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Treaty on Daemonology

Created by Pierre Gevelle

In partnership with the Unofficial-Grimoire and the Unofficial
Bestiary created by Skyperbole.

Thanks : I want to thank Bellcross, Capuchat, Kelyss,

TheDeaconBosco, adambeyoncelowe, Nym, skyperbole, zomble7,
eggburger, Treki1973 and Maximilien.
All have been of a great help and are all the most faithful advisors.
Without them, this adventure would have not been possible
Don’t hesitate to check the Unofficial-Grimoire and the Unofficial
Bestiary, translated by Treki, you can find them on Le Ratier
Bretonnien site or in the Rat Catcher’s Guild.

Grimoire in Eng. :

Bestiary in Eng. :

But what I thank the most, is you, dear reader. I thank you for existing
and being the most exceptional community that I’ve ever lived in.
Without you, the Old World wouldn’t be what it is. You animate my
dreams through your actions, your supplements, your opinions. I want to
thank you from the bottom of my heart. You are the flame of the Old
World, so burn stronger than ever.
What have I discovered ? By the are partly missing or
mighty Aether, my old learning incomplete, I am to rectify it as
Grimoire, thirty winters must soon as possible. To sort it out
have passed since I saw it for the will be quite an endeavor but I’m
last time. This moment sure that it will be worth it if I
corresponds to the end of my put the right amounts of efforts.
studies in black magic. How
nostalgic I am... I would have
liked that they would not have This amount of work is quite
ended with the death of enormous, I think I will start
Frederick. Sadly the old one again from the beginning. I’m
believed that he could use me as sure my cousins would love to
a sacrifice to get more power. see me again, life in monasteries
Such a big mistake. How could must be so boring. Poor of them,
he have been so foolish ? The I’m certain that the Norses will
deal was not that worth anyway. pay them a visit sooner or later.
If I remember correctly, they
Let’s see. I don't remember that I love the priestess of Shallya.
wrote all of this. Half of it is
wrong, even if the theorical parts I wonder how should I call this
from my deceased master. The
new piece of work, Pacts and
explanation on the origins of
Daemonology is terribly Spells ? Already existing.
erroneous, I will rectify that. Daemonology for the bad ? Not
Even if at the time my theories very precise. Treaty on
were correct, I have progressed, Daemonology. That’s sounding
learned and discovered so much, better. Just thinking about it
I believe I can state that I am a makes me shiver.
scholar to be trusted in that

These paragraphs on
incantations and rituals lack of Dear reader, whoever may you
precisions. I shall correct them.
be, if you read these lines, the
If one day I take an apprentice, I
reason is that I am probably
would not want him to believe
that I’m lazy and of little rigor. dead, surely due to exposure to
Besides, it seems that the spells dark arts and madness. If not the
that I re-discovered and created case; it means that I've chosen
are missing. you to become my successor in
this marvelous art that is
Alas the chapter on Pacts is Daemonology.
almost empty and utterly
dangerous. Basics on security
This treaty shall guide you
during your studies, and I hope, But I digress, in truth, most of
will be as useful to you as it shall our predecessor became cultist of
be to your future apprentice. the Dark Gods. Why ? The
Daemonology is an old customs reason is easy: for simplicity,
in our great family, and be sure because they are weak and shall
that you are now part of it. remain weak, they will continue
being pawns on the chessboard
But first I must warn you, that opposes light and darkness.
Daemonology is a dangerous art They shall never become
if badly mastered, and if you someone as free as us.
commit a single mistake, it could
cost you your life ; or even The method is simple, you crave
worse, it could cost you more power, there is a price, always,
than that, trust me, some spells but there are also always means
are worse than dying by to bargain, or even compensate
quartering. and if you do it properly, even
enslaving Daemons.
But if you succeed in mastering
it, you will become very But beware little imp, the
powerful, rich, and if you play daemons are not to be trusted,
your cards properly, you shall they’re vile, dangerous and even
become someone great and more greedy than myself. I will
respected like me. If the priest of details in the first chapter what
Sigmar knew that one of the is daemonology in details and I
most powerful man of will explain our methods.
Marienburg is a Daemonologist, Don’t worry, if you desire, you
they would bite their fingers to can copy the book, if you have
death. the time of course.
What is Daemonology?

