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Question Booklet Si aT cna 2060002336 D (Booklet Number) Duration: 2 Hours No. of MCQ: 100 Full Marks: 120 INSTRUCTIONS 1. All questions are of objective type having four answer options for each, Category-I : Carry 1 mark each and only one option is correct. In case of incorrect answer or any combination of more than one answer, ¥4 mark will be deducted. Category-II : Carry 2 marks each and one or more option(s) is/are correct. If all correct answers are not marked and no incorrect answer is marked, then score = 2 x number of correct answers marked + actual number of correct answers. If any wrong option is marked or if any combination including a wrong option is marked, the answer will be considered wrong, but there is no negative marking for the same and zero mark will be awarded. 4. Questions must be answered on OMR sheet by darkening the appropriate bubble marked A, B, C, ot D. Question booklet series code (A, B, C, or D) must be properly marked on the OMR. 5. Use only Black/Blue ball point pen to mark the answer by complete filling up of the respective bubbles. 6. Write question booklet number and your roll number carefully in the specified locations of the OMR. Also fill appropriate bubbles. 7. Write your name (in block letters), name of the examination center and put your full signature in appropriate boxes in the OMR. 8. The OMR is liable to become invalid if there is any mistake in filling the correct bubbles for question booklet number/roll number or if there is any discrepancy in the name! signature of the candidate, name of the examination center. The OMR may also become invalid due to folding or putting stray marks on it or any damage to it. The consequence of such invalidation due to incorrect marking or careless handling by the candidate will be sole responsibility of candidate. 9. Candidates are not allowed to carry any written or printed material, calculator, pen, log-table, wristwatch, any communication device like mobile phones etc, inside the examination hall, Any candidate found with such items will be reported against and his/her candidature will be summarily cancelled. 10. Rough work must be done on the question paper itself. Additional blank pages are given in the question paper for rough work. 11, Hand over the OMR to the invigilator before leaving the Examination Hall. OA 6. 1. 8. JECA-2022 JECA-2022 Category-I (Q 1 to 80) (Carry 1 mark each, Only one option is correct. Negative marks : - 4) In so} sa : ag Ware engineering, degree of interdependence between software modules is termed (A) data’ ; (BY coupling + Control (D) pointer a ae engineering, Alpha testing is the product testing executed by c evelopment team (BY Friendly set of customers ?) Management team (D) Beta Testing team 7 Software Engineering, COCOMO means w- Constructive Cost Model (B) Conclusive Cost Model (C) Constructive Cohesion Model (D) Conclusive Cohesion Model Which of the following option is not a software life cycle model ? (A) Waterfall model (B) Prototyping model (©) Spiral model (D) Seed model in ners Engineering, Build and Fix model has number of phases. 1 (B) 2 (© 3 @) 4 In software engineering, Waterfall model maintains the sequence of stages as follows: (A) Testing the Product + Requirement Analysis and Planning —> Designing the Product Architecture -> Building or Developing the Product -> Feasibility Study ~ Deployment in the Market and Maintenance. . (B) Requirement Analysis and Planning -> Feasibility Study + Designing the Product Architecture > Building or Developing the Product > Testing the Product —> Deployment in the Market and Maintenance. (C) Designing the Product Architecture -> Requirement Analysis and Planning —> Feasibility Study —> Building or Developing the Product - > Testing the Product > Deployment in the Market and Maintenance. (D) Feasibility Study > Requirement Analysis and Planning —> Designing the Product Architecture > Building or Developing the Product -> Testing the Product > Deployment in the Market and Maintenance. In software engineering, the tester does not know the internal designs of the software application in case of testing. (A) White box (B) Black box (C) Acceptance () Beta In software engineering, context diagram is termed as ; fA) Level DED (B) Level 1DFD (C) Level 2 DED (D) Level 3 DED In software engineering, SRS means __ i (A). System Requirements Specification (B) System Readable Specification AO). Software Requirements Specification (D) Software Readable Specification D 3 nn SE 10. il. 12. 