5 Profile of David Julius and Ardem Patapoutian - 2021 Nobel Laureates in Physiology or Medicine PNAS 2021

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Profile of David Julius and Ardem Patapoutian:
2021 Nobel Laureates in Physiology or Medicine
Ramon Latorrea,1 and Ignacio Dıaz-Franulicb

Three apparently unrelated findings led to the dis- be explained by a direct action on primary sensory
covery of the temperature receptors: a better under- neurons. On the other hand, McCarter et al. (5) dem-
standing of pain-sensing, the molecular nature of the onstrated the existence of mechanosensitive currents
channels in charge of touch and proprioception, and in rat dorsal root ganglion (DRG) cells, clearly pointing
the 2021 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine to the existence of mechanosensitive ion channels as
bestowed to David Julius and Ardem Patapoutian. being responsible for the sense of touch.
In 1953, state-of-the-art research in temperature Since temperature is an “intensive” thermody-
sensing concluded that temperature afferent fibers namic parameter (i.e., one that does not depend on
came in two flavors, “cold” and “warm,” character- the size of the system), it was difficult to think of spe-
ized by discharging by a lowering in temperature and cialized temperature receptors. However, the seminal
an increase in temperature, respectively (1). Hensel 1997 Nature paper from Julius’ laboratory demon-
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and Zotterman had previously described the sensitiz- strated that living beings have evolved to transduce
ing effect of menthol upon cold receptors (2). It is all stimuli coming from the external world using ion
also an old observation that acute application of cap- channels, including temperature (6). Caterina et al. (6)
saicin, the active component of chili peppers, causes used an expression cloning strategy to search for the
intense pain, and that its repeated administration ren- capsaicin receptor and found a single clone in which
ders animals insensitive to the action of this vanilloid capsaicin induced a significant increase in cytoplas-
compound (3). The fact that capsaicin induces a depo- mic calcium. The isolated cDNA coded for a channel-
larization of ventral root neurons from the isolated rat forming protein, now known as TRPV1, belonging to
spinal cord suggested to Theriault et al. (4) that cap- the transient receptor potential (TRP) family and
saicin’s acute and chronic effects on nociception could expressed in small- to medium-diameter neurons of

David Julius. Image credit: University of California, San Francisco.

Centro Interdisciplinario de Neurociencia de Valparaıso, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Valparaıso, Valparaıso 2340000, Chile; and bCenter
for Bioinformatics and Integrative Biology, Facultad de Ciencias de la Vida, Universidad Andr
es Bello, Santiago 8370035, Chile
This article is part of a series of articles in PNAS highlighting the discoveries and profiling recipients of the Nobel Prize.
Author contributions: R.L. and I.D.-F. wrote the paper.
The authors declare no competing interest.
This article is distributed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives License 4.0 (CC BY-NC-ND).
To whom correspondence may be addressed. Email: ramon.latorre@uv.cl.
Published December 30, 2021.

PNAS 2022 Vol. 119 No. 1 e2121015119 https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.2121015119 j 1 of 4

Patapoutian showed that mice deficient in TRPM8
presented deficits in their responses to cold (11, 12).
These studies and more recent research have shown
that TRPM8 also contributes to the detection of nox-
ious cold.
This fantastic saga that was the beginning of the
unveiling of TRP channels as the molecular compo-
nents of our sixth sense, temperature, was followed
by the identification of TRPA1 as a sensor of noxious
cold, which cohabitated in the same neurons as
TRPV1 (13). TRPA1 is also present in Drosophila mela-
nogaster, snakes, chickens, and frogs, where, unlike
its mammalian counterpart, it is activated by heat.
However, the phenotype of this channel in mammals
became controversial when, in 2004, the group of
Julius (14) reported that the rat TRPA1 was insensitive
to cold but could be activated by mustard oils and
cannabinoids. The activation by pungent compounds
was also reported the same year by the group of
Patapoutian (15); nevertheless, and in contrast to the
findings from the Julius group, they found that both
human and rat TRPA1 were activated by noxious
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cold. TRPA1 has become a case study to understand