Now that is quite the complex inquiry. I must,

however, make something quite clear, Now, this brings us to what is a
Daemonology is interpreted extremely Daemonologist? My answer is that we are
differently by various cultural backgrounds. practitioners of a magic seen as Evil, one that
However, one must understand what it truly is allows us to obtain things that would otherwise
to avoid the confusions and the mistakes of be inaccessible. Power, Wealth, Status and
novices and self-professed scholars. others are but examples of the rewards offered
by Daemonology.
Daemonology is a magical art that aims to
bring entities from the Aether, called The Daemonologist is usually someone of
Daemons, in the material plane through the means, of respectable social bearing, and who
use of spells and other rituals. It also involves is not ostracized by their fellow citizens. Of
protecting oneself and banishing the Daemonic course, we prefer to remain secretive about our
entities and, if possible, use them for your own evidently illegal activities which would draw
ends. the ire of Witch-Hunters, Magisters and other
authority figures. I would therefore
These kinds of Magics are dangerous for the recommend that you try to have a lair more
unprepared or if the Daemonologist secretive than a simple basement near the
overestimates warehouses, I personally own several homes
his Willpower, if you do not pay attention, you and other places where I can practice
run the risk of becoming irremediably insane, Daemonology in peace.
or even turning into a slave of the Dark Gods.
Daemons are not our allies, our relationship Be careful, however, some Daemonologists
with them is purely transactional and we may have gone completely insane and are therefore
want to manipulate them. very dangerous. Others serve the Dark Gods,
making them even more threatening.
We cannot forcefully invoke Daemons, unless
we know their True Name, if this is not the In addition, it seems that Daemonologists are
case, we send them an invitation, an mostly city dwellers, probably because of the
opportunity, and they are the ones who choose fact that it is much easier to hide in the
whether or not they wish to heed our call. sprawling cities of the Empire than in small
In a way, Daemonology is quite similar to
politics and other forms of bargaining. To have Usually, we have activities that we use as
the Daemon come to us, we must make a fronts, adventurers, librarians, to be of noble
sacrifice matching the power that we want. If blood and have the responsibilities that go
possible, we try to keep the Daemon wherever along with, some are even Magisters. Such
we want it to be, and afterwards we bargain. cloak and dagger ways can be very useful
indeed, especially when you need to have a
That is but the Beginner's Course, obviously. cover if something goes awry, but most
Once you have reached my level, one can afford importantly, to retain a constant income,
to go beyond that. Exercise total control over Daemonology may very well cost you an arm in
them, manipulate them, and even, if you can, more ways than one.
enslave them.
Any self-respecting Daemonologist knows that
they should avoid attracting attention to
themselves and if at all possible, make
powerful friends and have numerous contacts.
As Constant Drachenfels once said :
Knowledge is the quintessence of true power.
How to summon
First of all, I would like to say that I do not like And finally, the youngest of them all, the
using the word “summon”, I much prefer “call” Prince of Debauchery. I was able to coax
or even “invite”. Why is that? Simply because it information through pleasure as well as torture
is usually not the case unless one possesses a many times thanks to one of his Daemons. As
Daemon's True Name. We do not summon attractive as they are repulsive, the Prince's
Daemons, we create a breach that allows them Daemons are the masters of the senses.
to come into our World. Beware, novice, it is better to not eat too many
grapes, lest you end up chewing the bitter root.
It is them who choose if they want to come
most of the time, and they can refuse and leave If you have a modicum of memory, you should
whenever they desire of course. There are some have already noticed that I was talking about
ways to improve our chances to make one allegiances just before. Most Daemons only
appear however, and if we play our cards right, serve their own interests and nothing more.
for them to be of our allegiance of choice. Daemons considerably vary from one another,
they could be an Imp that specializes in
And yes, the summoned Daemons will serve stalking mages or a spiritual Daemon that
one of the Dark Gods most of the time, they are seeks to inhabit a casing of flesh that you are to
four and each is very different from the others. provide in exchange of a favor before they leave
The Blood God, the Grandfather of Pestilence you to pursue their own goals. In short, they
and Diseases, the God of the Forbidden are numerous and diverse, and each is as
Knowledge and the Prince of Debauchery. dangerous as the other.

The Blood God, his Daemons are very warlike Not all Daemons are as powerful as others, the
and savage, I rarely summon them except master Daemonologist circles classify their
whenever I need a nigh unstoppable killing hierarchy as such: Lesser, Minor, Herald and
machine, the more there are beings to kill and Major. The last two categories cannot be
blood to be shed, the more chances for one of summoned without being extremely powerful
those Daemons to heed our call. Take care and very prepared.
however, the blood that will be shed may very
well be your own... In the end, summoning those Daemons can be
done in different ways, the more complex and
The Grandfather of Pestilence and Diseases, careful it is done, the better. The most common
here's one most foul, I only intentionally ways are Octagrams, sacrifices and setting up
summoned one of his Daemons once, the the surroundings to better please the Daemon
others being by mistake. If you wish to poison of your choice.
a well or start a plague, they are your best
choice. Just be wary not to die from their For beginners, I do not recommend trying to
illnesses, for they constantly bear them and can summon a Daemon above the Lesser class
spread them quite quickly. without direct help from your master or
teacher. Lesser Daemons are Daemonic Steeds
The God of Forbidden and Obscure or Imps for example, very useful servants when
Knowledge, I also consider him as the true God used properly.
of Magic. It is because of him that my own
master was driven to madness, his Daemons Those classified as Minor are usually more
are usually very intelligent specialized, the more common examples are
and conniving, and they have knowledge that the standard Daemons of the four Gods.
one could not even dare imagine. But I know Daemonettes, Plaguebearers, the Dark Gods’
what you're thinking, novice, even though they servants you could say.
may be the most tempting to summon, they are
very dangerous, their secrets may very well
save you as easily as they can unmake you.
How to barter with
So you know what Daemons are interested in,
As said previously, one does not summon a but you still do not know how to treat and
Daemonic entity without wanting something barter with them. Daemons are not your
out of it. The real question being, what are the friends, they are not kindly allies that wish to
Daemons looking for in exchange of their save you and they are not well-meaning and
various services? friendly creatures. They are hellish
abominations that wish to take everything you
What every Daemon desires most is our soul, can offer them. They will do everything and
first of all because we are Daemonologists and anything to use you, manipulate you and try to
thus, we are perfect pawns for the Dark Gods. screw you over. Daemons are very much alike
Do not give your soul to a Daemon, I promise Marienburger bankers, a rotten bunch of
you will regret it. But, if we cannot give our scoundrels that wish nothing more than to rob
soul in exchange, what substitutes are there? you blind and give nothing in return.

