2M K 3 PO4 †hvM Ki| K sp [Ca 3 (PO4 )2 ] = 1.6 × 10−11 mol5 L−5 | Ca 3 (PO4 )2 Gi
Aat‡ÿc co‡e wKbv ? [Add 40mL 0.2M K 3 PO4 in 20mL 0.9M Ca(NO3 )2 solution. K sp [Ca 3 (PO4 )2 ] = 1.6 × 10−11 mol5 L−5 .
Will there be any precipitation of Ca 3 (PO4 )2 ?]
S1 V1 20×0.9
wgkÖ‡Y Ca2+ Gi NbgvÎv, S2 = = = 0.3M ⇒ S2 = 0.3 M
V2 (20+40)

S1 V1 40×0.2
Solution K 3 PO4 ⇌ 3K + + PO3− 3−
4 wgkÖ‡Y PO4 Gi NbgvÎv, S2 = = ⇒ S2 = 0.133 M
V2 60

⇒ Q sp (Ca 3 (PO4 )2 ) = (0.3)3 (0.133)2 = 4.776 × 10−4 ∴ Q sp (Ca 3 (PO4 )2 ) > K sp (Ca 3 (PO4 )2 ) ∴ Aat‡ÿc

29. ZvwË¡Kfv‡e H Gi AvqbxKiY kw³ wbY©q Ki| [Calculate ionization energy of H theoretically.]

AvqbxKiY kw³ wnmv‡ei Rb¨ evB‡ii †k‡j e− †K Amxg `~i‡Z¡ †bIqv n‡q‡Q ejv nq|
1 1 1
GLb, = R H ( − ) Avevi, n2 =  Ges n1 = 1
λ n2
1 n2
2 h = 6.626  10-34 Js
1 1 1
 = R H ( 2 − ) = 109678𝑐𝑚−1 = 10967800 m−1
𝜆 1 ∞
c = 3  108 ms−1
Now, E = h = 2.181495  10−18 J

GwU 1wU e− Gi Rb¨ cÖ‡qvRbxq kw³| wKš‘ AvqbxKiY kw³ 1 mol Gi Rb¨ wnmve Kiv nq|

 AvqbxKiY kw³ = NA  E = 6.023  1023  2.181495  10−18J = 1.3  106 J

30. bvBwUªK GwmW †_‡K bvB‡Uªv‡R‡bi cuvPwU A·vBW ˆZixi wewµqv wjL| [Write the reactions to form five oxides of nitrogen from nitric acid.]

4Zn + 10 HNO3 (dil) → 4Zn (NO3)2 + N2O + 5H2O

Zn + 4HNO3 (ga¨g Mvp) → Zn(NO3)2 + 2NO2 + 2H2O

Solution 2HNO3 + As2O3 + 2H2O → N2O3 + 2H3AsO4

Zn + 2HNO3(Conc) → Zn (NO3)2 + 2NO2 + 2H2O

2HNO3 + P2O5 → N2O5 + 2HPO3

31. CO2 (g) + H2 (g) ⇌ CO(g) + H2 O(g); K c = 0.9

wewµqvi ïiæ‡Z 9L cv‡Î 5.2mol CO2 , 9.6mol H2 , 1mol CO, 1.5mol H2 O _vK‡j mvg¨ve¯’vq G‡`i NbgvÎv wbY©q Ki| [At the beginning of
the reaction, if there are 5.2mol CO2 , 9.6mol H2 , 1mol CO, 1.5mol H2 O in 9L container, find their concentration at

CO2 (g) + H2 (g) ⇌ CO(g) + H2 O(g); K c = 0.9 t = 0s,

5.2 9.6 1 1.5

mvg¨ve¯’vq, 5.2 − x 9.6 − x 1+x 1.5 + x

1 1.5
9 9
Q c = 5.2 9.6 = 0.030048 ∴ Q c < K c ∴ wewµqvwU m¤§yLgyLx|
9 9

Solution 1+x 1.5+x

[CO][H2 O] .
9 9
∴ Kc = [CO2 ][H2 ]
⇒ 0.9 = 5.2−x 9.6−x ⇒ 0.9(5.2 − x)(9.6 − x) = (1 + x)(1.5 + x)
9 9

⇒ (0.9)(5.2 × 9.6 − 14.8x + x 2 ) = 1.5 + 2.5x + x 2 ⇒ 44.928 − 13.32x + 0.9x 2 = 1.5 + 2.5x + x 2
⇒ 0.1x 2 + 15.82x − 43.428 = 0 ⇒ x = 2.699 ∴ [CO2 ] = = 0.2779 molL−1

9.6−2.699 1+2.699 1.5+2.699

[H2 ] = = 0.7668 molL−1 [CO] = = 0.411 molL−1 [H2 O] = = 0.4666 molL−1
9 9 9

Brain Stormers Special Model Test

32. GKwU wbw`©ó ZvcgvÎvq SO2 + NO2 ⇌ SO3 + NO wewµqvi Kc = 16| hw` wewµqvi ïiæ‡Z 1dm3 Gi GKwU cv‡Î cÖwZwU M¨v‡mi 1.0 mole K‡i †bIqv nq
Z‡e mvg¨ve¯’vq NO2 Ges NO Gi NbgvÎv KZ n‡e? [At a certain temperature, of reaction SO2 + NO2 ⇌ SO3 + NO, Kc = 16. If 1.0 mole
of each gas is mixed in a container of 1dm3 at the beginning of the reaction, what will be the concentrations of NO 2 and NO
at equilibrium?]

