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 Background of the Study

The overcrowding in Mexican jails is well-known: 46% of those detained share a cell with at
least five other prisoners, and 13% with more than 15. They don’t have access to enough food,
water, hygienic facilities, or medical treatment. Many convicts depend on their family members to
send them food, hygiene, and money to buy necessities like water (Brown, 2020).In the
Philippines, prison conditions are described as overcrowded, understaffed, and under-resourced,
leading to the emergence of multi-occupancy cells, in which a cell built for ten people can hold up
to 100 inmates.(Narag & Jone, 2020).On January 15, 2019 at Davao City Jail, still plagued by the
enduring issue of overcrowding, there were 3,022 detainees or roughly 557 percent more than it
could hold (Revita 2019)

 Statement of the Problem

The study aimed at to determine the quality of life in prison and the Stress levels of inmates
in Davao City Jail - Annex.
Specifically, the study sought to answer the following questions:
1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of:
1.1 age, and
1.2 numbers of years in prison?
2. What is the level of the stress of the respondents in terms of:
2.1 physical,
2.2 behavioral, and
2.3 emotional?
3. What is the level of the quality of life of the respondents in terms of:
3.1 humanity,
3.2 detainees
3.3 healthcare,
3.4 isolation, and
3.5 distress?
4. Is there a significant relationship between the stress level and the quality of life in prison
of the respondents?
5. Is there a significant difference of the quality of life when compared to the group
demographic profile of the respondents?

 Hypotheses
Ho1. There is no significant relationship between the stress level and the quality of
life in prison of the respondents.
Ho2. There is no significant difference of the quality of life when compared to the
group of demographic profile of the respondents.

 Independent Variable

 Physical
 Behavioural
 Emotional

 Dependent Variable

 Humanity
 Detainees
 Healthcare
 Isolation
 Distress


 Age

 Number of years in prison


 Research Design

 Respondents
 The target respondents of this study are the fifty (50) Inmates
Ranging from 18 above

 Purposive sampling design - This means that the researcher selected participants for the
study sample based on their availability at the time the survey was

 Research Instrument
Survey Questionnaire (hard copy)

 Procedure of the Study

The researchers asked permission, through a formal letter noted by their thesis adviser,
to the dean of College of Criminal Justice Education of Jose Maria College, to conduct the study.
During the conduct of this proposed study, the researchers undertook the following steps: Step 1,
made a letter to the Jail Director of BJMP of Davao City Jail, Davao City to be forwarded through
his given email address, requesting him for the approval of the researchers intention to conduct a
research survey and allowing them to gather information relevant to their study. Step 2, inform
the Jail Director as to your possible respondents such as the inmates of Davao City Jail. Step 3,
ask the jail director of his preferred way of receiving the survey questionnaires, either thru soft
copy, which will be sent to him via email or hard copy, which will be forwarded to him thru an
authorized public courier. Step 4, for the course of the research study, obtain the name, phone
number, and email address of the person with whom the researcher/s will coordinate. Step 5, is
provided the researchers' contact information to the Jail Director in anticipation for his/her
response. Step 6, is waiting for the Jail Director's approval to be forwarded to one’s email or
some other method. If the request is denied, the research would be halted. Step 7, contact the jail
director has chosen person who will assist the enumerator in the completion of the research
survey. Step 8, gather the data and properly thank the jail director for their contribution and how
the researchers appreciate their assistance. Step 9, arrange and tabulate the results of the
survey. Contact your statistician and inform him/her that you will be forwarded to him the
tabulated result for his/her analysis and interpretation. Step 10, furnish the Dean, CCJE a soft
copy of the tabulated results of the survey for his ready reference.

 Statistical Tool
This study is based on the responses of the respondents, the data will be examined and
analyzed using statistical methods. This statistical method is applied and disseminated to the
quantitative data collected through survey questionnaires.
Frequency and Percentage- used to determine the demographic profile of the respondents
among the efficacy of rehabilitation program in Davao city Correctional institution.
Mean - this will measure the level of Quality of life of Prisoners in Davao City Correctional
Institution. Standard Deviation - The variability in a dataset is condensed into a single value. It
shows the typical separation between the mean and each data point.
Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) – this will measure the significant difference of demographic
profile in terms of age in the efficacy of rehabilitation program and quality of life of prisoners in
Davao city Correctional institution.
T-test – this will examine the significant difference of demographic profile in terms of sex and
length of service the efficacy of rehabilitation program and quality of life of prisoners in Davao city
Correctional institution Pearson Product Moment Correlation
U-(Pearson R) - this will examine the relationship between the efficacy of rehabilitation
program and quality of life of prisoners in Davao city Correctional institution.

Chapter 3


 Demographic profile in terms of age

 The result reveal that in terms of age of respondents, out of fifty (50) respondents nine (9) or
18.0 percent were under the age bracket of 18-25 years old, fifteen (15) or 30.0 percent were
under the age bracket of 26-33 years old, fifteen (15) or 30.0 percent were under the age
bracket of 34-41 years old, eleven (11) or 22.0 percent were under the age bracket of 42
years old and above. This indicates that the majority of the respondents who voluntarily
answered the survey are under the age bracket of 26-33 years old and 34-41 years old.
 In terms of the number of years in prison of respondents, out of fifty (50) respondents forty-
four (44) or 88.0 percent were under the number of years bracket of 5 years and below, five
(5) or 10.0 percent were under the number of years bracket of 6-10 years, one (1) or 2.0
percent were under the number of years bracket of 16 years and above. This indicates that
the majority of the respondents who voluntarily answered the survey are under the number
of year’s bracket of five (5) years and below
The overall mean is 2.56 while its standard deviation is 0.832.