Souls, Daemons love souls as much as a But I digress. My advice to barter with
drunkard loves his booze. To sacrifice souls to Daemons is as follows: To adapt to the
a Daemon is usually the safest value during a summoned Daemon like a courtesan to the
discussion or a potential pact with them. I will Imperial Court. To always remain one step
explain how to do so later. Powerful enough ahead like a strategist. To never make promises
Daemons will usually only accept making a you cannot or do not want to fulfill. To
pact with you for this currency. measure your words with the prudence of an
attorney in front of a Bailiff. To always ponder
Fortunately for us, there are also a few other every possible meaning of a phrase coming
options. In certain cases, Daemons may love to from a Daemon so that nothing is left to
possess humanoid bodies like puppets. The chance.
possessed body is completely changed by such
quantities of Daemonic energies. The body If you stick to this advice to the letter,
suffers many physical mutations and other managing Daemons won't be an issue lest you
bodily deformations as well as an increase in decide to summon one more powerful than you
size. Such a possession never lasts more than a can control. Once you begin, do not try to
month and ends with the Daemon being sent summon a Daemon more powerful than a
back to the Aether. Whatever is left of the body Servant, others shall come when you are ready.
is but an amorphous pile of flesh that perishes
a few instants afterwards. I will now give you a small recap of how to
summon, barter with, to do a pact with and
Other things include objects tied the specific even control a Daemon. A bloody good help in
God the Daemon is affiliated to. Of course, this our trade, I'll tell you.
method can only hope to work if the Daemon is
actually affiliated. First of all, prepare the Octagram and the
exchange currency that you wish to use. Once
The last that comes to mind is a method that the preparations are done, it is time to do the
witches very much favor. I mean fresh organs deed, summon the Daemon inside the
and pints of blood, of course. This method only Octagram. The Daemon will be trapped and
works with Daemons considered as Lesser. I discussion can begin. Don't be afraid to be as
should say that it doesn't work with real slick and as sugary as you can be, that's how I
Daemons and entities of the Aether. usually go about it anyway. Once the Daemon
is interested and you settle on a price, you will
have to sign a pact, one that will mark your
soul. Once the pact is made, summoning the
Daemon will be much easier and usually less
tense since the pact has already been made, but
don't forget, the Daemon will do everything in
their power to screw you over bad.
How to manage
Daemonologists and
If the Daemon is unaffiliated, then I would
recommend a few steps:
This part is for the GMs with a PC that wants to -What does the Daemon likes/desires/wants?
play a Daemonologist. And of course, the GMs -The Daemon's personality, wrathful, passive-
who want to use Daemons with detail and aggressive, as sweet as poison and so on.
depth. -What does the Daemon hate, Clergy,
particular Daemons (more than the rest),
Let's start with those who have a PC that would particular sacrifices and so on.
like to play as a Daemonologist. First of all, the -The Daemon's ambition, why do they want to
player must understand that this career, as stay here.
well as being more dangerous than most, is
quite complex and has many crucial Of course, these steps can also apply to
conditions. affiliated Daemons in a certain way that adapts
to their Gods.
For example, this career can only played in a
group that won't have any problems with The other important factor is the Daemon's
having a walking hell machine around. So power, a Lesser Daemon and a Herald won't
mind the group's other careers (Warrior-Priest, behave in the same way.
Witch-Hunter, Cleric, and so on). If the rest of
the group is OK with it and this career isn't a Now for the funny part. Once a Daemon is
problem, we can move to the next step. summoned, you have to understand that the
Daemon came out of his own free will (unless
Does the Campaign allow it? If the Campaign is the Daemonologist has used their True Name).
very mobile, that could be trouble. If the They will probably not react by screaming
Campaign is about helping Clergy fighting Evil, “WHO DARES SUMMON ME?!?” although
I might as well say that the Daemonologist that would be quite a scene.
won't last long.
You have to imagine that the role play between
If those conditions are met, there's only a the two is a game of deceit and manipulation,
couple more things left to check, the rules, the to exploit that part allows almost infinite role
career, the bestiary, the spells and other rituals play possibilities. I'll say it once again, but
that are explored in detail later. Daemon and Daemonologist see the exact
same thing in one another, a tool to reach their
But before all of that, I think we should talk own goals.
about the trickiest and advanced part of this
treaty, how to manage Daemons? You ought to try to use this deadly relationship
during role play. In a way, Daemonologists are
Here's a subjects that can change massively diplomats and merchants, and Daemons are
depending on numerous factors. Once your State officials that want a piece of the pie.
Daemon is created (check the mechanics and
rules part), the first thing I advise you to mind, To recap, you have to keep in mind the
is the Daemon's kind, if they're unaffiliated or Daemon's power and their potential
if they are the subject of one of the Dark Gods. allegiances, as well as their personality, their
Those that belong to the Dark Gods are usually ambitions and desires.
those easier to understand since their precepts
and specificity are usually well known. It gets
tougher when the Daemon is unaffiliated, if Once all of these elements are understood, all
that's the case, then you will have to create you have left to do is to use the mechanics and
them from top to bottom, which can be quite the rules that I will explain in detail in the next
difficult. part. Prepare for spells, rituals, a bestiary and
the other fun stuff of this treaty, let me take
you to OUR hell.
Daemonologist :

WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel

♜ ✠ ♟ ✠ ✠ ♛

Career Path :
✠ Imp - Brass 3
Skills : Channeling Stealth (Any), Endurance, Evaluate, Language (Magick), Lore (Daemonology),
Research Leadership.
Talents : Read/Write, Petty Magick, Bookish or Criminal, Alley Cat or Rover.
Trappings: Illegal Book or Treaty on Daemonology, Candles, Writing Kit, Ceremonial Dagger

♟ Acolyte – Brass 5
Skills : Intuition, Perception, Haggle, Intimidation, Melee (Polearm), Dodge
Talents : Arcane Magic (Daemonology), Magical Sense, Ritual, Etiquette (Any)
Trappings : Rituals Robes, Access to Dark Knowledge, Encounter a Daemon.