wewµqvt SO2 + NO2 ⇌ SO3 + NO

cÖv_wgK Ae¯’vqt 1 1 1 1
mvg¨ve¯’vqt (1 − ) (1 − ) (1 + ) (1 + )
 Kc = = 16 ;   = 0.6  [NO2] = 1 − 0.6 = 0.4 mol/dm3 [NO] = (1+0.6) = 1.6 mol/dm3

33. wb‡Pi Uvg©¸‡jvi msÁv `vI: [Define the following terms:]

(a) mvm‡cbkb [Suspension] (b) Kj‡qW [Colloid] (c) †Kvqv¸‡jkb [Coagulation]

(a) mvm‡cbkb n‡jv AmgmË¡ wgkÖY hv‡Z Aat‡ÿc covi g‡Zv eo KYv _v‡K|

(b) Kj‡qW ej‡Z GKwU A¯^”Q, AmgmË¡ wgkÖY †evSvq †hLv‡b †Kvb A`ªve¨ c`v‡_©i m~²KYv mvm‡cbkb Ae¯’vq `ªve‡Ki g‡a¨ BZ¯ÍZ Ny‡i
†eovq wKš‘ `ªexf‚Z nq bv|

(c) Kj‡qW KYvmg~‡ni RgvU euvavi c×wZ‡K †Kvqv¸‡jkb e‡j|

34. evqy‡Z AvqZb Abyhvqx 21% O2 Av‡Q| Kqjv‡Z 90% C I 5% H2 Av‡Q| 27℃ I 750mm Pv‡c Kqjv‡K c~Y© `n‡b Kx cwigvY evqy jvM‡e? [Air
contains 21% O2 by volume. Coal contains 90% C and 5% H2. What quantity of air will be required for complete combustion
of coal at 27℃ and 750mm pressure?]

C + O2 ⟶ CO2
S. T. P ‡Z
STP, ‡Z 12g Kve©b‡K ‡cvov‡Z jv‡M = 22.4L O2
22.4×90 V1 = 933.33L
90g Kve©b‡K ‡cvov‡Z jv‡M = = 168L O2
P1 = 760mmHg
2H2 + O2 ⟶ 2H2 O
T1 = 273K
S.T.P ‡Z 4g H2 ‡K †cvov‡Z 22.4L O2 jv‡M
22.4×5 P2 = 750mmHg
Solution ∴ 5g H2 ‡K †cvov‡Z = L O2 jv‡M = 28L O2
V2 =?
∴ Total O2 = 168 + 28 = 196L
GLb, 21L O2 _v‡K 100L evqy‡Z T2 = 27°C = 300K
∴ 196L O2 _v‡K L evqy‡Z = 933.33 L evqy‡Z
P1 V1 P2 V2 760×933.33 750V2 760×933.33×300
GLb, = ⟹ = ⟹ V2 = L = 1039.31 L
T1 T2 273 300 273×750

∴ evqy jvM‡e 1039.31 L

35. wb‡Pi wewµqv¸‡jv wjL: [Write the following reactions:]

(i) K¨vwbRv‡iv wewµqv [Cannizzaro reaction]
(ii) nvB‡Wªvw·j A¨vwgb wewµqv [Hydroxyl-amine reaction]
(iii) ‡ebRvBj wg_vBj A¨vwgb / wmd ÿviK ˆZwii wewµqv [Preparation of benzyl methyl amine/Schiff base test]
(iv) A¨vjWj Nbxfeb wewµqv [Aldol condensation reaction]
(i) K¨vwbRv‡iv wewµqv: C6H5CHO + HCHO + NaOH → HCOONa + C6H5CH2OH

Solution (ii) nvB‡Wªvw·j A¨vwgb wewµqv: CH3 − CH = O + H2N − OH ⟶ CH3 − CH = N − OH + H2O

nvBWªw·j A¨vwgb B_vb¨vj A·vBg
(iii) wmd ÿviK ‰Zixi wewµqv:

Brain Stormers Special Model Test

ebRvBj wg_vBj A¨vwgb / wmd ÿviK

লঘু NaOH
(iv) A¨vjWj Nbxfeb wewµqv: CH3CHO + CH3CH2CHO → CH3 − CH − CH2 − CHO
20° − 30°C