 Physical
 highest mean is 3.30
 lowest mean is 2.22
 Category mean of 2.61 describes as average.
 This means that the physical indicator is in an unfavorable state.

 Emotional
 highest mean of 3.70
 lowest mean is 2.28
 category mean 2.93 describes as average
 This proves that emotional disturbance is quite in average level of happening.

 Behavioral
 highest mean of 3.04
 lowest mean is 1.78
 category mean 2.14 describes as Low
 This proves that they are not engaging in negative behavior inside the jail, such as drinking
alcohol and using drugs.

 The overall mean is 3.20 while its standard deviation is 0.79.
 This means the various features or experiences to satisfy life was also in a mediocre level in
the cell as shown by the mean interval.

 Humanities
 highest mean is 3.94
 lowest mean is 2.54
 categorical mean of 3.35 describes as average
 This concludes that the inmates agree for being treated as human being here.

 Detainees
 highest mean of 4.08
 lowest mean is 2.50
 categorical mean of 3.42 describes as High
 The result shows that the inmate of Davao City Jail-Annex could trust the other inmates, they
respect each other and get along with one another part despite their nationality or religious

 Health Care
 highest mean of 3.54
 owest mean is 2.22
 categorical mean of 3.06 describes as Average
 This means they were availing of those health care services provided in jail.

 Isolation
 highest mean at 3.86
 lowest mean is 3.20
 categorical mean of 3.59 describes as High
 This interpreted as being helped in average level of concern

 Distress
 highest mean at 3.04
 lowest mean is 1.76
 categorical mean of 2.59 describes as low.
 This means that they were comfortable about the rules and regulations of the prison which
makes them have low level of distress.

 Correlation of Stress and Quality of Life

 the null hypothesis is ACCEPTED that there is NO SIGNIFICANT RELATIONSHIP between
the independent (Stress) and the dependent variable (quality of Life).
 It implies that even how stressful a life is, not related to the attaining of or experiencing to the
quality of life.

 ANOVA for the Quality of Life and Age

 the null hypothesis is ACCEPTED that the quality of life does not differ  significantly to the
age of the respondents.
 This implies that whatever age bracket the respondents may have, it does not differ in the
attaining of the quality of life
 ANOVA for the Quality of Life and No. of Years in Prison
 the null hypothesis is REJECTED that the quality of life differ significantly to the no. of years
in prison of the respondents.
 This implies that the number of years in prison of the respondents may differ significantly in
the attaining of the quality of life.



This chapter discusses a summary of the findings as well as the conclusions that the
researchers came to considering their findings and fabricated recommendations. The summary of
findings was explained in the following manners: based on the findings made by the researchers
through conducted survey, majority of the respondents from ages 26-33 years old and 34-41
years old with the same percentage of 30.0 percent or 15 are the highest among the
respondents; and the respondents ages 42 years old and above with 22.0 percent or 11; and the
respondents ages 18-25 years old with 18.0 percent or 9 is the lowest among participants. In
terms of number of years in prison, out of fifty (50) respondents forty-four four (44) or 88.0
percent were under the number of years bracket of 5 years and below, five (5) or 10.0 percent
were under the number of years bracket of 6-10 years, one (1) or 2.0 percent were under the
number of years bracket of 16 years and above.


Based on the overall findings of the study, the following conclusions were drawn:
1. Finding show that respondents' ages are mostly 26 to 41 years old and most of their
number of years in prison are 5 years below.
2. Finding shows a neutral level of stress. This means the state of emotion or physical
tension was just in a mediocre level in the cell as shown by the mean interval.
3. Finding shows a neutral level of quality of life. This means the various features or
experiences to satisfy life was also in a mediocre level in the cell as shown by the
mean interval.
4. Finding shows that there is no significant relationship between stress and quality of life.
It means that stress is not significantly correlated to the quality of life. It implies that
even how stressful a life is, not related to the attaining of or experiencing to the quality
of life. Thus the null hypothesis is accepted.
5. Finding shows that there is no significant difference between the quality of life and age
of the respondents. This implies that whatever age bracket the respondents may have,
it does not differ in the attaining of the quality of life. On the other hand, the quality of
life differ significantly to the no. of years in prison of the respondents. This implies that
the number of years in prison of the respondents may differ significantly in the attaining
of the quality of life.


Based on the findings and conclusion, the following recommendations are given:
1. In terms of stress, it is suggested to strengthen the physical and emotional stress of
inmates in Davao City Jail-Annex. One specific recommendation for lessening the
physical and emotional stress among inmates is to give lectures and activities on how
to reduce their stress while in jail. Additionally, it suggested to have a medical mission
and implement regular exercise through inmates to lessen their tension inside the
2. In terms of quality of life, it suggested to maintain the good quality of life of inmates in
Davao City Jail-Annex. One specific recommendation to maintain the good quality of
life among inmates is they should actively participate in all rehabilitation programs
and share their feelings instead of internalizing them because it would aid inmate
adjustment and therefore their well-being. Additionally, to lessen loneliness and
boredom, more programs should be created to help inmates cope. Inmates who have
changed their behaviour should be given volunteer opportunities, and institutional
programs in relation to various facets of life should be continuously evaluated.
3. Even though there is no correlation between stress and quality of life, we must exercise
self-control to avoid being stressed. In order to prevent stress, as we are aware that
people who experience stress in their lives are more likely to commit crimes.
4. Since that there is no discernible difference in respondents' ages and quality of life, we
can reach the conclusion that no matter what age you are, there is always a probability
that you will commit a crime.

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