♜ Daemonologist – Silver 1
Skills : Bribery, Charm, Language (Dark Tongue), Lore (Daemons)
Talents : Instinctive Diction, Pact Maker, Argumentative, Witch !
Trappings : Personal Book collection, Hideout, Made multiple human Sacrifices

♛ Grand Warlock – Silver 3

Skills : Lore (Magick), Gamble
Talents : Aethyric Attunement, Gaze of the Abyss, Strong Minded, Fearless (Daemons)
Trappings : An apprentice, The True Name of a Daemon, A magically protected hideout.

Author Notes : Every Species that can use magic may take this career
(Not the Dwarf for example)
Unique Talents : Spells and Magic :
Pact Maker :
Max : Fellowship Lore Attributes :
You know how to deal with Daemons and how
to pull the strings of a pact. Dhar can be used to stabilized the Daemonic
When discussing with a Daemon, you can roll forces. Whenever you make a critical success
an Average(+20) Charm test. If you succeed, on a Channeling or an Spellcasting spell with a
the GMs shall provide you spell from this Domain, you may cancel the
with a some information on what could interest Unstable Trait of all Daemons around a
the Daemon other than your own soul. Willpower yards radius, for a Willpower
Rounds duration.

Gaze of the Abyss :

Max : Willpower Bonus
Your eyes fill with darkness, bringing fear to
Notes Sur la Magie :
anyone who dare to look in your eyes. Every
-You will find here under a link to a
living creatures that make eye contact with supplement with house-rules that will help
your gaze must roll a Difficult(-10) Cool test. If making your 4th e game more fluid :
it fails, it will suffer a Broken condition
(In French)
Ritual : re0/WFRP4%20-
Max : Dexterity bonus %20Unofficial%20Bestiary%202.0.pdf?dl=0
You are proficient when it comes to
preparation, you know what to do with your
hands and how to do it. (In English)
Whenever you prepare a ritual or an Octagram
that involves the use of your hands, you can /d/1HpNOXgmnGyrarDY6mQQMsGcokuR
roll an Average (+20) Dexterity Roll, if it NF3fMKix-auiefyE/
succeed, you gain +1 SLs for the ritual per
times you have this talent.
Other important information :
Here’s a little reminder that we do this
supplement in partnership with the
Unofficial Grimoire and Unofficial Bestiary.

Nevertheless, the Spells and Rituals here

have been modified with the creator in an
attempt to balance and make Daemonology
more viable.

