Midterm1 Solutions

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ATILIM UNIVERSITY Department of Mathematics MATHS80 Numerical Methods for Engineers Midterm 1 27.10.2017 Last name ! Instructor? AA, A-Y.O. Signature Name: ‘Time 16: 30 ID Number: Duration 90 minutes 4 QUESTIONS ON 4 PAGES TOTAL 100 POINTS Hea KEY IMPORTANT: Show all your works. Correct answer without sufficient explanation may not get full grade. In all conputations,.either represents a real number as a rational number, or use 4 decimal place precision for floating point representation of real nunbers. (1) (5+15+5=25pts.) Consider the nonlinear equation Y% — e~* = 0 in the interval (0, 1}. (a) Show that the equation fe-e 0 has a root in the interval (0, 1). ie =V¥- 2% is continuais wn ft) Bee s4 wz -IZo > t- Bl0.6321 90 nt a ss c t lave. “phere Rore, foo =0 fos a wot m Loaf Connie ae mn (b) Use the Bisection method and find co, and cg to approximate the root of the nonlinear equation V& — e~® = 0 in the interval (0, 1] by computing first three iterations : 6f£O)=-1<60 5. Root ies Lo Paget + GU) =I Efe 0.6324 l= oul = ia Feat Clepohon. Soha £o Root Ves SU=VTe'-2.0.400690 ] : © eU)=0.6321 90 y atts : o£) = anisiis + £Cl) = TG = alt __0.2388 <0 >| + U2) =o. 100640 (c) For the Bisection method it is given that |r — en] < fast where r is the root of the equation f(a) = 0 in the interval (a, }] and cp is the approximation to the root obtained by using the Bisection method. ‘or the given problem determine the number m so that |r — en] < 10-*°. xefo() = a=o, b=4 { at : ZI? a> 1° S20 & 10 6 Orley 2 & J2.-4 EN E> 22.2195 oN > fea, (2) (5+20=25pts.) Let f(a) = «? — 307 +1= (a) Find the Newton-Raphson formula py = ie k= 2 2,8,0++ and oe it, = Pilia fe - Ray at Poy = 3P4 +t eet SFT BPE, ~ OP hut Km HS) (b) Perform three iterations to find pi, p2 and ps of the Newton-Raphson method obtained in part (a) by taking the cua ee po = 0.5. 28 ele = ees aes 2 ach 1 a(e.co6-3 in en a. Roe BO.6661) —6© 6667) gt oe * ag at glo. 528) - —2,(0.652: = 0.6522 = SE oe LEON kao! 2e=0h 310.6528) — 6 (0. 6528) (3) (124+13=25pts.) Consider the linear system of equations AX = B where 1-3 3 a -2 3 A=([2 8 -2|, X=|a|, B=| 0 o 6 13 as 1 (a) Find lower triangular matrix Z with unit diagonal entries and upper triangular matrix U such that A= LU. (Caution: Pivoting is not alloved) 4 ~B 2) Ryo CAR =f -3 3\ G=Rr-3Re ——y oy 2 ky esa | at 22, ~3 3 : (iusieitejiec=) 40 0 ~fo a2 yl=W , beim 1 o lela 1 0 ae Bt My, | os ! {\ © o\ f-1 -% 2 210 fojsntee Seana Fy So Hat =LDb= | mtd A o SA o oOo | (b) Use part (2) to solve the Tinear system AX = B as follows: First, use forward substitution to solve Ly = B for y, where UX = y. Then, use back substitution solve UX = y for X. too\{¥ f— 2 7] =o ely=> [2 1 O}[ya\=\ 0 |= ~29 652 =O © 3 1)/\do \ o5,+U, = 4 HK BRAKE He eK {24 x “The selution is (2) aoe Ka, 13 (4) (5 + 10 + 10 = 25 pts.) Consider the following linear system of equations: dx — 2y-2= a+syte= 2e —y+52=3 1 (a) Write the above system in the form AX = B where X = [x,y,2]™ and then determine whether the matrix A is strictly diagonally dominant or not. 4-2-1117] JI foul=4 2 I ~al til =\Oa] + lal 13 (ll \Qga| = i] rif aloof + loval 2-1 s jlo} iS canes yA ar Melosh +o em A is abnielhy diagonally clominonh matrix (b) Use Jacobi method to perform two iterations taking (0,0, 0)" as starting vector. Does the Jacobi method converge to the solution of the given system? Explain why or why not. K= In2Sp eo. 4 =0-2500 =» a0 an tf, = —O- 3.333, S “Is = O- 6000 ON. (At 2 St rorya RS He2Oi) TOA = ayeo- 2343 SOS Kyo Br 1 ~(fu) - (2/ dew BRoo. 1g 140)" 5) 3s ~ pis =0-6164 2 ee — orale Gls) a=gS-= 4B = 0-639 (c) Use Gauss-Seidel method to perform two iterations taking (0, 0,0) as starting vector. Does the Gauss-Seidel method converge to the solution of the he given system? Explain why or why not. (429) + De x, EO a Hy = O-24OO Neat = & ee Ss oh Sesto cheer => orm Ur seach) eR) He 2p, eta axaGs ec B) vee 223 20.5595

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