Ardem Patapoutian. Image credit: Kara Marshall (The temperature sensing by TRP channels since Vande-
Scripps Research Institute, San Diego, CA). wauw et al. (16) showed that the sensing of acute
noxious heat requires the presence of TRPV1, TRPA1,
and TRPM3, suggesting that this channel participates
the DRG and trigeminal ganglia (TG). TRPV1 is a non- in heat sensing. Nevertheless, TRPA1 sensitivity to
selective cation channel that is permeable to calcium, cold is still an open question.
activated by capsaicin, and inhibited by capsazepine. TRPA1 has also given an evolutionary advantage
TRPV1 is activated by noxious heat (>40 °C) and low to certain dangerous animals. In 1937, Noble and
pH and, as such, is closely involved in inflammatory Schmidt proposed that the pit organ of pit vipers
pain. Experiments using mice lacking TRPV1 con- serves to detect the body temperature of their prey
firmed that this channel is vital for the transduction of (17). Based on this report, Bullock and Diecke went
the nociceptive and inflammatory effects of capsaicin further to show that this organ contains a homoge-
(7). A Q10 of 40 makes TRPV1 one of the most effi- neous population of warm-sensing fibers and, as
cient channels for transforming thermal into mechani- such, behaves as an infrared receptor (18). Fifty-four
cal energy (the pore opening). The Caterina et al. (6) years passed before we identified the molecular
paper thus represents “a before and an after” in our bases of infrared detection in pit-bearing snakes,
understanding of how we sense temperature, and it is when the group of Julius showed that TRPA1 was
the beginning of a story that led to the discovery of enriched 400-fold in their TG. In addition, they showed
an entire class of temperature-sensitive ion channels. that the TRPA1 ortholog present in the neurons of
Shortly after this 1997 publication, a second temperature- the pit organ shows a lower temperature threshold
sensitive TRP channel, called TRPV2, was identified by and a higher Q10 compared to those of the TRPA1
Julius’ group, which is expressed in sensory ganglia expressed in the TG of rat snakes (19).
and other tissues (8). TRPV2 proved to have a high- How do we fill the gap in temperature sensing
temperature threshold (>52 °C) and to be capsaicin between cold and noxious heat perception? Here
insensitive. However, the question remained as to again, TRP channels are involved and, paradoxically,
whether other members of the TRP family were also the work of Yarmolinsky et al. (20) implied that detec-
involved in temperature sensing. tion of warmth is mediated by TRPV1. In contrast, Tan
In 2002, TRPM8 was identified as a cold-sensing and McNaughton (21) argued that TRPM2 was
receptor (9, 10). The fact that TRPM8, like TRPV1, was involved instead, since mice lacking this channel show
also identified in a subpopulation of DRG and trigem- a deficit in their sensing of warm temperatures. On the
inal neurons gave strong support to the hypothesis other hand, the detailed study of Paricio-Montesinos
that TRP channels were temperature detectors in the et al. (22) revealed that mice lacking TRPV1, TRPA1,
mammalian peripheral nervous system. TRPM8 was and TRPM3 could sense nonnoxious warmth. Thus,
also the target of menthol, a finding that identified although TRPM2 plays a role in warm perception, it is
the molecular source of the Hensel and Zotterman (2) not the only channel that can do so. In contrast,
sensitization effect of menthol on cold receptors. TRPM8 is absolutely required for warm perception
Temperatures below 28 °C activated the channel, but since the results indicate that accurate detection of
its involvement in the behavioral responses to cold skin warming needs excitation of warm-excited and
was not demonstrated until the groups of Julius and inhibition of cool-sensitive polymodal C-fibers (22).