It is possible that the author of the Unofficial

Grimoire and Bestiary decides to replace the
spells/rituals from his work by those in this
supplement in a close future
Rules about Magic :
To learn a new Daemonology spell, you need to Bind Daemon :
spend the necessary amount of XP (same as CN: 3
the others), and the Daemonologist will suffer 1 Range: Willpower yards
Corruption Point per spells he learned, 2 Target: 1
Corruption Points if he has learned more than Duration: Willpower Bonus Rounds+
4, 3 if he has more than 8 (Petty Spells not You channel thick strands of Dhar that binds
included). the targeted Daemon of any kind within range.
Perform a single Challenging (+0)
Petty Magic : Channeling (Dhar) Test which is opposed by
the target's Willpower. If you win, the
Dark Conversation Daemon takes a special Unconscious Condition
CN : 0 for the spell’s duration: the Daemon is
Range : You immobilized, but it is otherwise completely
Target : You aware of what is going on around it and who
Duration : Willpower Bonus Minutes performed the binding spell
You concentrate a small quantity of Dhar in
your mouth and ears. After a few seconds, you Destroy Lesser Daemon :
will enter in contact with a Daemon. Only you CN: 6
can hear the Daemon voice. In exchange of Range: Willpower yards
information’s, the Daemon will drain your vital Target: 1
energy. For every information that the Daemon Duration: Willpower Bonus Rounds
will answer, you will suffer a fatigued Your spell disrupts the Dhar holding a target
condition. This information can be a half-truth Daemon together, and draws it back to you. A
as it can be fully true. This information must be target with the Daemonic Creature Trait and a
specific but it must be realistic for the Daemon lower Willpower than you takes Damage
to know. equal to your Willpower Bonus, ignoring
Toughness Bonus and Armour Points. In
Daemonology Spells : turn, you may increase one of your
Characteristic by +10 for the duration as
you siphon profane energies.
Banish Daemonkind :
CN: 10 Detect Daemon :
Range: You CN: 4
Target: AoE (Willpower Bonus yards) Range: Willpower yards
Duration: Instant Target: Special
Your magics destabilize the Dhar binding any Duration: Instant
Daemons within the Area of Effect. All affected Your spell homes in on the daemonic
targets with the Daemonic Creature Trait must influences in the surrounding area. You
pass a Difficult (-10) Willpower Test or automatically know if there is a manifested
suffer a magic missile with Damage equal to Daemon within range, be it summoned, bound
your Willpower Bonus (ignoring Armour into an artefact, possessing another, or similar.
Points). On an Impressive Failure(4+), the
target is banished from this realm if it has the Octagram :
Unstable Creature Trait. CN: 8
Overcast: For every +1 SL, you may increase Range: Touch
the Difficulty of the Willpower Test by one Target: AoE (maximum, Willpower Bonus
step (ie, from Very Hard to Futile) yards across)
Duration: Willpower Bonus minutes
Daubing an Octagram to the floor, and
marking it with unholy symbols, you ward
against all daemonic influence. Those with the
Daemonic Creature Trait cannot enter or leave
the Octagram unless their Willpower is more
than twice yours.
When using an Octagram to manifest or Manifest Daemonic Pack :
summon a Daemon, add +1 SL to your CN: 16
Opposed Test to control the creature(s) Range: Willpower Bonus yards
Target: Special
Hellride : Duration: Willpower Bonus Rounds
CN: 10 You summon a number of Lesser Daemons or
Range: Touch Daemonic Servants equal to your Willpower
Target: Special Bonus. They emerge through a tear in the
Duration: Special material realm and appear as a group within
Having summoned and controlled a Daemonic range. Perform an Opposed Channeling
Steed, you now touch and infuse the mount (Dhar)/Willpower Test with the pack’s
with Dhar. The Steed will then bear its rider leader. If you win, the Daemons will respond to
and a single passenger beyond the mortal one command issued by you, quite literally,
world and into the borders of the realm of then vanish, assuming the command is
Chaos, covering vast distances in mere completed before the Duration ends. If you
minutes. Tough the riders perceive the journey lose the Test, the Daemons attack you (or
only dimly, the effects of witnessing such behave as the GM dictates).
horrors are harrowing. The ride must be Overcast: For every +2 SL, you may increase
initiated within 2 Rounds of the spell being the Difficulty of the target’s Willpower Test
cast and will last 1 minute per 10 miles. At the by one step (ie, from Challenging to Difficult).
end of each minute, both riders must perform a
Challenging (+0) Cool Test or gain 1 Manifest Daemonic Steed :
Mental Corruption point. At the end of the CN: 6
ride, the riders must also perform a Range: Willpower Bonus yards
Challenging (+0) Endurance Test for a Target: Special
Moderate Corrupting Influence. Luckily, Duration: Willpower Bonus hours
the speed and skill of the Steed protects the You control a shimmering strand of Dhar,
riders from closer contact with other denizens which deftly opens a large tear in the material
of the realm. Once the ride is finished, the realm, manifesting a single Daemonic Steed
Steed and its passengers will charge back into that you call forth from the Chaos Realm.
the material realm at the targeted destination, Perform an Opposed Willpower Test with
which must be within 100 miles of the the Steed. If you win, the Daemon will consent
journey’s beginning. It is rumoured that a to be your mount and respond to your
more powerful version of this spell traverses commands while the spell lasts. Otherwise, the
closer to the heart of the Realm of Chaos, Steed attacks you (or behaves as the GM
thereby covering much vaster distances in the dictates).
material realm. But surely no such spell exists, Overcast: For every +1 SL, you may increase
for to travel so would be utter madness. the Difficulty of the target’s Willpower Test
by one step (ie, from Challenging to Difficult).
Invoke Power :
CN: 4 Tormenting Vision :
Range: You CN: 4
Target: You Range: Willpower yards
Duration: Willpower Bonus Rounds Target: 1
You weave a writhing mist of Dhar about you, Duration: Special
absorbing its dark energy into your body and You channel Dhar and direct it to strike one
soul. Make an Endurance Test for a Moderate creature within range, inflicting a hellish vision
Corrupting Influence. While the spell lasts, all upon the target. The creature must pass a
your Channeling and Casting Tests are Challenging (+0) Cool Test or take 1 + SL
performed at Average (+20) Difficulty. In Stunned Conditions. If the target does not
addition, you are granted access to your choice remove these Conditions within its
of one unlearned Spell from your Arcane or Willpower Bonus Rounds, it suffers as
Lore spell lists. For the Duration, you count as many Mental Corruption points as it then
having memorized the spell, but you cannot has Conditions.
transcribe it to a grimoire or scroll.
Overcast : For every +2 SLs, you may Servant Summoning :
increase the difficulty of the target’s Cool Test CN : 6
by one step (ie, from Challenging to Difficult) Range : Willpower bonus yards
Target : Special
Word of Pain : Duration : Special
CN: 8 You channel a weak yet troubling quantity of
Range: You Dhar, briefly forcing a rent into the fabric of
Target: AoE (Willpower Bonus yards) reality. A Servant Daemon will almost
Duration: Instant immediately appear in front of you (see the
You invoke a forbidden word, possibly of rules about summoning) Perform an Opposed
Daemonic origin, which inflicts excruciating Willpower Test with the Daemon. For every
pain to all Non-Daemonic living creatures SL by which you win the test, the duration is
within the AoE (except you). All affected increased by 1 minute (minimum 1) If
targets suffer a magic missile with a Damage successful, the Daemon will respond to one
of Willpower Bonus that ignores Armour command issued by you, quite literally, then
Points and Toughness Bonus. Further, vanish (assuming the command is completed
your targets must pass a Challenging (+0) before the Duration ends). If failed, the
Cool Test or gain SL Broken Conditions Daemon immediately attacks.
(minimum of 1). Overcast: For every +2 SL, you may increase
the Difficulty of the target’s Willpower Test
Hellish Lightning : by one step (ie, from Challenging to Difficult)
CN: 10
Range : Willpower yards Manifest Lesser Daemon :
Target : Special CN: 8
Duration : Instantaneous Range: Willpower Bonus yards
You channel between your hands a strong dose Target: Special
of Dhar and project it towards a target of your Duration: Special
choice, the lightning is a magic missile + 11 You channel a sickening flow of Dhar, briefly
that ignores Armor Points and Toughness forcing a rent into the fabric of reality. A
Bonus. Furthermore, anyone within 4 yards of Lesser Daemon immediately manifests through
the target (target not included) suffer the rent (see page 335 for two examples of this:
Willpower Bonus Wounds that also a Bloodletter or a Daemonette). Perform an
ignores Armor Points and Toughness Opposed Willpower Test with the Daemon.
Bonus. If the target is not an humanoid or a For every SL by which you win the test, the
creature, it becomes immediately corrupt by duration is increased by 1 minute (minimum 1)
the spell : a tree withers and rot, a rock become If successful, the Daemon will respond to one
black and is now slightly filled with Warpstone command issued by you, quite literally, then
etc. If the target is an humanoid or a living vanish (assuming the command is completed
creature, he must also roll a Challenging before the Duration ends). If failed, the
(+0) Athletics check or suffer a Prone Daemon immediately attacks.
condition. Overcast: For every +2 SL, you may increase
the Difficulty of the target’s Willpower Test
by one step (ie, from Challenging to Difficult).
Welcome to my Hell :
CN : 7
Range : Willpower Yards
Target : Special
Duration : Willpower Bonus Hours
You drain the Dhar around a Daemon to
prevent him of going back into the Aether, this
is extremely painful for the targeted entity.
Perform an Opposed Willpower Test with
the Daemon. If you win, the Daemon link with
the Aether will be severed for the Duration
which make him lose the Unstable Trait. This
spell is particularly useful for enslaving
Herald Summoning :
CN : 15 Rules on Daemons
Range : Willpower bonus yards Summoning :
Target : Special
Duration : Special
Sometimes, a Daemonologist needs the power
of such a powerful being. You Channel a terrific
amount of Dhar in your throat. After a few When you summon a Daemon without knowing
seconds, a Herald Daemon will appear. his True Name, you must roll a d100 to see which
type he will be.
Caution, summoning such beings is above
foolishness. The Herald is not easily controlled The base probabilities of the d100 are :
due to his power. Perform an Opposed (and - 1-20 Khorne
foolish) Willpower Test with the Herald. For - 21-40 Nurgle
every SL by which you win the test, the - 41-60 Tzeentch
duration is increased by 1 minute (minimum 1) - 61- 80 Slaanesh
If successful, the Herald will respond to one - 81- 100 For the Unaffiliated Ones
command issued by you, quite literally, then
vanish (assuming the command is completed The environment where you cast the spell/ritual
before the Duration ends). If failed, the Herald have influence on those probabilities.
immediately attacks.
Overcast: For every +2 SL, you may increase Ex: A Barbaric and Bloody massacre will change
the probabilities of the d100 to :
the Difficulty of the target’s Willpower Test
by one step (ie, from Challenging to Difficult)
- 1-70 Khorne
- 71-78 Nurgle
- 79- 85 Tzeentch
- 86- 92 Slaanesh
- 93 – 100 For the Unaffiliated Ones

