New Horizon Public School: Holiday Homework (2023-2024) Grade - X Subjects Home Assignment

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CBSE Affiliation No. 1130164

Sector – 13, Khanda Colony, Panvel (W)
Website : www.nhpspanvel .com

Date :03/05/2023

Holiday Homework (2023-2024)

Grade –X

Subjects Home Assignment

1. Find and write fifteen unfamiliar words/phrases and their meanings. Learn and
write them every day in your notepad sheet date wise (First Flight: Ls. A Letter
to God; Poems: Dust of Snow, Fire and Ice; Footprints without Feet: Ls.1 A
Triumph of Surgery)
English 2. Write a Letter of Complaint to Messers New Sports, Meerut, the supplier of the
sports articles. You have received the parcel of sports articles ordered by you
for the Summer Camp, some of which are defective and old. You are
Arihant/Arpita, the Sports Secretary of Sunshine International School, New
1. baD,o Baa[- saahba paz maoM Aae iknhIM baIsa mauhavaraoM ko Aqa- ilaKkr vaa@ya p`yaaoga kIijae.
Hindi 2. p`acaIna iSaxaa p`NaalaI AaOr AaQauinak iSaxaa p`NaalaI maoM kaOna–kaOna sao badlaava Aae hOM, 150 sao
200 SabdaoM maoM Apnao ivacaar vya@t kIijae.
KalaIla kaoNa%yaahI eka ivaYayaavar 10 to 15AaoLI inabaMQa ilaha.
2)Baartmaatocao Aa%mavaR%t
3)maI Baartmaata baaolato……………
1. paz\yapustk SaomaUYaI sao pazaQaairt vyaHjanasainQa ko ]dahrNa caunakr ilaiKe.
Sanskrit 2.saMskRt ko pa^Mca lakaraoM kI tailaka ilaKkr p`%yaok lakar prAaQaairt vaa@ya banaae.
Solve the extra questions from previous year question papers , which is uploaded in
1NH App.
Read & Revise Physics Ch 9- Light - Reflection and Refraction
Science Read & Revise Chemistry Ch 1- Chemical reactions and Equations
Read & Revise Biology Ch 5- Life Processes
Learn and Revise Pol. Sci. L-1 Power Sharing & L-2 Federalism
Social Science
Geography L-1 Resources and Development.
Read ,Learn and Practice writing- Unit 2. Self Management Skills
Unit 3. Basic of ICT Skills
Dear Parents,
Please Note –
1) Ensure to get the Holiday Homework completed by your ward as it will be graded in subject enrichment.
2) Submission date is by 12th June 2023.
3) Do the Homework in General Notebook/Notepad.


Ms. Amita Dutta
NHPS, Panvel

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