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https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.2121015119 Profile of David Julius and Ardem Patapoutian: 2021 Nobel Laureates
in Physiology or Medicine
The ion channel field has evolved extremely fast out the physiological roles of these novel molecular
during the last 10 years, thanks to the power of cryoe- mechanotransducers.
lectron microscopy (cryo-EM) in resolving ion channel Somatosensory receptors in the skin detect a vari-
structures quickly and with high resolution. Using this ety of mechanical stimuli, including touch, texture,
tool, the group of Julius revolutionized the whole field and vibrations. While studying the responses of cat
by giving us the structure of TRPV1 at <4-Å resolution hair cells, Iggo and Muir (34) recognized the Merkel
(23, 24). Thus, there is no doubt that the discovery of cells and their sensory afferent as the mechanosen-
a class of TRP channels with an exquisite temperature sory complex responsible for gentle touch. However,
sensitivity opens a new world in our understanding conflicting experimental evidence and the lack of
of how we react, interpret, and survive the changes molecular targets made the contribution of these cells
in the temperature of the external world. to the mechanosensory response unclear for decades.
In his treatise De Anima [On the Soul], Aristotle Patapoutian asked whether Piezo2 was the molecular
stated 2,400 years ago that without touch, the ratio- mechanotransducer in Merkel cells using a skin-specific
nal nature of men is not possible, as it endows them Piezo2 knockout (KO) mouse (35). Unlike wild-type
with the sense of inquisitiveness that builds the foun- mice, Merkel cells from these genetically engineered
dations of knowledge. animals exhibited no response to mechanical stimu-
The first studies on cutaneous sensitivity were car- lus, as well as a moderate decrease in gentle touch
ried out in 1834 by Ernst Weber, one of the founders response. These findings tipped the balance in a
of experimental psychology (25). Sir Charles Sher- decades-long discussion, supporting a two-receptor
rington used the term “interoreceptor” for the first site model in which both Merkel cells and their affer-
time to describe the nerve terminals that reacted to ent neurons are mechanosensitive elements.
mechanical stimuli arising from within the body (26). Proprioception, or the sense of the position of the
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In 1987, Martinac et al. (27) identified the first body and the limbs, is acquired by specific proprio-
mechanosensitive ion channel, MscS, in bacteria. ceptive neurons with cell bodies in DRGs. They
Mechanotransducers were also found in D. melanogaster receive inputs from two different mechanoreceptor
(28, 29). Unfortunately, following several failed tests of classes expressed in skeletal muscles that sense
candidate genes, the search for the molecular basis of muscular fiber length and tone. After generating a
the sense of touch in vertebrates was not having the conditional Piezo2-KO mouse targeting different
same success as the one enjoyed by temperature populations of proprioceptors, Woo et al. demon-
sensing. However, the situation was about to change strated that Piezo2 is required for proprioceptive
radically. mechanotransduction (36), thereby providing the
In 2010, after screening several cell lines, the molecular basis for Sherrington’s studies on senso-
group of Patapoutian found one (N2A) that caused rimotor control in the early 1920s.
the expression of a nonselective, fast inactivating, Patapoutian's work expanded the frontiers of
and mechanoactivated (MA) cationic current. The mechanobiology by addressing the role of Piezo
currents were like those recorded from DRG cells channels in many physiological responses. The
after poking the membrane with a glass probe or lethality of Piezo1-KO mice led to the discovery of
applying negative pressure (30). Coste et al. (30) made its role in vascular remodeling by allowing the
a short list of 73 candidate genes, which were abun- endothelial cells to sense the shear stress of blood
dantly expressed in N2A cells and included at least flow (37). By generating conditional Piezo1-KO mice
two putative transmembrane (TM) segments. Patapou- lacking Piezo1 channels in their red blood cells,
tian’s group suppressed their expression one by one, Cahalan et al. (38) showed that Piezo1 plays a role in
eventually finding that only silencing the Fam38A red blood cell volume control by mechanically
gene severely impaired the MA-induced currents. The induced calcium entry and downstream signaling
proteins coded by the Fam38A and Fam38B genes through the KCa3.1 channel. Nonomura et al. (39)
were dubbed Piezo1 and Piezo2, respectively and used an engineered mouse lacking Piezo1 in endo-
showed to be large membrane proteins, predicted to thelial cells to show that this channel is critical for
contain >24 TM segments. Piezo1 and Piezo2 gen- lymphatic valve formation. Use of Piezo1 and Piezo2
erated MA currents in several cell types (31). Piezo that were genetically modified to show impaired
channels would continue to amaze us when their expression in the nodose and petrosal sensory gan-
atomic coordinates were determined by cryo-EM. glia revealed that they are required for arterial bar-
These studies coming from several groups, includ- oreflex activity (40). Additionally, the work by Song
ing Patapoutian’s, showed a trimeric propeller-like et al. (41) showed that Piezo1 inhibits axon regener-
structure, with each subunit having 38 TM segments ation in Drosophila and mice, which opened a novel
(32, 33). With an extracellular cap right above the avenue for the search of therapies aimed at revers-
ion conduction pathway, resembling P2X and acid- ing spinal cord injury.
sensing ion channels, the blades of the propeller By discovering the molecular transducers underly-
curved the plasma membrane, challenging the mod- ing the senses of temperature and touch, the 2021
els we know for mechanosensitive channel activa- Nobel laureates in Physiology or Medicine increased
tion. However, and despite knowing the structural greatly our understanding of how the nervous system
intimacies of the channel, still pending was finding codes sensory information.

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Profile of David Julius and Ardem Patapoutian: 2021 Nobel Laureates https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.2121015119
in Physiology or Medicine
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https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.2121015119 Profile of David Julius and Ardem Patapoutian: 2021 Nobel Laureates
in Physiology or Medicine

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