You need to adapt the probabilities to allow a

targeted summoning and yet still make it random
and Chaotic.

For the Bestiary of Daemons, I send you back

to the Unofficial Bestiary to find them all. The
only exception being the Herald, due to his
power and infinite possibility, you must create
him yourself.
Rituals :
The coming rituals have been reworked to
make them Lore-wise with the 4th e and
you know the drill, balancing to allow a
better use.

As said in the magic part, the rituals here

comes from the Unofficial Grimoire. Rituals List :
Nevertheless, they have been modified in an
attempt to make Daemonology more viable Summon Daemonic
because we believe that a Daemonologist that
doesn’t do rituals is like a knight without a
Familiar :
horse. Thus why we reworked it to help you, XP: 100
players and GMs alike, to commit true Ingredients: Heart of a Human or other
atrocities. Species who has a servile career. Animal
sacrifice. Common incenses and materials
Even so, the rules about rituals are all the same worth 1GC.
except for this one : Circumstances: The symbol of Chaos
Page 62 : must be painted on your naked body in
Page 67 : blood. You must know one of the
Daemon’s false names.
Controlling Daemons : Ritual Length: 1 hours
Daemonic creatures brought into this world CN: 8
with a Manifest spell or Summon ritual are not Range: Willpower Bonus yards
naturally inclined to submit to the whims of a Target: Special
mortal being. Duration: Special (see Controlling
Daemons box)
You must attempt to control the Daemon(s)
You channel Dhar to open up a temporary
before you. Perform an Opposed Channeling
tear in the world, through which you call a
(Dhar)/Willpower Test and consult the table.
Chaos Fury, Chaos Hound, Daemonic
(Page 62 of the Unofficial Grimoire)
Steed, Imp or similar creature of lesser
power that the GM’s invents. Examples of
Add +2 SL if you used an Octagram or
such creatures can be found in the
+Willpower Bonus SL if you deployed the
Daemon’s True Name while spellcasting. Unofficial Bestiary. You must now test to
control the summoned creature.
Consequences: Gain 1 Corruption point.
The GM may impose other bonuses or
If you Fumble the Casting Test, you are sucked
penalties. into the Realm of Chaos where you will become
the familiar to whatever Daemonic entity the
GM finds amusing. All witnesses must Test for
a Minor Corrupting Influence.

