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Changing business environment, the VUCA (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous)

world and globalization are putting more challenges before the business leaders than ever
before. While in Emerging markets, growth opportunities exist, the CEOs/CXOs and other
business leaders are constantly working on finding out more innovative ways to strengthen
competitive edge as well as sustain it; in the face of ever-increasing stakeholder

The organizational complexities have been accentuated by change of demographics,

customer profile, localization, and innovations with pressure on Sustainability with
Innovation, Talent Management Frameworks, verticalization of organizations and fast pacing
Technological changes.

Further, with complex & large organizations in the modern world, interconnections of
systems, geographies & products and services Leadership has assumed totally new set of

Against this backdrop, Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI)
is organizing CXO Dialogues Summit on Friday, 18 th January 2019 at Hotel ITC Rajputana,
Palace Road, Gopalbari, Jaipur. The theme of the programme is “Strategy and Leadership in
VUCA World”. The objective of the summit is:

 To appreciate changing business context: VUCA world, more so, in the emerging
markets of India

 Review, recapitulation and recalibration of Strategies for Competitive edge

 To highlight various Interconnections between Strategies & various sub-systems

 Sharing best practices in the Strategies & Leadership Edge area

The Summit would feature deliberations on:

• Defining organization of the future; culture and linking it to desired results

• Changing Organizational Canvas/Context; the VUCA World in Emerging economy

• Organizational Strategies & Frameworks for Competitive Advantage

• Leadership; the critical factor for Strategic Advantage; trends, best practices

• Desired leadership competencies, behaviors and organization values

• 360 Degree Based on emerging leadership Competencies

• Executive Coaching for prioritized development

• Talent Management; Changing paradigms and role of Leaders & Senior executives
• Succession planning for critical roles as well pipeline for talent

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