13. 14, —_ 16. 1 SECA-2022 In machine learning, Viterbi path is used in____ (A) dynamic programming algorithm for clustering (B) dynamic programming algorithm for classification (C) static programming algorithm for clustering (D) static programming algorithm for classification In machine leaning, CART is a (A) classification and regression tree based algorithm (B)’ clustering and regression tree based algorithm (C) decision tree algorithm () artificial neural algorithm In machine learning, perceptron can be considered as artificial (A) neutron ‘{B)_ neuron (©) nucleus (D) atom In linear discriminant function based classifier, decision boundary is considered as (A) plane (B)_hypoplane (©) hyperplane (D) pseudoplane In hierarchical clustering, OF tree is tree which stores clustering features. (A) weight balanced (B)_ width balanced (©)_ height balanced (D) not a balanced Loss function states, in Bayesian decision theory. (A) normal distribution (B) normal density (©) exactly how cheap each action is (D) exactly how costly each action is In machine learning, Bayes error rate is considered as the possible error rate for a given class of classifier. (A) highest (B) medium (©) _ lowest (D) median Markov property supports (A). only current state (B) current & previous states (©) only previous state (D) only next state In machine learning, is considered as the generalized formula of distance measurement. (A). Distance metric (B) Minkowski metric (C)_ Classification (D) Clustering Seer ee JECA-2022 19, is What is the output of the following program ? include void main () { const int a=4; float b; b=Ha; Printf("%d, %f", a, +b); } : (A) Compiler error (B) 5,5 © 4,5 (@) 5,4 20. What is the output of the following program ? - #include i # define I char | void main () 1i=65; printf(“sizeofti) = %d", sizeof())s (B) sizeof(i)=1 } (A) Compiler Exror (D) sizeof) = 66 (©) sizeofti) = 65 21. What is the output of the following program ? Hinclude void main( ) { int x=0, y=0; iff && y+) printi("%d.d", x4 Y)s printf("%d.. %d", x, Y)3 9 22, 23, 24, 25, 26. JECA-2022 2 ’ : ution of a 100P Which of the following statement immediately terminates the exe ) else (B) break © retum @) goto An unrestricted use of the “goto” statement is harmful because __- (A) itis difficult to verify program (B) memory requirement is increased (C) it increases execution time of the program ©) compiler generates longer machine code ‘What is the output of the following program ? include enum colors{BLACK, BLUE, CYAN}; void main () { printf ("%d..%d..%d", BLACK, BLUE, CYAN); (A) BLACK, BLUE, CYAN @) 0.0.0 Or 0.1.2 (D) No output ‘What is the output of the following program ? Hinclude Void main () xytt); printi("%adin", xy); } (A) 2 0 (C) Compiler error © 1 ‘What is the output of the following program ? Hinclude void main( ) int *j; } printf("%d", *j); } (A) 1000 (© Garbage value A-2022 27, 28, 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. JECA-2022 JECA-2022 Method overloading in respect of object oriented programming is __—* (A) overloading without argument passing (B) overloading the method that has same name but different parameters (© a feature in which multiple functions with different names and same () not possible parameters In object oriented programming, can be declared in a class. template. (A) global data members (B) constant data members (©) static data members (D) statistical data members In object oriented programming, same function ot object behaves different in different situations. It is known as__- (A) inheritance ~~ (B) polymorphism (C)_ memory addressing (D) encapsulation Which of the following class constructor will be invoked first in object oriented programming ? (A) Base class (B) Virtual base class (C) Abstract class (D) Derived class In object oriented programming, public members of a base class become protected member of the derived class. This situation happens in : (A) Virtual inheritance (B) Protected inheritance (C) Private inheritance (D) Public inheritance In unix/linux platform, which vi editor command copies the current line of the file? (A) yy @) yw © ye () 2 In object oriented programming, inheritance is a technique t___- {A) pass arguments and improve data hiding (B) pass arguments and add features to existing classes without rewriting them (©) automatically acquire features from its parent object (D) improve data hiding and encapsulation the visibility mode by default is__- (B) private (D) anywhere “Which statement is false based on the concept of objet oriented programming 2 (A). Method overloading is an example of compile time polymorphism. (B) Method overriding is an example of runtime polymorphism! (©) Derived class does not needa base class. {(D)_Objest oriented programming supports inheritance. 7 | In object oriented programming, (A) public (C) protected 37. 38. 39, 41. JECA-2022 Jn unixlinux platform, which command is used to view the frst n number of lines of a particular file (consider the file name is "filename") ? (A) head-n filename (B) tail n filename (©) head -n -tail filename (D) top -n filename In uniw/linux platform, which command is used to search for a pattern within a file ? (A) ed B) op (©) paste ©) grep In unix/inux platform, hidden file can be viewed using _. (A) Is-a @®) bl © ish ©) b-k In unix/linux platform, what is the output of the following command (consider the file, name is “filename”) ? grep -v ‘hello’ filename (A) show the current directory (B) show the pattern ignoring case (©) show the lines which don’t match with the pattern (D) show the line numbers at the time of result In unix/linux platform, which command is used to delete ali ) Pp © x In unix/linux platform, which set is co (A)_h- Move cursor up, k - Moy right, JECA-2022 In bubble sort algorithm, worst i a storing ‘n’ is the ‘giciber oF elaine! case time complexity is considering “0 43. (A) 00) 4B) O(n) © O@) @) O(n logn) 44, In data structure, a binary tree with ‘n’ nodes has : (A) nedges eee AC) wedges (D) n-2 edges 45. Merge sort follows in data structure. 4A) divide and conquer strategy (B) back tracking approach (C)_ heuristic search (D) greedy approach : 46. In data structure, maximum degree of a vertex in a typical graph with ‘n’ vertices oa ‘eee © atl @) 2n-1 | 47. Indata structure, a graph is represented asa pai of sets (V, E), wherelil = = | (A) Vis the set of variables and B is the set of edges 3 @) Vis the set of vertices and E isthe set of edges (©) Vis the set of vertices and B is the set of eler \ (D) Vis the set of variables and E is the set of element In shell script, what is the output of the follo counter=1 while [ Scounter -le 10] do echo $counter —— Gounter++)) done (C) lists all th (D) lists only data is stored SJECA-2022 51. Hit ratio means : : (AY [number of hit/ (number of hit + number of miss)] (B) [number of miss / (number of hit + number of miss)] (C)_ anegative value based on specific software (D) negative value based on specific hardware 52. A suspension of a process, caused by an event external to that process and performed in such a way that the process can be resumed, is known as (A) scheduler (B)- interrupt (C) deadlock (D) Virtual memory 53. Operating system supports FCFS scheduling which is___type. (A) viral 4B) non-preemptive (©) preemptive (D) multi-layer 54, Round robin is a type of, in context of operating system, (A) fragmentation 4B) process scheduling (C)_ process synchronization (D) deadlock 55, In operating system, dispatcher module helps in between the processes at CPU, (A) spawning (B) processing (©) killing (D) switching 56. Belady’s anomaly happens in page replacement policy. AA) FIFO (B) LRU (© LRU (D) NRU 57. In operating system, a thread is considered as : (A) Heavy Weight Process (B) Light Weight Process (C) Process (D) Program 58. In binary search tree data structure, in-order traversal means the nodes are being searched in order. (A) eff child node — right child node — root node (B) right child node —root node — left child node (©) root node - right child node — left child node (D)- eft child node — root node — right child node 59, Queue data structure can be utilized for implementation, (A). radix sort (B) quick sort (©- recursion (D) depth first search 60, The hardware device used for direct memory access is known as (A) DMA scheduler (B)~ DMA controller (© DMAdisk (©) DMA monitor JECA-2022 61. 