36. 5g KC𝑙O3 n‡Z S.T.P ‡Z 734cm3 O2 Drcbœ nq, wb‡¤§v³ mgxKiY AbymiY K‡i KClO4 Gi kZKiv cwigvY KZ? [734cm3 O2 is produced from
5g KC𝑙O3 in S.T.P, what is the percentage of KClO4 according to the following equation?]
∆ ∆
2KC𝑙O3 → 2KC𝑙 + 3O2 … … … (i); 4KC𝑙O3 → 3KC𝑙O4 + KC𝑙 … … … (ii)

mgxKiYg‡Z, S. T. P ‡Z

(i) bs t- 3 × 22400cm3 O2 ≡ 2 × 122.6g KClO3

∴ 734cm3 O2 ≡ g KC𝑙O3 ≡ 2.678g KC𝑙O3

Solution ∴ (ii) bs G cÖ‡qvRbxq KC𝑙O3 = (5 − 2.678)g = 2.322g

(ii) bs t- 4 × 122.6g KC𝑙O3 ≡ 3 × 138.6g KC𝑙O4

∴ 2.322g KC𝑙O3 ≡ 1.9687g KC𝑙O4

∴ KC𝑙O4 Gi kZKiv cwigvY = × 100% = 49.8%


5g weøwPs cvDWvi‡K AwZwi³ cvwb‡Z `ªexf~Z K‡i 500mL `ªeY cÖ¯‘yZ Kiv n‡jv| G `ªe‡Yi 10mL AwZwi³ KI `ªeY †hvM K‡i wegy³ Av‡qvwWb‡K UvB‡UªU
Ki‡Z 15mL 0.08M Na 2 S2 O3 `ªe‡Yi cÖ‡qvRb nq| weøwPs cvDWv‡i Cl2 Gi cwigvY KZ? [A 500mL solution was prepared by dissolving
the 5g bleaching powder in excess water. To titrate freed iodine by adding 10mL of this solution to excess KI solution,
15mL 0.08M Na 2 S2 O3 solution is required. What is the amount of Cl2 in the beeching powder?]
H2 O + Ca(OC𝑙)C𝑙 → Cl2 + 2KI → KC𝑙 + I2

I2 + Na2S2O3 → Na2S4O6 + 2NaI

WC𝑙2 WC𝑙2
Solution GLv‡b, . ZC𝑙2 = SNa2 S2O3 .V.Z  × 2 = 0.08 × 0.015 × 1  WC𝑙2 = 0.0426gm
MC𝑙2 71

10ml G Cl2 = 0.0426gm

 500 ml G Cl2 = 2.13 gm

38. pH wgUv‡i H2SO4 Gwm‡Wi `ªeY †bqv n‡j 28oC ZvcgvÎvq emf 0.212Volt cvIqv hvq| `ªe‡Yi NbgvÎv KZ n‡e hw` wb‡`k©K ZworØv‡i weRviY wefe
0.30 volt nq? [If a solution of H2SO4 acid is taken at 28oC in the pH meter and the emf found at that temperature is
0.212Volt. What will be the density of the solution if the oxidation potential in the reference electrode is 0.30 volt?]

Solution Avgiv Rvwb, Ecell + (Ecell )ox = 0.05915pH

Brain Stormers Special Model Test

Now, Ecell = 0.212 volt ; (Ecell )ox = −0.30volt [∵ (Ecell )red = −(Ecell )ox ]

[H + ] = H + Gi NbgvÎv

∴ 0.212 − 0.30 = 0.05915(− log[H + ])

⇒ −0.088 = 0.05915(−10g[H + ]) ⇒ 1.4877 = log[H + ] ⇒ [H + ] = 101.4877 = 30.7397M

H2SO4→ 2H + + SO4 2−
∴ [H + ] = 30.74M n‡j H2 SO4 Gi NbgvÎv n‡e [H + ]Gi A‡a©K| ZvB H2 SO4 Gi NbgvÎv n‡e = = 15.37M

39. Kvwe©j A¨vwgb cixÿv Øviv Kx kbv³ Kiv nq? Drcbœ Kvwe©j A¨vwgb n‡Z wKfv‡e 2 A¨vwgb ˆZwi Kiv hvq? [What is detected by carbyl amine test?
How can 2 amine be made from carbyl amines?]

Kvwe©j A¨vwgb cixÿv Øviv cÖvBgvix A¨vwgb Ges CHCl3 Dfq‡KB kbv³ Kiv hvq|
70∘ C
R − NH2 + CHCl3 + 3KOH → R − NC + 3KCl + 3H2O

(Kvwe©j A¨vwgb)
R − NC → R − NH − CH3

(2 A¨vwgb)

 Drcbœ `yM©Ühy³ Kvwe©j A¨vwgb‡K weRvi‡Yi gva¨‡g 2 A¨vwgb Drcbœ Kiv hvq|

40. C2 H5 OH + H2 SO4 →

(i) AwZwi³ C2 H5 OH _vK‡j wK n‡e? [What happens if there is extra C2 H5 OH?]

(ii) AwZwi³ H2 SO4 _vK‡j wK n‡e? [What happens if there is extra H2 SO4 ]
100∘ C 100∘ C
(i) C2 H5 OH + H2 SO4 → C2 H5 HSO4 ; C2 H5 HSO4 + C2 H5 OH → C2 H5 − O − C2 H5 + H2 SO4
100∘ C 165∘ C
(ii) C2 H5 OH + H2 SO4 → C2 H5 HSO4 ; C2 H5 HSO4 → H2 C = CH2 + H2 SO4

Brain Stormers Special Model Test

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