Summon Daemonic
Guardian :
XP: 200
Ingredients: A sacrifice worthy of such
entities, a sacrificed soul of a humanoid will do
Circumstances: Your body must be painted
in blood, saliva, or other bodily fluid. You must
know one of the Daemon’s false names. An
altar or bonfire and a symbol of Chaos are
required to focus the ritual.
Ritual Length: 4 hours Consequences: Gain 1 Corruption point for
CN: 16 up to three Daemons summoned. If you fail the
Range: Willpower Bonus yards Casting Test, a quivering orifice of Chaos sucks
Target: Special you (and your assistants) into the Realm of
Duration: Special (see Controlling Daemons Chaos with a slurping noise, closing with a pop.
box) All witnesses must Test for a Moderate
Corrupting Influence .
You tear a hole in the fabric of reality and a
Daemonic Servant or Lesser Daemon of your
choice appears before you. Examples of such Summon Daemonic
creatures can be found in the Unofficial
Bestiary. You must now test to control the
Leader :
XP: 400
summoned creature.
Ingredients: The soul of a Rank 4
Consequences: Gain 1 Corruption point. If
Daemonologist or the soul of 30 pure (no
you fail the Casting Test, a quivering orifice of
mutations) living humanoids. Exotic incenses
Chaos sucks you (and your assistants) into the
and materials worth 500GC or 15 Endeavors.
Realm of Chaos with a slurping noise, closing
Accursed magic artefact.
with a pop. All witnesses must Test for a
Circumstances: This ritual requires at least
Moderate Corrupting Influence.
two spellcasters to assist in the summoning.
Your bodies must be painted in blood, saliva,
Summon Daemonic Pack and other bodily fluids. You must know the
Daemon’s True Name. A desecrated monolith,
: graveyard, stone circle, or Druidic grove is
XP: 300 required to focus the ritual.
Ingredients: Several souls of humanoids Ritual Length: 12 hours
(matching number of Daemons to be CN: 48
summoned). Rare incenses and materials Range: Willpower Bonus yards
worth 40GC or 8 Endeavors Target: Special
Circumstances: Your body must be painted Duration: Special (see Controlling Daemons
in blood, saliva and other bodily fluids. You box)
must know all of the Daemons’ false names. A
desecrated monolith, graveyard, stone circle or You summon a large ball of darkness, out of
Druidic grove is required to focus the ritual. which the called Daemonic Prince or Greater
Ritual Length: 8 hours Daemon emerges. Examples of such creatures
CN: 24 can be found in the Unofficial Bestiary. The
Range: Willpower Bonus yards creature flails around angrily. You must now
Target: Special Test to control the summoned creature.
Duration: Special (see Controlling Daemons Consequences: Gain 1d10 Corruption. If you
box) fail the Casting Test, a quivering orifice of
Chaos sucks you and your assistants into the
Your magics conjure a small storm that Realm of Chaos with a satisfying slurping
dissolves the veil separating the material and noise. All witnesses must Test for a Major
Chaos Realms. A number of Lesser Daemons Corrupting Influence.
equal to your Willpower Bonus appear in the
targeted area within Willpower Bonus yards of
you. Examples of such creatures can be found
in the Unofficial Bestiary. You must now test to
control the summoned creatures. A single Test
is required using the Assistance rules
(WFRP4p155) for both sides of the Test.