63. 64, 66. 67. 68. JECA-2022 In operating system, Banker’s algorithm is (A). Mutual exclusion aD Deadlock recovery (C) Deadlock avoidance (D) Cache allocation only ifthe sytem is capable of In operating system, a state is considered as Allovating resources to each process following resource allocation methods avoiding deadlock situation. (A) starvation a i greedy allocation oo (D) safe state SCAN, C-SCAN, LOOK, C-LOOK are types of. scheduling. ‘ (A) process 5 ‘yO (©) memory ik Jn Computer Network, TPTP means ‘Transport File Transfer Protocol (A). Transition File Transfer Protocol @) (C) Trimmed File Transfer Protocol ©) Trivial File Transfer Protocol Tn Computer Network, SGMP means (A). Simplex Gateway Monitoring Protocol (B) Simplex Gateway Memory Protocol (C)_ Simple Gateway Monitoring Protocol (D) Simple Gateway. ‘Memory Protocol 5) is a type of. mm Tn computer network, Token Ring (EEE mys (A) monitoring protocol (C)_ visibility protocol tocol system, Inter Process Communi In operating activity. (A) cache © synchronization i Paging is 2 ‘management fun (a) CPU p (©) disk smallest available nm 3. 74. 75. 76. SECA-2022 In computer network, helps to find out hardware address of a host from its known IP address, (A) Address Resolution Protocol (B) Reverse Address Resolution Protocol © Simple Network Management Protocol ©) Simple Mail Transfer Protoco} 4 In computer network, error control is considered as a function of. layer, (A) Application (B) Presentation © Session (D) Data link an IP address is F32C1483, then the equivalent decimal If hexadecimal notation of Rotation (separated by dot) is (A) (B) © (D), Based on DBMS, choose the correct option for composite attribute, (A) Address (B) Birth date (C) Phone number ) Age In DBMS, what do you mean by a tuple ? (A) One column (8) Two columns (© One row (D) Tworows Rho (p) indicates in relational algebra. (A) Selection ®) (©) Rename ©) Normalization is the technique to organize data in dat (A). maximize B © average In DBMS, a relation is having (A). First (C) Third (©) multiplex IEEE 802.2 speci (A) logical li © i wT SECA-2022 Category-II (Q 81 to 100) (Carry 2 marks each. O ne or more options are correct, No negative marks) 81. Inview of object oriented Programming, select the correct statement(s). (A) Constructors return values : ®) Constructors do not retum values (© Constructors cannot be overloaded @) _Destructors do not have return values 82. In unix/linux platform, which of the following statement(s) is(are) not correct ? (A) vim editor is the improved version of vi editor (B) _vieditor commands are not case sensitive (©) vieditor has two modes of operati ) Viisnota text editor ': command mode and insert: mode Example of linear data structure is sui (A) Linked-list (B) Graph (© Tree ©) stack 84. Whats the output ofthe following program ? #include void main( ) 87, (A) FIP | JECA-2022 Tnoperating system, file attributes are (A) Name ®) Tye ©) Location ©) Processor Producer-consumer is a (A) deadlock (© memory _—____ problem in Operating system level, ®) synchronization ©) mutti-process Synchronization ‘What do you mean by binary Semaphore ? Selegt the correct, option(s), (B) Make available several Access tokens to given critical sect ” (©) Ieean have only two values (01), = (D) It can have only three values (1, 0, +1), Select the protocol(s) utilized for Aelivering email over In © Pop = Ss 94. Choose of the Correct option(s) for the type of ordered index used in DBMS, (A) Light index (B) Dense index (©) Sparse index (D) Thread index 98. Select the correct option(s) for query processing in DBMS, (A) Parsing (B) Translation (©) Optimization (D) Evaluation 4 96. Select the process metties ied in software engineering for typical measurements to eve the performance of the proposed system, ome (A) Productivity (8) Error Rate (© Plan ©) Efficiency 97. In Support Vector Machine (SVM), hyperplane is selected based on () largest separation between two classes (B) shortest separation between two classes (© _ average margin between two classes (@) largest margin between two classes . IPv4 header consists of

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