Example: If you have 1 Assistant, you gain

+10 to your Test and four summoned Daemons
would gain +30 to their Test.
Door to the Damned : Invocation for Total
XP: 500
Ingredients: Sacrifice of multiple Humanoid
Power :
being of pure heart (like Shallya Nun): they XP: 400
must hold their hands together while being Ingredients: A powerful Rank 4 humanoid
sacrificed. Any magical ring that holds a curse. and an altar
Circumstances: Four other spellcasters must Circumstances: At least two other
chant in unison with you while Channeling. spellcasters who share the same Lore as you
Morrslieb must be present in the sky. must chant in unison while Channeling. You
Ritual Length: 12 hours must begin the ritual at midnight and end at
CN: 40 sunrise.
Range: Willpower yards Ritual Length: 6-8 hours
Target: Special CN: 40
Duration: Until sunrise Range: You
Target: You
You rip apart the veil between the worlds, Duration: Willpower Bonus days
creating a portal to the Realm of Chaos. Dhar, You summon an ominous mist of pure,
the filth of raw Chaos, spills into the world, unadulterated Dhar that surrounds you, which
blighting all organic matter as a foul mist you absorb into every part of your body. You
slowly spreads. Being within sight of this toxic gain the following benefits until you die
area counts as a Major Corrupting Influence, (PERMANENT)
and all living creatures are assumed to gain +1 - Increase all of your characteristics
Corruption point every 1d10 minutes they by 10;
remain in the vicinity. While the spell lasts,
3d10 Lesser Daemons (or Servants, etc) and
one Daemon Prince are unleashed upon the Consequences: Gain 1d10 Corruption points.
material world every 8 minutes. There is also a If the Casting Test fails, you suffer a
1% chance that a Greater Daemon will appear Catastrophic Miscast, adding +20 to the result.
at every hour. The rampaging Daemons belong Further, your ability to use magic is burned
to the same Ruinous Power, rolled randomly. from you and all your characteristics are
The Daemons are not your allies and they will penalized by 20 for Willpower Bonus days. If
act according to their instincts: Nurgle spreads the Casting Test is a Fumble, you and your
disease, Slaanesh enslaves and delights, assistants are warped into the Realm of Chaos
Tzeentch inflicts mutation and madness, while to be forgotten in the material world. You can
Khorne simply kills everything in sight, only do this ritual once in your existence, if you
including you. However, there is a good chance try to do it a second time, you explode.
(up to the GM) of the Daemons coming to your
aid—for the time being. While the dimensional
doorway is open, the Daemons are immune to
the Unstable Creature Trait. The portal will
remain open until the dawn. Once the sun
rises, the Daemons become unstable and
Consequences: If the Casting Test fails, you
and your assistants are plucked by unseen
Daemonic hands into the Realm of Chaos
where you will be destroyed utterly.
Daemonic Amulet : Example: Griselda contracts a Master
Jeweller to craft a binding circlet. The cost for
XP: 400 a Master Artisan is 3GC 12/- per week; doubled
Ingredients: The binding talisman which uses for the Jeweller’s discretion, it’s 7GC 4/- per
as its materials four pieces of bone from week. If the Artisan’s Dexterity is 64, they
followers of Rhya, Shallya, Sigmar, and Verena. make six rolls towards the Extended Test for
that week. Of course, this is not to suggest that
Circumstances: The binding object must be
an Artisan would consent to perform the work
placed in the middle of an Octagram that lasts
even for that rate: it may well be far more (say,
for the duration of the ritual. Daemon must be
10 times the weekly rate) or they may perform
summoned and held within the Octagram for
the work and give your name to the nearest
the length of the ritual.
Witch Hunter anyway.
Ritual Length: 8 hours
CN: 20 plus the summoned Daemon’s Second, you must cast a Manifest Spell or
Willpower Bonus Summoning Ritual to call a Daemon to the
Range: Willpower Bonus yards material world. You must then either use your
Target: Special will to control the Daemon (as per the rules of
Duration: Special the spell or ritual) or quickly cast the Bind
Daemon spell to hold the creature in place
This ritual is a recipe for creating a magical
before it can figure out your intentions.
artefact that permanently holds the power of a
Daemons can be quite clever and do not enjoy
summoned Daemon. There are many steps to
being servants to mortals.
ensuring the ritual’s success: crafting the item,
summoning the Daemon, binding the Daemon, Third, while the Daemon is bound or under
casting an Octagram that will last the length of your command, you must cast an Octagram
the ritual, and finally performing the ritual and Spell that will last for the Duration of the ritual
casting it successfully (8 hours long). Assistants are useful in this
regard. If at any point the Daemon regains
First, the ritual requires a specially created
control and knows what is going on, it will try
item that is meant to be worn or easily carried,
attack you.
such as an amulet, circlet, medallion, ring, torc,
crown, wand, bracelet, necklace or similar Fourth, perform the Daemonic Amulet Ritual.
talisman. You need to procure at least four The Casting Number is equal to 20 + the
solid pieces of bone, one each from followers of entrapped Daemon’s Willpower Bonus. So, if
Rhya, Shallya, Sigmar, and Verena able to the Daemon has a Willpower of 120, the CN
invoke Blessings and Miracles. These bones would be 32. If you are successful, the Daemon
must be the distinguishing, decorative feature blinks out and its power is trapped inside the
of the talisman and cannot be disguised with now-magical artefact that lies upon the
gold or painted over. The binding object is ground. The Daemon’s True Name engraves
crafted with an Extended Very Hard (-30) itself into the bones of your magic item. You
Trade Test requiring 15 SL, adding +5 for any will want to bestow a grandiose name to your
desired Item Qualities. The object may not new creation.
have any Flaws. If any Test roll is a Fumble, the
ingredients are ruined. You need not construct While you possess the amulet, you are its
the item yourself, but it may be a difficult task undisputed master. Should others try to gain
to found a Master Artisan shady enough to control of it, the amulet uses your Channeling
work with the materials (and not ask too many Skill for its Willpower—see Unofficial
questions). Use the Weekly Cost column of the Treasure & Artefacts for more details on
Sample Hirelings chart(WFRP4 p309) as a mastering magical artefacts. If someone other
guide for the labour of a Master Artisan, then than you speaks the Daemon’s name without
double their rate to ensure their discretion and mastering the amulet, the Daemon will appear
secrecy. They will want to be paid for at least and attack them.
one week’s labour in advance, as it will likely
While the talisman is in your physical
require multiple weeks. The Artisan makes a
possession (ie, you wear or hold it), the
number of rolls towards the Extended Test
Daemon unwittingly shares some of its power
equal to their Dexterity Bonus.
with you. Take the Daemon’s highest Attribute
and add that Attribute’s Bonus to your
Attribute score. So, if the Daemon has a longer magical and you lose its power.
Toughness of 150, you would gain +15 to
your Toughness score while you touch the For every month that the Daemon is out in the
artefact. The Daemon trapped inside does not world, it may attempt an Opposed
have the Unstable Creature Trait, but it is Difficult (-10)Willpower/Channeling
otherwise powerless. The artefact is effectively Test to break free of your control and go on a
Unbreakable while the Daemon remains vengeful rampage in the world.
inside; when the Daemon is called out, the
item may be damaged like any other object. Consequences: If the Casting Test fails, you
Using a Free Action, you may speak the suffer a Major Miscast and the Daemon is free
Daemon’s True Name and the Daemon will to attack you or roam the world uncontrolled.
appear before you to carry out your commands. If you Fumble the Casting Test, the Daemon
You may speak a command at any time to takes you back to the Realm of Chaos where
return the Daemon into the talisman. While you become its servant until you are
the creature is out of the amulet, it gains the obliterated.
Unstable Creature Trait, and if killed it returns
back to the Realm of Chaos; the artefact is no

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